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06-10-14, 07:05 PM
Closed to Alyssa and EllWhere is this place? Rose thought as she continued to walk along a dusty road in the direction that the sign she saw about a mile back directed. She and her brother had been on the road for a few weeks now, and Rose had just celebrated her seventeenth birthday. As a treat Elias, he older brother gifted her the funds to purchase a new book to add to her collection. But wile Rose was off perusing the pages of a few books in Beinost, Elias had caught wind of a disturbance around the surrounding area. There were sightings of large amounts of Forsaken mobilizing around the neighboring villages. Without any word Elias had set out for the closest village to aid where ever needed. He only left a note back at the Inn for Rose to "Catch up to me". Like any good sister Rose left post haste to catch her brother.

There was a nice cool breeze blowing through the hills that the Rose was traveling through. The sun was beginning to set from the looks of it. The contrasting colors of the skyline was quite beautiful, a cascade of oranges, reds and purples. Rose let out a quick yawn and lifter her hood over her head with her telekinetic mind. She hadn't passed this was before and honestly had no Idea how long it would be till she reached this place that Elias ran off to.

What were you thinking, this is not our fight. She thought as she neared a turn in the road. There was a tree line that begins just around the bend, Rose desperately hoped that this meant she was getting close. As she continued and finally reached the trees she noticed the faint outline of a stable of sorts in the distance. Finally. She thought.

This was indeed the village she was looking for, as she reached the stables the rest of the village came in sight. It lay in a small valley surrounded by thick woods, the horse stables sitting atop the hill leaving the rest of the town below it. The view was really spectacular, almost like a perfect picture. The beautiful skyline accents the valley like warm embrace.

Rose descended the hill and entered the bulk of the village. About twenty wooded buildings scattered though the valley with a large town square. There were a few street venders set up in the square trying to make a profit, even with the little traffic entering the city. Normally Rose would look at their wears in an attempt to find any literature or fancy things, but she had little time to browse she had to find her brother.

She lifted off her hood as she stepped into the square of the town, when she did she felt a sight wiggle in her pocket. "Is that you Lucius?" She said in her petite voice. Without any hesitation a little white blur races out of her pocket and up to her shoulder. A cute white mouse gave her a little brush on the face out of love, and she returned it back to him. Lucius was a little mouse that Rose had save from the clutches of a rattle snake long ago and ever since they were best friends.

"Now where are you Elias?" She said as she began to look around for her brother.

Alyssa Snow
06-13-14, 02:09 AM
Alyssa sighed.

"I'm sorry miss, but I'm not willing to go any lower than a hundred sovereigns on this gem," the merchant explained with sincerity written all over his face.

The mage gunner slouched her shoulders. "Thanks anyway..." The young blonde turned to leave the stand.

"Wait..." the merchant continued. "If you can bring me seventy five gold by night's end, I'll cut you a discount. Would that work for you?"

She froze, and spun on her heels with a smile. "Really?!" He nodded. "Thank you so much! Okay, just don't forget me. I should be able to find some gold by then!"

The merchant grew rosy in the cheeks at her enthusiasm. She acted as if he had given them to her for free. Alyssa spun back around to dart into the streets. She was aglow with motivation and determination. Though the gem she sought was not the most elegant, it strongly reminded her of the ones used in the pistols strapped to her thighs. Hoping they would be the same, she darted through street goers in search of the nearest pub or mission board. Certainly someone would be willing to give her work for a measly twenty five gold.

As she ran, her shoulder glanced off a rather old elven woman. Alyssa staggered, but attempted to turn toward her.

"I'm so sorry! Excuse m--"


The mage gunner rebounded from the sudden collision and fell upon her rear. The cold, damp cobblestone collided with her tail bone in blinding pain. She yelped, and arched her back to rub at the source of impact.

"Sorry Sorry Sorry!" she pleaded through tears which welled in the corners of her pale blue eyes. Though, through the blurred vision, Alyssa made out faint details of her accidental acquaintance. It stammered her for a bit, for the girl she ran into had her similar hair and similar eyes. Still suffering through the injury, Alyssa attempted to stand.

"Y-you okay?" she asked with a wince.

06-13-14, 11:51 AM
And there rose was, face first on the hard cobblestone ground. It happened so quickly, one second Rose and Lucius were minding their own business just wandering around. And the next she had been pushed down by a clumsy girl, smashing her head. Rose struggled for a minuet before she tried to move, a sharp pain around her nose kept her frozen on the ground. Trying to determine weather or not her nose was broken was difficult, Rosie was more afraid to look than anything. The sight of her own blood was unsettling to say the least.

