View Full Version : The Gem of All Gems

Green Gwendolyn
06-03-14, 01:59 PM
(Closed to Cydnar Yrene (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25790-Northswain-Arfrost-(Cydnar-Level-Six)&highlight=Cydnar+Yrene) and BlueGhostofSeaside (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26920). All bunnying between me and BGoS is approved.)

Gwendolyn Stormhollow looked over the desert lands of sand beyond her. The elf had thrown her leather armor and cloak off and now was wearing a simple t-shirt and the only pants she had... yet she was still hot. She placed her hand over her eyes to block out the sun's radiation as she looked across the sand dunes with her elf eyes. She blinked and spoke to the person beside her, ".... Are you sure this is the place, Ashla?"

Next to her, Gwendolyn's cousin Ashla Icebreaker looked out with her. Now, Ashla's eyes were healthy, but not as keen as Gwendolyn's. The elf just had that gift... Meanwhile, a gift Gwendolyn wished she had from Ashla was her hair! Gwendolyn hated her thick, stringy hair. Ashla's was a tad bit longer and was lush and smooth. Gwendolyn's was too easily tangled, One thing they both had in common with their hair though was that it was adding extra baggage and was making them sweat even more. That was why Ashla was currently pulling it back, "I know you don't like it, Gwen", Ashla replied to her, "But this is it..."

Gwen looked at her cousin with a nod. The two teenage girls were on a mission: to find Gwendolyn good materials for an arrow. Ashla Icebreaker had stayed in Fallien for about two years before travelling elsewhere, Ashla still didn't have much knowledge of the languages and customs here, but at least she knew the map. Ashla looked over to with her blue eyes and smiled, Gwen returned to the smile, eyeing her cousin and best friend with her own brown ones.

Gwen looked down into the valley below and lifted her fist high in the air, "Then let's do this thing!"

Gwen immediately jumped down into the dunes - but was stopped by Ashla's hand yanking her arm, "Wait!"

Gwen was hoisted up by a girl with lesser strength than her's... so embarrassing... Gwen then lashed out at her, throwing her arms off, "What's wrong with you?!"

Ashla glared at her, "No, what's wrong with you?"

Gwen shut up right there, Ashla had given her her signature death glare... not to be toyed with. "W-What's wrong?"

Ashla sluggishly pointed to the location behind them, sitting beneath the burning blue sky. "We need to collect supplies first."

There it was. A small, simple town out in the middle of nowhere. It was the last settlement here for about one hundred miles, a long ways to go without food water, and in their cases, mining materials.

Blonde Gwen rubbed the back of her sticky neck, laughing nervously, "Oh- uh. Heh heh... Sorry."

Ashla warmed up a bit and flashed her a smile, "Then let's go. Shall we?"

Gwendolyn nodded, she was indeed ready! As soon as they got their supplies, they would be off for the perfect gem the young elf needed to make her signature arrow...

06-03-14, 04:23 PM
The Town of Al Jharid, Fallien
The Hour of the Pig

On the surface, in the sun, Cydnar Yrene was no more than a pedlar. Beneath the cracked husk of the world’s surface, he was the High Salthias. In his people’s tongue, Ulnar, the lord council member and spiritual leader. In Fallien, he was nothing more than a foreigner was. He was a disease. He was a blight. He was king of nothing.

“I do not know how much longer I can tolerate this heat,” he whispered.

His brother, standing by his side, was more enthusiastic about their excursion. Having spent his life in servitude to his people’s military, an expeditionary mission was refreshing and uplifting. He patted Cydnar on the back boisterously and smiled.

“If you insist on wearing those robes,” he began, pointing at the long vestiges of a title long dead. “Well,” he sighed. “You will suffer.”

Cydnar glanced at Dalasi’s naked torso enviously. Had he his brother’s youth he would have taken it upon himself to shed the purple and white robes there and then, but he was not. Old habits, especially those centuries in the making, died hard.

“Look around you, Dalasi.” He chose to fight with words, rather than rippling musculature. “We are far from home and we must uphold what little remains of our tradition les it be lost.”

“It is already lost, Cydnar.” Dalasi pointed north, to a bell tower clad in sandstorm’s caress. “The desert is our home…or could be.”

