View Full Version : Items Of Althanian Legend!

Silence Sei
06-06-14, 01:38 PM

In this thread we do not honor heroes. We do not acclaim warriors or praise magecraft.

This thread is a memorial to famous items. Many an Althanas hero has wielded a sword that should, by all rights, be renowned. People should whisper of the blade in the streets: even if it is nothing special, even if it is a simple steel blade, rumors spread of how it can slay at a touch or magically return if it is lost. These items are legendary.

Here are the current legendary items. They are alphabetized according to the first name of the character who owned them originally.

Legendary Items from the Lands of Althanas

Ashiakin's Bow
Item Type: Ulder and Stone Golem Hide Composite Recurve Bow
Original Owner: Ashiakin Azzarak
Current Owner: Ashiakin Azzarak
Current Location: With Ashiakin Azzarak
Special Powers: A bow crafted by Salvic mage-smiths during the Wars of the Tap, it is powerful, swift, and accurate. While it has no specific enchantments, it has an otherworldly mystique that often draws the eyes of collectors and warriors alike.

Yarina's Armor
Item Type: Mythril Armor (two gauntlets, a breastplate, a circlet and boots)
Original Owner: Various owners, depends on the armor piece
Current Owner: Brynhilde Darkthorne
Current Location: With Brynhilde Darkthorne
Special Powers: Each piece of the armor has a specific ability, aiding one of the phsyical or mental attributes of the wearer. However, the greatest power comes into play when all of the items are combined into a complete armor. Once the armor is complete, it enables the wearer to enter the Underworld with no threats to one's soul.

The Slayer Songbook
Item Type: A book covered in Demonhide
Original Owner: Unknown, earned by Damon Kaosi in a quest
Current Owner: Damon Kaosi
Current Location: With Damon Kaosi.
Special Powers: The book contains song magic geared towards hunting the undead. Many of the spells in the book have uses for other people as well. Damon has added a few interesting spells into the book, as have other bards at Turlin and Dagorlin.

The Malebolge Spirit
Item Type: Etherial spirit
Other names: The Malebolge (Damon Kaosi), Tyranagauge (Zephyriah Ablione), Ssussun (Damon Kaosi).
Original Owner: Was spawned of dark magic in the Obsidian Spire. Damon Kaosi was the first to use it.
Current Owner: Damon Kaosi
Current Location: Trapped in the adamantine gladius Ssussun.
Special Powers: This spirit moves from sword to sword. You can’t find it, instead the spirit chooses you. The Malebolge will give the wielder of the sword the power the wielder most craves, but in exchange will cajole the wielder into doing its bidding. The Malebolge Spirit is single minded in seeking fame for its owner, no matter what the cost. The spirit is now trapped in a sword possessed by Damon Kaosi, though it is likely that he will seek to bury or hide it somewhere.
*Item open to questers who ask original owner via PM before going on a search for it.*

Item Type: Single headed axe with a stake at its base.
Original Owner: Damon Kaosi
Current Owner: Damon Kaosi
Current Location: With Damon Kaosi
Special Powers: If someone strikes the ground with it, they can summon thorny vines.

The Rotslayer
Item Type: Massive Single Edged Titanium Sword
Original Owner: Dan Lagh'ratham
Current Owner: With Witchblade
Current Location: Above the Silver Pub's bar.
Special Powers: None, beyond it's tremendous weight. Tales of the sword cutting a bloody swath through battlefields attest to its power, however. It is rumored that its original owner blunted its humongous blade, though, so even if one could manage to lift it, it is doubtful the sword will ever kill again, save in the hands of the man who first washed its blade in blood.

Devon's Sword
Item Type: Steel Longsword
Original Owner: Devon dan Sabriel
Current Owner: Skiel dan Sabriel
Current Location: With Skiel dan Sabriel
Special Powers: It's a steel longsword. It was found powering the pedestal that kept the undead in Eluriand alive, and it also tripped the pedestal that reversed the enchantment, so it may be more than meets the eye...

