View Full Version : Wii/PS3/XBox360

09-21-06, 11:18 AM
Which do you prefer? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Wii, because I hold a lot more stock in Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Smash Bros than I do in almost any other franchises. The PS3 looks like a thirty year old VCR to me, and the XBox just hasn't piqued my interest, mainly due to price and my general dislike of Halo.

What are y'alls opinions? Excited about Wii or PS3, or already content with your XBox 360, or somewhere in between?

09-21-06, 11:37 AM
I'm looking forward to the PS3, but I doubt that I'll be buying one until a year or two after the the release date. I just don't have that kind of money and there will still be plenty of PS2 games for me to explore in the meantime.

Nintendo has not really impressed me since all of the wonderful RPGs on the SNES--Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, the early Final Fantasies, etc. It seems like they mostly just rehash their staple genres, i.e., Zelda, now 3D instead of 2D! Even some of their more inventive games (like Paper Mario) are still twists on reliable favorites. You can diss FF all you want (it has declined in recent years) but at least they don't rely on marketing the same, reliable images over and over, and depend on the games having engaging stories and innovative design.

I'm not into Xbox or the 360, for the same reasons as Leopold. I always thought the Halo series was kind of boring. Maybe it's bad to hate the system for one series, but I haven't seen anything else too recognizable that's Xbox only.

09-21-06, 12:09 PM
Right now I'm still in mind of the PS3. It looks to be the system that will still be best for Japanese rpgs and Nis (My current favorite company) seems to be backing them. Also Square Enix is more behind the PS3 as well, only doing Gaiden stuff for Wii and I never really cared for those kinds of games.

360 also looks good for the RPG market in that the US style RPGs (not MMOs) seemed to have moved away from PC to x-box so there's a lot of promise for the PC gamer that just can't afford the latest PC junk, but if you have the latest computer then it' almost a given that the games will someday end up on the PC.

Wii is well, cheap and has nintendo and that's it. Red Steel looks neat but that's about it. I don't care about Zelda games and the new Metroids hold as much interest as the Halo series. And lets forget about what happened to Mario, he makes my ears bleed. Basically the best thing for Wii is old games but I've played the good ones and they probably won't translate classics that never made it out of Japan like DQ 6, Mother and Seiken Densetsu 3 to English.

09-21-06, 12:16 PM
already own a 360, and i can say i am not dissapointed in it either, then again i guess its just my simple choice in the games i play

PS3: after i finsihed reading its price i was instantly put off by that big sum of money people want for it however. Final Fantasy XIII ... thats a reason enough for me to get it ... sad isn't it

WII: In all honesty i looked at it once, blinked then returned to what i was doing. I think i read somewhere that it was only moderatly better than the gamcube, the only drastic change is the controller ... which is a poor excuse at that, i mean, supposing your girlfreind walks in on you while your playing a game that reqires you to move the controler in an suspicious movement, awkward if ya ask me.

that and all the perverted jaokes about it are compleatly lame

"Hey there, do you want to come back to my house and play with my WII?"

... not that i hate nintendo or anything, i got a gamecube and pretty much wore away my copy of Super smash brothers ... and no i don't play that game just so i can bully mario with a hammer Evil plumber of doom

this post is braught to you by

a person with a sarcasim disorder

09-21-06, 01:08 PM
I'm definitely looking forward to PS3. I personally like the design a whole lot better then the one of Xbox360 (and personally, what kind of a stupid name is Xbox360? Almost as stupid as Wii :P) and from what I gathered it would be stronger then the other two consoles. Also, it would come with the BlueRay disc, making it the first player with that option on the market. Granted, it's probably BlueRay that's making the PS3 so damn expensive - that and the more expensive Cell processor - but I believe that those two will make it a console that would be present for a while after it's out. The chief dude in Sony said that PS3 won't be a console that would last only 5 years and while I'm not certain if that is actually doable given the rapid advancment of technology, I think that PS3 is probably going to be able to support the new games longer then the other two.

Xbox never really impressed me, neither the first nor the second one. I haven't found any games that would attract me to that particular console, and quite frankly I don't think I would. All consoles have some exclusives, but a shitload of titles are coming out for all platforms nowadays. And the exclusives that Sony have actually interest me unlike Xbox360. The only thing that Xbox has is the fact that it's out right now but given the fact that I plan to wait a while before buying any console, that doesn't matter too much to me.

