View Full Version : Hate and Revenge ((Closed))

Cyrus the virus
04-01-06, 11:26 PM
This town is so idiotic, Luc thought. So many people, so many different lives... Most of them pointless. I don't see what's so charming about this place; there's no practical use for it other than to drink and act foolishly.

The mage let a deep sigh escape him, as he gazed at the tavern's people through eyes that were half closed. He held a full mug of ale beneath his frowning face and rested his cheek against his other hand, pushing the skin of his face awkwardly upward. The simple truth was that he had nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody to see, and so he was spending his time here, in Radasanth's most famed tavern -- arguably.

It sure seems popular, he continued, lazily examining the place. A few dozen people dancing, a dozen more drinking, and a lot of talking going on. A colossal waste of time, but I'm not doing any better.

Again Luc sucked in a deep breath, and loudly blew it out through his teeth. He made no attempt to take a sip of his ale, and someone took notice.

"Ale's for drinkin', son! No sense in wastin' your money and lettin' it git warm, eh?"

When Luc looked up, he saw a round little man with small glasses, a fluffy white beard and several towels folded over different places on his body. "Pah," Luc huffed, and waved the hand that was holding his mug, before letting it drop quickly back down. The man eyed him for a moment longer, and sensing that the mage had no interest whatsoever in talking, he walked off with a shrug.

Luc watched him go, sneering silently at the one who ruined his contemplation. Then he did lift his ale and take a sip, though to his utter annoyance, he caught the man looking back at him with a smile. Fighting his inner frustrations, he put his mug back down and turned his body to face the other way, where a band was playing on a small stage. Luc listened for a moment, though he had been hearing their music for the whole night, and groaned again.

In the center of the floor, a fight broke out between two women, though before many punches or kicks were thrown they were torn apart. Luc grinned at the idiocy of it all, at the strange things one noticed when simply observing, like the way a woman's face crinkles up above the nose when she's angry. One by one, the two were escorted from the tavern, and sooner than later the party resumed.

Luc sighed again. And then, for the first time in who knew how long, a woman came and sat with him. Her eyes traced his face and a gentle smile came across her, effectively putting Luc's boredom to an end. "Sad, stranger?" She asked, in a voice as sweet as honey and soft as spider silk.

The mage was no stranger to trying to coax women, but this was different. This was a woman of high stature, at least in terms of beauty. Long brown hair shaped her face and fell past her shoulders, where a small frame was only so hidden by a white blouse. Her face was delicate and sweet, the precise image that any lonely man at a bar was looking for.

"Not sad," he managed to say, lifting his face from his fist. "Bored perhaps, and embarrassed for all of the dancing drunks."

She laughed, a sound akin to that of a sunset were it to make any noise, Luc imagined. The woman pointed to his cheek, giggled and whispered, "your glove left a pattern on your cheek, and it looks so weird!"

The mage tried to adjust, even putting his cheek back against his hand, but the woman's relentless giggles just put him more off balance. "I'm Luc," he said finally, giving up in his attempt to look less of a fool.

"Venna," she replied with a bright, cheerful, beautiful smile. She reached out with her hand, and Luc did the same, though slowly. "You okay?" She asked.

Luc nodded, and smoothly removed his glove before taking Venna's hand into his. The feeling was different, exciting -- after all, Luc only removed his gloves when he bathed. As he held her hand, it occurred to him that he couldn't remember the last time his hand had contacted another human. Despite it all, he managed to let go before it became an eerily long event.

As he slipped his glove back on, Venna tapped the table nervously, her fingers rapping against its surface. "So you don't like to dance? Are you sure?" She asked, and at that moment, Luc knew she was just as nervous as he was.

"Not really," he choked out. Though it sounded like an invitation, he just couldn't be sure. After making fun of the drunken dancers, it seemed idiotic to accept anyway.

"Too bad," she said sadly, and the sound of her voice was heartbreaking, something Luc didn't want to hear again. When she spoke again in her normal tone, her voice seemed all the sweeter than it ever was. "Will you like to dance tomorrow, when you meet me here again?"

"T-Tomorrow?" Luc asked.

"Tomorrow, same time!" She replied simply, before getting up from her seat and briskly walking away, making a straight line for the door.

Luc wanted to follow, wanted desperately to convince her to come to the inn with him, to talk some more, to share a drink, anything, but he couldn't find the words or the power to get up and follow. The music seemed all the louder suddenly, and the tavern returned to it's uninteresting self again. He downed his ale quickly and left a big tip on the table.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

04-02-06, 05:46 PM
Securing passage to Corone had been nothing but difficult. Talking my way on to a ship had proved more of a challenge than I was up to. 'Luckily', their cabin boy had come down with an odd illness, growing pale and weak. I, seemingly stronger and more invigorated, was allowed to take his place. There are some perks to being a vampire, even if they are few and far between. Soon, however, I found the life of a cabin boy far different than I imagined. Those tacky romance novels that salesmen try and sell make out life on the open seas to be a delightful romp of mortal pleasures. It is far from that as I came to realize. Back breaking labor at the crack of dawn, storms so powerful crewmen are thrown from the very deck. It was a harrowing two weeks to say the least, but at last I had arrived in Radasanth.