Rail Gun
Item Type: A Cold Fusion Rail Gun
Original Owner: Eleric Hybrid
Current Owner: None
Current Location: Locked Beyond The Fourth Wall
Special Powers: Capable of shooting a bolt of copper at light-speed, in defiance of all laws of physical matter, this weapon was rapidly banned by the Althanas Council on Ridiculous Weaponry. Centered in Radasanth, the Council charged that Eleric purchased his weapon by walking beyond the normal boundaries of continuity, and consigned the weapon to remain locked forever behind the Gates of Non-Sensibility.

Item Type: Finely Crafted Mythril Long Sword
Original Owner: Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Owner: Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Location: With Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Special Powers: With concentration, the wielder can fire bolts of white light at enemies. These bolts are deadly to undead or impure monsters, but do very little except annoy other enemies. The sword itself can harm the undead, but its touch can also heal minor wounds suffered by wielder and ally alike. It was forged from the metal of Vardaturil, Findelfin's first sword, by a master elvensmith of Haidia, to proclaim Findelfin as the chief battle-leader of the Elves.

Item Type: Harp, Gold and Silver, Gut-stringed
Original Owner: Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Owner: Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Location: In Findelfin's villa above Valinatal
Special Power: It is nothing more than a fine harp, perfectly tuned, and enchanted to never lose pitch or break a string. It was a gift from Varalad Del Tirin for Findelfin's attempt to save Eluriand from the undead. Its Elvish name means "Dusk Singer."

Twisted Blade
Item Type: Short Sword, Metal Unknown
Original Owner: Unknown, discovered by Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Owner: Unknown
Current Location: Unknown
Special Power: When Findelfin found this blade in his first adventure on Althanas, it twisted in his hands and tried to attack him of its own will. Although purified, this blade always bore marks of where the metal buckled and turned. Findelfin lost this blade a long time ago, and knows little more about it.
*Item open to questers who ask original owner via PM before going on a search for it.*

Jinkourai Ittou
Item Type: Black Diamond Falchion
Original Owner: Hikari no Ashigaru
Current Owner: None
Currently Location: Monolith Clearing
Special Abilities: Jinkourai Ittou, also known as the Falchion of Light, was connected to its owner at a profound level. It could be vanished into another dimension and recalled at his command to our own. When in his hands, it possessed a bright glow of moonlight, which increased at his desire. It came to pass that the dark elf's prized weapon was shattered by his teammate, Elrundir Galadhrim, in a Lornius Corporate Challenge match. Its countless pieces are now strewn throughout the Monolith Clearing's amphitheater.

Tarry Wheeler's Sword
Item Type: Large, double edged samurai sword. The blade is made of tungsten, the handel is leather wraped oak. The blade is of slightly alien design.
Original Owner: The samurai, Jarkan
Current Owner: Corvus (Destrata) MacCallum
Current Location: Ask Corvus
Special Powers: A sword designed and built for Jarkan, an ancient samurai on Tarry's home planet of Najin. It is guarded by the spirits of its previous weilders (with the exception of Tarry). If the spirits feel the current wielder is worthy they will aid them in various ways, if not then they abandon the sword until it falls into the correct hands.

The Cerement of Joonh
Type: A 30 foot long winding cloth intertwined with N'jalian spidersilk.
Original Owner: Joonh, Y'eddan battlecleric.
Current Owner: Rakh (previously Ithermoss)
Current Location: Rakh's personal chambers.
Special Powers: When wound around the body, usually the torso, it makes distinctive features completely uninteresting, and seemingly not there. The character goes almost entirely unnoticed unless intention proves otherwise.

Item Type: Titanium Katana
Original Owner: Kadarus Salidan
Current Owner: Kadarus Salidan
Current Location: With Kadarus Salidan
Special Powers: A blood red hue surrounds this weapon, but whether this indicates an enchantment or not is still unknown. It was the weapon by which Yari Rafanas and Treslizn were slain in the Ice Reaver-Façade war, and for this singular achievement it gains its fame...and notoriety.

The Shawl of Kylin Rouge
Item Type: Black Shawl
Original Owner: Kylin Rouge
Current Owner: Unknown
Current Location: Unknown
Special Powers: It appears to be a normal black shawl, but when standing in a shadow it allows the wearer to become completely invisible to the naked eye, as long as the user stays still.