Wii is... I don't know. It's an interesting concept. I think it's an attempt to make something different, something that would justify the title of the "next generation console" without just improving technicalities. It can score big or it can crash and burn, but I think it's more likely to do the latter. People in general are whores when it comes to numbers and Sony and Xbox have more. Dedicated gamers might recognize the revolution that Nintendo is trying to make, but while it might be enough for Wii not to be a complete failure, I don't think it will be a real competition to the other two.

But I think generally you'll have loads of fun regardless of which one you buy in the end.

09-21-06, 01:26 PM
X-Box 360 just doesn't do it for me. I probably will pick one up eventually, but when they said not all games are compatible with the new system they set themselves up to crash and burn big time. Sorry Microsoft but no 300 dollars for the stripped down system that only the financially disabled can live to play with. I don't feel like shelling out for the hard drive so I get backwards compatibility and not really a fan of x-box live.

PS3 Has a few problems, mainly with its marketing. First I'll attack blue ray, its already been said that blue ray probably wont be picked up by developers. A blue ray disc on its own it double to triple the price of a normal dvd. So if you feel like shelling out about a hundred bucks for a game feel free. The other problem is if you guys ever played one of the ratchet and clank series. There was a secret where you could unlock a room filled with different panels. In that room is a tile done with the best graphics possible. It was a water tile that acted like real water and did everything water would do. It also cost them alot of money. To make use of blue ray and make graphics like that takes more money than game developers are willing to shell out. They have a budget and they can't afford to try and make everythign pretty, so they will just get the games out there.

Then there is the lack of rumble. Now some of you may say "I don't care about rumble" but think about it. Rumble is often used by games to warn you when you're hit or to add a bit to what is going on. Without rumble the scene of Decoy Octopus in Metal Gear Solid would be not nearly as powerful. That game took rumble and used the shit out of it. All of this because Sony refused to settle with the guys who sat on the patent for rumble technology.

Then there is the fact the developer for Metal Gear Solid 4 said that they had fixed compatibility errors that were present with the 360. You don't do that unless you aren't exclusively launching. Suddenly alot of wind is being taken form the sails of sony. I don't know it just seems that Sony doesn't care that much about how they get their money. And adding blue ray while interesting, does not impress me when there is so few things that will make use of it. They took a gamble, but thats my piece on it.

Nintendo has some interesting things. And unlike N64 they actually have a solid line up. Now if they could just make a starfox game that would return to its roots rather than running around again, I'd be happy. Assault was good for what few missions you got to fly around in, all two of them. The new Zelda is going to be one of the last things for Gamecube, but I might buy a wii just to get it. Brawl is shaping up nicely (pun intended) and it will be interesting to see how they get dirty snake to fit into the light hearted game. While nintendo is innovating, I think that they might have soething, and vibrator jokes aside I don't think it will matter in te future once the consoles been out awhile.

09-21-06, 02:11 PM
I own a 360 (the $400 one not he crappy one) there are some decent games out with many good ones comming out. I haven't renewed my live subscription since it expired while I still had my regular x-box. Honestly the line up is pretty good with games like Oblivion, Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter, Fight Night Round 3 and a few other out. Plus there are many execlent games coming out real soon. Unfortunately it might not be the best system for you if your not a big shooter fan as most of the high profile games comming out (at least as far as I know) are shooters though there are some from the other genres. Also there's not a big difference between the PS3 and the 360 (besides the price) and the 360 is supposidly much easier to develop for so I expect more and better (gameplay wise) games to come out of the 360 than the PS3.

I may get a Wii. Honestly its the only real next gen system (the 360 and PS3 are basically more powerfull versions of their predecessors) and its going to be cheap (about $200-$250 dollars, I don't know the exact price.) The online mode is going to be free and you will be able to download retro games from NES,SNES,N64, and Sega Genessis for about $5-$15 depending on the game. The only downside is its not as powerfull as the other two systems so the graphics aren't much better than some of the better looking current gen games. Also the stupid name is bound to turn most main stream gamers off, but they suck so who cares.

As far as the PS3 goes, I don't plan on ever getting one unless there is a major price drop. For those of you who don't know Sony will be selling two versions one that $500 and another slightly better one for $600. The launch line up isn't very impressive (save for maybe Assassin's Creed and MGS4) and like I mentioned before, the machine is supposidly hard to develop for and Soney is charging a fortune for the development tools so I don't expect to many good games to come out. Also Soney seems to focused on graphics power which may impress main stream gamers but I'm far more interested in gameplay and asside from the whole tilt sensing controller, the game play on most games is likely not to be very different from that of current gen PS2 games.