The young girl who fell over Rose struggled to her feet wile barley letting out a wince of pain. She was a very pretty blonde headed girl maybe a year or two older than herself. She asked Rose if she was ok and extended her hand to help. Reluctantly Rosie rolled over and and grasped at her hand and stood up. She felt a trickle of blood leak down her face, so with her free hand slowly reached to feel it. Ever so slightly she dabbed her index finger in the small amount of blood, her nose hurt but was not broken.

"Ouch..." Rose whimpered as she pulled her hand from her face and saw the blood on her fingers. "Yeah I'm fine. Nothing to serious, how about you?" Lucius scrambled back out of Rosie's pocket to make sure Rosie want hurt, as he climbed up to her shoulder he nudged her gently again.

Alyssa Snow
06-13-14, 02:28 PM
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just fell on the bone. Hurts quite a--"

Alyssa spotted the trail of blood stemming from the girl's nose. Her stomach wretched.

"Your bleeding," Alyssa stated. Her brows furrowed in concern. The damage was her fault after all. "Oh my, I am so sorry! Please let me get that."

The blonde mage gunner slipped a hand to the pouch at her rear. When it emerged, a fine polishing cloth followed. Though Alyssa religiously used it to polish and clean her weapons, she brought it to the trickle of blood and softly dabbed it away. Alyssa noticed the little mouse perched lovingly on the girl's shoulder. Though animals didn't show expression like humans, its beady eyes watched Alyssa's every move. Her acquaintance's vitae soaked into the fibers. After a few more dabs to remove the replenishing stream, the bleeding stopped. Alyssa tucked the bloodied rag back into her pouch. The mouse again nuzzled the girl's face as to check what Alyssa had done.

"Again I am so sorry. I was in a rush and just didn't see you there." Her tone was still apologetic. "My name is Alyssa. Please, if there's anything I can do to make up for my actions, let me know. I feel terrible."

06-14-14, 08:32 AM
Elias had come to town ahead of his sister, hoping she would be discouraged enough by Elias's leaving and not follow him. He had been wandering aimlessly through the shops, mostly looking for books for his sister. Elias never liked books, they had more information in them than he needed.

He'd been looking since before the purple hued light of dawn when he heard the sounds of falling. Elias followed the sound and saw his sister on the ground being cleaned up by a blond woman.

"What did you do to my sister?" Elias asked, sounding irritated. He looked the blond woman over. She was pretty, to say the least.

"Rosie, I thought I told you to watch where you're going when in a town like this? People are clumsy and most won't apologize for it."

Elias addressed the blond woman. "My name is Elias. Thank you for at least trying to clean Rosie up."

Alyssa Snow
06-14-14, 03:23 PM
A boy's voice emerged from the passing crowds toward Alyssa. She turned abruptly toward it to find young man approach her with both concern and aggression on his face.

"I didn't -- it was an accident!" Alyssa tried to defend.

His stern features transferred from her to the one Alyssa had injured. The blonde mage gunner saw the compassion creep into his voice. It became apparent they knew each other and quite well. Were they siblings? Lovers?

"I'm sorry, really," Alyssa could not stress her apologies enough. "I was in a hurry to local Inn for work when I bumped into this old lady and completely side swiped your friend here."

She looked to the girl now known as Rosie then back to Elias.

"Oh! My manners! My name is Alyssa. I feel terrible. If there is anything I could do, let me know. I at least owe you something for your understanding."

06-16-14, 01:00 PM
Rose turned and embraced her brother in a long hug before returning her attention to the mage gunner, Alyssa. She was nothing but kind to Rose and even polite to Elias, this was really just an accident. Nothing to get too worked up over. "Elias, she is kind. Maybe she could help up us." Rose thought telepathically to her brother. After all Elias only came her in the first place to help out with the Forsaken mobilizing around this area, maybe this girl could help stood some forsaken.

"My name is Rose Algose, its a pleasure to meet you Alyssa." Rosie said as she smiled full heartedly at her new friend. "What are you doing in this village, there was supposed to be no one here but mercenaries and soldiers." Rosie ask as she did notice that this town seemed to be comprised of day to day towns people. Nothing like what they described back in Beinost, even the crowds of soldiers weren't here yet or were even coming.

