View Full Version : Let's tell a story.

Amber Eyes
06-03-14, 11:38 PM
Pretty simple really, if you could see one site-wide story what would it be?

Christoph and Fox have been working hard on updating the wiki and regions, now what do we want to do with it?

Anything goes, no idea is too big or small. Maybe you'll find an interested partner or maybe we'll decide to have a staff-run event with the potential to change our world. Throw your suggestions out there.

Tobias Stalt
06-04-14, 12:24 AM
I'd like to see a restoration of Raiaera arc.

06-04-14, 12:32 AM
I could go for that.

06-04-14, 01:01 AM
The Undead Crusades!

We finally get to purify the blighted lands. Perhaps we can reclaim Euriland!

I'm down for that.

06-04-14, 01:27 AM
Then Grond will oppose you.

Flames of Hyperion
06-04-14, 03:46 AM
A few notes off the top of my head...

- Quentin's Dragon War FQ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27302-Dragon-War-FQ).
- Turn the backstory of the Gisela into something similar to Warhammer's Dark Shadows Albion campaign from a while back: a whole bunch of armies fighting to explore and exploit a recently revealed New World.
- Restoring Raiaera was originally going to be left to individual players after the FQ. The fact that no real progress has been made yet... *zips mouth*. There's also the fact that 'remnant Death Lord' makes for a great one-shot antagonist, though there can't be many of those remaining. Furthermore, much of the land is so thoroughly defiled as to be irrecoverable. In any case, I was going to have a couple of my characters revisit the region as well.
- Said same characters are also going to explore the idea of a dwarven insurrection against their dark elf overlords. Alerar needs more strife, other than Luned's mutants.
- All of my stories are set within the larger arc of the Doom of Althanas (the Cataclysm) and the Return of N'jal and her Disciples. I briefly explore the endgame in the February Vignette (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26880-February-Vignette).

06-04-14, 06:13 AM
Restoring Raiaera!

Rayse Valentino
06-13-14, 10:14 AM
Okay, let's roll with what Lye said.

The Plaguelands, The Blight, The Black Morass, The Darklands, whatever you want to call it.

Following the conclusion of The Corpse War, it's not like everything went back to normal. Necromantic energies still lingered in the countryside, especially Western Raiaera that suffered the most from the war. Large swaths of land were infected by the nether, zombifying both the flora and the fauna. Animals became cannibalistic, herbivores turned into carnivores, and even plants started developing carnivorous features.

Seeing their opportunity, Alerar invaded Raiaera, both as an easy land grab and under the pretense of 'restoring' the elven lands. However, the poisonous plaguelands drove them out after many of their warriors were zombified, as too much of the very air in those areas could infect you, and many of their zeppelins were destroyed by mutated zombie birds. Not only that, but many of the fallen elven warriors now wandered the lands, reanimated. Up until now, efforts to pacify the plaguelands have been underway.

Recently, it has begun to expand like veins across Raiaera, zombifying everything in its wake. Threatening both Western Raiaera and Alerar just beyond the mountains, the two nations have put aside their differences and have put out a call to arms to adventurers to stop this madness before it consumes the world. There are rumors that many of the Forgotten Generals that were under Xem'zund's command still lurk in these lands, some suspect they are behind this plague, but others doubt that they had that kind of power.

The plaguelands have even extended into The Red Forest, turning those areas into some of the most dangerous in the world. Some suggest that the source of the growth is in there.

An active participant in all this is the College Arcana in Beinost, where wizards have been working on multiple solutions to the problem.

In this story, there are not two, but three sides:

1) The side that wants to find the source of the plague, assuming there is one, and eradicate it. If there is a sentient element behind all this, adventurers must go deep into the plaguelands and vanquish it. This side is supported by the joint Raiaeran-Aleran organization.

2) The smallest side, a small collection of Beinost wizards that seek a cure for the plague, to return the lands to their former state. Adventurers would be tasked with research, exploration, and trying to bring back specimens alive-ish.

3) The medium-sized side, which comprises most of the Beinost wizards. They are under the perception that the time to act is now, before the plague reaches Beinost and destroys the last bastion of Raiaeran civilization. They are researching dangerous, destructive magic, and are planning for the worst case scenario: Wiping out the plaguelands. Such a move would turn much of Eastern Raiaera into a craterous desert. Adventurers would assist in the dangerous research, and it would help to already be a magic user in this regard.

The three sides don't have to be in direct competition, but they represent different points of view as legitimate means to solve the problems they face.

edit: Actually, we could have some optional expansions here.

Let's say after The Corpse War, necromancy was banned worldwide, with any practitioners punished by death for it. This was basically unanimously decided by every known government. Necromancers, some evil, some just 'scientists', clearly don't like this situation, so they seek to preserve the plaguelands since they provide ample opportunities to practice their craft. Other sides can also support the expansion of the plaguelands, like Draug Remi for example, who wants worldwide chaos, and the plaguelands are a good way to bring that about.

Other 'evil' characters can want to preserve the plaguelands for their own nefarious purposes as well.

06-13-14, 10:36 AM
I really like the suggestions Rayse made above.


06-13-14, 11:07 AM
Seems like a solid framework. Anyone down for taking a break from killing each other and doing a huge quest?