The Shard of Miasma
Item Type: A small, light blue crystal shard
Original Owner: Kylin Rouge
Current Owner: Unknown
Current Location: Unknown
Special Powers: A strange crystal of mysterious origin, it has very potent and reusable healing abilities. It can only heal life-threatening or fatal injuries once per day, while light or moderate wounds may be tended to multiple times per day. It also has a one-time use of bringing someone back from the dead.

Leon's Yarn
Item Type: A yarn ball that is as hard as metal.
Original Owner: Leon Timyon
Current Owner: Leon Timyon
Current Location: On Leon Timyon's body.
Special Powers: While merely just a hard yarn ball, there have been rumors of this item doing far more. Some will claim that it can move of its own accord, others that it fights like a snake beside its owner, and even cut through an enemy's neck when pressed into it. Whether there is more of the material remains to be seen, but this particular ball has proven to be a worthy weapon.

Blade of the Judicator
Item Type: Adamantine Bastard Sword
Original Owner: Unknown, extracted from the land of Nyd
Current Owner: Letho Ravenheart
Current Location: With Letho Ravenheart
Special Powers: Supposedly forged by the gods to serve as a weapon during the Time of Destruction, this sword’s power is unimaginable. One of the fabled skills is that the blade can erase a person from existence completely. However, all of its powers are currently locked to Myrhianna Bastillien who refuses to wield such a powerful weapon.

The Lawmaker
Item Type: Dehlar Gunblade
Original Owner: Letho Ravenheart
Current Owner: Letho Ravenheart
Current Location: With Letho Ravenheart
Special Powers: This weapon in a hybrid between a hunting rifle (14mm caliber) and a heavy dehlar blade attached to it (with an inscription “Lawmaker” on the blade surface), creating a formidable six-foot weapon that most cannot handle due to the massive recoil and the sheer mass of the weapon.

Symbiotic Armor
Item Type: Mysterious Armor
Original Owner: Unknown, first seen with Lorenor
Current Owner: Unknown
Current Location: Rumored to be in Haidia
Special Powers: A symbiote made by a race known as The Endless, to wield this armor requires that one give up his or her "Atma," or soul, to The Endless. The symbiote feeds upon the negative energy of the wielder, and in return grows stronger and more capable of offering protection to its owner. Symbiotic Armor takes on characteristics unique to the wielder. Can be sought in Haidia.

Blood Sword
Item Type: Mysterious Sword
Original Owner: Lorenor
Current Owner: Unknown
Current Location: Rumored to be in Haidia
Special Powers: Possibly an extension of Lorenor's symbiotic armor and a living organism in its own right, the Blood Sword can suck blood from those it wounds. With the right conditions, it can suck the Atma from someone's body entirely. A massive curved weapon boasting an inner and outer binder, the blade’s sides are serrated to inflict greater damage upon a potential victim. It was specially created for chopping damage. *Item open to questers who ask original owner via PM before going on a search for it.*

Rakthean's Emerald Headband
Item Type: Emerald Encrusted Headband
Original Owner: Rakthean dil' Taros
Current Owner: Zieg dil' Tulfried
Current Location: In the Demon Army Headquarters
Special Power: None, merely a symbol of power

Swordcane of Leopold Stevens
Item Type: Steel Swordcane
Original Owner: Sir Leopold Lord Stevens, Esq., the Duke of Marlborough
Current Owner: Findelfin ap Fingolfin
Current Location: The villa of Findelfin ap Fingolfin, above Valinatal
Special Powers: Can shoot a jet of fire and lightning out of the tip, and will return to the wielder if the wielder shouts, "Come!" and holds out his hand.

'Patented' Beretta 950
Item Type: Semi-Automatic Handgun
Original Owner: Max Dirks
Current Owner: Max Dirks
Currently Location: With Max Dirks
Special Abilities: None, but in the hands of its owner it has become one of the most feared weapons on Althanas. Its original location was Ayenee, a great land beyond the Gates of Sensibility.

