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Amber Eyes
05-21-14, 02:44 PM

It is these people,
whom we have entrusted with power,
whom we look to for guidance,
whom we see strength in.
It is these people,
who will deceive us,
who will lie to us,
who will hurt us.
Joaquin Batista

Ixian Castle, Corone

Eyes squinted, the girl looked out over the castle grounds. Dozens of men worked tirelessly to rebuild from the damage. In a month’s time it would be difficult to tell that the attack had even happened from sight alone. It was the Ixian way. Never let on that things were hard, push through, be the light of Althanas no matter the personal sacrifice.

The Ixian way was everything Kyla wasn't.

"We will overcome." How many times had she spoken those words in the last few weeks? Selfish pride and senseless reactions have led to many deaths. If Sei were here, he would claim that the good done in Eiskalt was worth the loss of life. Kyla Orlouge however, felt the blood on her hands burning deep within.

In the corner of the gardens, next to the bright purple azaleas, the young children played jovially. Her eyes were pulled to a bench nearby, where Akiv sat with Ella, watching carefully. The boy resembled her in appearance, but his spirit was that of Sei. His thoughts were set on the betterment of the world, Kyla's very rarely left her own goals.

Sei’s position on the attack was clear. The Ixians would protect their own, rebuild, and regain focus. There would be no retaliation. To Kyla, it was a cop out. She would not hide in fear and allow those who orchestrated this attack to go unpunished.

The problem was that without Sei’s intelligence the Mystic had no way of knowing who to blame.

As she stared out over the innocents playing less than a hundred yards from where the mortars fell Kyla was determined. If Sei wouldn't help her find out who should die, she would seek her own answers.

Only one person came to mind.

Silence Sei
05-29-14, 05:03 PM
Eventually, the job of a father is to watch their children grow up from afar. Letters stop, visits become less frequent, and eventually the elders are left to die a happy, peaceful death when all is said and done. Two weeks before the war on Eiksalt, Sei Orlouge had relinquished his position as leader of the Ixian Knights to his four daughters. Together, there was nothing that mute felt they could not accomplish. Anita had the diplomacy, Kyla the strength, Emma the mind of a strategist, and Ella the innocence of youth. If they just agreed with one another more often, Althanas would be a much better place, not just for Mystics but for everybody.

But every chain has its weak link.

Kyla wanted vengeance, to claim the lives of the people who had slaughtered their men. He could see the rage of youth in her eyes, that same piss and vinegar stare that Sei himself once possessed. He could already see her fall down the same slippery slope that brought him to where he was today. How many people did he kill before he decided it was not worth it? How many blood sports did he willingly get involved in before such things became trivial? If Kyla continued down this road, she would become what Sei still saw himself as; a killer.

It was part of the reason he suggested rebuilding the forces before going on the crusade. They had no information on the enemy other than what they did, and that simply was not enough intel to go on. He suggested Talen Shadowalker for scouting, discovering information, and then after they had recovered, going all out against their enemy. From the retelling, Zack Blaze had been involved in the dealings in Eiksalt, and the boy was not enough of a fool to be unprepared. He eould have expected a quick strike, because it's exactly what Sei himself would expect.

This set the stage for some uncomfortable conversations between Sei and Kyla. The elder thought he had lived through his adoptive daughter's rebellious teenager phase, only to find it rise again. Perhaps it was just a thing with the female gender in general.

He watched the army rebuild as his second eldest daughter, Anita, stood beside him with a clip board, going over inventory for the Ixians. "Anita...."

The girl looked up from her notes.

"Make sure we keep an eye on Kyla," Sei spoke, as if he still held sway over the army. In truth, all of his girls were so inexperienced that they came to him for advice. Emma and Kyla less so than Anita, but every so often he'd have a visit from one of the stuorn girls on which direction he would head.

Anita blinked for a moment, curious to her father's motives, "She's one of us, a Daughter of the Dragon. Are you saying you don't trust her decision making any more?"

There was a long pause of quiet.

That....is a very good question...

Amber Eyes
05-29-14, 05:42 PM
Every turn was a dead end. Kyla had no name to go on, only a face she'd seen once on a near drunken night months ago. The Mystic had exhausted all of her options and her journeys from the Castle had not gone unnoticed.

More than once the girl caught her sisters staring at her from the corner of her eye. Sei, whose visits had become more common than normal, seemed to have a sadness in his eyes each time he spoke. Surely it wasn't all in her mind, something was going on in the Orlouge family, and Kyla was left out.

As the eldest, Kyla had always taken the lead on decisions within the group, and Emma and Ella were always rather easy to convince. Lately Anita seemed to question every word that exited her lips, and Emma jumped in each time. Ella would sit staring at the trio in confusion, her curls lining her worried features.

The Daughter's of the Dragon were in big trouble.

"I have no interest in being patient! We're just going to wait for them to come back? Let them take another hundred lives? Do the men mean nothing to any of you?" Kyla's voice neared a scream as she stared at six blank eyes. Anita gave an exasperated sigh and stood calmly, walking around the table meant for twenty and grabbing Kyla's hand.

"We can't just haphazardly attack everyone in an effort to hurt the ones who hurt us. Haven't you learned by now that our force is not impenetrable? We will sacrifice far more lives on the hunt than we will risk in rebuilding and biding our time. Can't you see you are acting out of rage and not logic?"

Kyla's blue eyes turned cold. "I'm thinking about my son and all his friends. I'm thinking about Gran Gran and everyone else in this castle too weak to fight. I'm thinking about Ella!" Her eyes settled on the youngest of the clan, a blonde-haired beauty who was nearing adolescence. Ella visibly shrank at the sound of her name, her eyes focused on her hands fidgeting with the hem of her light blue dress.

"Are you? Are you truly thinking about the innocents? The ones whose fathers could die in this reckless war of yours? When will you learn the hard lesson? It isn't about being the strongest, or quelling every bit of opposition! It's about protecting those you love. If the army is out there, who will watch over Akiv and Ella? Will it be you? Or will you be on the front lines risking your life for vanity? Think of the pain the war on Corone caused, Papa's reason's for stopping it. Are you saying that was wrong?"