Cydnar walked ahead towards the town’s heart. As with all the settlements on the island of Fallien, the heart was the bazaar. This town, in particular, fuelled by hunting. The outer stalls at the end of the street filled with quivers, arrows, nets, and traps. Deeper mysteries awaited them at the epicentre.

“The day we stay here is the day Nidhogg, our sworn enemy, is victorious.” The resentment in his statement silenced Dalasi’s jubilation. The half-naked sibling settled on strolling a few feet behind his brother as they advanced further into the township.

“So why are we here, then?” he hazarded after several turns in the increasingly busy road. Bedouin stragglers vanished and the crowd ahead danced with colour, vibrancy, and diversity unrivalled. “You have refused to tell me for three days. Enough is enough.” In the wake of their civilisation’s destruction, titles and stations were lost. For the first time in their lives, Cydnar had to contend with Dalasi as an equal.

Staring with serpentine eyes and a forked tongue, Cydnar set sights on an empty stall to set up temporary shop. Someone, with a loud mouth, was looking for a particular type of crystal. As they were here to forge alliances and learn more of the Hummel’s new surface neighbours – whomsoever sought the crystal of all crystals was their first port of call of many. The Hummel spies lived in every city, bastions guarding the long dead secrets of the Underdark.

“I am going to do what I do best.” He pointed ahead. Dalasi followed the gesture and frowned.

“You brought me to whittle crystals?” he despaired.

Cydnar chuckled, for the first time since dawn. “No, brother.” He pointed to the right of the stall, where a placard and broom rested. “You are my assistant, and the person who will play devil’s advocate when I make Gwendolyn an offer she cannot refuse.”

The placid expression on the long-eared elf’s face vanished.

“Forever in your shadow,” Dalasi spat. They set to work, all the while wondering why the strange message about this high elf had reached them all the way in Salvar’s cold, forgetting clime.

06-03-14, 05:53 PM
Ashla an Gwendolyn were now walking through the rushed market, full of constant, heated bodies which made the two girls sweat even more. Ashla looked around for a market for some water bottles, but she could find none. Then, suddenly, Gwen yanked her wrist and pulled her towards a shop which had gems in them. Ashla's eyes narrowed, "We probably should go and just find them."

Gwen glanced at Ashla, apparently the blonde was confused, "Why?"

Ashla sighed, "We should find these gems raw." Ashla knew that in the market, things could be changed or even counter-fitted. And indeed, finding rare gems in a regular market was rare.

Gwen didn't look so convinced though, she crossed her arms across her chest in a flash of attitude, "Well, buying them here is faster."

Ashla let out a brief laugh, one which was challenging to her cousin, "Hey," She lifted her finger in a 'know it all' way, "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."

Gwen growled, "Guess what, I do not wanna trudge around in this irritating sand, this intense heat, when I could get something I want right here."

Ashla rolled her eyes, obviously she just didn't get it. Ashla had been here longer than Gwen, she knew better! "Gwen! The real gems are-" She pointed towards the direction of the gate, "-Out there! You want the real thing? Better conditions? Better damage?" Ashla placed her hands on her hips, "You'll have to follow me then."

Gwen starred at her, "Y-You just don't-"

Ashla didn't want any more complaining, she had had enough. So she simply turned around to go. However, the heated girl hadn't been watching her surroundings; when she turned around she ran right into someone. Ashla's mood suddenly changed, her angry face turned into one of surprise and embarrassment. Ashla lifted her hands, hands with leather brown gloves over them, and stammered, "I- uh- just..." She blinked and shook her head, "I- I want so-o sorry, I-"

"-It's my fault, I drove her away!"

Gwendolyn was standing right next to her. Ashla eyed her in even more surprise, hadn't they been yelling and screaming at each other a moment ago? Now, it seemed, her cousin was here to defend her. Ashla let out a relieved sigh and smiled weakly, Gwen was indeed the family she had always wanted...

The elf looked towards Ashla and nodded. They eyed each other bravely before looking back to the man they had run into.

06-04-14, 06:24 AM
Cydnar, not quite believing his eyes and ears, stared non-chalant at the duo. An awkward minute of silence put distance between the four strangers and the awkward incident. Dalasi, for once with his wits about him, stepped forwards on his brother’s behalf.

“It’s quite alright,” he offered. He gestured to Cydnar. “My brother often has his head in the clouds.”

