View Full Version : Perusing Some Pages

06-09-14, 12:12 PM
"Hel- Hello" Rosie said as he timidly pushed away the curtain that hung in front of the entrance of the small shop. On first look it was a darker building only illuminated by the few candles that were scattered around. There seemed to be no body around inside, but the sign outside read Wizard Antiquities.

As Rose took a step into the dark room she could hear the faint sounds of some one or something behind one of the bookshelves. She wasn't sure of what it was but she wasn't worried, rather she at least knew something was in here with her. "Hello!" She yelled aloud and a big thump sounded beyond the rows of books. She was sure now that it was the shop keep just attending to his wears and such. As Rosie waited for whoever she walked up to a huge bookshelf and touched the spine of a few stories she had read before. Boring, I've read all these before. She thought, almost thinking this will be a waist of time.

Truthfully Rose was looking for one story in particular, The story of Sei Orlouge, The Hero's Plight

06-12-14, 10:30 AM
"Dag nabbit!" Another crash of books followed by sounds of a struggle filled the air. "Woah... Woah! Easy... Easy..."

More scuffles and bumps sounded.

"Whew!" An old wrinkled elf hooked around the corner and braced himself of the shelf's end. His hand wearily wrestled with the knot in his back. After a deep breath, he pushed his chipped and well worn glasses upon his nose. He squinted and the young girl came into view.

"Oh hello there!" he greeted in a dry raspy voice. The loose, wrinkled skin that composed his face bunched up into a warm smile. "Welcome to Atir's Books and Baubles! Is there anything I could help you find?"

He removed his hand from his back to gesture to the scattered tomes, cases of odd trinkets, and dangling displays. He squinted yet again to realize the utter disarray his store had become as of late and changed his smile to a concerned frown.

"Oh and please excuse the mess. I have been trying to reorganize and I must admit, these old bones don't get around as well as they used to."

06-12-14, 03:28 PM
"No worries." Rose said as the man approached her. Rose was was most comfortable surrounded by piles among piles of books anyway so this was like home to her. With a smile on her face she reached for one of the books on his shelf she was gazing at earlier. Very gently she pulls it of the shelf and opens it.

It was a very well kept copy of 'The Forgotten Vail' a book she had read once or twice wile she was still at home in her small village. But to find a copy that was so clean and without flaw was remarkable. She opened it to a random page and began to browse the text.

"How did you come across this? I haven't ever seen a copy this fine." She said as he closed the book. "If you don't mind can i buy it from you?"

(((Im trying to let this post gain some length so it can be graded or what not. Lye would you mind entertaining me. Also im not sure but sei might make an appearance.)))

Alyssa Snow
07-23-14, 11:57 AM
"You have a fine eye young miss", Atir commented with a warm smile. "Though my memory is a little hazy, I believe that tome was given to me by an acquaintance of the author. Apparently after the author passed, the tome was too painful a reminder. They brought several other pristine copies of his work as well. They're just over there."

Atir gestured to the adjacent shelf with a withered hand.

"And yes, all of them are for sale. Even the ones in glass cases, but those - those will have much steeper prices."

The old merchant drifted over to the young girl. His calm and soft expression lit up by her presence.

"For that book, I'll let you have it for only ten gold. Is that fair?"

Max Dirks
10-21-14, 02:15 PM
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