View Full Version : Ultima Weapons

06-09-14, 09:59 PM
What is the ultimate weapon you would want for your character? It can be anything. If there was one weapon (enchants and all) that would be the "ultima weapon" for your character, what would it be and what would it do? Why would that be the best fit for them?


Tobias Stalt
06-09-14, 10:01 PM
I already know this one...

...and you'll know it when I have it. :D

06-09-14, 10:58 PM
Okay, My Ultimate weapon would be for General Roy and it would be a Gun that has been enchanted to release an energy beam instead of bullets from the barrel when shot. (Laser Gun)

06-10-14, 04:32 AM
Ashla's ultimate weapon? ... lightsaber.

JOKING!! Ashla's ultimate weapon? I already have it. Surely but (not so) surely Ashla's broadsword is becoming the thing!

06-10-14, 05:23 AM
Cake blade... oh wait that's taken.

Roooly trooooly, I'd say a sword that can cut anything. When I say anything, I mean anything. Magic, souls, time, etc. The fighting style would be amazing, matter and reality manipulation. If I got close enough, I'd cut out your memories.

black shadow
06-10-14, 06:14 AM
Well, for Shadow it will be the now I will receive from my thread "To Tame Farswandra".

06-10-14, 07:09 AM
Mordelain's Ultima Weapon would be her partisan enchanted to cast anything it strikes and draws blood from into the Void, and into one of the nine planes she walks between.

Max Dirks
06-10-14, 09:19 AM
Dirks' ultimate weapon is a PSG-1 sniper rifle w/ modified infrared scope. Per his canon, Dirks actually had the sniper rifle when he arrived on Althanas, but he lost it just like he lost his twin Beretta. I've managed a storyline where he recovered the handgun, but haven't gotten around to the sniper yet.

Silence Sei
06-10-14, 09:22 AM
Cake blade... oh wait that's taken.

Cake Chakram*

And you joke, but the Cake Chakram is standing the test of time. People talk the shit out of that thing for it to be used so rarely by Sei.

Really, for me, it depends on the character.

For Zack, I'd like to actually acquire him gloves that allows him to become one with the very elements themselves. In a pinch? Turn into the wind and blow away. Need a quick attack? Have a literal lightning bolt hit you. He wouldn't need to throw his fires because he could become them. I'd also allow it to have him control how much of his body is consumed by the element in question. Shove a fist down your throat by making them water and then turn them to stone. Explosive goodness.

I'd like for Sei to one day acquire an update to his emei piercer so that he can just start shooting solar based lasers out of it as well.

Steppenwolf is going to one day get a baton in the same fashion as Aiden Pearce from Watchdogs, one that retracts and extends with a flick of the wrist. The spiffy thing is it'll be made of prevalida so it will be able to detect magic, but also be able to completely restore any mechanical object it touches. Army of airships just from having a couple f cogs, please.

Ciato will never put down Asterodeia in place of another weapon, but he might get some enchantments that will allow him to siphon the energies off his opponent in order to strengthen the longevity of his Mystic Protection. A solid glass snake familiar ftw.

06-10-14, 10:45 AM
Just biding my time until I've amassed enough GP for mine. Polaris, Prevalida Bastard Sword which allows Erik to channel his abilities through it and increase their strength. Lightning Bolt from his hands? Meh. Lightning Bolt from Polaris? FEEL THE WRATH OF ZEUS!

06-10-14, 10:49 AM
-The Four Horsemen Blades (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26951-Legendary-Item-The-Four-Horsemen-Blades) in Adamantium

- "Durendal": His Mythril Tuning Sword and enchanted to tune any kind of magic from one style/element to another.
- "Orpheus": Combat Harp that doubles as a compound bow made from Ulder Liviol able to sling arrows imbued by any song magic. It can also double as an instrument to evoke song magic should Siegfried become mute.
- "Gungnir": A Titanium Flute Spear able to give life with a single blow or condemn the living to eternal damnation within 7 seconds unless they commit to live a life of purity. A single sin, no matter how small would resume their countdown. Those that die in that manner are fractured across the nine planes and incapable of revival by traditional means.

- Already has her "Ultima Weapons" they will become more powerful in time based on the magics she can use. Perhaps an M-Class SMG style weapon allowing her to lay down a large number of exceptionally weak spells in a short amount of time. For fire, I was thinking ember shots similar to a flame thrower effect. For lightning, a mid range tazer type effect using static ball lightning. For wind, air bursts that shred skin and leather, but only about the size of a dime and about 1/4" deep. For ice, sleet bullets that freeze on impact about 1.5" in diameter. I want it to be something to suppress larger groups while she could follow up with a shot from her magnums or get to a better vantage point.
- An 8" Black Diamond Vibroknife, enchanted to vibrate at a speed too high to hear and able to cleave any metal except adamantium.
- Her razor wire made from Mythril, coated in crushed Mukakkannati Glass, and since it is Mythril, able to conduct her spells through its length.

06-10-14, 05:35 PM
Cake Chakram*

And you joke, but the Cake Chakram is standing the test of time. People talk the shit out of that thing for it to be used so rarely by Sei.

I don't joke, that is one of my favorite all time weapons. It needs more cake abilities though. Sprinkle Spray, icing swap, etc. Then you need a villain to fight. I suggest Cavity Man, but you manage to beat him with good dental hygiene. At the end of every fight with fin you need to turn and face a random direction and say something like "kids, you can have your cake and eat it too, but remember to floss!".

Silence Sei
06-10-14, 07:09 PM
I don't joke, that is one of my favorite all time weapons. It needs more cake abilities though. Sprinkle Spray, icing swap, etc. Then you need a villain to fight. I suggest Cavity Man, but you manage to beat him with good dental hygiene. At the end of every fight with fin you need to turn and face a random direction and say something like "kids, you can have your cake and eat it too, but remember to floss!".

That is one of the most egotistical, corny, and asinine ideas I have ever heard.

When can we expect you to register Cavity Man?

Fox Owen Xavier
06-10-14, 07:14 PM
Umm... Not sure I can really say anything that will be noticed after Sei 'taking the cake'....