Now this is force of habit and just a natural reaction for Rose when meeting new people, but She had already started trying to enter Alyssa's mind the second she had bumped into her. This normally take no time but Alyssa was different, there was a cloudy wall that enveloped her outer mind, like a built in firewall. But this was nothing for Rose to navigate after she had been working at it for a moment, and finally she was in. As not to elude to her presence within Alyssa's mind Rose refrained from communicating with her, rather she was only picking her mind to see If she was aware of what was about to unfold in this town.

"Do you even know of what is coming?" She said ominously.

Alyssa Snow
06-16-14, 03:44 PM
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Rose," Alyssa returned the girl's smile with one of her own. "I came on through here after some work in both Beinost and The Red Forest. I thought I'd take a look at some of the trinkets and get a little rest. It has been a tough couple of weeks."

Alyssa paused a moment to recollect her near death encounters in The Red Forest with Ioder and Leona. Then her happenstance meeting of Seigfried in Beinost after another bout with danger in the desert sands of Fallien.

"I can't say I've seen any soldiers around here," she continued while placing a finger on her lip in thought. "In fact, I haven't seen any of the local guards either..."

As the mage gunner took a moment to reflect, a dull tingle began to radiate from the small of her back. The mage gunner rolled her shoulder in discomfort. Commonly, that area beneath her well-hidden scar only reacted when Alyssa drew energy to charge her M-Class crystals. That usually indicated the presence of strong magic. Then again, phantom pain and unusual sensations were common from the injury. She dismissed the feeling as the latter.

"What's coming?" Alyssa repeated. "Can't say that I do. Why? You look concerned about something."

"Come to think of it, I did overhear some of the local elves concerned about something happening nearby..." the mage gunner thought.

"Blight Walkers!" someone screeched. Alyssa furrowed a brow and looked over Rosie's shoulder to see the people in the streets freeze in their tracks. Some pointed, others dropped what they held, and others scrambled into a sprint towards the three. Alyssa looked to Rosie, then to Elias. Did they know anything about this? How involved were they?

Screams and shouts filled the air at a drastic rate. One such civilian brushed against Alyssa as they stormed by, nearly knocking her back on her bottom.

"We have to get out of the streets," Alyssa stated as the growing wall of people rushed toward them. Her cheerful expression grew flat and stern. She outstretched her arms to not only protect her new acquaintances, but also corral them into a nook between a building and merchant stand. Whatever it was that spooked everyone else currently paled in comparison to the risk of being trampled in the hysteria. As Alyssa tired to usher them from harm, she caught a glimpse of something foul. Something unholy.

A creature with pale, grey skin lurched forward and cleaved a person in twine. The ground at this monster's feet grew black and charred. Worst off... Alyssa saw bones exposed through lack of flesh. Black pits covered areas where muscle and skin should exist, and instead of red blood, it oozed a thick black tar. The mage gunner grew pale at the sight, and her jaw dropped. Then a window between the fleeing bodies opened and exposed not only one of these abominations, but several lurching fiends.

06-17-14, 03:10 PM
Elias heard a scream. The moment he heard, he knew all hell was going to break loose. He had told Rosie the day before of the oncoming blight walkers, and had hoped to warn the villagers before the monsters feel upon the city.
Ushered into an alley between a merchants tand and a building that seemed to be abandoned. "Rosie, you need to stay out of the way. I can't allure you to be hurt." As he said this,a window crashed somewhere. It was a matter of time before the approaching vile creatures descended upon them.
He turns to Alyssa. "Sorry for the brief introductions, but it looks like i have to protect my sister. Can i trust you to watch her for me?" He didn't know what else to do. He couldn't fight while Rose was in the open, and he sure couldn't fight when he had his back turned.

He stepped out into the fleeting mass of bodies and turned to face the oncoming horde. He calmly drew his fans, andwith a slight movement of his fingers released the latch and released the wire hidden within them.

He called out to Rose. "Just sit back and watch your big brother take care of this ok?" Smiling at her, Elias dashes through the remainder of the towns population and roars a defiant cry atty the oncoming creatures.

Alyssa Snow
06-19-14, 10:05 AM
Alyssa looked to the dark haired boy, and his stern expression gave her a sense of calm in the chaos around them. She nodded to him and looked to Rosie. The poor girl seemed worse of the three. Her expression twisted into one of concern, fear, and helplessness. Alyssa softly frowned.