The swordsman let out a light-hearted chuckle, broken by Cydnar’s glare and the growing sound of the bazaar’s crowds teething and seething towards bargains promised.

“No harm done,” Cydnar offered, in better-enunciated Tradespeak than Dalasi. He bowed, not too far forwards, and folded his hands across his front. The mention of crystals put him on guard. Distrust bred into contempt in his gut, and his fangs extended behind placid lips curled into a smile.

“Perhaps it is fate,” Dalasi suggested. He rested his hands on his hips and beamed a smile of his own. No fangs, distrust, and devilry – just friendly tone. “Do you know where we can sell our wares?”

This was Cydnar’s cue. He flexed his fingers readily and allowed his mind to relax, recoil, and conjure. He raised his hands so they cupped an invisible bowl, and then set the two palms together. He pulled them apart with a radix of power, and there, in sunlight’s caress, a quartz sphere formed. It was vermillion, and umbra, and harnessing the power of the shadows.

“I am an artisan of crystal, though poor for the privilege.”

Dalasi turned to Gwendolyn. “Unless you just happen to know of someone around here?” It all seemed too convenient. It all seemed too purposeful. Their altogether calm demeanour suggested deception, but perhaps salvation could masque their precognition.

Green Gwendolyn
06-04-14, 03:26 PM
Gwendolyn eyed the man she and Ashla stood in front of. He looked much like an elf to her, he seemed to carry the age and ears of her people, he looked 'wise'... And Gwendolyn was this little peep. Knowing how to rust people similar to her own, Gwendolyn smiled as her eyes shone with awe and the mens' magics. "I- I would be glad to-"

- Once again, Ashla interrupted.

Gwen's irritation towards her half-breed cousin rose again as Ashla pulled her over, "How can you trust these men?" She asked.

Gwendolyn rolled her eyes, "Hey, they are making a ice deal."

Ashla's eyes narrowed, but this time Gwen wasn't intimidated. "You've lived in the world your entire life, have you ever met anyone who stabbed you in the back?"

That made Gwen want to scream. She knew plenty of people who had betrayed her and abused her. Gwen's hand fell over her mouth as her entire body shook in the internal pain building up, "D-don't say things..."

Ashla sighed, her face slightly lighting up. She placed her hand on her shoulder, "How would they be different?"

Gwen felt weak, she still shook as the bright Fallien sun caused drips of clear water to drip from her entire body. "I... Ash?"

Ashla suddenly grew to have a look of deep concern, a sympathetic chuckle coming out"Aw, Gwen, don't look so pathetic!"

But Gwendolyn was already crying on her shoulder. Only seconds later though, the brunette Icebreaker had pushed Gwen away, "Gwen, you're making me sweat more..."

Gwendolyn whipped her tears away, tears which were making her look even worse with how much she was sweating, "S-Sorry..."

Ashla smiled, "All right, we'll let these two in but- be careful, Gwendolyn..."

Gwendolyn pushed her certain memories of her backstabbing father aside and regained her composure, "Alright."

Ashla smiled a warm smile this time. Gwendolyn nervously smiled back. Ashla should have known better though, Gwen thought. The blonde had been pushed away and thrown out by the very person who had raised her and taught her his entire life. Gwen's father. Being reminded of him here had caused Gwendolyn to melt down. And turning to face the two strangers again, Gwendolyn knew she would not make the same mistake again.

"Alright," Gwen told them, "I am interested."

06-10-14, 01:20 AM
Cydnar curled his lips into a soft, welcoming smile. He gestured with his hands towards the empty stall a second time.

“You have crystals here?” Gwen asked, doubting herself as she did. She looked at the rickety wooden frame of the market stand. Though the front had a red and white striped tabard, she doubted there was anything behind it, hidden beneath the beer and blood stained counter top.

“No, m’lady. That is our stall, or will be at sunrise,” Dalasi explained. He chuckled as best a battle-hardened elf could.

“Rest. We have travelled far. Tomorrow morning, return here my lady and we shall discuss what I can do for you,” Cydnar instructed. Though the elf already knew – prospect a tool to set the girl on a bright future’s path, he had been mysterious and ominous enough.

“If that meets your liking, ladies?” Dalasi added. They rehearsed the routine many a time, developed over many meetings.