09-21-06, 02:17 PM
PS3 Has a few problems, mainly with its marketing. First I'll attack blue ray, its already been said that blue ray probably wont be picked up by developers. A blue ray disc on its own it double to triple the price of a normal dvd. So if you feel like shelling out about a hundred bucks for a game feel free. The other problem is if you guys ever played one of the ratchet and clank series. There was a secret where you could unlock a room filled with different panels. In that room is a tile done with the best graphics possible. It was a water tile that acted like real water and did everything water would do. It also cost them alot of money. To make use of blue ray and make graphics like that takes more money than game developers are willing to shell out. They have a budget and they can't afford to try and make everythign pretty, so they will just get the games out there.

Then there is the lack of rumble. Now some of you may say "I don't care about rumble" but think about it. Rumble is often used by games to warn you when you're hit or to add a bit to what is going on. Without rumble the scene of Decoy Octopus in Metal Gear Solid would be not nearly as powerful. That game took rumble and used the shit out of it. All of this because Sony refused to settle with the guys who sat on the patent for rumble technology.The game doesn't have to be on a BlueRay disc. BlueRay can read normal DVDs just fine from what I heard and I reckon most games in the beginning will come out on normal DVDs. And while the developers might not accept the standard in the beginning, I think they will eventually since it's basically the next big step in the disc technology. Although, there is another standard that is somewhat cheaper, I forgot what it's called (I think Toshiba is trying to make it happen), so I guess it'll be a struggle between the two. That's why I probably won't be buying PS3 straight of the bat, just to see everything settle for a couple of months.

As for the rumble... To tell you the truth, I oftentimes found it annoying instead of useful. It might be the same with the sensor technology that they will put in the new controlers that would enable the game to recognize the pitch of the controler, but I don't know until I try one.

Yes, before you ask, I'm a Sony fan. :P

Torin Reahkari
09-21-06, 02:53 PM
360's got one game going for marketing and it's selling by the shitload..and that's Saint's Row.

Appeals to everyone. Killing people randomly as your ownself customized..doesn't get any better.

I'll post more when I got more time. :P

Max Dirks
09-21-06, 02:54 PM
PS3 for me. Being an avid buff of HD (mostly due to working in the Home Theater department of Best Buy), I'm turned onto the PS3 because of the Blu Ray. Right now, the retail price of Samsung and Sony's Blu Ray player is $999.99. The retail price of the PS3 in Novemeber (with a 60 GB harddrive) is only $599.99. That is $400.00 less than what you'd pay for it otherwise. Blu Ray is the only DVD player on the market that can produce true 1080P quality on a TV that can display the resolution (by November that will be every TV over 40 inches). It just makes sense for me to buy it anyway.

The other format Letho mentioned is HDD (HD DVD) and Toshiba is headlining it. It's cheaper to buy (retail price is $499.00, which is also the price of the 20 GB PS3) and to produce. The big drawback of HDD is that it can only produce 1080i resolution, so while the picture will still be high definition, it will have a much slower frame rate. Both HDD and Blu Ray will "upconvert" your old DVD collection to display at 1080i on your television if you do not want to replace your old collection. HDD movies are selling for about $24.99 and Blu Ray movies are selling for about $29.99. Overall, I think most major manufactures (Sony, Samsung, LG, etc.) have signed on with the Blu Ray. However, most movie producers (Columbia, Paramount, etc.) have signed on with the HDD.

If the PS3 is successful the Blu Ray will win the new format war. If it's not, HDD will win.

09-21-06, 04:12 PM
The PS3 is, quite simply, an insane piece of madness. Not only is it more than twice the price of both Wii and 360, but their game line-up appears to be crapful. Speaking of which, the way they handle the games is psychotic; when you buy a PS3 game, you aren't buying the game, but a license to play the game. Meaning that if it sucks, or you get tired of it, you can't sell it on eBay, or at any game store. I assume it's because Sony has this perception that the secondary market lost them money during the PS2's run. Oh, and the games may cost anywhere from $60 to $100, a fact that the president of Sony is rather perversely proud of.

I don't particularly care for the 360, myself, but at least it's not insane.