It was beautiful, far more motion than any small town I crept through before. The metropolis captured my attention the moment I disembarked. People scuttled about with their daily business, oblivious to the world around them. All were focused on a single goal, and so few really interacted with each other, and I loved every minute of it. Secretly watching daily life from the shadows, trying my best to see the mortal world I was missing. It was almost too much. I knew I would find more social people at the taverns, always a drunk there telling an old sea tale. That would be the best spot to find information on my brother Vincent and his whereabouts.

Finding directions in such a large place proved hard. Few people gave me the time of day, and I grew very frustrated. I would've lost my temper had it not been for a middle aged, portly man. He was sweet, giving me directions to the best tavern in all of Radasanth, though I was concerned over his weight. Even as he spoke to me, he ate a rather messy pastry.

"You realize that may well be the death of you?" I asked with honest concern, but still managed to sound conceited.

"My body's a temple, and I think people deserve a very large place to worship." He replied with food in his mouth. I bid him good day, not wishing to continue such a conversation.

Although the street name was hard to read, I knew I was in the right place. The tavern, called the best in Radasanth, was here somewhere. Inside, I suspected to find at least one person who could point me the right way in my search for Vincent. A sudden shattering of glass caught my attention. As I turned , I saw a man on the ground, his hand held up to protect himself. Above him stood a woman with a shattered bottle in her hand and a face like a rabid hound. From the droplets of blood that ran down his forehead, it was not hard to deduce what had happened. For nearly a minute, a crowd gathered around to watch as the screaming woman was dragged away, and the man helped to his feet. 'People will do anything for entertainment..'

As the scene dispersed, I noticed a couple leaving a building. Their steps were chaotic, and so I realize where the tavern was. Drunks were always the best sign for a tavern. I entered the dark brown building they had left. As soon as I opened one of the twin oak doors, my nose was assailed by the smell of smoke. Even more offending was the perfume that desperately tried to match it. The tavern itself was lit well, and fairly crowded. Five men played and sang music at a poorly build stage, and I could've sworn I saw their youthful faces on a poster in the streets. Their music was fairly good, enchanting even. However, I had little time for that.

I sat down at the only empty table I could find. Several chairs had been taken from it, leaving only three. I did not wish to sit at the bar, as the bartender would find out all too quickly I had no money. I preferred to get information quickly before I was thrown out. With my thumb on my lower lip, I nervously looked about for a prime target. One who looked like he loved to tell stories, and knew a lot of them.

Cyrus the virus
04-04-06, 09:52 AM
"This can't be happening," Luc whimpered. He was peering into a pool of water just outside of the Inn; where he panicked over the issue of a single misplace hair. Despite all of his efforts, it would not stay where he wanted it to, and on this night, everything was important.

His heart was racing like the rhythm of a horse's hooves pounding the ground beneath. He could still smell Venna's aroma, or at least he felt like he could, and her image had not left his mind since they'd parted. It was all a very strange experience for him. Luc had had crushes before, but none had ever been so so... Dominating.

"Sick Drow of Alerar's deepest crevice!" He cursed, before giving up on getting his hair the way he wanted. "Why today?"

The mage made his way down the familiar road, often looking to the night sky and seeing Venna's face in the moon. When he came to the tavern's twin oak doors, he let out a deep, relaxing sigh... At least it was supposed to be relaxing, but it didn't make him feel any more at ease. He wanted to turn about and get back to the inn, where there was no pressure or nerves, but each time he thought to do so he was reminded of what he was leaving behind.

Why would she approach me? Women never approach me. And why meet back here tonight rather than go somewhere yesterday? This has... Got to be a joke.

A joke, he thought. So why wasn't he turning back and getting to the inn? Maybe the possibility of seeing Venna again, joke or not, was simply too attractive to him. Whatever the reason, Luc reached out and pushed open the tavern door.

Music filled the place again, just like the night before, and people were dancing happily to it. It all seemed unreal to him, as if he were in a strange dream that he couldn't control. Luc felt both light and heavy at the same moment, as he made his way to the same table he met Venna at... To find a man sitting there, or rather a boy. Black hair decorated his head, and his skill seemed far, far too pale for his own good.

Luc didn't care what he looked like. "I'm meeting someone at this table, boy," he said. "Find another place to sit."

04-06-06, 09:10 PM
The ambiance of chatting soon subsided in the tavern, or at least it did in my mind. I was too busy trying to find just the right person to pump for information. In the right corner, below a billowing cloud of smoke, a bearded man spoke to a large crowd. Even through the music his tales could be heard, each one bringing cheerful laughter. He seemed a prime target to me. He was as best a guess as any to the whereabouts of my brother.

'Vincent..' His image appeared again in my mind. My consciousness drifted elsewhere, the bar's music and droning slowly drifting away. That long, curly brown hair, his piercing blue eyes. His smile always seemed to warm me, even on a winter's day. I did not even realize I had closed my eyes, but I must have. I did not notice the man who approached me from the door.

It took my moments to understand what he was saying, he wanted me to get up. His tone was tactless, apathetic. Turning my head, I was surprised by just how attractive he was. I had never thought such utter lack of manners could have come out of something so beautiful. He had deep green eyes, enthralling to look at. His head was crowned by brown hair, bangs sweeping his face. I could not understand his green tunic, with many symbols I had never seen before. Again, my attention was drawn to those eyes of his. I could feel his emotion, apathy towards me. However, there was a deeper emotion in him, just below the surface, excitement? Or perhaps nervousness. It mattered not.