"Sei Orlouge is a coward and he's raised you to be the same." The words left her mouth with venom. Only the look on her sister's faces made her consider what she'd said. "I didn't..." He eyes met his. Sei stood silently against the door, his arms hidden behind his gi. She expected anger, but his demeanor was calm. At least until Ella began to cry.

"We'll pick this up again tomorrow." Anita shot daggers at her elder sister as she gathered Ella and left. Emma followed, though she looked backward and gave a weak smile as though she knew eventually everything would be okay.

When the door closed and Kyla and Sei were alone the girl stared at the floor. Sei finally 'spoke', breaking the silence.

"What is going on Kylana? I can't help you if you won't talk to me." He was pleading, desperate for his little girl to let him make it all better as he had so many times before.

"I don't need your help, Sei." The words were flat, lifeless, much like their owner. Silence fell heavily once again as Kyla left the room.

Silence Sei
05-29-14, 07:16 PM
Kyla was drowning.

As much as he tried to reach her, Sei could do nothing to separate his daughter's from the ocean's vicious tides. The wind currents were too strong for his frail butterfly wings, the water too choppy for him to swim to her. He could hear her cries for help, her pleads for her father to rescue her like he always did. He tried to brave the depths, to let his body get torn asunder. Every time he was washed under, he could feel the jagged rocks find home in his arms and see as the pools of blood float to the surface like azure clouds.

Pain didn't matter, hopelessness didn't matter, he could even die and still not care. All he needed was to see his little girl safe on the shores again, back with the ones she loved.

He choked on water and his arms grew weaker as he swam towards Kyla. With each stroke, he could feel more blood leave his body. His vision was weak and his lids threatened to close with every little bit of effort he exerted. He was almost there, almost to Kyla. She reached out to him, and he did for her; fingers nearly interlocked with one another. Then came the thunder. He saw the fear in her eyes as she stared at his, her mouth moved ever so slightly but Sei could still make out the words formed.

"Help me Daddy..."

The tides took her under and the blanket of rain now blinded him. His arms were more like noodles that flopped uselessly against the water now, but the pain of loss was far greater than any physical damage the hurricane unleashed upon his form. He drifted for hours, his throat dry and hoarse with fish that had taken to the large form that seemed more prey than predator. He could feel their mouths as they nibbled away at his flesh, yet he still did not die. That's when it dawned on the Mystic that this was his punishment for failing Kyla; an eternity of regret, a lifetime of guilt.

He shot up from his bed and the sheets flew halfway across the room. Plain white pillows littered the floor of his king sized mattress which told the warrior two things; he was plagued by a nightmare, and his body had violently thrashed all through it. A soft hand touched his forehead to ease him back towards the bed. He could hear his caretaker shushing him as they wrung out a rag. He felt the cold cloth on his head and his entire body trembled at the thought of enduring that dream once more.

"That's the fifth time tonight," Sei spoke as a glass of water was pressed to his lips. As the cool liquid rushed towards him, he realized just how thirsty his body was. Sweat seemed to drip out of all of his pores and so he was dehydrating. In a happier time, he might have reflected on the irony of a nightmare about water causing such conditions. These were not happy times.

"Sei, you can't keep doing this. You need to confront Kyla and get some closure. Otherwise, this night terrors are going to get worse and your body just won't be able to handle it much longer." The voice belonged to Tobias Greenleaf, an elf that was always infatuated with Sei, despite untrue rumors that she had relations with other members in the Ixian Knights. Tobias was one of Sei's most loyal soldiers, and now she came to the mute when he needed help the most. "I just....I don't want to lose any of you guys..."

Sei nodded, a motion that seemed to make him much weaker than he could imagined. He could feel a pair of hands clasp his from the other side of the bed, and looked to find Emma's concerned green eyes behind her small frames. The girl's body trembled almost in synch with her patriarch, and it seemed that each heavy beat of her heart would tear the organ right out of her chest; he could feel her pulse just holding her hand.

"Father..." was all she could muster in her weak voice. How long had she been up watching him, calming him every time these night terrors reared their head? He heard her sniffle a little, despite the serious nature of her features. How long was she crying for?

Sei nodded, realizing that this was no longer about him and Kyla, that these arguments affected the entire family, possibly the entire army. They needed to provide a united front, hand-in-hand, if not for themselves, then for Corone as a whole. They could not afford to show weakness because of some would-be arsonist. He struggled to get up, only for the combined gentle hands of Tobias and Emma to ease him back down. Shifting his eyes between the two girls at either side of his bed, he sighed. He knew he would not be able to negotiate with these ladies.

"As soon as she's up," Sei 'spoke' but his body still panted weakly, "I need to speak with Miss Orlouge."

Amber Eyes
05-29-14, 07:25 PM
It was a fitful night, full of worry. Her words had been too harsh and a week ago Kyla would have rushed to Sei to apologize. Their difference in leadership style was clear. Kyla was dominate and unyielding. Sei was caring and compassionate. They were different, but Kyla never wanted to hurt her adopted father. He was the only person who'd always seen through her rough edges and known there was good inside. Even Kyla herself had questioned it.

He'd told her time and time again that she was worth something, and now that she believed it she took every bit of love and used it as a weapon against him. It was the act of an insubordinate child, not a leader. And still, Kyla believed she was right. She may have gone about it the right way, but the truth was there. The Ixian Knights needed a strong leader who wasn't afraid to make the tough calls. Kyla could be that person, if only her family could understand.

Soft footsteps filled the air, reaching her ears even through the pillow she'd pulled across her face in an effort to shut out the voices that filled her mind. The Mystic relaxed and pushed herself to sitting as Akiv reached her bed.

"Mom, is everything okay?"

He was quickly turning from a boy to a man, his muscles were barely visible beneath his skin on his arms and stomach and his hair was in need of a cut. Still, in his high cheekbones and bright blue eyes Kyla still saw the infant who had smiled up at her for the first time. He had pulled her in then and he did so now, she would always belong to him. She held out her arm and he sat, allowing her to brush his hair out of his face. The tiny scar left from his fall down the stairs several years ago still showed in the moonlight. It brought her back to that night when he squeezed her hand as Aislinn stitched his head. Kyla had sworn to keep him safe, and now she was nearly breaking his whole family apart.