In the service to Yrene, the World Eater, the Yrene siblings had visited many surface dwelling would-be heroes. The very same offer as made to Gwendolyn had forged men and women in blood and honour. Elves in Raiaera on the way to Bladesinger or blood mage. Fallieni tribesmen on the way to cultist or collaborator. Coronian youth on the way to rebel or rioter. Wherever magic was to decide the fate of many, the few watched silent and guarded Althanas proper.

Cydnar waited for the answer arms folded across his front and frozen eyes admiring the beauty in her wild passion and freeborn zeal.

06-27-14, 10:37 PM
Ashla lifted an eyebrow at the men telemarketing to them. This could be a trap? They may want to kidnap and torture them. They may want to murder them and sell their corpses for gold. They may even be sent from the Crimson Hand to destroy Eiskalt's former duchess...

... But Ashla was tired of being this cynical. Besides, Ashla already had given her cousin Gwen control of the situation, she would leave the final decision to her.

A gust of wind sent all four peoples' hair flying around their heads. Sand also swirled around their feet, almost in a dust devil. Ashla scuffled her feet, getting her black leather boots even more sandy than what they already were. She awaited Gwen's reply.

Ashla looked over to the blonde she happened to be related to, Gwen was smiling. "Fine," The young elf shrugged, "We'll meet up tomorrow... then we shall get our crystals."

Ashla smiled at how affirmative Gwen's voice was. She usually was rather carefree, but Gwen's voice carried maturity she recently hadn't displayed. Was Gwen being more conscious this time around? Maybe it was the memories of her father Ashla had stirred in her that caused her to become more in control. Ashla did feel guilty for bringing it up, as she too hated to look back on the bad memories of her past.

Both girls had been betrayed by someone within their families, and it had damaged them both. Ashla placed it across her mind not to use the same technique as last time - and to give Gwen another apology. The elf was smiling right now, but Ashla could see that she was now being more grown up. Ashla somehow felt even more ashamed, neither she nor Gwen were of age to be considered adults yet they were both forced to behave like them. Ashla enjoyed goofing off with Gwendolyn in private, but in public she would be embarrassed when Gwen would openly toy with her at the worse times. Ashla was proud of Gwendolyn for acting more grown up, but now she wondered if she was being too hard on her cousin. Elves were supposed to be wise, but Gwen was still young. It made Ashla want to cry knowing that the exact same description fitted her. Ashla wanted to be young like she used to, but there was still much that clung to her back like a leech.

Ashla was so carried away in her thoughts, that she was missing out on the rest of the conversation...

07-29-14, 03:03 AM
The Next Day

Come morning, the conversation from the preceding afternoon all but forgotten. They had discussed so many different things, in a hyperactive whirl through life histories Cydnar was reluctant to meet with the women again. Dalasi chuckled all morning at his brother’s discomfort, especially for one so versed in dichotomy and the finer arts of ‘polite conversation’.

“You really must stop,” the politician grumbled. He leant over the counter and tried to swipe for the swordsman but his brother was too quick.

Hoping back, Dalasi spread his arms innocently. “Stop what, brother dearest?”

Cydnar playfully (for once), stuck out his tongue. They fell into silence once again. The sun shone cheerfully overhead, as ever it did. So early in the morning, it was only scorching, and not the usual jubilant desolating blast of heat it was come midday. For that, alone the elves were glad. They could conduct business out in the busy bazaar till then, before moving inside into the cool catacombs of Fallien’s seedy backstreet merchant markets.

“Do you think they’ll still be interested?”

Dalasi put down a crate, straightened at the knee, and rested his hands on his hips. Though happy and glad Cydnar had found something to do outside the new city they now called home, the swordsman was far from. Though he trusted Gwendolyn, she just seemed too eager. Eager people irked his military mind – there was no strategy to it, only enthusiasm.

“I’d say so,” Cydnar replied flippantly. He jabbed a finger along the boulevard, eyes not removing from the tray of fine quartz jewellery he was arranging on the counter. The velveteen backing was deep purple, like his robes, and the wares were already attracting pudgy merchants and sand scorched harlots.

“Oh?” Dalasi turned north, and sure enough, there they were. Chirppy as ever, their two compatriots in circumstance and opportunity were approaching. “Then I guess we’ve crystals to find and deals to strike…,” he muttered, lip bit ion chagrin, eyes settled on the bow on the woman’s back.