I stared at him for moments, trying my best to think of a come back. I wanted to stay at this table, and I didn't want to cause too much of a scene, lest a waitress notice me and ask why I haven't bought anything. My best bet was ignorance, a naive child. I didn't think it would be too hard to trick him.

"Well, Sir.." I tried my best to sound unsure, "You see, I'm really very tired. I've been walking for just ever so long. This is the only seat there is, 'cause i'm too young t'sit at the bar." Hoping it had come out well, I had bit my tongue several times. I hated using contractions in my speech, vulgar and inbred it was taught. Still, it added a much needed youth to my voice. My experienced language would have been far too suspicious.

"I'm Nathaniel," I said, extending my hand in greet. The faintest taste of blood was in my mouth. I had bit my tongue, again.

Cyrus the virus
04-07-06, 11:16 AM
Luc stood staring at the man; though in truth Luc barely knew what he looked like. Despite where his eyes lay, all that the mage saw was Venna. She was far too fascinating to stop thinking about, and Luc would be hard pressed to force himself to care about what the young man looked like. At the moment, all the boy seemed to be was a body in a place where it didn't belong.

Violently, the mage slapped away the extended hand of Nathaniel. "I have no desire to know you, boy! I don't care where you sit or what you do, as long as it isn't here. Do you understand?"

"Were you planning on sitting?" Called a voice from behind him. Like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Luc froze and almost immediately began to sweat. It was her, Venna, and she'd caught him demanding a child to leave a table for him.

It's... all done. She won't want a thing to do with me now, Luc feared, though as her gentle hand grasped his shoulder and gently turned him, the mage saw that she was smiling.

"We're dancing, you got it?" she said playfully. "So we don't need the table at all!" She pulled him close and looked just around his shoulder at the young boy. "You can stay there, little guy! We'll be dancing all night."

Luc's stomach jumped up his throat and made his breathing hard. Venna's arms reached around his neck comfortably, as she was just an inch or so shorter than Luc. For some reason, Luc's nerves melted away and he brought her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting there. All thoughts of Nathaniel and the table were gone, and his mind was set on Venna and the music. They didn't talk much, just enjoyed dancing and being together... It was different.

This feels so strange. This is more comfortable than I've felt in years, maybe since my childhood. He pulled back from her just a bit to look into her eyes, deep pools of intelligence and affection.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly.

"N-Nothing," he replied. "I would, uh... like to know you better, that's all."

She smiled again, and Luc's heart seemed to beat forty times in just a moment. "So ask me something," she replied.

04-09-06, 10:50 AM
My extended hand was roughly smack aside, like some lowly dog beaten by its master. Those green eyes, which only moments ago had felt apathy, now turned savage. I was shocked by this man's actions. I had never been so tactlessly swept aside. At the very least, the uninterested would nod me away. But to resort to physical means?

How does one respond to such an act? For a moment, I pondered just how to come back. 'Some witty sarcasm? Perhaps he lacks manhood and that is why he feels the need to hit...'children'.' It did not matter in the end. A lovely young lass, long oaken hair waving about her, came up to the complete ass. She gave me a cheerful smile while hugging him, said they did not need the table, and left in a hurry. I could feel the man melt at her words. The way he froze like a startled rabbit caught in a hunters gaze. I had no need for empathy to know he was infatuated.

After they had left, I decided to put thoughts of him out of my mind. Again, I scanned the tavern, looking for anyone with a tale to tell. The man I eyed before now lay upon his table passed out, all that drink must have gotten to him. Letting out a deep sigh, I was disappointed. No one else in the tavern seemed as social, so full of tales. 'Perhaps coming here was a mistake...'

"Wha'll'b Son?" A rather pudgy man had approached me, a small pad of paper in his hand. My eyes widened, frightened at the humiliating though of being thrown out a tavern because I could pay for nothing.

"I..I am not hungry.." I was unsure, and I knew he could detect that in my voice. It was not like I needed mortal food in the first place, but adding vampire to the list stood to do no good for me.

He opened his mouth, narrowed eyes aimed at me. But, just as he was about to say something, an angry grunt came from behind him. The steady lantern light showed two figures, aggressively shoving another. The victim, a slightly balding man, fell to the floor. His aggressors stood over him. One was a giant of a woman, with long flowing black hair. Her large breasts barely held back by a short sleeved, whit tunic. She had sharp features, and her beastly eyes were squarely on the man. Her friend was much shorter. Another female, she had the appearance of a twelve year old boy, short haired and a heart shaped face, much like Vincent's.

The man quickly went to the fight, the puffs of smoke in the air making a path for him. The patrons gathered around, some with amused smiles. Apparently, the bards weren't the only show they'd get tonight.

Cyrus the virus
04-12-06, 06:32 AM
Luc opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short before he could begin by the screech of a woman. Not far from where they danced, a pair of women-- one large, one smaller --shoved a short balding man to the floor. Luc stopped short of the spectacle as others gathered round, most of them watching the events unfold with keen interest.

"W-What are you d-doing?" The man stammered, clearly surprised at what was happening to him.

"I saw you looking at her!" The bigger woman complained. "She is not an object for you to stare at, pig!"

