View Full Version : Approved Gisela Profiles

Silence Sei
05-28-14, 07:43 AM
First army pending.

Silence Sei
07-05-14, 10:06 PM
The Order of the Crimson Hand ~ Done ~

1. Lichensith Ulroke, the Viper of Salvar –

Master Assassin -Lye has been deemed a master assassin after years of training. He has experienced pain, trauma, and relentless onslaught. The scars given through years of learning through trial and error have built up his senses, stamina, and resilience. Should he ever fail to assassinate a target, he is more than capable of engaging in long term combat.
• Can endure strain of exertion five times as long as the normal Althanian. Should a man only last 5 minutes in combat before coming fatigued, Lye can last 25 minutes.
• Has agility six times that of an average Althanian. Blocking and dodging projectiles is as effortless as catching a tossed apple. This also permits him to exercise a flurry of strikes (4-6) in the same time it would take a normal man a single blow (1). It permits split second actions and changes of direction.

Intimidating Presence - All troops and members of the Crimson Hand's armies know of Lichensith Ulroke. He can take command of any unit(one one unit at a time.) Any unit under his command gains 2x endurance and will not retreat.

Lay Explosives - Lye has five explosive charges. It takes one post(un-interrupted by enemies) to lay explosives. They detonate the explosives through the use a magical paper rune(activated by touch and willpower combined.) These explode with the force of one stick of dynamite.

Equipment: Dual Titanium Wakizashi, Berevaran Bear Hide Armor(full body, minus head), Red Vlince Scarf.

2. Madison Freebird, the Briarheart –

One tough bitch: Due to a rather extreme endurance regimen and her own stubbornness, Madison can take and shrug off most hand-to-hand blows and strikes from blunt weaponry and still get up to fight back. Several bones need to be broken before she even considers staying down. Also, her stubbornness has granted her additional defenses against psionic intrusions and attacks; any sort of spell, potion, rite, or possession that directly affects her mind (say, in an effort to destroy her sanity, browse for secrets, or control her thoughts and movements) is half as likely to succeed.

The Briarheart: Over the course of events that she cannot recall for the life of her, her human heart was replaced with a symbiotic, plantlike entity known as a Briarheart. It is the source of her newfound plant-based powers; and as such, it acts very much like a human heart. If it is pierced, torn from her, or otherwise destroyed—it will kill her. On the bright side, however, exposure to sunlight will augment Madison’s speed, strength, agility, and endurance; boosting them by anywhere between ten and twenty percent of her standard capabilities, depending on how much exposure to solar energy she has. One downside of having the Briarheart is she is now slightly more susceptible to fire--it won't make quick work of her, but it will burn her plant-based skin faster than it would normal human flesh.

Hands of the Puppeteer: Through fungal pods that can be extended from and retracted into the palms of her hands, Madison is able to shoot out three bursts of spores (per day) that contain a special strain of cordyceps fungus named Nemo’s Marionette. The bursts fire simultaneously from both hands in little blue clouds that travel three feet in whatever directions her hands are pointed. When the spores are inhaled or ingested by their new host, they undergo several hours of torturous pain as the fungus begins to take control of their physical form. The process is complete when small stalks with a blue base and oily purple tips start bursting through the skin of the host, usually in and around the neck area, as if they formed a crude collar. Once the fungus is in full control, the host can operate well beyond its normal capabilities (1.5x strength, speed, endurance and agility). However, this bump in ability comes at a cost; the host body will cease to function after several weeks, once the fungus has completed its life cycle and is able to release its spores, the host will drop dead. Due to the biological means of production, Madison is able to give direct orders through telepathy and vocal commands to all infected hosts or single creatures within a one-mile radius. The Nemo’s Marionette that Madison can naturally produce is only able to infect insects, beasts, and lesser kinds of monstrosities such as Fallien harpies, trolls, goblins and ogres at this point in time.

