View Full Version : Armed and Dangerous.

Leona Stevvains
05-27-14, 10:58 AM
((I would really appreciate it if whatever bazaar mod took this thread would indulge me in some actual role playing for what items I need in question. Why not pick up some extra exp, right? Anyone else is welcome to join me on this excursion as well, so long as I get notified before hand please. Thank you.))

Very little people know about the small town of Deckart. To the untrained eye, it would appear as a run-of-the-mill village, replete with neighbors that one another by name, both good and bad harvest seasons, and an economy that was always just barely enough in the black to continue its flourish. Before she discovered her abilities, Leona Stevvains pass through the township on multiple occasions, just another wanderer on their way to a more important city.

Now that she knew the true intention of the town, she would never simply walk on through ever again.

Her steps were soft but deliberate, her soccer ball tucked neatly under her arm and her tarot deck within the confines of her jeans pocket. Rather than her typical ponytail, the girl allowed her blonde locks to envelope her features today. He bangs swayed back and forth as she adjusted her frilly white halter top so it covered the waistline of her pants. Her eyes scanned back and forth towards each of the shops; Deckart was never known as a tourist trap, but it did have a strange amount of weapons and armor shops. It was strange for such a seemingly unremarkable town.

But Leona now knew the truth; Deckart was so small, nobody ever paid attention to how close it was on Alerar and Raiaera's border. This was always intentional, for the town was one founded by those elves not concerned with color of skin, or whether their kin were 'exiled' or 'high' in standing. This town combined the powerful magic of Raiaera with the unsurpassed technology of Alerar. So powerful was this combination, several variations of the future saw Deckart eventually rise as the capital to the Elven Republic (A country that would come to be once the warring elves had finally discarded their differences).

Now that she knew the town's true purpose, she could see the swirls of magic that seemed to puff out of chimneys alongside smoke. She could hear the clang of a hammer as well as the blast of enchantments. There would be no better town for the Judgement Card to obtain exactly what she needed. She casually walked into what appeared to be a simple wooden shack, one that had louder sounds of the forge and felt stronger in magical nature than any she came across in a regular town. She pushed through the double panes of the entry way and saw a young boy at the counter, his head propped upon his head in an attempt not to fall asleep.

"Excuse me," Leona spoke and then cleared her throat when she realized there was a raspy scratch to her tone, "I would like to see what weapons you have."

05-27-14, 11:39 AM
Septimus yawned, stretching his arms high above his mop of curly brown hair. The day was stretching on unbearably, with nothing to distract him from the dust motes floating visibly in the sunlight shining through the window. So few actual customers came through Deckart that the young boy wondered why his father even made him watch the shop; he could be out with Erin and Corvus, playing soldiers in the woods and coming home late, his face covered in sweat and grime.

He propped his head above the counter with a twiggy arm, content to pass the day asleep at his post, when a tall blonde strode through the doors of the shop. Septimus fixed his gaze upon her, and nodded after hearing her request.

"Sure thing, jus' let me fetch my da." He spoke quickly, overjoyed to finally have a distraction. His shock of brunette hair bounced to and fro as he turned and sprinted down the short hallway leading to his father's forge room. Septimus pushed the heavy curtain to the side, striding to where his father hammered away at another boar spear-head. The gruff, bearded man glanced up at his offspring, his mouth turned down in a scowl. The steady clang-clang-clang of his hammer paused, leaving the room in peaceful silence.

"What is it, boy?! Can'tcha see I'm workin'? Keep watchin' the counter." Silas barked, aggravated at the interruption.

"Da, there's someone up front. They wanna see yer' stock." Septimus explained sheepishly, twiddling his thumbs behind his back.

"Oh.. Well, go watch fer' any more, and tell 'em to come back 'ere." The stocky man huffed, trying not to lose face after his harsh outburst.

Septimus rushed back through the curtain, scurrying quickly to Leona on his scrawny legs.

"Go back there," The boy pointed down the hallway to the forge room. "My da's waitin'. He'll set'cha up."

Leona Stevvains
05-27-14, 10:24 PM
She nodded her thanks to the child and moved past him A smell wafted off the boy similar to that of one who had not bathed in several days. Regardless of whether it was on Earth or Althanas, some things never seemed to change. She pushed through the curtain as the velvet hairs crushed across her bare hand. It was a quality cloth, a fabric one did not typically make on a smith's salary on Althanas. Then again, the smiths of Deckart were not your regular weapon makers.

The smell of smelted metal danced around her nose. She could feel the power of the Tap grow in strength as she passed the hall. Every couple of feet, she was in the middle of two armored knights with various weapons dormant in their hands. Leona paused to admire the beauty of the steel sentinels. They stood at the ready to strike, or at least seemed t be. She reached for one of the weapons, a prevalida blade that glowed with a purple tint. As her hand neared the weapon, the arms of the knight turned away. She stopped and blinked at the guardian as she reached out for the weapon once more.

Once again, the armored avenger shifted around and its whole upper body moved with it. She peered up to look at the eyes of the sentry and saw not but the empty blackness of vacant armor. The designs were enchanted, made to prevent would-be thieves from taking the armory and leaving. She made a note to commission the maker of these guardians to protect the treasures of the Hierarchy. She was jarred back with the sound of a hammer on an anvil, which caused her to continue her path down the hall.

She passed another velvet curtain to see a giant furnace behind a mammoth of a man. The smithy was busy once again with his craft, and his furnace roared with a blue flame from it's mouth. She looked at the blade below the craftsman's hammer, a blue hue similar to the fire lit the entire workshop. She gathered her courage and put her chest out in front of her with a sigh.

"Excuse me," She spoke, "I'm hoping you can help me make a sentient sword...."

05-29-14, 11:20 AM
Silas' eyebrow arched in disbelief at the tall blonde's request. Few enough people came through Deckart for their wares, and when they did, they couldn't be happy with what he'd already made. 'Why does everyone have'ta be so damn difficult?' He asked the Thaynes silently.

"A living sword? An' what would ye' be wantin' one o' those fer?" He inquired frankly. There were few noble purposes for a sentient weapon. Some hungered for blood, others for glory. Some led their wielders to their horrible demise. Silas would have to determine this woman's motivations in wanting a living sword; if they were not noble, he would not even sell her a knife.

"Tell me true; I'll know if yer' leadin' me astray." The mountainous blacksmith squinted at her suspiciously.

Alyssa Snow
07-23-14, 11:49 AM
I am closing this thread due to inactivity. Please PM me to have re-opened.