"Not right now baby, but it will be. I promise."

"I'm not a baby anymore mom, you can tell me what's going on." His eyes were still filled with sleep and his words were said slowly as though at any moment he might drift off once again into a dream.

"I promise you Akiv, if it were of any real importance you would know. We're just having a bit of trouble deciding what action to take right now. Do Grandpa and I ever stay mad at each other long?"

The boy shrugged his answer.

"Exactly my love, it will all be good as new soon. Sleep now, tomorrow is a new day."

She watched him as he rolled over and his breathing evened, and she hoped like hell her words were true.

Sleep would not come, and at daybreak Kyla finally gave in to her body's demands. She washed her face, hoping to hide the circles developing below her eyes, and made her way from the room, careful to let Akiv slumber.

She was less than five steps from her doorway when a soldier saw her. His eyes were tired, and Kyla knew he must have been there for some time. "Miss Orlouge, Sei requests an audience as soon as possible. I believe the matter is urgent."

The Mystic gave a weak smile, "Thank you. Is he in his room?"

The man nodded and Kyla bowed her head slightly before heading down the steps to the room she had visited so many times. She knocked quietly, half hoping the man had gone back to bed and she would have a bit longer to collect her thoughts. Instead Sei's 'voice' filled her mind instantly.

"Please, come in."

Silence Sei
05-29-14, 10:02 PM
Sei sat himself up as the redwood doors to his room creaked open. When Kyla popped in through the doors, the mute straightened up. He had to put on a temporary facade that he was at least a little bit healthy. She approached his bedside, and the Mystic looked to both Tobias and Emma, who each gave a nod and quickly left the room. When the door closed, Sei smiled. At the very least, Kyla was still listening to him when he requested to see her, that was a good first step.

He sat there for a minute just looking at the grown woman before him. She came to him a scared teenager unaware of her past. Now she had come into her own, taken the role of leadership from him. His eyes filled with tears that he masked by wiping his sweat laden face. She was no longer his little girl and as much as it pained him, he had to let her make her own choices regardless of how much he did not wish for just that. He reached out and grabbed her hand. Kyla's eyes widened at this and Sei was unsure if it was due to the clammy feeling of his palms, the small tremors rippling through his weakened body, or the fact he was still willing to hold her hand at all.

"Kylana....I love you," He wanted to start strong and with something that was completely true, "you've been so loyal to me and even the Knights when you didn't have to. That's why I made you take my place among the leaders of the Castle. The men have grown to trust you, just as I have." A cough escaped his lips. Sei tried to mask the hack as a minor thing despite the fact that it caused an itchy, fire like sensation in his throat.

"I know Sei..." She spoke softly. She knew what was happening to him and was not afraid to hide that fact.

"Thats why it's so important you let them stay here and recuperate. They need to be with their families, at least for a little while. They have to have that time or they'll lose faith in you. Always remember that it's the people that come first, even at the expense of our home. We are a family, regardless of whether your name is Orlouge, Ambrose, Dahlios, or whatever last name Duffy would have taken at this point." He smiled, the corners of his mouth trembled as Kyla let out a small laugh. He could hear the pain in her voice behind the giggle.

"But Sei, that's why I want to go after whoever did this. What if Gran Gran had been taking her afternoon stroll when she got hit with one of the explosives?! Wha-What if it had been Akiv?!" She was getting angry again. Akiv was more important to her than any other person in Althanas. She never saw him as the 'Savior of the Mystic Race', but simply as her son. Sei knew the pain of watching one's child when they were bestowed lofty expectations; it's why they were in this situation.

"We'll look into Kyla," He finally compromised, "I'll send Talen out, and make sure that he has a small team with him. See if Lorenor, Jones, and Taka are willing to go. I'm sure two Captains and such high ranking soldiers will handle anything that comes thier way." He coughed again, this time much louder, and with such intensity that he was forced to lay back down. His tired eyes moved back to Kyla, and for just a brief second, behind those tear filled eyes, he saw that fifteen year old girl just wanting to be part of a family again. "Is... is that okay?"

He prayed it would be. He saw no other way to pull her out from the surf.

Amber Eyes
05-29-14, 10:27 PM
The girl considered his words carefully. It didn't seem enough, but looking at him so broken gave her little choice but to nod her head quietly.

He gave a weak smile and Kyla couldn't tell if it was because he was exhausted or if he didn't believe her. Still, he continued."I know you want what's best, but you have to trust that I do as well."

The Mystic reached down and hugged her 'father' with tears in her eyes. "I've never doubted your love for this army Sei. Or for me for that matter. We just see things differently from time to time."

He gave another weak cough, though already his color looked improved, "Just promise me you won't do anything rash Kylana. I can't stand the thought of losing you."

She smiled full on this time and giggled as she spoke. "I'm not that easy to get rid of Sei Orlouge. Don't you remember, I was just a visitor all those years ago."

His face did not change. Instead he reached out and grabbed her arm earnestly, "Promise me Kyla. Promise me you won't act without speaking to me."

The girl studied his worn features, for the first time noticing just how much of a toll four daughters and thousands of lives depending on you can take on a man. She bit her lip hard, "I promise."

She stayed a few moments more, her heart breaking at the pain she'd caused. She'd never meant to hurt Sei, but the men needed more than her patience, and rest wouldn't keep their loved ones safe. She would follow Sei's lead for now, but if the search came up empty she would continue her plan.

As she left the room she caught a glimpse of Akiv out of the hall window. His ran toward the mess hall, his hair unkempt and his shirt buttoned wrong. She smiled for a moment, forgetting herself. No matter what promises she made, Kyla Orlouge would do anything to keep the boy safe.

The sound of footsteps pulled her from her thoughts, a young guardsman named Jonas approached eagerly. "Miss Orlouge, there is a visitor at the gates. He says he's an old friend."

The Mystic bit her lip slightly, but nodded her thanks and started for the stairwell. Perhaps someone from Eiskalt decided to take up her offer of a place to stay in the area.