06-13-14, 12:06 PM
An FQ you say? I'm in!

Though Oblivion is still running around Scara Brae after blowing a hole in the palace...so there's that, too :P

Rayse Valentino
06-16-14, 10:54 AM
The lore for all the Death Lords/Forgotten Generals/Lieutenants is already there. I developed them during the FQ, Flames did, and others did. The Siege of Eluriand is one thread that can be used as reference material for the types of forces Xem'zund commanded. Flames also had some army battle threads.

Althanas doesn't have too many super dangerous locations. I feel like virtually anyone can go anywhere without much trouble with the right writing.

Maybe we could divide the plaguelands in 3 or 4:

Outer Plaguelands- Recommended Levels 1-3: This area is safe to breathe in, has a few wandering zombies, a few infected plants and animals, with the occasional pack of zombies.

The Purple Morass- Recommended Levels 4-7: Beyond the Outer Plaguelands, you find yourself here. Without filtration or some other sort of way to prevent it, breathing in a few hours of air here has the chance to infuse your body with the lingering nether energies, transforming you into a mindless zombie. The water has been turned into misty pools of poisonous purple, and all of the plants are infected, the trees twisted with bulbous sacs. The undead are slightly more numerous here, and some animals have mutated into larger, dangerous forms. Large numbers of undead birds roam the area, looking for people to attack. Packs of zombies are more common, and some of them are trained elven warriors. There are some mysteries in these lands, and some say that paths have been carved through the swamps and underground caves house some of the missing Death Lords.

Deep Plaguelands- Recommended Level 8+: If one makes it through The Morass, they get here. Large herds of zombies roam these lands, with the largest and more fierce of animals ready to tear apart anything that still lives. The plants themselves have become carnivorous, growing under the ground and creating traps. Infection can occur within minutes without protection. The most dangerous of the Death Lords have been sighted in this area, as well as powerful artifacts that some suspect have been spreading the nether. Coming here with anything less than an army is considered suicidal, and even then the losses would be terrible.

The Scarlet Pocket- Recommended Level ??: The section of the Deep Plaguelands that is located in The Red Forest. This area is completely unscouted, but needless to say, combining The Forgotten Pode's magic with The Forgotten Xem'zund's has created an area so dangerous it can't even be classified. Anyone who enters this area is considered lost.

06-16-14, 08:24 PM
+1 with reservations. The Magus is still winding down, as is Eiskalt, and Gisela is coming up. Badass idea, but I would recommend letting it wait a while.

Rayse Valentino
06-17-14, 11:05 AM
I don't see the harm in creating lore. I'm gonna try to find all the living Death Lords that I know of. The backstory for them all is up in the air. I think I asked Sighter for descriptions of some of these.

Not much is known about The Death Lords or where they came from. Some say they were simply the most powerful warriors Xem'zund encountered early in the war, and then bound their corpses to his command. The only consistent feature is that they are all powerful necromancers. After Xem'zund's death, it was assumed that the necromantic power that bound them to the world faded, but it looks like that was not the case.

Shin'dril, The Endless Horde - This Death Lord is actually deceased. During the war, a memory-stealing, shape-shifting necromancer killed him and assumed his role as Death Lord, gaining all of his abilities. The shape-shifter now refers to himself as Shin'dril. He is capable of controlling the largest amount of zombies outside of Xem'zund. His army consisted of three divisions: Legion Gelucious; the zombie horde, Legion Clades; The wolf men, and Legion Celes; the over-sized muscle-bound human troop. The latter two have since been zombified by the plaguelands. He is covered with a black cloak and a hood to obscure his features, although he is known to have a long, gaunt, pale face and pointed ears. While the original Shin'dril was quite weak in close combat, the shape-shifter has immense strength.

Elmirah, The Spellsinger - She is a young-looking woman with a purple-ponytail, several weapons on her sheath, and fully armored. She has pointed ears, suggesting elven origins. Elmirah is mainly known for commanding a large number of zombies that could use offensive magic, named The Deathcasters. During The Siege of Eluriand, she flung countless numbers of fireballs over the walls. She is also extremely fast and can best even Bladesingers in close combat.

Lomixsazon, The Elven Bane - Lomix is a big, bulky half-demon. He has short hair and a small rat-tail, sharp eyes and sharper eyebrows. He is known for his tactical prowess and being able to feel the flow of battle. He has dispatched half a dozen Bladesingers by himself. He has a few elven lieutenants under him named Fenwe, Telperien, and Alasse Sirfalas. They are masters of espionage and subterfuge, being known for infiltrating The High Bard Council.

Haraldur Rekajaven, The Patient - He is a Salvaran male who waits for the right opportunity before attacking. His zombies included many archers, spear-throwers, slingers, and other ranged units, although his melee units were known simply as 'The Ogres', and they were the most powerful melee units in the army.

Thendor Wolfsbane and Dhenu Saba - These are two Death Lords who perished in the siege of Eluriand.

All of the mentioned Death Lords so far were involved in the siege of Eluriand. I don't know of any others.

Reference threads: The Siege of Eluriand (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?16058-The-Siege-of-Eluriand)
Spring's First Crimson Blossoms (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?19884-MQ-Spring-s-First-Crimson-Blossoms)