View Full Version : it's a Long, Long Way to Ettermire

05-29-14, 12:46 AM
The hour was ungodly early when he was roused from his slump on the rough stone floor. The criminal hung limp, forcing the jailers to drag him up and out of his cell.

"Sorry pal," he snickered, "ya mum rode me too hard last night. Legs are shit today." One of the guards, walking behind with a spear aimed at the prisoner's spine, gave a quick and none-too-gentle rap on the ribs with the butt end of his weapon. Coughing, the prisoner thanked him good-naturedly. His toes left traces of blood and dirt as they scraped along the floor.

A dull crimson wound was the only sign of sunrise when the prisoner was unceremoniously thrown into a small wagon caged with iron bars. The door closed with a loud clang. The soldier responsible for the din was immediately chastised in a hissing whisper. Some man, some cripplingly thin man, was standing nearby and anxiously wringing his hands. The criminal cackled.

"'fraid the good folk won't like me bein' gone when they wake?" he called loudly. "Mebbe they want a piece?" The magistrate hissed another warning, shaking a finger at the chained criminal and some of the guards. A spearpoint jabbed his way, and the criminal agreeably silenced himself. There was a light sound of whip touching hide, and the horses drawing the cart started at a steady walk. The criminal only took his glinting eyes off the nervous magistrate when there was no more magistrate to be seen.

The ride through town was silent, few of the 'good folk' being awake at this hour. The criminal stifled a yawn, then curled himself into a ball on the rough plank floor of the wagon, and quickly returned to his interrupted slumbering. He woke again when the wagon stopped, but he did not stir this time, waiting to see if he was to be moved again.

Took out in the sand and stabbed, most like, he mused. Nobody came to open his cage, however, and his manacles were untouched. He heard fragments of conversation between the guards and somebody else.

"... to the southern gate... a contact with rest of your payment... relieve you of guard..." Going north, then. The capitol, most likely.

Won't that be a lark.

He was alive, and would be for some time if he was smart. That was useful knowledge. He was going back to a city where anybody worth mentioning wanted him dead. That was also useful knowledge. Lastly, he was going back in chains, unarmed, with no plan, no help, and nowhere to hide.

The criminal relaxed, preparing to sleep again, and his teeth glistened in a savage grin.

Well, that just makes things more fun.

The world faded, and the criminal drifted to sleep.


He woke again to glare at the blinding lamp hanging in the pale sky overhead. He jabbed a parched tongue between cracked lips, spurning the sun for waking him. He was sore from the unrelenting wooden floor and the occasional jarring impact when the wagon hit a bump, but these pains were no more or less intolerable than the stone floor that had been given him back pain for the past few weeks. Of more import was his desperate thirst. Even greater than that was his need, oddly, to piss. The food they'd been giving him wasn't inspiring enough to make the criminal give a shit for it.

He rolled from his his side to his back and stretched. Joints and vertebrae popped, and he groaned. The rough wood would probably leave splinters in his flesh, but that didn't concern him. He reached up and seized one of the cage bars that was just out of his reach, feeling the delightful pull in his muscles. Groaning again, the criminal luxuriantly pulled himself upright. The cage was short enough that a taller man might've felt cramped. He pushed hands through the cage and grasped at the sun, pointing a menacing squint skyward. The air was dry and tasted of disturbed grit. No sounds except the jingle of tack, the creak of wheels, and a mumble of conversation between the men heading up the column – indeed it was a column, a handful of horsemen and footmen keeping a steady pace and surrounding the wagon.

All this just for me, smirked the criminal. Makes a girl feel special.

He stretched once more and then stepped to the back of the wagon and hung his weight against the cage door. It rattled. A glance hidden beneath hooded eyes told him that the deadbolt was secured with a heavy padlock. Problematic, but not impossible. With the chains heavy on his wrists, the criminal reached to his tattered trousers and pushed them down. He sighed relievedly, closing his eyes as the stream began to flow out through the grate and directly in front of one of the riders following behind the wagon.

After a moment, still pissing, the criminal opened one eye and regarded the rider. An unremarkable youth with a sour and slightly shocked look on his face.

“'oy mate,” he called in a grinning tone, “you the greenhorn 'ere? Y'know my name?”

05-30-14, 12:16 PM
The day was dragging on abominably slow. Erikar and his crew of caravan guards had risen with the sun, strapping on their weapons and lacing their boots before the cock crowed. Sergeant Castor had briefed him and the other men about their charge; an alleged murderer, to be put on trial in front of the magistrates in Ettermire. Reputed to be extremely dangerous, they were to watch him with the utmost preparedness and suspicion. To the crimson-haired youth, it sounded like a slow, boring ride from Trenton to Ettermire, a couple days at least.

The ride had begun peacefully, and little had changed since. The sun hung high above the clouds, shining its blinding, hot light straight down on top of them. Despite being a little sweaty and stiff, Erikar found the weather bearable. However, a slight droning in his head became a piercing headache, darkening his spirits. The constant murmur of friendly conversation distracted him from the slow passage of time, and he found himself looking at the prisoner's cage more and more as the day went on.

The man had woken a short time ago, stretching cramped joints and aching limbs. He now stood, glancing towards where Erikar rode his mare at an even pace behind the cage. The criminal whipped out his member unceremoniously, and let loose a torrent of yellow liquid.

Erikar looked on in disgust and annoyance; he was so tired of dirty, smelly criminals. Then, the man had the audacity to try and start a conversation mid-flow, and the youth snapped in anger.

"No. Now put your cock away and slither back into your hole, shithead."

05-30-14, 08:15 PM
The criminal grinned playfully and stuck his tongue out, pouting. He kept pissing, turning a smiling face up towards the sun.

“Not fini-ished,” he said, sing-song. “Am I making ya jealous?” He cackled, watching the guard glare at him. “Ya didn't ask me nicely, anyway.” The guard was grumpy. It was possible that he was simply tired, but he'd been especially rude. 'Shithead.' He'd only heard that one when somebody really wanted to insult somebody else. The guard wasn't just grumpy or tired or uncomfortable, he was angry. The criminal's eyes narrowed. As his stream finally ended, the criminal licked his cracked lips, tasting dryness, and readjusted his pants.

“Wonder why you hate me, boy,” he murmured, leaning on the cage with residual piss staining his trousers and staring at the guard. Even through the dust kicked up by the is eyes glinted in the sunlight. The chains rattled against the cage. “Ya don't even know my name. I'd lay five that you don't even know why I'm in this cage.”

His grin widened, swaying back and forth. “For that matter, there's a shiteload neither one of us knows. Ya don't know my name or why I'm 'ere, an' I don't know who you are or where we're goin'.” His smile flared, and he fell back to the wagon floor. The criminal was still staring at the guard, like he knew a secret that he wanted to share, but wasn't about to give away freely. He was silent for a moment, still staring, despite the sweat dripping into his eyes and fouling the air. Then he pounded his palms against the floorboards, and winced. Fuck it. Picking splinters from his hands, the criminal smiled affably and called to the guard.

“Inner-ductions, then. Wha's your name, friend?”