Equipment: 4 Prevalida Daggers w/ Spidersilk Wrapped Grip, Leather Holster, Black Hooded Sifan Cloak w/ Warmth Enchant, Black Arctic Beast Leather Bodice w/ 2x Durability Enchant

3. Aurelianus Drak'Shal, the Tiefling Bastard

Shahab's Lash - This invocation summons a cone of black flame from the palms or mouth, which Drak'shal can then launch at his enemies. Lately, the warlock has even learned how to form the flames into a roaring cyclone given a few moments to gather the power; the cyclone itself is only six feet by two feet, and due to the inherit difficulty of shaping Hellfire like this, Aurelius can only perform this trick thrice a day.. If any unfortunate is caught in these flames, the white-hot Hellfire will cling like napalm, rather than normal fire- the warlock can extinguish these flames with but a thought. Aurelius himself is almost completely immune to the flames he conjures forth, though the longer he keeps up the blast the harder it becomes to resist their infernal heat, until eventually they will burn his flesh almost as much as those of his foes. He can maintain a full four minutes of sustained fire before his flesh starts to blister and burn, and only one after that before his wounds become crippling. He can still use it to cauterise wounds, etc should the need arise. To those who manage to extinguish the flames in time, Shahab's Lash only causes severe burns. If not, they will continue to burn, causing excessive damage. With understanding of the nature of this Hellfire, Aurelius has learned how to use it to sear not only a body's flesh, but also it's soul. Against those of a good disposition, the effects are incredibly effective, bringing about an agony that can last for much longer than the actual burns. This invocation has become as much a sickness of the soul as it has a tool of brute destruction. Against those of a "good" nature, Shahab's Lash is one-and-a-half times as effective.

Freki's Shield - This spell allows Aurelius to summon forth a protective wall of magickal heat, which can deflect missiles, blades, and even other spells with a 6 foot width. Aurelius is immune to the heat he creates. He can keep it active long enough to stave off two powerful attacks (roughly triple human strength), three medium attacks (double human strength) or four weak attacks (normal human strength), though a significantly strong one can shatter it in a single blow. (Usable- four times per thread)

Hellfire Augmentation - Aurelianus is able to augment any fire cast from within a circle he conjures, turning it into destructive Hellfire. Read above for details on Hellfire. The circle's diameter is 50 feet long, and lasts until he places a new one. This can be used three times per battle.

Equipment: 4 Damascus Daggers, 1 Titanium Cleaver, Black Leather Armor with Trench-coat(Full body, minus head and right arm.)

Hands of the Blade:

Cobra Battalion – 2000 Units. Comprised mainly of mercenaries and sellswords, along with many loyal members of the Order, the Cobra Battalion is the main infantry unit of the Crimson Hand’s armies. They are skilled with swords and shields, and have many years of experience in combat.

Morale – These units will never unless retreat unless beaten back.

Rallying Cry – When the Cry is heard, all units rally to the source. Their ability to resist attacks is increased while rallied. This lasts for 3 posts. This can be used once per battle.

Demoralizing Shout – When they shout their Battle-cry, enemy forces are often intimidated. This has a possibility of causing enemy forces to retreat. This can be used twice per battle.

Equipment: Steel Longswords, Steel Kite Shields, Iron plate armor(Chest, head, and legs.)

Viper Battalion – 1500 units. A defensive battalion, the Vipers utilize long polearms and defensive tactics to repel enemy forces. They are lightly-armored and work very well together.

Hold the Line – These units can withstand a charge from a superior force unflinchingly.

Bane of Horses – These units are extremely effective against cavalry.

Defensive Tactics – The Viper Battalion is extremely skilled at defense, and if they have time to set up, their ability to hold their ground and resist attacks is exponentially.(Takes one post to set up defenses.)

Equipment: 12-foot Steel Pikes, Steel Dirks, Leather armor(Full-body), Iron Shields

Basalisk Battalion – 500 units. These are the Shock troops of the Order. Wielding Warhammers, Greatswords, Polearms, and Battleaxes, these humongous warriors wreak havoc among enemy forces. They stride about the battlefield in heavy armor and are abnormally tough.