She quickly made her way down the black marble steps, her feet sending echos through the corridors. She reached the door to the courtyard and paused, ensuring her clothing was presentable should it be a nobleman, then she opened the large door and stepped into the heat of summer.

The sun shone hot against her skin, promising a tan should she take the time to enjoy it. The roses were in full bloom now, and their scent carried her toward the massive iron gate that separated her tiny bit of world from the rest.

As soon as they noticed her the guards joined her at the gate, whispering frantically. "He said he knew you, and we weren't sure..."

Kyla cut the man off with a dismissive palm. "It's fine. I'm sure it's nothing to worry over, let him in."

The guard gave an awkward look at his partner before speaking softly, barely loud enough to register. "He said he'd prefer to wait outside."

"Hmm..." Kyla considered herself for a moment before giving a nod. "Then I guess that's where I'll be."

In a moment the gate was open and Kyla stepped into the countryside. She scanned the area, searching for a familiar face. It was not an Eiskaltian that waited there though, instead it was a near stranger from a pub months ago.

And she had a million questions for him.

06-05-14, 12:56 PM
Isolated on the warn path leading to the castle gates, he stood. His long, dark robes shrouded most of his figure and hid his typical combat attire from view. Long locks of platinum grey hair spilled from the shadows of his hood. Two unforgettable emerald eyes locked with Kyla's. The assassin smiled.

"Are you feeling up to another game?" he mused. "No dice this time. Just the truth."

Lye grinned beneath the shroud of shadows. He had information she wanted. His Hands of the Shadow watched her for months, gathering information. Such a feat proved difficult thanks to the mystic known as Sei Orlouge and the aggravating safeguards placed upon their castle. Fortunately, their paradise rest safely cradled in a forest of massive, towering trees; trees that provided countless vantage points and natural concealment. The master of The Order, Lye, took several precautions to prevent these selected few from being made. If the assassin couldn't infiltrate the castle or take it by force, he would wait. Human nature, curiosity, and the right amount of web weaving would do the rest.

The assassin looked to the armored guards she carried in tow. He saw their expressions and just like the dogs they were, they could sense an ill air about him. Their brows scrunched together and lowered, their grips tightened on their weapons, and the assassin could see the gears clicking about in their hollow skulls. No doubt thanks to the stories from Jensen Ambrose or Seth Dahlios, rumors of the assassin's likeness echoed the halls. However, being the moral authority as they were, attacking first and asking later wasn't a concern. The ambiguity of his current choice of attire only added to their doubts.

"I'll play on your terms," Lye added, "under the condition your colleagues respect my privacy. I very much value my privacy."

He tugged his hood to further recede his features into shadow.

Amber Eyes
06-05-14, 03:45 PM
A man of the shadows, Kyla had neither seen or heard from the stranger since their last encounter many months ago. She should have sent him away, kept her promise to Sei. As always though, her curiosity was stronger than her resolve.

"I am fine. Please feel free to return to your posts and tell no one where I am. If my sisters or father coming looking, tell them I had business in Radasanth and shall return by dark."

Kyla's voice was calm and after a quick look between them the burly men were back inside the gate. It closed behind them with a soft click. Kyla turned her attention to the hooded man, a tiny smile playing on her lips.

"I'm assuming you haven't come for dinner?" She paused before continuing. "Which means you've heard I'm looking for you. Seems like I was right to search you out, you obviously have ways of finding things out."

The wind blew in the smell of baking potatoes, which always reminded Kyla of all that was lost on the Night of Debauchery. She began to walk in the direction of the city, hoping the stranger would follow and they could escape any prying eyes, ears, or minds.

"Do you know if it was the Cult of Cassandra Remi who attacked my castle while my troops were in Eiskalt?"

06-05-14, 06:38 PM
"I'm always watching," the assassin stated to the girl as he kept pace. "As much as he is always listening."

The castle faded behind them and walls of lush trees framed to their left and right. The warm rays of light which beat upon his robes began to struggle to penetrate the canopy above. This granted them reprieve from the summer sun, and made the occasional whistle of the forest breeze that much more pleasant.

"As for the people responsible for the late night fireworks..." Kyla shot him a sharp glare. Though the hood spared him direct eye contact, his skin prickled. "I mean 'horrible assault', I cannot say."

Kyla stopped. Her tension grew taught. Shadows stirred.

"Not yet at least. And you know why," he added as he continued to walk forward. He did not look back to see that Kyla gave in to her curiosity and returned to his side.

"Underwood is but a few minutes away. When we arrive, there is a pub by the name The Lazy Lumberjack. Room 17 is reserved. We will discuss more there." The assassin's preparedness added only more questions to Kyla's growing pool. She wanted the answers now, not later, not tomorrow, but now.

"You said this would be on my terms," she stated with ire in her tone.

"I did, and it is, but you know as well as I we're on your father's terms here," he corrected. Kyla settled, but only because the words were true.

"I give you my word, you will have your answers once we get there."

They arrived at Underwood only moments later. While the sun was still high in the sky, the streets were full of patrons, travelers, and mercenaries. They worked their way to the well known pub, weaved through the drunkards and escorts, until they ascended a flight of stairs to the rooms above. Lye opened the door for his Mystic guest. Her stare as she passed him warned the assassin should he intend ill will. Lye smirked in response. He lead her down the halls of moans and laughter until arriving at a door labeled "17" in stamped brass.

"Ladies first," he commented. She entered and he followed. As they moved to the center of the room, a ringing sensation began to echo in Lye's mind. He winced at the familiar, invasive pain and locked the door.

"Gorian'Fel." Lye turned to Kyla. "Killed it myself. That ringing, it's in your mind. Sei cannot reach us here, but we cannot discuss like this either." He threw down his hood to expose his scarred brow and pale features. Then, he approached her and suddenly took her by the hand. "Shadow Step us to Knife's Edge."

"What? Why?"

His eyes were fierce, however, they were not threatening. If Lye had wanted to do Kyla harm, a public establishment at high noon and small room made little sense. Unlike the Mystic, the assassin had to arrive via a week by boat. Kyla possessed the skill to make the trip in a single blink.

"I don't care where. Get us out of Corone."

