View Full Version : An instrument of beauty

05-23-14, 05:36 PM
Hey could I get a price check on a silver (colored) alto saxophone and three flavored reeds?
Also how much would a can of original 32 oz monster energy drink cost?

05-24-14, 04:39 PM
I believe that instrument is made from brass then plated silver. Either way, since we are only going with a silver color and not material of construction, that also Sax would run you 50 GP. Each reed will be 2 GP.

Now for that "monster" drink you speak of, there is no such thing on Althanas. However, the herb and tea crafters of Fallien have conveniently put together a unique potion said to vitalize the body and mind. Just so happens that they sold a recent shipment to the Bazaar in these cylindrical containers. Oddly enough, they are marked with an ancient Fallieni symbol for vigor in the shape of a green, jaggedly carved "M". The going rate for one of those would be 5 GP a can.

05-24-14, 05:41 PM
Thank you. Now with the alto sax, is a case included? If not how much would one be with a case? Also would it be possible to get a magic saxophone case that can shrink down go a 1 foot by 1 foot cube?

05-24-14, 05:48 PM
Sure, a case would be 25 GP. The enchantment to shrink would change the sax's price to 75 GP.

05-24-14, 06:34 PM
So sax and case included it would be 100 or 125?

05-24-14, 07:55 PM
If you want a Silver Plated Brass Alto Sax with a Size Shifting Enchant and Carrying Case, the total would be 100 GP.
Don't forget that your reeds are 2GP each.

05-25-14, 01:28 PM
Okay so I would like a Silver Plated Brass Alto Sax with a Size Shifting Enchant and Carrying Case, 2 reeds, and 2 cans of the previously mentioned vitality drinks. That would take my total to 114 GP right? And can I make the purchase story in this thread?

05-25-14, 02:14 PM
Correct. If you want to do a purchase thread (role played out) I'd like it to be in another thread. Please link this thread into an OOC note in your new thread.

05-26-14, 08:49 PM
on second thought, could i just not have an IC purchase and just link it next update?

05-26-14, 09:00 PM
Certainly. I'll go ahead and complete the transaction.

05-26-14, 09:03 PM
Matthew Obtains a Silver Plated Brass Alto Sax w/ Size Shift Enchant, 2 energy tonics, and 2 flavored reeds.

Matthewramon goes from 200 GP to 86 GP.

Transaction complete.

Please link this thread where proof of purchase is applicable.