The Gemini Blades
Item: Twin Blades
Original Owner: "Silence" Sei Orlouge
Current Owner: Sei Orlouge
Current Location: With Sei Orlouge
Special Powers: "Silence" Sei Orlouge originally took these blades when he took in his foster daughter, Anita, and slew a man terrorizing several Raiaeran villages with them. The Blades grant their user the power to split into a mirror image of himself, though the dopplegangers strength is directly dependent of that of the user at the time.

Ebony and Ivory
Item Type: Twin Prevalida Daggers
Original Owner: Seth Dahlios
Current Owner: Seth Dahlios
Current Location: With Seth Dahlios
Special Abilities: Ebony and Ivory began as simple steel daggers, but have slowly developed into different objects entirely. Their owner has performed countless acts of murder, and as a result Ebony and Ivory act as if they are coated in salt, doubling the pain received. They seem dedicated to their owner, and anyone who is not a direct descendant of Seth Dahlios will be greatly pained should they touch the daggers.

Item Type: Adamantine Longsword
Original Owner: Sorjax Narzack
Current Owner: Rumored to still be in the posession of Sorjax, however it is said that it may have been left for a worthy warrior to find.
Current Location: Rumor has it the blade rests somewhere in the Tular Plains.
Special Powers: It seems to be a regular blade, it's only value being sentimental. However when Sorjax returned to fight in the LCC a few years ago he returned with control over the darkness. Rumor has it that The Ki-Naris forged some sort of mystical energies into the blade, which lay dormant until the shadow woke it up. Only Sorjax knows what sort of powers his blade now carries.

Blade of Storm
Item Type: Titanium Dagger
Original Owner: Storm Veritas
Current Owner: Storm Veritas
Current Location: With Storm Veritas
Special Power: As its original owner was a wielder of electricity and master of such a dark art, rumor has it the power has been since imbued into the blade he wields so freely. Pulling the dagger from his hand and testing this rumor is a feat that none have yet successfully accomplished.

Thoracis's Mask
Item Type: Black Porcelain Mask
Original Owner: Thoracis Rakarth
Current Owner: Thoracis Rakarth
Current Location: With Tshael of the Moontae
Special Powers: None. The mask has no special powers. But since being severely burned in an intense battle with Sorjax Narzack the mask has become the single most identifiable feature of the famed ice-mage and general from Alerar.

Thoracis's Armor
Item Type: Dwarven Dehlar Chainmail
Original Owner: Thoracis Rakarth
Current Owner: Thoracis Rakarth
Current Location: With Thoracis Rakarth
Special Powers: This chainmail shirt was forged by the grandfather of Kharas Lightbringer of Kachuk for Thoracis before the Alerar/Raiaera War. It is embedded with many runes which make it glow like a rainbow. These runes include runes of protection from the elements of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire; a Lightweight Rune which makes the armor feel almost weightless; and a Rune of Speed that increases the wearer’s movement rate.

The Sword of House Aeyl
Item Type: Mythril Longsword with a Dragonbone Hilt
Original Owner: Unknown, likely a Raiaeran champion
Current Owner: Legeliwyn "Wyn" Aeyl
Current Location: With Legeliwyn "Wyn" Aeyl
Special Powers: A sword rumored to have been crafted by Raiaeran elves during the War of the Sixth School, it was lost and recovered much later by the human founder of the Aeyl line. It has no enchantments, but its excellent craftsmanship and rumored history make it noteworthy.

Item Type: Massive double-edged sword, unknown metal.
Original Owner: Valentina L. Snow
Current Owner: Valentina L. Snow
Current Location: In the depths of a pocket of shadow, awaiting its time to be used once again.
Special Powers: Seven feet long and doused in the blood of hundreds of victims, Plagueblade doesn't need any magic to be a formidable and terrifying weapon. Its power comes only from the woman who wielded it.

Yari’s Spear
Item Type: Liviol spear with a serrated prevalida blade.
Original Owner: Yari Rafanas
Current Owner: None
Current Location: The Sanctuary Vault
Special Powers: A weapon said to be responsible for Concordia’s victory over the Mindless. It has attached to it a silk ribbon rumored to have belonged to Yari’s mentor.

