View Full Version : Returning to the feild of battle.

05-16-14, 06:34 PM
"Lead me to the Arena Monk, I have rested for to long." Duke said wile stretching his arm back. Anybody, it could be anybody for all Duke cared. He had been gone, away from battle for to long. It was high time he reentered and test his metal once again. The monk turned from duke and instructed him to fallow. Its time, I get to have another taste of battle. He thought as he stepped forth after his guide.

"Here it is sir, just as you described." The monk said as he stopped in front of a large stone door. He placed his hand on the center of the door causing some sort of crest appear on the door. Then all the creases of the stone frame started to glow red. "Right through here." He said as the door open on his movement. He motioned that Duke entered, and happily the fighter did.

Duke's first thought of the room were that it was a huge open grassy plane, but only about two acres were illuminated and the rest was covered in shadow. Almost like a wall of darkness surrounding him. "Good, stay in the light." He said to himself as reach on his back for his blade. As he unlatched it from his back he notice a flash of light from across the area from him. Must be the other combatant coming in. Wonder who ill be fighting. he thought. Drawing his blade out of his sheath he keeps his eyes fixated on the flashing portal like phenomena.

05-16-14, 07:14 PM
"Where am I?" Alexei thought. He jumped through the portal so quickly he didn't really think about where it would take him. Landing softly on the ground, he surveys the area. "I can deal with this" he said to himself. In the distance he sees movement, behind the light's boundaries. "So are you to be my opponent?" Alexei shouts to the movement. "If so, know that I am sorry if I end up killing you. A fighter must fight to survive."

Alexei moves forward towards the light, and as he does so he lowers the hood of his cloak and mentally pulls his shield from his back, wielding his full scythe with his right hand. "I await you here, so I can learn your name!"

05-16-14, 07:52 PM
A cloaked man appeared from the light wielding a scythe in his hand. As he looked around making sure to be conscious of his surroundings, he must have seen Duke as he seemingly targeted him. He then started spouting nonsense at Duke from across the field, something about his morals on fight people. The only thing that matters is not taking the fatal blow. he thought prepping himself for the oncoming battle that was about to commence.

The man started to walk towards Duke as he lowered his hood revealing his silver hair. Then seemingly by magic a shield reveals itself from behind his back, possibly by telekinetic power perhaps. He stops his walking about half the distance between the two. He asking to know Dukes name, out of respect or something else. Duke happily obliged and walking to meet him, further tightening his grip on his sword. As he approached his combatant he yelled ahead "Duke." replying to his request. His foes name did not matter to him, he was only here to test his skills again.

Without word or even warning Duke started to run at the man with great speed, kicking up the grass behind him. Drawing his blade forwards as he ran making it easy to intercept any type of attack the man might be able to launch. The tip of his sword pointing directly at the man heart. "Attack me now!" Duke yelled as if trying to instruct the man how to reach. Then suddenly with an impressive show of force Duke quickie turned his body taking his blade with it. The spin built up a large amount of force and an impressive speed. And with one speed swipe Duke brought his blade right in the direction of the mans neck. Only second for the boy to react.

05-16-14, 08:15 PM
Seeing the attack, Alexei realized his physical reflexes weren't quick enough to not get struck in some way. His hair moved on his right side. He flexes a muscle in his left arm and his shield moves to his face and blocks the blow. "Duke, huh? Nice name. I am Alexei Gardeheart. Don't hold it against me if you lose."

In response to Duke's attack, Alexei moves the blade of the scythe underneath Duke's sword to move it and move closer to Duke. He notices the length of the sword his opponent is wielding. The strength it must take to wield such a sword. He gets close and reaches out towards Duke, moving as quickly he can to use his icy touch.