Brute Strength – These units are able to lift large, heavy weapons and swing them around with ease.

Heavy Load – These units are able to move easily in full-plate armor for long periods of time.

Wide Sweep – Their attacks have wide arcs, able to hit more than one enemy at once.

Equipment: Full iron plate armor, Steel Great-weapons.

Wolf Battalion – 405(x2 due to mounts.) units. These are the cavalry of the Order’s forces. They are vicious, effective, and leave no survivors. Mounted upon armored dire-wolves, they ride among enemy forces using great polearms and curved swords to cause havoc.

Heroic Charge – When charging an unsuspecting force, these units gain the ability to trample other enemies and break enemy formations.

Chilling Howl – The call of the Dire Wolves is a fearsome sound to hear, especially in the heat of battle. It can demoralize troops and possibly cause a retreat.

Direwolf Fangs – The Dire Wolves are able to bite with extreme force, able to crush iron with great effort and easily tear flesh.

Equipment: Iron Direwolf Armor, Iron Spears, Steel Falchions, Leather Armor(Full-body), Oak & Hide Shields

Hands of the Mind:

Plague Company – 100 units. Hex and Affliction Casters, this force spreads chaos and discord throughout enemy troops by the usage of curses and afflictions. They must all work as one to cast their magic effectively, although losing a few will not severely detriment their performance.

Despair Hex – AoE, 25 foot diameter circle on target. Sows feelings of despair and hopelessness among enemy. Lasts for 2 posts. Useable twice.

Fatigue Affliction – AoE, 25 foot diameter circle on target. Causes slight fatigue and weakness in enemy units, lasts for 3 posts. Useable twice.

Sickness Hex – AoE, 25 foot diameter circle. Causes feelings of nausea and sickness in enemies, lasts for 1 post. Useable once.

Equipment: Linen Robes, Iron Daggers

Hellfire Company – 300 level 3 units(1000 units.) The destructive casters of the Order, these wizards and witches are pyromancers. They can work alone to target specific troops, or combine their efforts to weave great firestorms. They are led by Hero Aurelianus Drak'shal, the Tiefling Bastard.

Gravity-affected Fireballs: These basketball-sized Fireballs can be fired quickly and arch downward after casting due to gravity. Can cause second degree burns on hit. 3 casts per unit.

Fire Pillar: A circular pillar of fire, 5 feet in diameter, is cast upon a location up to 25 feet away. It lasts for 10 seconds, and causes increasingly severe burns depending on the length of the time an enemy stands it it. Can be cast once per unit.

Fire-stoker: The Hellfire Company is able to stoke existing, non-magical fires to new heights. They can turn a small bonfire into a huge conflagration, and if working in unison, could turn the beginnings of a forest fire into a full-blown blazing cataclysm.

Fallen Star: If at least 250 of the Firestorm Company work perfectly in unison, they are able to conjure a fireball 30 feet in diameter. This takes two posts uninterrupted to charge, and is cast on the third post. Can be used once per thread, and causes heavy devastation to any force caught in the blast. This can destroy a few siege engines, large monsters, or many soldiers at once.

Fire-Sense: Firestorm Company can sense any fire from up to 333 yards away.

Equipment: Linen Robes, Iron Daggers

Earthshaker Company – 1000 units. The defensive casters of the Order, these magi are skilled in Earth Manipulation and use it to create defensive positions for the Order’s armies. They work together with Firestorm company for maximum effect.

Rock Wall: A Wall made of Earth is raised from the ground. It is 5 feet high by 8 feet long. It can withstand 1 round of artillery fire. 1 cast per unit.

Combined Rock Wall: The Earthshaker Casters are able to stack their walls atop one another and in front of or behind other walls to increase structural strength and stability.

Equipment: Linen Robes, Steel Shields

Spore Company – 500 units. The Spore Company contains Cordyceps-controlled beasts, led telepathically by the Hero Madison Freebird, the Briarheart. There are 499 Cordyceps-infected Fallieni Harpies, and 1 Cordyceps-infected Salvarian Bear named Boris(mounted by Madison.)