I'm looking forward to the Wii. Yes, yes, name is goofy. Ha ha. WE'VE HEARD IT. Who cares? Solid game line-up, extremely innovative control mechanism, full-blown backwards compatibility with the GameCube...hell, legend has it that previously Japan-only releases are going to make it to the whole Virtual Console thing. Such as Mother 3, the greatest game ever? Huh? Have I enticed you yet?

09-21-06, 06:05 PM
I am definately going to get a PS3. The use of blue ray makes up for the price easily. Current dvds can hold around 5gb of information, a common movie with interface and a few extras is usually about 2-4gbs, but with HD movies the space required is going to be well beyond the capabilities of normal dvds. I am also a tv/graphic buff, and the fact that the PS3 uses HDMI cables to keep the output undistorted as a digital signal makes it superior to the Xbox360s analog output cables. The fact that it produces 1080p is truly awesome, if you know the difference and have a TV capable of it. 1080p tends to make HDTVs much more expensive than ones only capable of 1080i, to the average gamer it probly won't make much of a difference though.

The graphical power and processing power of the PS3 is also better, significantly. The Cell processor has me very excited, I'm dying in anticipation of a PC Cell processor adaptation, and will allow for much better and more complicated things than other systems. This won't allow for just better looking graphics, you're missing the true impact, the number of objects/textures/models on the screen at one time is determined not only by the graphical detail but by the processing power available to maintain it. As an example that most people could probably be familar with, in 007 Goldeneye for the N64 if you fired enough bullets in a close location it became quite obvious that there was limit at which the bullet holes would dissappear from surfaces, around 100, because the processor couldn't maintain a massive amount. Details such as these will be better with the PS3, not to mention that physics engines and other programming will be increasingly advanced. Not only will it make the graphics look better, it will make the world seem more lifelike, as though it were real. As processors advance we are going to get closer and closer, not just prettier.

There is a reason that it's harder to develop for the PS3, it's better. Back in the day, any nerd could spend a couple weeks in his basement and make a mario game, now just look at the massively expensive and time consuming project creating a game is. Difficulty in developing doesn't mean the games will be bad. I do think it's going to be a year, likely several, before the games begin to push the capabilities of the PS3, and years more before it pushes the developers.

As to the Xbox360, I have one and so far I'm not that impressed. The graphics are only a bit better than I can do on my computer, and the games have only been okay. I havn't checked into this thoroughly, but I believe the silver membership for XboxLive is free and you only have to pay for the gold membership, which has a few features that don't justify the cost, at least not in my perspective.

I didn't do any research into the Wii and am just not interested. The gamecube was such a huge dissappointment, I'm only going to get one after a friends gotten it and I've had a chance to check it out thoroughly in person.

As for games, I look forward most to RPGs such as FF and platform/action games such as Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxtor. After having played alot on the computer, FPSers such as Halo hold no interest as the tiny analog sticks can't compare to mouse. They're like, like...I can't think of a comparison. Think trying to write with your toes.

Torin Reahkari
09-21-06, 07:47 PM
I'm looking forward to the Wii. Yes, yes, name is goofy. Ha ha. WE'VE HEARD IT. Who cares? Solid game line-up, extremely innovative control mechanism, full-blown backwards compatibility with the GameCube...hell, legend has it that previously Japan-only releases are going to make it to the whole Virtual Console thing. Such as Mother 3, the greatest game ever? Huh? Have I enticed you yet?

I'm going to go on a pointless rant about this.

1) Original plans and system designs were named "Revolution" because it was a revolutionary (finally) change to Nintendo. Then, the dumbass game designer of Zelda and other games, Shigeru Miyamoto - who completely ruined the debut of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, by posing as Link - decided "No, Nintendo needs less respect," because Gamecube wasn't a big enough embarassment to them, appparently. "let's call it Wii so it appeals to kids age 6+!"

And that, people, is exactly why someone should assassinate that son of a bitch.

I love Nintendo. To bits. I love Zelda, Metroid, Mario, StarFox, Perfect Dark, You name it, I probably like it. What I don't like about Nintendo, is that they've allowed their games to be ruined by some asian Micheal Jackson, who has a fruity fucking obsession with appealing to children that AREN'T EVEN INTERESTED IN THE SYSTEM.