"Just stay here and stay low, okay?" Alyssa asked. Rosie quietly nodded, her eyes locked on her brother as he braved the swarm of fleeing civilians.

Alyssa turned to watch Elias draw his weapons and concern plastered her own face.

"Fans?!" she internally questioned, "What in Hadia are fans going to do against that?!"

"Rosie," Alyssa began as she turned the confused look to the sister, "Is your brother right in the head?" Alyssa's voice was stern, calm, and collected. "If he isn't he's going to end up a casualty to whatever is going on."

06-19-14, 08:04 PM
Rose let out a long held breath and with it her composure. Everything was happening so quickly, even just minuets earlier she found her brother and held some form of comfort. Just having him nearby made Rose felt safe, but not now. Sheiks of terror filled the air, they were too late to warn anybody of these abominations. Shaken Rosie just sat there, almost paralyzed by something.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up." Rose murmured over and over. Staring eyes wide open at the cobblestone street under her feet, continually chanting those words. Their were no apparent persons talking to Rosie, but there didn't need to be. Rosie held the power to read minds, with this came benefits and repercussions. All the commotion around her was nothing compared to the incomparable to the multitude of frantic and loud thoughts she was intercepting from the crowd. This to anyone not a telepath was hard to explain.But just as soon as Rosie's panic started, it was quickly shaken away by Alyssa's voice piercing her ears. She was concerned about Elias and weapon of choice. They were unconventional but far from useless, combined with his great speed and strength Elias was a formidable foe with his steel fans. But just like an angel, Alyssa saved Rosie form herself and brought her back.

Rosie simply looked at Alyssa, slowly blinking up at her beautiful face. When she realized that Alyssa was readily concerned with her brother's well being Rosie focused on the matter at hand. "Brother is strong and quick, he can handle himself." Rose said boasting her brother physical traits. "What do we do, what about all of them?" She said pointing to the fleeting crowd.

06-21-14, 05:16 PM
For a while all Elias could really do was push his way through the crowd. There were so many people. It was one scream after another, and almost enough to really distract him. Almost.

When he got to the edge of the crowd, he wretched his legs and arms, getting ready to use everything within his ability to protect Rosie. When he finished, Elias began to run. He suddenly disappeared, as though he were nothing more than an illusion. The truth was he had done enough work to allow him to get up to his full speed quickly.

He got within range of the closest Blight Walker and came to a stop. "I can't have you gross things hurting my sister, or any of these other people here!"

With those words, Elias spun and threw his fans toward the black creature and struck the beast's left arm. Unfortunately, it wasn't strong enough of a blow to sever the limb from the body. It's strong... I was hoping for something weaker so I could find Rosie another book...

Elias reeled his fans back in and rushed the enemy. He was better at close quarters combat anyway, and could really do damage.

As he attacked with a cross swipe of his fans, he began to wonder about the number of creatures. He was sure he heard there was a group of about thirty. What happened to the rest? For that matter what happened to the guards?

Hacking away and not paying attention, he was struck hard across the face with the flat of the beasts massive sword. Elias was knocked ten yards back, and with an grunt of effort, pushed himself up and off his backside.

He would need help. "Alyssa! I may need your help here!" He rushed the walker again and finally hacked off the arm he was working on earlier. "I could use it NOW, Alyssa!"

Alyssa Snow
06-26-14, 06:18 PM
Alyssa raised a brow to Rosie. The poor girl seemed exceptionally troubled by the situation. If it weren't for the pressing matter of a young boy facing down half a dozen Blight Walkers, Alyssa would have posed more questions. Still, Rosie came to, assured her that Elias was capable, and brought another pressing matter to the foreground. Alyssa traced her fingers to the flocking civilians as they stampeded away into alleys, side streets, and houses. The occasional, shoe, personal belonging, or body of someone caught in the trample remained in their wake. Some of them moaned in pain, others laid lifeless.

"We can't worry about them right now Rosie," Alyssa said looking back to the trembling girl. "We need to worry about ourselves first. I'm sure those soldiers you talked about are already on their way."

Alyssa tried to console her with a smile. Instead, she watched for her brother with a blank but concerned stare. As a grunt sounded, the mage gunner turned toward the skirmish that unfolded. She watched in shock as Elias took the flat end of a great sword to the face. Shockingly, his body remained rigid, only to tumble to his bottom some several yards away. The blonde shook her head in astonishment. He simply got back up as though it were a scratch.