Flight – Normal, Running-speed flight.

Swoop – The Fallieni Harpies swoop down upon Madison’s command, attacking enemy soldiers’ eyes and heads with sharp talons.

Screech - The Harpies can scream loudly, demoralizing and instilling fear in enemy troops.

Bite – Boris has an extremely painful and powerful bite. It can easily gouge iron and tear flesh.

Scary Roar – Boris the Bear has a horrifying visage, and if he roars, the possibility of demoralization is great.

Cordyceps Infection - Upon death, Cordyceps-infected monsters explode(not with enough force to injure,) and release Cordyceps spores which can infect enemy units. These units will quickly grow Cordyceps fungus protrusions and succumb to Madison’s control. It takes 3 turns for Cordyceps spores to grow, and newly-infected hosts die after 2 posts.

Hands of the Forge:

Blood Company – 500 units. Users of healing magic and restorative alchemy, these are the medics of the Order. They stay behind the front lines, healing the wounded where they can.

Healing Touch – If a member of Blood Company is able to touch a wounded soldier, they are able to heal minor wounds. This can be used 3 times per unit.

Lay on Hands – If at least 250 Blood Company Casters combine their efforts, one unit can be raised from near-death back to full life. They cannot raise the dead. This can be used once per thread.

Equipment: Linen Robes, Bandages

Gore Company – 100(2 men, 1 cannon per unit) units. The artillerymen of the Order. They use Alerarian Fire-spitters(large, rolling cannons with a variable-height barrel) to rain hell upon opposing armies.

Fire Cannon Round – The normal attack ability of the Gore Company. Fires a 24” diameter cannon ball at its target.

Fire Whatever~ - Shoots off whatever is placed into the barrel. Pretty self-explanatory, really.

Equipment: 100(100 in use, 50 in reserve) Alerarian Fire-spitters, 1500 lead cannon balls, replacements for wheels, frames, barrels, etc.

Anvil Company - 200 Units. These are the armorers, Fletchers, carpenters, masons, and blacksmiths of the Army. They keep the Order's armies stocked with weapons, ammunition, armor and fortifications. All of them are loyal, hardworking members of the Order, and very well-paid.

Hands of the Word:

Quartermasters - 250 units. These are the men in charge of logistics for the Order's armies. They ensure the army is kept fed, supplied, and hopefully alive. Without them, the Order's forces would not get very far.

Transmitters – 250 units. These casters are able to telepathically relay information immediately among each other. Any information that one learns is instantly transmitted to all others. They are unskilled in combat and have no defenses. They are dispersed evenly throughout the army so no unit is cut off from communication.

Telepathic Relay - Any and all information received by a Transmitter is immediately relayed to all other Transmitters.

Hands of the Shadow:

Crimson Squad – 11 units(including Lye, Erikar, and a transmitter.) A small group of assassins and spies, all whom excel in operations of reconnaissance, infiltration, subterfuge and sabotage. They are hand-picked by Lichensith Ulroke for their skills, and are some of the deadliest men and women in the Order. Led by Hero Lichensith Ulroke, the Viper of Salvar.

Shadow Meld - When hiding in shadow, the Crimson Squad is practically invisible until about 5 feet away.

Lay Explosives - Each unit(minus Lye, Erikar, and a transmitter) has three explosive charges, which detonate with the force of a grenade. It takes one post(un-interrupted by enemies) to lay explosives. They detonate the explosives through the use a magical paper rune(activated by touch and willpower combined.) These explode with the force of one stick of dynamite.

Assassin’s Speed - Each unit has 2x footspeed.

Equipment – Leather Armor(chest and legs only), Hand-Held Crossbows(15 bolts each), and Steel Daggers.

Scarlet Platoon – 80 units. Archers, infiltrators, and assassins. These are the Wetwork division of the Order’s armies. They kill from hiding and run, trying to inflict as much damage as possible with as little casualties. They often split up into smaller squads.