Gamecube / Xbox proved that one. If you place a 10 year old child in front of two controllers hooked up to two seperate tvs, one Gamecube playing Mario Sunshine, or Liugi's Mansion, or The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker or whatever, and the other was Xbox with GTA: San Andreas, Halo 2 (not online!), and Burnout: Revenge!, stats have clearly carved out that the kid would start foaming at the mouth after creaming his pants at the sight of these games on Xbox. Okay, maybe not that much, but he would be much more likely to play these games for Xbox. Now someone's probably gonna argue those are very different genres of games and today's violent youth would obviously go for the more violent game, but I wasn't using genre as a way to prove my point. No, I was using the word of aforementioned game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto. That those three games, amongst the other incredibly shitty titles of Gamecube, were the very pride of their worst selling and playing system EVER.

So now, we have Gamecube, Gameboy DS, DS Lite, Micro, Wii, and God knows what else spewing out shitty E-rated games, when clearly the youth of today have been violently game-tainted since birth.He's trying to appeal to the crowd that existed 20 years ago when these games were first coming out.

Now, there have been cracks in this parent-pleasing wall Nintendo has built around their company, Capcom being the lead in making dents. Games like Second Sight, Resident Evil Four (the rest were shiiit.), and Killer7 managed to get onto the system, but Gamecube's oh so wonderfully colourful and "easy to use" controller ruined those games for us bloodthirsty gamers.


2) The Wii itself. Revolution was a very sleek looking, very amazing system, and I nearly shit my pants when I saw it on CheatCC forums. Now, that was about a year ago. Since then I've seen E3 updates, and let me say, this is clearly Nintendo making the same fucking mistakes AGAIN. They've changed the look of the system to appeal to the kids (again, the ones that don't give two shits.), instead of the teenagers / young adults, which is EXACTLY where they should be marketing. At least for North American sale.

I'm gonna leave this one alone since it bothers me too much and I'll just end up going on a swearfest.

3.)The controller. Amazingly innovative, worst examples of games for previews.

Mario Tennis. Who the fuck wants to sit there playing a game swinging their controller around like an idiot?

Metriod Prime 3. Alright. That looked good. They can't ruin the Metroid series.

SSB3. Again, another good way to put these advanced controllers to shame. You have to move the controller whichever way you want to run if you decide to use it's fairy-stick waving capabilities. Or, you could use the directional pad.

But wait. Problem arises.

There's no FUCKING SUPPORT TO THE CONTROLLER. You've got this stand alone, iPod Nano-sized controller with no fingertips to rest it on since it's a one-handed controller. So for those button-mashers out there, this system will destroy the combo's you could once accidentally do.

But, eventually, you adjust, and move around.

Oops. Another problem.

It's gonna be really hard to move and do moves at the same time. But Nintendo, for once, thought ahead. They give you another little USB piece of the analog stick from the Gamecube controllers. Now, you can press buttons and move.Until the 2-inch square piece tilts so much it falls outta your hand and you take a nice plunge off the side of the battlefield.

Fun stuff.

That's all I can think of right now...

Oh yeah, and just to clarify I know there's a million problems with every system it just seems that Nintendo keeps making the same damn ones and not changing anything for the better.

Cyrus the virus
09-21-06, 07:53 PM
*laughs at the many ignorant statements from Torin*

You know that SSB Brawl uses a Gamecube controller, right?

Yeah... I won't bother with the rest :p

09-21-06, 07:53 PM
One thing that you probably should have mentioned Torin during you rant about Nintendo's new system or more specifically the part about the controller is that the Wii will be completely compatable with regular Gamecube controllers. SMB3 last I heard would not use the wii's controller and will actually use the gamecube controller instead. Hopefully this is a sign that nintendo will recogonize that some types of games simply are meant for the two button motion sensor and will utilize the traditional gamecube controller.

Torin Reahkari
09-21-06, 07:54 PM
I heard and saw video's of this years E3 of it being played with the Wii-mote or whatever..But then again that might've just been someone holding it and a video playing.

09-21-06, 11:09 PM
Who cares about these new gen, PS2 pwnz them all.

Like Chuck Norris.

