View Full Version : The Hallowvale Horror (Closed to Ioder and BlackandBlueyes)

Alexander Morningstar
05-12-14, 03:49 PM
The fog closed in on all sides and dampened the worn clothes and battered grey cloak on Alexander's back. Above him, the moon’s erie, pale light caught in the haze and seemed to congeal in the air. Everything was unnaturally still; the only sounds were the muffled clink of the mail he wore and the steady rhythm of his boots on the road.
Alexander Morningstar wasn’t easily unnerved. He was the avenging right hand of an ancient god. There were few that could stand against his divine might and unbreakable faith.

But he knew something was deeply, fundamentally wrong in this place.

And he was unsettled.

His right hand settled on the longsword hanging at his side while his left drifted towards the iron scales he wore around his throat. Reassured, he walked on. The village of Easthallow was close. It had to be.
He was looking for someone. A noble’s daughter. A week past, she had fled her father’s keep and headed this direction. The man was beginning to worry. Alexander had just finished eliminating a clan of bandits in the lord’s dominion when his aid was requested a second time. This wasn’t the first time she had done something like this. She was a spoilt, melodramatic child. Barely seventeen winters old. But, by all accounts, she was a gentle soul at her core with a love for animals and her younger siblings.
At first, Alexander had no intention of helping the noble, despite the plentiful rewards he was offered. He would point the man to someone who could help and resume his holy crusade. However, as the man pled with him, Alexander heard the voice of the Grey God urging him to accept. And so he did.
He was beginning to understand why. The heavy sense of unnaturalness grew stronger and stronger as he approached Easthallow. A tremor of something—fear? excitement?— shook his body. Every foe Alexander had vanquished thus far had been human, save for the occasional petty necromancer. He’d never had the chance to test himself against the primal, supernatural evil he knew stalked the dark corners of the land.
Alexander noticed with a start that he had emerged from the blinding fog and into the village. Thin lines of feeble candlelight peeked through the damp, wooden shutters covering every window. The building creaked and leaned to one side or the other, defying the complete absence of a breeze. But Alexander heard faint voices coming from the nearest structure, what appeared to be an inn. Wrapping his cloak a little tighter against the chill and keeping his blade close at hand, Alexander strode towards the door and pushed it open.

05-12-14, 11:53 PM
"Boys, boys you don't have to fight over me I promise. The night is young, and tonight we will live every second." Liara said aloud over the few manly voices trying to swoon here all around the room. Liara sitting atop a wooden barrel positioned on the center of what seemed to a make shift stage for the few and far between performers. She had been wandering the area of Corone for some time now, searching for something.

Searching for something...

"Ehh Sweetness why don't you get off that barrel and come sit on my lap, I bet it will be more pleasurable. For the both of us." A scruffy looking man who seemed to had been sipping from a large flagon of Ale slurred across the room. Fallowed by a few more discerning comments about Liara coming back to their rooms from the rest of the filthy men in the room. Liara had grown accustom to these things every where is the same, and just like always she just brushed all these words off like dust. She had been commissioned by the Inn owner to preform for guests and that was just what she was to do. Though it was not much gald she was also given a roof to stay under for free. Traveling around as a woman was hard so any work she could find Liara took with a smile no matter how terrible it may be.

Not letting the words of the drunken crowd get to her, Liara instead began to slowly move her for to a slow steady beat. This soon fallowed by a rhythmic sway of her head and an alternating snap of her fingers. She was hired to preform after all, so dispite all the distraction in the room she began to softly sing.

"Rest awhile, your cruel cares, but not more severe than love. Beauty kills and beauty spares, and sweat smiles sad sighs removed." Her voice radiating a refined beauty that had completely silenced the dim lit room. The men that were formerly gawking at her were silenced with her song. Even as a child her singing voice was remarkable even the nobles of her land would pay to listen to her sing. " Diana, fair queen of my delight, come grant me love in love's despite. And if I fail to honor thee, let this light I see, be as dark as hell to me." She continued to leave the room almost motionless and silent. This was only one song that she had picked up on her journeys, but it indeed was one of her favorite to sing.

05-13-14, 07:29 AM
"WHERE IS IT," I roared as I stalked closer to the cowering figure before me. Even by the candlelight that danced in the merchant's personal library, I could see that all of the color had left the rotund man's face. Behind me, wheezing and whimpering softly, laid two massive Salvic Rottweiler guard dogs; you could see the pain in their eyes while two earlier blasts of cordyceps fungus went to work killing them and turning the mutts into my own personal commando force.

I threw out my arms at a downward angle and sprouted to lengths of vines from my wrists. They hovered in the air like serpents for a moment before slithering behind me and wrapping themselves around the hilts of my twin daggers. Withdrawing them from their leather hilts, I let the vines go slack. The light of the flame glinted off the sharpened edges briefly as they hung in the air around my ankles.

The merchant stumbled over a few stray books, nearly falling over before catching himself on the corner of the table. "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. Freebird..."