Camouflage Cloaks – All eighty of the Scarlet Platoon are equipped with magical cloaks, which change to the color of their surroundings. This does not equate to invisibility, and only works as well as normal camouflage.

Superb Accuracy – The members of the Scarlet Platoon are all highly-trained with longbows, and use them to great effect. They are able to hit man-sized targets in the center of mass 8/10 times, up to 100 yards.

Darkvision – The members of the Scarlet Platoon have been given the ability to see in low-light conditions through the use of dark magic. They can see up to 50 meters away in low-light conditions.

Equipment: Yew longbows, Quivers of 20 Steel-tipped arrows, Leather Armor(Chest only), Camouflage cloaks.

Silence Sei
08-05-14, 11:02 PM
Name: Party Starters [colo=red]Approved[/color]


1,000 Keg Carriers - These units are nearly identical to one another. Their weapons include the kegs that each one carries, full with various alcoholic beverages and beers. This also serves at their defense, but only defends their front. Their skills include asking "Bro, do you even lift!?", keg stands that defy physics, and psyching one another up to get ready to throw down. None of these skills have any effect on the opponent.

1,000 Apathy Makers - These units honestly don't care what goes on around them. Honestly, battles are so 'War of the Tap'. They're ability to not give two damns about anything spreads through enemy units quickly, and can convince said enemy units to just go ahead and listen to the songs the Apathy Makers wrote that's circulating taverns you've probably never heard of from bards that only travel the indie circuit. No weapons besides their tongues, and their only defenses are the ability to drink hot things and not be phased, as well as wearing all organic clothes while not being itchy.

500 Hot Drunk Chicks - These beauts have mastered the art of still looking good even when drunk, and even when they're doing duckface. They're sole ability to to try and convert units over to party with them and maybe they'll get to 5th base if they're lucky (They're drunk, they don't know what the hell they're saying). The next morning, don't be shocked if you wake up in bed with them. Also don't be shocked if you're accused of taking advantage of them hours later. No armor or weapons. Just low cut tops and Alerar Bottom Jeans. Sometimes boots with the fur.

500 Underage Drunk Girls That Think They're Hot - Wait? Who invited them?! Dude! We're going to get so arrested! The UDGTTTH are teenagers who snuck into the party, usually with an older sibling, and then got completely blasted. They think they're clever, but they came to the war in their pajamas and boy shorts when they have no ass. They're not fooling anybody. They're ability is to go and annoy the crap out of the units until they pass out, are killed, or the enemy decides to take them home, fraught with embarrassment. Oh yeah, did I mention these girls are all directly related to the unnamed units of the enemy forces? Probably shoulda mentioned that earlier. No weapons or armor.

1,000 Members From That Big Ass Band - They will give you an instrument just because you said you like music. The self-proclaimed 'Biggest Band In The World' changes its name every round, and manages to keep on rocking through the long hours of the night. Music is their weapon, and if you've ever been hit with a literal steel guitar, then you should know its a powerful one. These guys aren't afraid to smash their instruments over their foes. After all, what's one drum set when your group has 200 different drummers?

1,000 Streakers - These guys were waster before they even got to the party. They just kept drinking until they finally decided it would be a great idea for them to take their clothes off. Nobody ever stopped to think that absolutely nobody wants to see them naked. Ever. They run across the field causing temporary blindness via their genitals waving all over the place. They have nothing as far as weapons and armor goes, but they always are in a full naked sprint down the field, able to tackle down the most heavily armored guy.

1,000 Introverts - They don't know why they're here, and don't know anybody around. Their friends ditched them at the first chance they got in hopes they'd mingle. They don't mingle. They stand out like sore thumbs in a crowd, almost as if they have giant signs that say 'Don't associate with me!' in the party environment, such things are ok, but in a war, they may as well serve as huge targets. Wait. They do. That's all they are; decoy units so the others can attack if need be. They have no weapons, armor, or skills.