The small one jumped forward then, kicking the man several times as he tried desperately to cover up. The tavern dwellers looked on in interest, for the whole thing seemed relatively harmless. "Serves him right, I suppose," Luc remarked to Venna, who smiled and looked at him.

The bar's only bouncer, a large half-orc with as much muscle as a titan, stepped in after a few moments of the assault. He gently brushed the woman back with one arm and swept the man up with his other. "Hey, don't push me!" The woman cried back in rage.

From her blouse, the bigger woman revealed a dagger about as big as her hand, and without a moment's hesitation she thrust it into the shoulder blade of the half-orc bouncer, bringing a roar of pain from him. He turned hard, sweeping her up in his arm and forcing the dagger from her hand, intending on taking them both from the tavern as quickly as possible.

"Hey, let go of her!" Another woman cried, leaping onto the bouncer's other arm and clawing away. He tried to shake her off, but another pair of women tackled him to the floor before he could.

Most of the tavern dwellers were shocked and unsure of what, if anything, to do. A pair of men ran over and tried to tear the women away, but that only led to more of the tavern's ladies getting upset and into the mix. After what seemed like only a flash of seconds, there was a melee in the middle, with women fighting off men that had tried to come to the rescue of the bouncer.

To Luc and Venna's left, a woman simply spun and sucker-punched a man standing nearby. "We've got to get out of here," Luc told her, and bolted for the door with her being dragged behind. Bottles were being broken and the whole place was in an uproar.

When they burst through the tavern's doors, they realized that refuge would not be so easily obtained. Even in the streets, women were fighting with men, some were even damaging houses and fences. It seemed that all of Radasanth was suddenly in mutiny, women against men, with some kind of universal anger among them. The night was rampant with fury, and Venna was very, very frightened.

Luc sensed this and held her close. "Please don't be afraid of me," he said solemnly.

Before she could respond, the ground below them broke apart and lifted them up, acting as a floating platform. She shook a bit, but Luc squeezed just enough to calm her, as the transport made its way down the road toward the Inn. Perhaps there, it would be safer.

04-16-06, 10:43 PM
The small skirmish soon escalated into something far more violent. Soon, the bouncer who tried to stop the fight became the target of female wrath in the tavern. All around, tables were over flipped over and chairs overturned. Splinters of shattered glass seem to fly in the air, replacing the former smoke for a new, more violent ambiance. Grunts of pain and screams of fury were everywhere, and the smarter customers were leaving quickly. The former bemused spectators were now horrified as they became part of the show they had only moments ago watched.

I took cover under my table quickly, damning my stupidity for not questioning someone before this whole mess. Now it seemed too late, and I felt like a complete fool. However, through the melee that now consumed, I could still hear the oddest thing. To my surprise, the stage was still occupied by the same five young men. These bards continued to play, the same stupid grins on their faces. Curious as to what this was about, I decided to investigate it later. For now, I needed to get out of there, fearful a dagger would meet my back. Slowly, I crept towards the door, hoping no one would notice me.

"Whe're ya' goi'n?" She was medium height, and pudgy all around. A merciless face soon turned into a large sadistic smile. My body grew rigid, my breath all but stopping. Slowly I felt a cold sweat build on my body. "Ya' weren' thinki'n'a leavi'n, we'r'ya?"

She was up to no good, and that frightened me. For a moment, the violence around seemed to fade away as my wide eyed expressions was directly at her. "Gods, how will I.."

In a flash, the fat woman lay on the floor, tackled by an injured bouncer. Though one arm lay limp, the large man seemed to hold her down easily enough. I needed no signal. Within an instant, I bolted out the wooden door and into the streets. Chaos was all around me out there as well. Men were driven into the dirt around, gaggles of women pounding and smashing. With my hands over my head, I jetted like a mad man for several blocks. There, finally, no noise of the fighting could be heard. I sunk into an ally, intent on just resting there. My evening plans all but ruined. But, a thought suddenly stuck me.

'Those musicians..so strange..' Thoughts of Vincent left my mind, and I began to think more and more about those damned bards. Curiosity had gotten the best of me. It was decided, after the fights had stopped, I would find out what they were up to.

Cyrus the virus
04-18-06, 04:45 AM
Venna remained silent as Luc brought her to the Inn. The disc of wind dissipated under them and they touched the Inn's steps safely. Luc went to the door and tried to open it, but found that it was locked. Behind them was the main road, where screams of anger and pain rose above the crashing of breaking windows and cracking wood. Women were taking apart merchant stalls and throwing goods about, and men were either trying to calm them down or running.

"Luc, we can't stay out here," Venna warned nervously. "Eventually someone's going to see us, and the way people are acting right now..." She said, leaving out the obvious part.

"I know! But the door's locked!" He growled. For a moment he thought about using his magic to break down the door, but without a door, the Inn could hardly keep the rampaging people at bay.

So he turned to her, held her close and whispered, "I won't let anything happen to you."

"You're a wizard, aren't you?" She asked, and Luc was thankful to note that there was no fear or loathing in her tone.

He smiled a bit and nodded. "Something like that, I suppose. I've never considered myself a wizard, but a mage, yes."

"Get those demons!" A woman screamed from the road, a round little book-type that wiggled her finger in Luc and Venna's direction. "Kill 'em and get them out of our city!" She commanded, as several women of varying sizes approached from around her.