09-22-06, 01:35 AM
Mister Torin, I find you to be an objectionable gentleman. First off...I have no idea what your post was supposed to mean. This is not because I didn't read it, I SKIMMED it, sir, but because...yeah. Okay. I'm pretty sure that the Gamecube didn't do that badly, the Nintendo DS has literally become an international phenomenon (whilst leaving that shitty PSP and, hahaha, the N-Gage in the burning, hateful dust). And speaking of which, Nintendo has a policy of replacing defective systems. When it came out that the PSP had severe control-response problems because of the screen's size, the official response was, and keep in mind that I'm not PARAPHRASING, "Gamers will just have to deal with it."

Also, your mother smells.

However, I refuse to fall into the nerd-trap that is arguing about unreleased game consoles. The Wii is gonna rock, xBox360 is eh, and PS3 is representative of Sony's insane spiral into dark, Lovecraftian madness.

Let the Console Wars on our fair forums come to a permanent end, lest they tear our very souls asunder!

09-22-06, 10:05 PM
I like the Wii's library best, so I'll be getting one of those, since it's so affordable.

Already own a 360...it's great playing Oblivion on it and I think it's worth getting.

PS3 will be an eventuality...when it gets more affordable and FF 13 is out.

09-22-06, 11:54 PM
I'm gonna get the Wii and i dont care who says anything about it: I'm getting the xbox 360.

1.because i know how to fix every problem without calling for micro-softinthehead.
2. The little games they have kickass.

The Wii is gonna rock much more than the 360 due to the fact that its on the verge of virtual reality. Also, becuz he wouldn't want to play a zelda game where u have to actually swing the controller like a sword and chop off some guys head? or aim the gun and shoot and reload like a time crisis arcade machine in your own home?

Mori Matsudaira
09-25-06, 04:14 AM
Wii, hands down. GO ZELDA!

09-25-06, 02:23 PM



Be careful! Even the most basic of games might overheat it!

09-25-06, 02:42 PM
Ladies and gents I present to you two more reasons why I'm not getting a PS3. Thanks Pat.

Katei Irumi
09-25-06, 04:03 PM
I'm getting a Wii first, for sure. Maybe after a few price drops, I'll get a PS3. I don't want to miss out on the next Final Fantasy, MGS, or Suikoden. :)

Cyrus the virus
09-25-06, 04:58 PM
Did you guys even read the articles? One is biased and (seemingly) vindictive, the other was written by someone who admits to not knowing what was wrong with the system. He even suggests it was a software issue.

09-25-06, 05:03 PM
I read them. The point of the first while biased still held some truth. Its almost like playing worlds of warcraft and buying yourself the character you need. However, the problem isn't that, its that you're REQUIRED to do it. Its like buying a game to have the right to buy it again....

As for the second, this close to launch date anything that goes wrong will be highly publicized. TGS (or Tokyo Game Show) is one of the last chances Sony had to show they had it together. Now, it overheated and they aren't sure what the problem was. As much as I like to think Sony knows what its doing, this goes under suspect, especially after they're ppublicized statement about the PSP.

Not sure what that was?

When Sony was interviewed about the potential problem of the control interface being messed up by the larger screen, one of the Sony reps said "Gamers will have to deal with it."

The only shining light in here is the pricebreak to what I believe is 410 floating around.

Cyrus the virus
09-25-06, 05:11 PM
The price change isn't likely to happen in North America. I believe it's only in Japan right now.

For one thing, nobody knows how much Sony is going to charge for Gran Turismo. It's sensible to me to believe it'll be cheaper than usual, since there's so much downloadable content. Another thing, it's only going to cost $1000 to total fuckwads who need to buy every car and track that comes out in the next ten years. To think there will be 2,000 cars and tracks to buy is ridiculous.

That PS3 was among the first wave of hardware. Sony always has issues with the first generation of new hardware. But an overheated machine can be due to system location, length of time it's been on, and a dozen other things. To write an article so poorly thought out just irritates me.

09-25-06, 05:40 PM
And keep in mind that Gran Turismo HD isn't a true sequel, it isn't GT 5 in a true sense of the word. As mentioned here (http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=728963), GTHD is more of a port of GT4 to PS3 then a real sequel. In many ways it's just a way to promote PS3's online component. I don't think it deserves fire and brimstone because of that. And frankly, driving sims aren't my thing anyways, so I'm not terribly bothered by this.

And one glitch (techincal or otherwise) is to be expected from new hardware. I read that article and as Cyrus said, it severely lacked objectivity. When PS3 starts having an assload of trouble the way the first Xbox had when it first came out, then I'll be worried. I believe Sony will fix it by the time PS3 hits off here in Europe.