The mage gunner glanced to Rosie then back. She remained stoic in her concentration on Elias, and the boy hurdled himself back into the fray. Were it not for the dire yelling toward her, Alyssa might have been caught slack jawed and catching flies. His cries for help drove her to action.

"Rosie," she began as she placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, "I want you to watch my back. I'm going to stay right here with you, but if there are more of those things, I want you to keep an eye out so they don't corner us okay?"

The girl silently nodded. Alyssa gave her a concerned, almost matronly, smile. Then, she directed her attention toward Elias's struggle with the undead. In one fluid motion, the gunner snapped her hands to her thighs, released her twin M-Class Magnums (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/319/8/e/scifi_snubnose_revolver___shot3_by_protecta-d4g97nl.jpg), and brought them to point. One of the Blight Walkers had swept in to blindside Elias while he fought. It rose a blade to strike.

Thunk! Thunk!

Two bolts of ice slammed into the fiend, both in the chest. It staggered several steps back and nearly toppled if it hadn't rooted its sword into blighted cobblestones to steady itself. As though the thick prongs were nothing but additions to attire, the monstrosity regained its bearings. It ripped its weapon from the ground and resumed a lurching walk back towards Elias.

"I'll watch your back from here!" Alyssa shouted back as both of her revolvers crackled with frost. "They're not going down easy! Try going for the head!"

06-29-14, 11:47 PM
Rose stood up, making sure to stay behind the mage gunner. She threw her satchel over her shoulder as she reached into it, fondling for whatever. Whatever she could use to make herself useful, she was no fighter but she had to be able to do something. She tossed around a few books before seeing one of the daggers that Elias had recently bought for her. She stared at it for a few seconds before tossing it to the side, there was absolutely no way she could stand against one of the blight walkers.

"Alyssa, do I have permission to connect to you." She asked as she realized how she could help. She was a telepath after all, she could communicate with Elias and her with no interference.

Alyssa turned around for only a second before asking, "What, connect to me?" Then immediately retuning to covering Elias's back. Her magnums seemed like a very devastating and powerful, where did she get them...

"Yes, I can connect our minds to allow you and I to communicate telepathically. Even Elias could hear your thoughts if I focus on our channel." She said as she grabbed just any random book she could before letting the satchel dangle at her side. In the distance Elias was using his fans to the best of his capability. After ducking under one of the blight walkers large swords, he completely rotated his body as fast as he could and the blades of his fans sliced clean though the abomination's arm.

"You can do what?" She said not fully realizing what Rosie had said. But with the situation seeming to be very bad she had no reason to deny this possibly perfect telecommunication. Besides there was no way to tell if she had done so already. "Do it Rosie!" She said. Instantly she began to hear Rosie's voice but seemingly internal.

"Good, Elias should be able to hear you too." She thought to Alyssa, "Both of you, im going to leave with these villagers, maybe help them find a safe way to evacuate." She conveyed right before she turned tale and ran in the direction of the fleeting crowd.

06-30-14, 11:36 PM
"Go for the head? Alright I'll try it but I'm not sure if it'll work!" Elias took Alyssa's advice and tried for it. He pressed the latch on one of his fans, closed it, and stuck it into the ground behind a blight walker. After doing so he ran around the other side, jumped in the air, and using the planted fan, he pulled on the wire connecting from it to his wrist and sliced the head off of the monster.

It fell. The monster actually fell. Elias stood there astonished, watching the beast fall to its knees, armless, and headless, and the finally falling backwards over its legs. The problem was, Elias had gotten some of the oozing black sludge on him when he attacked. It started as a dull heat, but who knew how long the ugly goop would really start to affect him. He was worried that Rosie would see this and panic. She had never seen Elias really hurt, and if it got worse she finally would.

The remaining four blight walkers were slowly making their way to surround Alyssa and Rosie, so he rushed to their aid. Alyssa was doing well keeping the creatures at bay, but it would only last so long. She couldn't fire her weapon fast enough to keep up with the lurching movements of the monsters.

Elias, using his full speed, sliced through the heels of two of the hulking, grunting creatures, effectively slowing their movement, and keeping them from surrounding them.

When it came to Rosie pushing her way into his head, Elias hated it. It was a tugging sensation in the center of his skull, and he hated it. Elias has told Rosie on several occasions not to do it, but in this circumstance, he welcomed it. He wasn't happy she was breaking away from the group, but he couldn't do much to stop her because of a searing pain in his arm.