Silence Sei
06-05-14, 08:20 PM
"You needed me, Sei?" The small form of Talen Shadowalker stood at the bedside of the mute. The boy always gave off a aura of creepiness to most, but Sei saw through the veil of weird to the good heart of the semi-immortal. The Mystic could still catch a whiff of cigarette smoke every now and then as it wafted off of his general. The smell caused a slight cough from the telepath, but not much else due to his rapidly recovering health.

"Thank you for seeing me, Talen," Sei smiled, "I was doing my routine scan of the castke when I noticed Kylana stepped outside the gates. She paused there for a few moments before making her way to what I can only assume in Underwood. After entering though, she seemed to evade my telepathy. You've always had a kind of connection with Kyla thanks to your similar magical abilities, so I was hoping you'd take Jones and Laconic and investigate the disturbance." Sei continued to speak as Tobias spoon fed the former Ixian leader tomato soup, a feat that was a bit unnerving all its own.

"I see," Talen shifted his gaze around as to not make eye contact with the mute, "bring her back in by force is neccessary?"

The mute stopped eating and shook his head. "Kyla is her own woman. She has every right to go where she wants and do what she wants. I just wish to know she's safe. Laconic will be there to scan where she's located and Jones will be there for vitals. I'd ask Misery but I'm afraid he would alert Kyla before he made the trip. That's why I'm entrusting this task to you."

Talen nodded, gave an elaborate and almost sarcastic bow, and sunk into the shadow cast by the Mystic's bed. Sei's stomach gurgled in disapproval of this plan, but the feeling that something was not right overpowered the distrust of the girl he cared so much for. In the course of several minutes, Talen was sending back a mental message.

Jones and Laconic located Kyla at a bar. We're going in to investigate further. Standby for further information.

Sei sighed, and hoped that his deception was not the keeping the Mystic girl under the tides.

Amber Eyes
06-05-14, 08:22 PM
Kyla studied his face, familiar yet unknown. He could have plans for her destruction. On the other hand, he could have plans to tell her all that she needed to know. The dusty pub was old and worn down, not the type of place the Mystic would typically spend her time. It would go unnoticed easily though, as the entire town of Underwood was slowly declining. It used to be a place of grand tournaments and prized for its training grounds, in recent years it had become a cesspool of has-beens and never-weres.

The Mystic considered her options. She was strong, and while she had no idea what the stranger was capable of, she had little doubt she would be able to escape should something go horribly wrong. On the other hand, who knew what awaited her in Knife's Edge. It had been years since her feet had touched Salvarian soil. There was also the Gorien'Fel. The man was prepared, what if he had other tricks up his sleeve? Was the bit of information he might hold worth the risk?

The question lingered only a second. If he held the key to Akiv's safety it was worth her life. "I need one question answered first." Her voice was little more than a squeak. She wasn't used to playing someone else's game.

Lye sensed it. His lips turned upward in a satisfied grin and he lifted his eyebrows as though to ask her to go on.

"What is your name?" At least she should know this much before moving forward.

"You can call me Lye." His smile was one of hospitality now, white teeth matching his locks. His cool demeanor spoke of a proper upbringing though his choice of venue did little to show it.

Kyla gave a weak smile. The one she needed the truth from was called Lye. "I should have figured." She grabbed his arm and took a single step into the shadows. In a moment they were gone.

Kyla pictured a familiar place, an old fountain near the remains of a shopping district. It had long ago been destroyed, but the fountain stood strong against the years. The cold enveloped the pair, and for once Kyla knew it would not yeild even once she left the darkness. The place they were headed was far colder than any shadow.

Her last journey to Salvar she was running away, this time she was running toward something much bigger than herself. The girl could feel it in her bones. This new 'friend' would be her ticket to greatness. His intel could make her greater even than Sei. This was just the beginning for Kyla Orlouge.

Amber Eyes
06-10-14, 07:37 PM
The cold air of Salvar surrounded her. The fountain stood grander than ever, out of place against the barren countryside. The city of Knife's Edge was barely visible in the distance. A light snow was falling, but if the deep gray of the sky was any indication it would soon become much more than that. Lye stilled for a moment, no doubt gaining his bearings. A flash of recognition soon washed over his features, and he took off quickly away from the city.

Kyla had little choice but to follow. "So where are we going?"

Silence filled the freezing air.

"Okay..." The girl paused, allowing the awkwardness to settle. "What can you tell me about that night?"

Again, nothing.

"Can we at least discuss why this meeting needed to take place in the middle of a frozen wasteland?" Kyla's voice had lost its usual calmness. Always the picture of grace under pressure, the girl was beginning to rethink her choice in coming along for the mysterious journey.

The assassin known as Lye allowed a smile to brush his lips as he replied, "Impatient aren't we Miss Orlouge? Forgive my caution, but you know just how well Sei keeps tabs on his little girls. I will tell you all you wish to know, once we are safely out of his range." His voice was cool and collected, he was in control and he knew it. Kyla's curiosity would not allow her to turn back, even if her life were at stake.

06-12-14, 11:14 AM
Luckily, the vicious winds and blankets upon blankets of falling white remained tamed as the two traversed the icy desert. Each step echoed a harrowing crunch as no birds, nor animals provided ambient music. Unlike the unusual life found in the sands of Fallien, this frozen wasteland held little to no life. However, by some manner of magic and mystery, many adventurers who traveled these lands alone would vanish or be found as a stain in the snow. Luckily, the assassin and his guest would be the safe from these horrors, for she walked with the apex predator which claimed these lands.

"Almost there, Orlouge," Lye stated with a slight snarl at the name. Kyla furrowed a brow. She looked about to discern their destination and only found the barren twigs called trees far off in the distance. Their bodies formed a stark contrast to the hundreds of meters of flat, pure white in every direction.

"And where would that be?" she inquired with irritation. Lye sensed her patience waning, yet he only turned to her and offered an enigmatic smile.

"Right here."