Luc didn't give them enough time to get close, as another disc of wind formed beneath the two companions. They were lifted up and above the raging group, and suddenly had a city-wide view of the carnage. There were fires in some areas of the city, and smoke coming from others, and all around there were shrill screams.

They floated over to the Inn's top floor, and had to crouch as the wind disc brought them inside and open window. Into an unoccupied room they went, a dimly-lit area with a single made bed, a brown desk and a large door at the far end. "We'll be safe in here," Luc remarked as he let his eyes wander.

"Why is it only women?" Venna asked suddenly, causing a confused Luc to turn and look at her. "None of the men are acting strange... It's only the women," she explained.

"I hadn't noticed," Luc mumbled. "But that's a good question."

They stood in silence for a few moments, no sound hitting their ears save for the sounds of rioting outside. Luc stared into the distance as he thought, trying to come up with some explanation for what was happening.

And despite their situation, Venna smiled warmly at him. Luc saw it and smiled back, becoming lost in her beauty and the warmth that seemed to radiate from her. Before he even realized what he was doing, he was kissing her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. The sounds of the riot faded away from them as Venna slowly tugged him toward the bed.

Her kiss was sweet and warm, and just the right mixture of wet and soft. They fell gently onto the bed, and Venna pulled away for just long enough to kiss Luc's nose. "I... I never dreamed," he began, but was silenced as Venna's mouth pressed against his.

04-22-06, 11:03 PM
’Beautiful…’ Hours had passed by since I left the tavern and took refuge in the ally. Like vermin, I hid behind stacked crates as the violence continued around me. The screams and smashes slowly waned, and soon it was safe enough for me to come out. As I crawled from my hiding place, I could not help feeling guilty for my cowardice. Hiding in an alley as men around me were assaulted, murdered, as houses were burnt, I would not brag about this day. Still, I was curious of those bards, ignorant to the world around them. ’And now that the violence had settled, it is time for me to investigate.’

No sooner had I left, I spotted a store untouched by the madness. The glass window held a display that captivated my wonder. A beautiful, full body, black coat. Its’ sign read ‘trench coat’, and for the life of me I had no idea what that meant. But everything about it was wonderful, from the silk lining, to the hood in the back. Even the cloth on the outside had a certain sheen to it, even in its' blackness. I wanted the coat, as vain a need as it was. 'Later maybe..But now..'


Tracking down the bards was no easy task. Returning to the ruin of the tavern felt sickening, the expressions on those I past filled me with agony. I damned my empathy, for I felt their loss. However hard it was, I was able to control myself and hold back any urge to cry, knowing there was work to be done. The bartender gave me little information on the men, too busy weeping at the shambles of his former business. A young bounce proved more informative, even through his split lip.

"Those musicians are staying somewhere uptown, a place called "Kells'". If you want ta' find them, you go there. But I'd be quick about it. Who knows when those damned bitches will anger up again." Spiteful as he was, he was still a good source. I left the tavern, a little worried that my time was winding short. The moon above was waning, and soon it would be all but gone. I hated to travel in daylight, my burnt flesh was just one addition to the uncomfortable heat.

With swift feet I traveled, like a young tramp I traveled shamelessly the night's streets. My boots seemed to trample more shattered glass than road, the odor of smoke forcing its' way into my nostrils. Ruin was all around, and the faster I left the streets the better.

Kells' was small, a quaint little inn. It was a red brick, one story high building, with several chimneys. A trough lay outside, although no horses were insight. As I approached, I tried to think up a story, an excuse of some sort. 'Perhaps a fan?' As I entered, my eyes were met by soft candle light. The white washed walls seemed worn with age, and the easy chairs in the lobby looked beaten. Somehow, it all added to an allure of home, an illusion of coziness. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Can I help you?" A rather tart voice said. Sitting behind a solid wooden desk, a man with rather sharp features eyed me over. He was suspicious, and as well he should have been. A young, vagabond in rags arrives at his inn late at night, after hours of violent rioting.

"I'm from the tavern sir. Ya' see, those bards forgot ta' pick up their pay. damn'dest thing I tells you." I sounded like gutter trash, and loathed every minute of it. Still, my quick thinking soon paid off. a lowered gaze ushered me to the left hallway. I left quickly, not wanting to look at the man another minute. He was out of place here, I just could not figure out how.

The hallway was long and narrow. Lined with oil lamps and fine pictures, I could not help but pause and admire the ambience. Some of the paintings were strangely sexual in their make, a strong male theme easy to detect. Bananas are not the usual center for an artist, after all.

I finally reached the end, a saw an obvious sign. Right in front of a door, a large, dark skinned man stood. Calling him pudgy was a gross understatement, his bosom bigger than my own mother's. His keen black eyes stared straight at me, and I knew how to get passed the obvious bodyguard. Running up to him, pretending to be out of breath, I panted as while my eyes pleaded.

"Sir, Sir! A sandwich cart has turned over outside! It's too heavy for the seller to pick up! Sir would you..." His eyes lit up and he rushed past me like an untamed beast. His heavy footsteps were easily heard, and he was surprisingly quick for a fat man.