With a quick flick of my arm, I wrapped my right hand around the vine that hung from that wrist and swung wildly. The delyn dagger it held tightly flashed through the air in a wide arc, coming within inches of cutting the miserable wretch's throat. He emitted a sound that was half scream, half surprised gurgle. He covered his face with his hands and turned away in fear, his silky night robes quivering as I took another step closer.

"That's bullshit," I murmured in a flat tone. "We had a deal, Marcus. You promised me that you'd recover that book of research notes on Asher's Disease."

"I... I need more time. My client is very reluctant to let such dangerous knowledge go for any price. He's here in Easthollow on business, and has the book with him--I swear, just a little more time--"

The daggers immediately rose in the air before me and flew with incredible speed, guided in flight by my vines. Marcus the merchant wailed and threw his arms up to protect himself from the sharpened onslaught. I pulled back on the vines in the nick of time, just as the tips of the daggers pricked the soft, hairy flesh of the man's hands.

"Time," I said in a low, threatening manner, "is the one commodity I do not have much of. I'm an incredibly busy woman, Marcus, and I need that book tomorrow." I let my anger bitterly float in the air between us for a brief moment. "If I don't see it in my hands by the end of the day, I will have to cancel our little arrangement and... What's the word I'm looking for here... Convince your client to hand over the notes myself." I withdrew the daggers from their place in the air and slid them back into the hilts that rested on the backside of my belt.

"That man's extremely reclusive, Ms. Freebird," the fat man managed to say through his fear. "It took me weeks to get him to agree to a meeting!"

I smiled, a small trail of plague-ridden purple smoke escaping from the sides of my mouth. "Yes, of course, but I have my ways. I will get that book, one way or another. Even if I have to infect this entire village to do so. You see, your client is a rather skilled and compassionate healer--despite his hermitic nature. One whiff of an infection in town, and he'll be the first in line with his potions and poultices to help the sick. And that's when he--and that book--will be mine."

Alexander Morningstar
05-13-14, 10:56 PM
Alexander stepped out of the gloom and into the dim light of the tavern. His eyes adjusted to the flickering candles as he glanced around the room. It was empty except for a handful of grimy locals. A few glanced back at him before they lost interest and turned back to their drinks. Alexander’s boots creaked on the cheap wooden floorboards as he strode toward the bar. The innkeeper’s small, piggish eyes glanced up for a moment and then settled on the cracked clay mug he was attempting to polish.

“What’ll ye ‘ave?” he grunted at Alexander.

“Ale,” Alexander replied, “and venison if you have any.”

The innkeeper grunted again, and Alexander assumed that it was an affirmative sound. The man disappeared around the corner and reappeared a moment later with the food and drink.

“Stick around,” he said. His tone implied that he didn’t give a rat’s ass if Alexander stuck around or not. “Booked entertainment for later. And she’s a real looker,” he leered.

Alexander tossed a coin onto the counter, took the food, and assured the man that he would be in the tavern for a fair stretch of time. But he wasn’t there for the singer. He was listening for information.

Anything he heard about the missing girl was useful. But, he was also seeking a contact who might help him further. Father Gregory. The local cleric and healer. A spiritual mentor to Alexander in the distant past. Almost a father. But the man was a recluse. He moved around frequently, and it had been years since the two had spoken. He was the kindly sort. The sort a scared, lost girl might find refuge with.

Alexander took his food to a corner the candlelight scarcely touched and sat down. His grey cloak bled into the shadows and made him almost unnoticeable as he ate. The venison was cold and greasy, but it filled the gaping chasm in his stomach. The ale, however, was surprisingly good. It was pleasantly cold and washed the fog out of his throat. A few moments later, the singer took the stage. Alexander had to admit, the innkeeper was right. The woman was beautiful. The standard lewd comments came from the men in the audience. Alexander sat back, but kept his hand on the hilt of his knife in case any got too rowdy.

The moment the she began, his grip on the weapon went slack. The melody was haunting. From the singer’s walk, clothing, and manner, he could tell she wasn’t a local. She stood out like a peacock in a flock of doves. He waited for the song to finish, and then walked over to talk to her. Alexander got the feeling that there was more to the woman than met the eye. Hallowdale presented an interesting puzzle, and he’d bet his last gold piece that she was a piece of it.

“You have a lovely voice,” he told the singer. “Do you have a name to accompany it? What brings you to Hallowdale?”

05-14-14, 07:39 PM
Liara finished her performance and her set was over, she had done what she was hired for. Taking advantage of that she stood from the barrel and began to walk off stage. Liara couldn't wait to step outside and get away from these men, the way they looked at her like a piece of meat was disturbing to her. Stepping down the few steps of the stage her turned left towards the the. But the moment she did a man stepped out in front of her. Instinctively she felt for her small dagger that she had tucked in the side of her dress, but not to noticeably as not to alarm the man. He was just another drunk anyway, just trying to cop a feel like the others before him.

"You have a lovely voice," said the man, his words completely took Liara back. She was not used to meeting decent seeming people in the middle of no where. "Do you have a name to accompany it?" He asked with a smile across his face.

