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Tobias Stalt
05-29-14, 02:49 PM
Name: Tobias Stalt
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Skin color: Pale
Job: Ex-Soldier and Tactician, Rogue

History: Upon fleeing Eiskalt, Tobias destroyed all records of his former life. What the Alerian government has on him, if anything, is highly classified. He is considered a priority target.

"The enigmatic Stalt came to Alerar as a conscript from the Salvic gallows. Little to nothing of his youth was known or documented, and it is presumed he did not originate on the mainland. (Stalt) had an affinity for battlefield strategy that was noticed during his generic training, and honed by the finest strategists in the Alerian Military.

His notable interest in the art of swordsmanship was cultivated by various instructors, both Human and Elven. While he displayed no particular natural speed or strength, Tobias had an immense force of will that seemed to demand be continue to practice until he became proficient. He was a quick study, and should be considered extremely dangerous in close quarters.

Most disturbing about Stalt was his abundant charisma. He displayed the ability to command and to charm. At certain times, there was an almost intoxicating quality to his voice.

The battle of Eiskalt was an extremely unexpected turn of events. Tobias showed unfaltering loyalty during his service right up to his defection. His motives are uncertain, but he retains information that should be considered a threat to national security."

After narrowly escaping Eiskalt, Tobias was brought to Corone with the Drakengard, who absolved him of his crimes in return for his service. Tobias consented to serve the Dragon masters, but asked that he be allowed to wander Corone to ensure the safety of everyone- with a target painted on his head by the Order of the Crimson Hand, Tobias wanted no harm to come to any of his new allies.

Wandering the wilds of Corone, Tobias forged the monstrous blade [URL="http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27175-A-Sea-of-Sorrows"]Blackheart[URL], a shortsword of Dehlar with a dangerously keen edge and an aura of sorrow that permeates when it is uncovered.

Further travels have brought him face to face with questions about the past and possibilities for the future.

Personality: Tobias is kind and compassionate to a fault, but it hides behind paranoia that has grown in the wake of Eiskalt. He is flirtatious and jokes with people he has warmed to, but cynical and sarcastic when guarded. When he becomes serious, his expression and voice exude confidence. During battle, he often plays with his opponents in an attempt to draw out their very best. He has a strong desire to face powerful opponents.


Commanding Presence: Such is Tobias' confidence and ability to lead that those around him feel compelled to follow him. He can issue a command that forces a weaker target to obey, and a target of equal strength must concentrate to resist. He can issue such a command to an entire group (no more than five), if he desires. (3× per thread)

Hellforged: His tenacity and willpower have bled into his very being through his trials and tribulations. As a result, blows that would normally knock over or throw a normal human backward merely cause him to stumble. His pain threshold is immense. (Endurance ×4)

Bane: Tobias' very being is anathema to the Eternal Tap. Magical attacks (example: fireballs, ice) still harm him, but magical effects do not. For example, magical enhancement, magically based healing, or mystical attempts on his mind are useless. He cannot travel through magical means, nor can he use magical devices. He is able to wield enchanted weapons, but he reaps no benefit from any effect that would benefit him.