With him gone, all that was left was to enter the room. Slowly, with the utmost care, I turned the brass knob, holding my breath to see if anyone was inside. 'At this hour, they must be asleep.' I pushed it open, cringing at the slightest creak.

"Who the hell are you!"

Cyrus the virus
04-25-06, 05:52 AM
Some time later, Luc and Venna lay beside each other in the Inn's bed; neither of them seemed to care that someone could walk in at any time. The room was quiet and peaceful, and the sounds of chaos outside had stopped long ago. Luc hadn't noticed.

Now he sat sideways, looking at her body lovingly, in admiration. To him it was perfect, the very body he was always dreaming about during lonely journeys between regions. She caught him looking, but the mage made no effort to hide it. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked coyly, with some hint of confidence that made Luc smile.

He nodded and continued to admire her. She was beautiful, oh so beautiful.

But the daze brought on from their experience was fading from him, and the more he thought about it, the odder it seemed that they had fallen into bed when they did. Luc felt the urge to ask her how she felt about it, but as he looked into her eyes, those deep, alluring orbs, he could not.

Instead he got up and climbed over her, pulled on his pants and went to the window, looking outside for any sign of mischief or mayhem. All was calm, so Luc slowly got dressed as Venna stayed on the bed. "It's late, but I'd still better go see if everything is alright. I've never seen a riot like that here, I'm a bit worried. Stay here, okay?" He asked her.

"Do you love me?" He heard her ask. The question knocked the air from him, and it took him a moment to recover and look to her. She showed no sign of joking, and it was the first strange thing she'd said.

"I think I do," he answered.

04-30-06, 02:53 PM
I had frozen like a deer caught in a hunter’s gaze. In front of me stood the minstrel that pounded the drums during their set. His dull, eyes stared at me without blinking, intent on sizing me up. Sweat beat down my brow, unnerved at his relentless eyes. His large, shapeless face was distorted, a tiny discoloration scarred near his eye. Worried of what he was capable of, I searched the recesses of my mind for something, anything that could help me. Finally, it occurred to me, I had come there with no plan, and I feared what would happen for my short sighted nature.

"Relax lummox!" came a voice from beyond a door way. As he strode out, I remembered he was the one singing most of the time. He wore tight green pants and a tunic a schoolgirl would blush at. He defined features were neither sharp, nor too amorphous, but just right. He seemed heroic in a sense, a causal smile in the face of the unknown. "He's probably just fan here to be graces by my glory." And that was to be my plan. Such a conceited personality, admiration was my ticket for any information about the early riots.

I nodded slight, a wide grin stretched across my face, almost unnatural in a sense. I felt like an ass. 'But maybe an ass is what he's looking for.' A small giggle escaped, I just could not hold it in. "My name's..."

"You're name's not important. We already have enough fans to...attend to our needs." A third one I now noticed. His features were sharp, almost jagged. Piercing green eyes nearly took me aback, and a hawk like nose made me grimace in disgust. His contempt filled self was even more unattractive to than the amorphous one. He gestured with his hands, and around the room I could see five or six girls there, all half undressed, all panting deeply.

"One more couldn't hurt Salme" The leader again came to my defense, this time with a wink that disarmed my aggressor. "What's your name boy?" Gliding over to me, I was nervous when he wrapped his large arm around my waist, the odor of sweat and perfume mixing together in a travesty for the senses. His eyes were lustful, and I stood there, surprised by his extroverted nature.

"Nathaniel..." I managed to let out in a half moan. I had no idea how much of an effect he had on me, the way his charm made me tingle.

"Well, Nate, come with me" Another wink, and I was putty in his hands. It took my moments to realize we had wound up sitting on a deep purple, velvet couch. The other musicians went about, charming the ladies before they delivered a silver throated kiss. The well lit room soon became darker as one of the girls turned down the kerosene lamps at a minstrel’s bidding. "I can tell, you and I are gunna' be close, and you'll love every minute of it." His voice had deepened, becoming more serious than before. And, as he slipped his frigid hands beneath my shirt, I could only think one thing.

'I doubt that.'

Cyrus the virus
05-01-06, 08:03 AM
The beautiful form of Venna rose from the bed. She was naked and warm, still covered with sweat from their night together, and she made her way to Luc. Her smile melted Luc's heart as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him into her embrace. She felt like smooth material, but the mage was completely captivated in her. She was real, a real woman who was falling for him the way he had fallen for her, and he was in love.

Just as she'd hoped.

Luc was enjoying their hug, enjoying imagining what their future together could be like, when he sensed the building power in her. He tried to pull away, but her grip had become like iron. "Wh-What are you doing!?" Luc demanded to know, but the only response he got was a chuckle.

Between them was chaos, as an explosion of unelemental magic tore his clothes and threw him back. He hit something solid and stopped, but it was not the Inn's wall. The room had somehow become a dark cavern, fires as hot as they were red lining the walls. Luc was torn and hurt, his gut blackened from the magic and his tunic burned away.

He was confused, broken and unable to think clearly. In that moment of confusion he failed to notice his back was against the flaming wall. Finally his mind clicked, noticed the pain, and he rolled away, bringing fresh pain to his stomach. His cape was completely burned away, save for the cord that tied it, and his tunic was in pieces.

Before him appeared Venna, still naked but considerably less beautiful. Her appearance hadn't changed, but the look on her face was one of hatred and malice, the victorious expression painted upon her made Luc nervous... And sad. "Why?" He choked.