2,000 Awkwards, half female, half male - Take they're glasses off, and they're dynamite. They're true strength lies in their strategic minds. They've spent years playing Bards & Basements with their buddies, and even made a couple of more popular friends. They're there to advise how to get maximum party potential out of this bash. They could also be used for war planning, but who the hell would want that? No weapons or armor, but they can piece together new items out of scrap left behind on the field of battle, so that's cool.

1,000 Gingers - THEY HAVE NO SOUL AND THEY WANT YOURS! The Gingers are the kids who were told to go to bed, but still somehow got into the party due to everyone thinking they were the home owners kids. They don't have much in ways of weapons and armor, but they don't need to, because they take the enemies. A moment of weakness for you is a moment of opportunity for them. These thieves in training will strip you down bare bones, even take your soul if you let them. Probably the most vicious members of the party.

999 Bitches - They wouldn't even let us show you their faces, they're so mean. The Bitches primary goal is to antagonize enemy units via spreading nasty rumors, commenting on fashion choices, or making out with their significant others right in front of them. They will stop at nothing to fill their foes with rage, even if they sacrifice they're own allies to do so. The are mean, dastardly, pieces of trash and they won't stop until they have everything you ever could give them because ten years of MY LIFE WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU, LAUREN!!!!!!!! No weapons or armor.

1 Guy (Or Girl) Making the Beer Run - How the hell did I get stuck on this job? Have you ever tried to buy beer for 10,000 and 4 people? They better make sure I'm reimbursed No weapons and armor, and the ability to not ever be present.


Masked Killer - The Masked Killer Wields a Titanium Machete, a body that is impervious to pain (He goes down eventually, but it takes a lot to take him out) and super quick speed if you're not looking at him and/or you trip. He is a vicious beast who doesn't appear until you least expect it, and he doesn't mind killing his own units either, so long as he accomplishes his goal of slaughter. 5 x strength (Can cut the head off of a regular unit member with very little effort, able to lift a seeping bag with someone in it and beat someone else to death with it like it's a sock full of pennies) 5 x Endurance (Can take 2-3 bullets without stopping, 4th would down him) and the ability to appear behind his foes if nobody is looking at him. BEWARE!

K. W Werdna - K. W. Is the lead singer of the band, known for his hit single 'Party Be Goin On'. His tunes have the ability to get people hyped up and in the mood to dance. He also raises the morale of all members of his army while he sings, making them not fear death as they (probably) die. He has 3 x Strength (Able to lift his own bands equipment with little to no effort) and a voice that echoes across the entire battle field. He rocks a prevalida guitar as a weapon and lifts up an amp as a shield. He also likes to eat raw meat

That Guy With Herpes - FREAKING GROSS MAN! The Guy with Herpes is avoided like the plague, as if herpes is an airborne disease. In his case, it is. If he sneezes on you, you get herpes. If he coughs on you, you get herpes, if he's with in 10 feet of you, you better freaking -believe- he's gonna herpes the shit out of you. He has no extraordinary strength or weapons of any kind, but isn't herpes enough? By the way, he probably has other STDs, the herpes is the only one you can see/contract....as long as you don't sleep with him.

Silence Sei
10-14-14, 10:51 AM
Rather than copy-paste these armies, I'm just going to post the usernames of the approved profiles here.

Approved Armies
Tobias Stalt
Move Along Move Along
Dead & Walking
black shadow
This means we have 6 spots open. You guys have 1 week to edit your armies up. Otherwise, we're gonna have ourselves a 9 man tourney!

10-20-14, 06:14 AM
I want to be approved for this tourny, but I don't know which part or parts that need editing ... imo, I made my army perfectly fair and reasonable.

Max Dirks
10-21-14, 12:29 PM
It looks like you are approved and ready to go, Genesis. No further editing is necessary.

10-21-14, 10:04 PM
Thanks ... is their an approximate start date?

Silence Sei
10-22-14, 06:31 AM
Noon today, Central Standard Time.