He held out his hand, a dark mass of bubbling shadow formed on his palm. Kyla stepped back and braced herself to retaliate. Her expression grew severe. The assassin remained stoic and locked eyes with the young woman. With his lips hidden from view by a crimson scarf, she couldn't discern whether he was hostile or smirking in amusement. The writhing shadows in Lye's palms slithered up his arm and down to the sheathe where five needles lay tucked. The darkness squirmed around the needle and as though it were possessed, it removed itself from the sheath. The young Orlouge clenched her teeth and as though she mirrored Lye, two masses of shadow formed in her own hands, became jagged daggers, and she clenched them to strike.

"Hold." The assassin held up his free hand, those hidden lips most likely grinned from ear to ear. Kyla did not relax.

The needle snapped to where his hand was held out and plunged directly downward into the snow. The shadows dissipated from his hand. Lye let it fall to his side and stood in calm opposition to a confused Kyla Orlouge.

"We'll discuss inside." Lye's sinister emerald eyes analyzed his guest's. Silently, he measured her up - her reactions, her tension, her eagerness, her powers, and the underlying flame of curiosity which would not die until satiated.

"What do you mean inside?!" This isn't worth it. "We're in the middle of absolutely no where!" He's just fucking with me. I'm wasting my time.

The ground shook. The snow began to crack, divide, and sift below. Sounds of clicks, ratchets, and grinding stone provided solace against the eerie silence of these Skavian Wilds. Kyla stepped back yet again, and watched as the earth gave way. As the opening grew wider, a faint orange flicker of light escaped as well as a warm buffet of heat against her chilled cheeks. The opening clicked, then gave a thunk, and fell silent once more.

"Ladies first." Lye motioned a gloved hand to the three steps leading to the hidden camp below. She glanced up to him apprehensively. "Suit yourself."

Lye gave her his back once more and stepped into the opening. He crouched low and dropped into a fire lit opening tall and wide enough to hold a group of five. In the center flickered a smokeless, tinder-less flame above an inscribed stone plate. Five straw mats rest around the light perfectly spaced apart, and in a series of wooden racks opposite to the opening stood shelves of dried rations. Aside from these inanimate luxuries, only Lye stood within the cavern. He motioned to Kyla.

As she looked to him, her mind continued to race with the thoughts of ambush, deadly trap, or other manners of trickery. Though she tried to hide it on her expression, the faint signs of evidence remained. Still, her desire and curiosity prevailed. With a flick of her wrists, she dispelled her shadowy weapons and cautiously stepped below to join him. She exhaled slightly as she fell from the final step into the cavern below. Warm light and heat worked feverishly to expunge the cold from her skin.

"Go ahead, take a seat. Grab something to eat if you like," Lye commented. Kyla's mind tingled with warning and her stomach stiffened at his charity.

The assassin held out his hand yet again and with a rotation of his palm, the mechanical sounds from before resumed. The entrance closed shut.

"Now, you may ask your questions."

Amber Eyes
06-12-14, 12:11 PM
The girl wasted no time scanning the room. She was so close to the answers she needed. The warmth enveloped her as she took a seat near the burning flames. Her skin tingled as it absorbed the warmth. Each of her tired muscles began to heal.

Lye sat opposite her with the fire separating the pair. Their shadows danced on the walls with each flicker, a slow waltz that could only lead one direction. Kyla crossed her legs in an attempt at mock comfort in light of the awkward situation. Her hand instinctively brushed against her right ankle.

"I need to know who attacked my home while I was in Eiskalt. Do you have that information?"

The white-haired assassin nodded. "I do."

The girl waited for a moment, but the assassin gave no hint at more to come. "And?" She prodded.

"I've answered your question, Kylana." As soon as the word left the stranger's lips Kyla furrowed her brow. It was not a name many used for her. "Now I have one of my own."

"I thought this would be on my terms, Lye." Of course it's never that simple.

The assassin gave a sly smile. "And I believe your terms were that I answer your questions. I have, and I will continue to do so. So long as you answer mine."

She considered this. What choice do I have? "Very well. What is it you'd like to know?" The mystic leaned back in her chair. May as well get comfortable.

"That piece of jewelry on your ankle. What is it?"

The girl stiffened as she brought her hand to cover the silver chain. "It's just a trinket, a gift from an uncle."

Lye's eyes flashed anger for a split second but his cool demeanor soon returned. "If we're going to lie to each other we're wasting our time here."

"What makes you think it's anything special?"

"You've touched it six times since you've sat down. Your entire body is positioned so it is within your grasp. Not many pay that much mind to trinkets."

Kyla gave a small grin. "Perceptive aren't we? I suppose it comes in handy." The moved her leg so that the anklet was entirely visible. "I'm not sure how much information you have on Mystic powers, but the short of it is this-- Our type light and shadow magic were never meant to exist in the same place. We have two separate towns for our people to ensure they never cross paths."

"And yet you wield both?" It sounded like a question, but the girl knew he already knew the answer.

"I do. The magics within my body would kill me and anyone in my path if this anklet didn't keep the powers at bay. So, it isn't something I want people messing with." The girl's mind raced back to the night of Debauchery, the sickening feeling when the magics took control. It wasn't a feeling she ever wanted to feel again. The Daughter of the Dragon shook the thought from her mind, she was here for a reason.

"Who attacked my home?"

06-12-14, 02:41 PM
"Several teams, each about a half dozen strong. Each team manned Aleran portable cannons. The men however, were not Drow, they were human. Shortly after your troops fled to respond, fiends devoured the men and destroyed the equipment."

Lye remained standing although his guest sat. He propped himself against the cool, damp cavern wall and kept his arms folded. The cold still gripped at him as he kept to the shadows, a good distance from the warmth of the flame, and ultimately away from Kyla.

"Word of ear tells me your father no longer leads the knights. I hear you and your three sisters now hold rule. How are you handling your new position of power?" The question held genuine curiosity, though in the dancing of the shadows, his expression disguised any hints toward the purpose of the inquiry.

Amber Eyes
06-12-14, 03:33 PM
"That doesn't answer my question." Kyla's voice was flat as she ran her fingers through her hair, letting it fall once more to her shoulders.

"I did actually." His gave a small grin. "If you were looking for something else perhaps you should have been more specific. Now if you'll answer mind we can move along."