She cackled, an inhuman sound that ripped Luc's heart. Her body convulsed and changed, growing wings, turning red, exposing teeth larger than her head had been. She was truly a disgusting creature, far unlike the beauty she had been within the Radasanth tavern.

The demon--and that's just what she was--didn't respond in words. She threw out a hand, and a bolt of energy came from her to strike Luc in the chest, knocking him to his feet and back into the wall again. His breath escaped him as he fell to his knees, and soon he was struggling for that last escaping mouthful of air.

"Did you think a woman like that could love you?" She asked, reverting back to Venna's tone of fluid softness. Luc looked up at her, still unsure of what exactly had happened. She cackled at his curious, desperate expression. "You're a worm! You're worthless! I'm glad I broke you!"

The mage coughed blood, spat it against the hot floor and tried to force himself up. He was still too surprised, too confused to form any coherent thought about what was happening. One thing he did know, however, was that this demon wanted to kill him for some unexplained reason.

With great determination as his fuel, Luc stood up, battered as he was. The demon made a motion to cast another spell at him, but Luc enacted a barrier of wind which absorbed the attack, just barely holding out against the powerful blast.

"I want an explanation," he coughed out.

05-14-06, 09:29 AM
"It looks good on you. Now, take it off." Again he curled his lips into a sharp smile as he roughly pushed me atop his inn room bed. Slowly, he undid my new coat, the one he had bought me from the store I had seen during the night of chaos. Even if we had only spent a day together, now approaching our second night, we chatted and embraced like old loves rekindling their romance. He cast aside my new garment, that black zippered 'trench coat', aside. Slowly, he slipped his hands under my shirt, trying his best to remove it without showing his eagerness. This was a summary of our entire day together, and I was beginning to grow bored of it. He said nothing about the strange chaos that occurred the night before, nor of his minstrels being related to the fights. Still, I was uneasy around his band mates, all of them were just too suspicious.

I had tried my best to pry an answer from him at the store. He had paid a lot for the coat, almost 150 gold, so I had to be as careful as possible. No sooner had I opened my mouth, that he jammed his tongue straight down it. It was hard to keep him under control, his hormones raged like a teenaged boy. Sure he was young man, but one could only assume age would mature him a little more. I decided now would be my best chance, even against my own revisions of ruining such a perfect moment.

"How can you sing so well?" My tone was inquisitive, but as innocent as I could make it, still his eyes shot me a strange look. I feared the worst as he stopped groping me, but that all too familiar smile shot across his face once again.

"Can you keep a secret?" His deep green eyes showed he was all too serious. A quick nod from me reassured him, as if he trusted me deeply. "Well, my band and I, we use to travel from tavern to tavern looking for work see. But boy did we suck back then. But this lady comes up to us one night, outta' no where, and she asks us if we want to be, well, good. Of course we all said yeah, even if we were a bit suspicious. Well, the crazy bitch, she blows this powder in our faces, some getting into our eyes and mouth, and when we look to yell at her, she's gone. It's the damndest thing, ya' know?" Once again he began his romp over my body, his hands as clammy as ever.

"Do you ever notice fights break out?" For once I was out of character, sounding like my old, serious self. This time, he didn't even stop.

"I guess some fights break out sometimes, but they're probably just mad they can't get an autograph." The moonlight pouring in through the bedroom window made his wink a little more frightening than he had hoped. However, it was through that wink that I could see his true intentions. He was honest, completely honest. My empathy could just tell that he knew nothing of the chaos that broke from his band's performance.

Slowly, he drew down into a kiss, catching me off guard in my moment of contemplation. But through the awkward lip lock, I began to formulate a plan. 'To stop this chaos, before someone gets hurt. That someone could be me...'

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 11:42 AM
"You've learned some tricks since last we met," the demon snarled, annoyed at Luc's ability to somehow block her spells. She stepped to him with three quick movements, grabbed the remains of his tunic and lifted him up with a single red hand.

Luc tried to form some words, but he was choking. The demon, summoning amazing strength, threw the mage across the room to slam against another flaming wall. He fell to the ground hard, coughing as his chest tightened from the lack of air. She was upon him again, lifting the mage up by the seat of his pants as if he were the lightest thing around.

"Did you enjoy breaking my heart, Ji'ral?" She asked, lightly tossing Luc to the center of the room, where he collapsed against the hot floor. "You disappeared after we declared our love... Disappeared never to be seen again. It took this elaborate plan of mine to draw you to me. Those bards, I gave them the power to put rage in women, rage like the anger I felt after you left me!"

Luc looked up, battered and hurt, to see the demon near tears. It looked like it, anyway, but it was hard for the human to really tell. She was coming toward him again. "My name... Isn't Ji'ral!" Luc cried, seconds before she delivered a kick to his ribs, tossing him a few feet into the air and breaking bone.

"Now you're lying to me!?" She roared. "You're a little paler, but I wouldn't mistake your eyes, Ji'ral. Fallien was a nightmare until you came along... And then you just left. How do you like being broken?"

She took him by his hair then, lifting him from the ground with a rough tug. He cried out in pain, but was unable to really mount a defence before she punched his already burning gut and dropped him back to the ground. His mind was racing. What did this all mean? Was he set up? He wasn't Ji'ral, hadn't met anyone by the name, though it did sound somewhat familiar, a name deep in the recesses of his mind.