"Liara," She replied without a second thought, she normally didn't give her name away so easily but something about his smile was different. He seemed like a genially good person, not someone that would mess around with her. "Now if you don't mind I need to get bye. The was these guys are looking at me is bothering me." She said as he put her hand against her chest and gently pushed him aside. Taking the liberty to drag he hand across he chest as she walked past him towards the exit.

What a looker, maybe I should see what he wanted? She thought as he continued across the tavern. Maybe he wont be like all the others, he seemed really nice. And cute too. After taking a few more steps she stopped and looked back at Alexander. "If you want you can come outside with me, it be nice to have someone to talk to." She said seeing as he was still watching her. He nodded with compliance and fallowed her out side, making sure not to bump into anybody on the way. As Liara stepped outside the cool night air kissed her face and she took in a deep breath of air.

" So,.. What brings you to Hallowdale?" He asked again, as he stepped outside and noticed Liara start to relax.

"Im only passing threw on my way to Radasanth. Not really for any reason thought." She replied. "How about yourself? Not really a place for someone and cute as you?" She said jokingly.

Alexander Morningstar
05-19-14, 05:17 PM
(OOC: Sorry for the delay. The last few days were a little busy, but things are calming down.)

“Liara,” she said. The name had an almost musical quality to it. It suited her well.

“I’m Alexander,” he replied.

"Now if you don't mind I need to get by. The way these guys are looking at me is bothering me.”

She dragged her hand across his chest as she walked by. Alexander fancied he felt it, even through the scale armor he wore.

She looked back at him and said "If you want you can come outside with me, it be nice to have someone to talk to.”

He nodded. The tavern was hot and smelt like all the unwashed men who filled it. The promise of the cool night air and a chat with the interesting stranger was all the temptation alexander needed to leave.

“So, what brings you to Hallowdale?” Alexander asked.

“I'm only passing through on my way to Radasanth. Not really for any reason thought." She replied. "How about yourself? Not really a place for someone and cute as you?" She said jokingly.

Alexander tried his best to take the compliment in stride and mask his surprise. “I’m looking for someone. A missing girl,” he said, rapidly changing the subject. He found women more intimidating than the prospect of delving into a rogue necromancer’s lair. “She was rumored to have come this way. I was supposed to meet up with an old friend of mine, the village healer. But he seems to have vanished as well. I fear all is not well in Hallowdale. Have you encountered either of them?” he asked. His question was interrupted by a group of men who came staggering out of the pub.

“Ey’. You there,” one grunted. He was the biggest and grimiest of the group. “We don’t like outsiders round here. Specially not high-and-mighty ones like you. You got two choices. Go, and give us some alone time with the lady here, or stay and get cut up.” The men were obviously drunk. Probably just a group of local bullies spoiling for a fight. The threats they made weren’t idle, though. They were all armed with clubs and crude knives.

Alexander had no intention of leaving Hallowdale or abandoning the woman. From the way she walked, he had taken her for a warrior. He suspected she was quite capable of defending herself, but five on one wasn’t anyone’s definition of a fair fight.

In one fluid motion, he cast back his cloak, drew his blade, and shifted to a fighting stance. The weapon blazed to life and white flames danced along the edges. If these thugs wanted a fight, he would give them one. The liquor had made the men brave, and if they were intimidated they weren’t showing it. The leader rushed to attack Alexander and Liara, and the other four followed suit.

05-20-14, 11:50 PM
This is not good! Liara's mind raced as she witnessed the drunkards rushing towards herself and Alexander. Their intent was clear, they wanted to fight their way through to get to her. But luckily Alexander was not going to let this happen without a fight. He drew his weapon and in turn started to rush at the attackers, his blade sparked to life with dancing flames. Liara was more than capable of defending herself from a bunch of drunks, but to have someone stand up for her was new to her. Even just this total stranger bared his fangs at the thought of Liara being roughed up.

She knew she had to stop this quickly, there was no need for any senseless blood shed. There was no need to spill any blood over her, even if their was nothing but ill intent in the men's eyes. She quickly stood up straight and took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as she started to hum softly. She kept her rhythm slow but steady as the men finaly met with a clash of metal. Alexander's flaming sword to leader of the drunks' dagger he pulled earlier, again and again the two clashed their weapons together. With on wide slash of his sword Alexander disarmed the man just as the others converged on him. Alexander strafed backwards as to avoid any weapons they might have.

Liara opened her mouth wide and began to sing the same song from earlier, just as Alexander managed to catch the tip of dagger with the broad of his blade. Her voice quickly filled the night air, and like magic the five drunks immediately stopped all their aggression. Alexander took a few cautious steps back and studied the men. All of them seemed to just be mesmerized by Liara's song. After her final verse she stopped, yet the men simply stood watching her as content as possible.

"Lets move." She said as she quickly turned and began to walk away. She had just used he voice to make the drunks passive and frankly infatuated with her, they are more like zombies now rather than people. When she has men trapped in her song, they are play the role of servant and her the master. She looked over her shoulder back to Alexander who looked very confused about what had happened. But heeding her words he fallowed her as they walked down the street. " I haven't seen or heard from the healer since I arrived here a couple days ago," she said completely ignoring the scene that transpired merely seconds ago. "But if your willing to risk you neck for me, ill kindly help in finding him."