The Shark Daggers
Item Type: Two short mythril blades that are curved and shaped like deadly sea creatures
Original Owner: Unknown, first PC owner was Yari Rafanas
Current Owner: Yari Rafanas
Current Location: With Yari Rafanas
Special Powers: The weapons are enchanted with water elemental properties and have been passed down in the Bandit Brotherhood from one leader to the next.

Item Type: Osmium Short Sword
Original Owner: Zieg dil'Tulfried
Current Owner: Zieg dil'Tulfried
Current Location: With Zieg dil'Tulfried
Special Powers: It's connected directly to Zieg's soul and is fueled by it. It can burst into flames, is the focus of the legendary Flaming Cyclone ability, and was created by a legendary elven weaponsmith.

Type: A long ceremonial dagger formed of salts taken from the icy dunes of Salvar.
Original Owner: Zos, a Loremaster of the Shael Tribe.
Current Owner: Rakh (previously Ithermoss). When Zos's tribe was slaughtered, all mundane objects were sold. Coincidence led Ithermoss to purchase it as the Bazaar, of all places.
Current Location: At Rakh's side, always.
Special Powers: Leadership of the Red Hand and all assets thereof are symbolically bestowed upon the owner. Cuts from the blade make clean but excruciating wounds, due to the nature of the salt itself.

Destiny’s Book
Item Type - A simple faded tome.
Original Owner - Erissa Caedron
Current Owner - Erissa Caedron
Current Location - Erissa's quarters in Ixian Castle of Concordia.
Special Power - The faded leather binding of this tome look worn and well-used, yet somehow still timeless. Within the pages of this massive tome is knowledge of everything that ever way, and everything that even may be. Because of the fluid nature of time, the words on the pages, and even the pages themselves, are as shifting as events themselves. But even though nothing is set in stone, this book senses the reader’s desires and shows them what they want to know with the greatest possible accuracy. Still, even with the book’s help this tome’s massive size and fluid nature make it a necessity to study if the user wants to find what they are looking for. The owner of this tome can, if they so desire, know just about anything, although Destiny’s Book cannot be used at all in combat situations thanks to the difficulty one has reading it.

Item Type: Prevalida and Akashiman Redwood Spear
Original Owner: Karuka O'Sheean
Current Owner: Karuka O'Sheean
Current Location: With Karuka O'Sheean
Special Powers: The head of the spear is enchanted to deliver a powerful jolt of electricity on contact. As the longtime favored weapon of a powerful clairvoyant, an as-yet untested rumor has it that possession of the weapon could enable a sufficiently motivated individual a glimpse into the future.

Adding Items to the List

Not just anyone will be able to add one of their items to the list. In order for an item to qualify for legendary status, its owner must have done AT LEAST ONE of the following: Won a tournament or the Theatre of War. Led a power group that owned an HQ for at least three months or defeated an HQ-holding PG. Been a critical player in a tournament (such as Enforcing the AC) Performed a major service for a region. Been a "sensation," as it were. Maybe your character has been unique or a short-lived avatar, but they made a real splash and impression on Althanas while you were here. Or maybe they've rendered service to Althanas in ways that can't be expressed in the foregoing list. OR: if the item itself did something fascinating, such as slaying a major player character or ending a war, the item can qualify on its own merits.If you qualify, PM me with the item you would like to consider "legendary." Remember, a legendary item should be one that is very important to your character, not just any old thing, so choose wisely. You can have more than one item, if you fulfill more than one requirement, or fulfill one requirement multiple times. If an item you list is unowned or its location is currently unknown, but you wish you reserve its use, please let me know so I can reserve it. If you wish to open the use to someone else, provided they PM you with their idea first and get approval, then note that too.

Also, just so everyone knows, the following people deserve items, but I either haven't been able to contact them or they haven't given me the entry yet. According to what I figure, the number in parentheses is the number they are permitted to list: if you're on this list, PM me with your entry and you'll get it, no questions asked. If you should be on this list, let me know. I'm trying to be fair to everyone.

Gild/Snow (1)
Treslizn (1)
Damon Kaosi (1)
Dark Magus (1)
Zieg dil'Tulfried (1)
Redrick (2)
Pink Panties (1)
Thoracis (2)
Metallicagrrl (1)
Mist (1)
Godhand (1)
Max Dirks (1)