"This is all I've wanted over this past while," she said slowly, reverting to that sweet honey tone Luc had somehow loved. Now it dripped with poison, not sweetness. "To see you hurt and broken the way I've been. I want you to die, Ji'ral, but wanted your heart to be broken and destroyed first. It feels so good... And now, you can die, as my spirit died when you dissappeared."

She summoned a ball of fire in her hands, which quickly transformed into a flaming spear. The look in her eyes was determined and set, Luc knew she was serious. Her arm went back, and Luc felt incapable of defending himself.

"When?" He asked, coughing out the word, desperate to get her to hear it. "When!?"

She stopped, slowly, holding the spear back but taking the time to think. "When what?" She demanded, somewhat intrigued.

"When... Anything? When did... Ji'ral disappear? When... Did you love him?"

She thought about it, a bit of frustration taking over her 'face'. "Not long ago, not long ago at all."

"How many years?"

Now she felt angry. The flames of the room were growing more and more hot, Luc could feel his skin, it felt like it was burning. The flame spear dissipated as she thought about it, and if he were capable, Luc would have used the moment to mount an offense. All he had now was his knowledge, his history lessons from 22 years ago.

"Ji'ral was from Fallien," he said, coughing. "He was working with... Some woman, to try and overthrow Jya, I think. He died... over 190 years ago. He was executed for poisoning Jya. I'm only... 31."

Cyrus the virus
08-03-06, 01:46 AM
The demon's face, as unusual and hard to read as it was, twisted into some sort of expression Luc could not understand. It was as if it had been struck somehow, and the shock was too much for it to take. The flames around them died down, and the demon's form quickly shifted back into that of Venna as the room became the upstairs portion of the Inn again. Luc could not see the beauty in her anymore, as he pulled himself up using a nearby table.

She fell to her knees and wept, offering words whenever there was a lapse between tears. "I know now. I died only days after he disappeared. My anger and my hatred turned me into this thing, and I spent my days struggling to find him. I had this whole ploy laid out for him, to capture him and make him love this form I took on, then destroy him."

Luc could hardly muster a reply as he made it to his feet. His chest was burning with intense pain, and it took all of his willpower to stay conscious.

"You just," she continued, "look so much like him. But I know that you are not Ji'ral. I was a fool, a complete fool."

The form of Venna whisked away suddenly, as if swept aside by some passing breeze blowing a statue of sand. Luc was left staggering and in disbelief. Venna wasn't real. She was just a manifestation that this demon had come up with, and it wasn't even he who the demon had saught revenge against. Somehow, he thought he might have been wounded more than this Ji'ral would have been.

He felt foolish for letting himself feel what he'd felt for her. This was one wound that would not heal anytime soon.

Outside, the violence had ceased. The women had become calm and their anger was gone, as if it had all been some strange dream. In truth, the demon had been working through the popular band at the pub, using their music to instill anger in the women. Luc didn't realize this, nor did he care to. All that mattered was getting to a healer.

The man exploded into wind, whisking out of the Inn as any gust or breeze would. Finding healing wouldn't be difficult at all, even at this time of night. For everything but his heart, anyway.

08-05-06, 02:16 PM
This score is probably going to be a bit lower than you deserve. Part of the problem is that some of the categories would have been much higher if you’d finished. Sorry, it ended up this way, but them’s the breaks.

Total Score= 50

Introduction – 7 These introductions were fairly impressive. Cyrus suggested a bit of intrigue, while Redeemer introduced the readers to a unique and capricious character very well.

Setting – 5 You need to do more to make the setting stand out.

Strategy – 2 Everything here was just too convenient. I’m sure a lot of the real problems of this thread had to be changed because Redeemer wouldn’t post, but I can only go on what’s here.

Dialogue – 6 I felt that Redeemer’s dialogue was particularly well thought out. Stuff like figuring out whether or not to use contractions in IC really goes a long way with me.

Character – 5 The fact that I never got anymore on Vincent here really annoyed me. It seemed like he was an important part of Nathaniel’s life and yet there was no information on him. Luc was fairly strong. Cyrus, you might be a bit better served if you took more time demonstrating Luc’s feelings, especially in dramatic moments.

Rising Action – 6 There didn’t seem to be any real involvement between the PCs here. It was almost as if there were separate stories. Since this thread was incomplete, I assume you intended to meet later, but as it was it seemed almost as if there was an excellent story involving Luc and Venna, and other things that seemed almost irrelevant to the tale.

Climax – 6 Venna’s revelation that she was a demon served well as a climax, even though I don’t think this was intentional.

Conclusion – 3 This was a bit weak. I do like the fact that Cyrus emphasized Luc’s emotional wounds, but the way that he did it was a bit clichéd.

Writing Style – 5 Mostly clear and understandable. Sometimes Redeemer relied too much on simple sentences though. To the point where his writing seemed a bit too childish.

Wild Card – 5 I appreciate that Cyrus finishes his threads, even when others in them do not.


Cyrus the Virus receives 1850 EXP and 200 GP
Redeemer receives 350 EXP and 175 GP

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-15-06, 03:35 PM
EXP and GP added!