"Rosie! Just be careful! If you see any other blight walkers, run the other direction!" Elias cried out desperately. He didn't want any harm to come to his little sister. All she could really do was conjure illusions from her tomes and books.

He quickly moved back to back with Alyssa, making sure she wouldn't be overwhelmed. He pressed the latches on his fans and released the wire. "Are you ready to go all out, Alyssa? I want to finish these things as soon as we can. I don't like Rosie being by herself in dangerous situations..."

Alyssa Snow
07-02-14, 02:34 AM
The mage gunner expelled the last charge from her revolvers. It barely spent a blink in the air before it buried a deadly icicle into the eye socket of one of the Blight Walkers. Its massive cleaver slipped from its decayed and and clanked against the charred earth at its feet. Without missing a beat, Alyssa slammed one revolver into its holster, snapped open the cylinder on the other, emptied the spent spell crystals, and slammed in her reserve clip of six.

"You cover my back and I'll cover yours," she stated in a serious, flat tone. Almost as effortless as breathing, she spun the chamber, flicked her wrist to slam it back in place and thumbed the hammer back while tucking the exhausted crystals in her waist pouch. The entire motion of the reload completed seconds before the Blight Walker thumped lifelessly to the streets. Alyssa drew her knife and dropped to a low stance.

"I've fought these things before," she remarked, "Don't get that black stuff on your skin. Only fire and decapitation keeps them from getting back up."

As she finished her sentence, the Blight walker which took the bolt of ice to the skull hissed and wreathed. Its motions jerked, twitched, and contorted until the icicle pushed from its hole and fragmented against the blighted cobblestones. Sure enough, the forsaken fiend braced itself to rise. The eye socket which had been destroyed regrew, lit with a dark light, and fixed on the girl responsible for for its rebirth.

"Damn. Keep up, we need to get to Rosie."

With that, the mage gunner sprung into action, literally. Nearly cornered between the building's wall and merchant stand, Alyssa jumped into the air easily feet over the abominations. Like a practiced gymnast, her body twisted in flight until her heels pointed towards the azure sky. Her platinum hair drifted in the corner of her vision and three of the remaining four tracked her flashy maneuver. With an expression cold and stern, her revolver leveled to the top of their heads.

Shing! Shing!

Her muzzle flashed blue twice. A trail of chill remained where the spells slammed into the skulls of the beasts. The girl rotated in her flight, and like a cat, she landed with flawless grace. Two Blight Walkers staggered, then caved under their own weight. Alyssa stood, and barely in time. The third, and oddly enough the one she downed earlier, swept a massive cleaver for her head. Her torso retracted until nearly parallel with the earth as the blade swept over. Its speed nearly forced the air to sing. As it cleared its arc, Alyssa continued backward and while remaining armed, carefully back-flipped to place some distance. Her eyes widened when the abomination turned his interest from her to Elias as he struggled with the other. Both of the injured fiends began to seize. It would only be moments before they too would be arisen.

"Damn it! They're going to swarm him," she thought as she readied to propel toward him.


She shot forward, her gun at the ready and grip tight on her blade.

07-18-14, 12:47 PM
Racing in the direction of the fleeting crowd, Rosie started to wonder; do these things have any form of sentience, any form of mind. This was a question hard to answer, both yes and no. From just the surface Rosie could sense impulses and instinct from these monsters, but nothing as complex as the mind of a human of elf.

"Elias, Alyssa these monsters have no sentience just impulse. Use this to your advantage, organize and take down." Rosie telecommunicated to the others.

Finally she managed to reach the rear of the fleeing crowd, and then she started to intercept the frantic thoughts again. Ravaging screams and terrible fears all impacting Rosie in an instant. Though being constantly impacted Rosie couldn't let them stop her from trying to help the people. She lowered her hood in one quick moment started to push her way into the group of people. These people were pushing and running themselves so making any progress was difficult to say the least. Rosie was not normally an aggressive person but she as pushing with all her might to try to reach the front of the crowd.

"Get out of the way!" She yelled as he shoulder shoved the man to her left.

"Run!" One man cried. "There here to end the world!" A elf screamed from the distance.

These people were pathologically afraid of the return of Xem Zund, and nobody can blame them. From what Rosie had read that would lead to the end of the world.