The girl sighed. "Sei has given me and my sisters control of the Knights. Honestly," She relaxed. "Honestly it sucks most of the time. You want to save people, make a difference, but it's all a lot of political bullshit. At least before I could do as I pleased." It was an admission both to the assassin and to herself.

Kyla paused for a moment, trying to consider her words carefully. "Who ordered the attack on Ixian Castle?"

06-12-14, 04:11 PM
"One of your enemies, clearly," Lye responded as cold and dry as her previous outburst. "You're not very good at this."

The assassin grinned and she met him with a scowl. The eternally lit mage-fire at the center of the rocky den seemed to flare in relation to her temper. It was only rumor that spells which continually drew from the Tap reacted to strong emotions. Perhaps this was true.

"Speaking of your recent shortcomings, I came across some rumors you lost control of one of your men in Eiskalt. I have reports of some several injured messengers which you had sent to one Jensen Ambrose. It seems you lack the authority to command one of most loyal of Ixians. In fact, would you like to know some of the whispers in your halls? That will be my question." The assassin pushed himself off the wall he leaned upon and began to walk to the shelves of rations. He let his questions tug at her curiosity. Surely she knew of the strife happening within her own walls, but how many details had she missed. What whispers would he know, whispers her father didn't share?

He ran a hand along the shelves, then fell upon a strip of dried beef. He plucked it from the rest and stepped over to a closed barrel. His back still to her, he drew one of his titanium wakizashi from their scabbards, spun about, and sat. While she fabricated her response, the killer let the dried meat touch the blade. It parted effortlessly.

Amber Eyes
06-13-14, 05:04 PM
"Jensen's always been a bit...sporadic." Kyla did her best to hide the worry in her tone. Too often perhaps the Orlouge's had looked the other way during Jensen's weaker moments. The immortal was far more than a soldier or a bodyguard. Jensen Ambrose may as well have shared their blood. The girl cleared her throat, continuing with her emotions at bay, "Still, I have little doubt his intentions were just. Jensen is one of the finest men I've ever known once you peel back his rough exterior."

"I understand you have a bit of experience with that." Lye's voice was unchanged, but the meaning was far from lost on the Mystic.

"I think you've already had your question." The girl answered coolly. "As far as whispers of my struggles thus far, yes, it's a tough job. I have different values than my father, and therefore my sisters."

Lye's face became quite serious, and Kyla's nerves sat on edge. "But you're Kyla Olrouge. How many tournaments have you placed in? How many battles have been won at your hands? Why should you answer to a group of teenage girls?"

"No one person can see clearly at all times. The family keeps us focused on the road ahead." Even as she said the words Kyla knew she didn't believe them. They weren't hers, they belonged to Sei.

Lye gave a short chuckle, his eyes bright. "He really has you trained doesn't he?"

"I think we're just about done here." The Mystic stood. How many questions had she answered, game forgotten? "I have only one more question."

The man nodded in invitation. "Did the Cult of Blessed torture attack my home?"

06-13-14, 05:28 PM
The web he wove grew taught. Lye steeled his overwhelming desire to express his satisfaction at her answers. He looked her dead in the eye, face cold and stern.

"That's the correct question," he mused. "Your answer is yes."

The masterfully executed lie slipped his silver tongue like music. The song was one Kyla wanted to hear and made it that much easier to accept. As though the information were as casual as a favorite color, the assassin pinched the cut piece of meat between his fingers and placed the morsel in his mouth. His blade moved to carve off another ribbon to follow the first. Each little piece had significance. Each piece meant less left behind, and when all but a single fragment remained, Lye would finish it off. He thought of Kyla, and let his blade sheer off another ribbon.

"I don't suppose you will be needing an escort out, Kylana?"

Amber Eyes
06-13-14, 09:12 PM
A dangerous mixture of anger and smug satisfaction washed over her. I was right. Then the satisfaction stilled. But how can I tell anyone? Lye had given her the answer to her question, but the burden of proof was still on her shoulders. She shook her head, for now it was enough.

"I think I can manage." Kyla gave a small smile of victory. The assassin had played the game after all. Kyla was leaving in once piece with the information she needed. Perhaps this Lye could be an asset in the future.

"Until next time." She gave a final look at the cozy interior of the frozen hideaway. Then, the Mystic took a single step forward into the shadows from the flickering light and was gone. The castle gate came into view moments later. With the moon rising behind the gardens like an omen, her heart began to pitter-patter the baseline of a concerto. Her eyes settled on something in the distance. Sitting patiently on the front steps was a human form. Kyla couldn't make out the features, but in her heart she knew it was Sei.

The girl waited for the gates to open and then made her way into the courtyard without so much as a nod to the night guards. The massive metal doors closed behind her with an echoing slam, prodding her voice into action. "I--" She paused. Her heart kept the beat but her voice could not fill in the melody. She pushed herself forward, trying again. "I had a few things I had to do in-- in town. I'm sorry I'm late! You know how crazy it can be in the little shops. Everyone's so busy no one gets anything done." Her final sentence slowly devolved into an awkward giggle than no one would be silly enough to believe was genuine.

"Cut the crap Kyla." The Mystic froze and squinted her eyes.

Emma stood.

Silence Sei
06-19-14, 08:19 PM
Emma Orlouge was not one to be trifled with. It was bad enough that her father, in all of his 'wisdom' sent out troops he no longer held dominion over out on an unsanctioned mission, but to learn said mission was because of Kyla? It was enough to make the youthful girl rip her brown hair out. It was if the whole family got together and unanimously agreed that the best course of action was to mess with her mind. Though Kyla stood half a foot higher than the teen, she met her gaze with unwavering resolve.

Guards gathered around the two as if they were picking sides to who would win in a fight. Dozens of armored men stood behind the Mystic with silent praise. Emma knew she could not be ran over by her older sibling, lest the men lose all of their faith in her. She had supported the elder Orlouge on her decision to launch an all out war in Eiksalt, and even stood by her when Emma was informed she was not going to the front lines. After all, that single decision now saved the men in intensive care from being outright dead. The thought of those wounded shoulders brought back a terrifying memory of wolves howling in the dark, their voices gurgled and disrupted. Goosebumps rose onto the younger girl's skin as her mind try to think of anything but what a potential mistake this could be.

"Emma I--"

"Save it, Kyla," Emma growled and reached for the sword sheathed at her hip, "Father may buy whatever story you've concocted, but I've been around you long enough to know when you're lying. Now tell me where you've been, and tell me the truth before things get uglier than you've already made them." There was a loud 'Oooo' sound from her makeshift audience, a response which cause Emma to turn and give them a scowl that quickly brought silence to them.

"I was investigating," Kyla said while trying to suppress giggles as if to say 'you're cute' to her sister, "I want to know who caused the attack on the Castle while we were busy in Eiksalt."

Emma turned back to her sister and shook her head, "That's not your place anymore. You're a leader, you can't just go out willy nilly like that and not tell anybody. Mister Talen and Mister Cronen are more than capable enough to an--"

"It was the Cult, Emma." Kyla's voice became hard as stone, as if she were scolding a child.

The girl froze in her tracks, beads of sweat now caressing her forehead. The Cult of Blessed Torture was an old enemy of the Ixian Knights, mostly formed of unredeemable criminals and the family of former Ixian Knight General Cassadra Remi. The very thought of the group rising to power once again caused a lump to form in Emma's throat. "Th-That can't be. Kyla, the Cult knows how to attack us, and where our most vulnerable spots are. Why would they go through the trouble of just launching a couple of explosives over the wall?"

"They're sending a message. Letting us know they still exist, that they haven't dwindled in numbers yet. I don't know, just....don't tell Sei, ok?"

Emma paused for a moment. She hated the very notion of lying to her patriarch. After all, Sei had took her and Ella in when nobody else would. Adoption was hard to come by at all on Althanas, and no parents wanted to take an older kid with the adorable smaller sibling. Sei saw through that and welcomed them both with open arms. She owed Sei a life she could have only read about in a book, and now she was being asked by her own sister to keep vital information from him.

"I...won't say anything if he doesn't ask, Kyla," Emma said, her gaze shifted downwards, "but if he asks me anything involving this knowledge that you have, I will answer him in an instant. Do you understand?"

Kyla nodded, the group of soldiers now leaving with disappointment in their eyes and posture. Emma turned from her kin to start her nightly routines.

"And Emma," Kyla said, a hand reached out to the younger girl, "Thank you."

Amber Eyes
06-20-14, 08:48 PM
Kyla entered her bedchambers near floating. Sure, she had no proof of her findings, but that would come with time. For now, the girl could rest a bit easier knowing that at least she knew.

Vengeance would come. It would come down hard upon the cult on through the swords of a thousand men. They would lose all they held dear. Kyla would ensure that any who survived spent their remaining years in fear of another strike. They would be scarred, damaged beyond repair. They would forever remember the day the young Orlouge brought the full strength of the Ixian Knights against their meager forces.

Her dreams were filled with shouts of victory and a look of pride on the faces of Sei and Niche. Their little girl had finally grown up and achieved something worthy of the Orlouge name. She had once and for all destroyed the spawn of Cassandra Remi.

It was beautiful.

She awoke early and brushed her tangled hair. The Salvarian had certainly done its worst, leaving her with a puffy mess of almost-curls. The Mystic dug in a drawer for a tie and pulled it back tightly. There was no time for fussing with it today. She arrived in meeting room long before dawn, practicing her speech again and again.

"If we could, with certainty, eliminate our most worrisome enemy. Would you take the chance? I beg you, just this once. Trust that I know what is best. I have seen war more than once, and I have no desire to see it again. Let us take the next strike and ensure it never reaches that point. Our home was attacked when we were most vulnerable. Shall we wait for another strike? Another hundred dead? Or will we stand and fight, and win. Please tell me you'll stand with me."

Tears filled her eyes on the thirteenth time. The one that counted. Her sisters stared at her bright blue eyes. They were full of conviction, focus, certainty. Surely her words would be enough to convince them. Surely her sisters would understand. The cult had taken so much from them all.

Their eyes said it all. Kyla stared hard at blank faces. Her lip quivered for an instant before she bit down on it hard and the bitter taste of copper filled her mouth. No one spoke for a long moment. Then Ella stood.

"I think we need a bit more to go on here Kyla." She pursed her lips as she cradled her right elbow in her left fist while staring at the floor. "Where did this information come from?"

Kyla scowled. Now a child was questioning her information? "Does it matter? The information is good. I know it!" She was near pleading now, her face quickly turning red.

Emma and Anita quickly joined their younger sister. Emma finally spoke. "Kyla dissipated for most of the day yesterday. She was seen with a known enemy of the Knights."

"That isn't true!" Kyla's protest quickly lost its fervor. "I mean, he isn't an enemy..."

Anita took a step forward and reached gently toward Kyla's arm. "Be reasonable Kylana..."

"No." The word was little more than a whisper.

Anita's look turned to one of pity. "Kyla, please."

"I said no." The Mystic's voice became sharp as a knife's edge. "If you won't aid me, I'll do it myself. I'll take with me any willing soldier. I can do this without your blessings. I will-"

"Do as you please." Emma's shout stilled a stunned Kyla. "It isn't as if our family name ever meant anything to you." Her voice rose higher with each passing beat. "Go! Make a mockery of us all just like you always do, but know that your decision if final. If you act without this council's approval you give up your place on it."

Kyla regained her bearings as a flash of anger warmed her skin. "You have no authority to-"

"I stand with her." Anita's voice was barely audible. She cleared her throat loudly. "What you do, you do against our will."

The Mystic looked pleadingly toward her last sibling. Surely sweet little Ella wouldn't turn against her so easily.

Ella frowned as tears filled her eyes. Her cheeks turned red and her lip quivered before she remembered to stiffen it. "Me too. I'm sorry Kyla."

06-22-14, 05:48 PM
Submitted for Workshop HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27657).

Amber Eyes Gets:

2,184 EXP
156 GP

Silence Sei Gets:

1,257 EXP
65 GP

Lye Gets:

832 EXP
78 GP

06-22-14, 05:53 PM
EXP & GP Added