View Full Version : Akasha McGlothren

06-11-14, 03:07 PM
Name: Akasha McGlothren
Age: 111 (Appears 18)
Race: Full Blooded Vampire
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165lb
Occupation:* Poet, Musician

Personality: Akasha is an over thinker, she analyzes every situation down to the minute detail. Always looking for any detail that might aid her in anyway. She is a very soft spoken person but every word she uses has the weight of a wise and age old sage. Though she is soft spoken if in the right company she is very sociable, never letting her guard down for just anyone. Akasha is always wanting to broaden her own horizons by adventuring and concurring the wonders thought her world.


Appearance: Akasha skin is as pale as snow with eyes as bright as sad fires even in the darkest of rooms. Her lips reflect the many victims she has taken, so supple they look ready to burst with blood. She is a very full bodied girl, voluptuous yet muscular. Whenever she enters a room she is bound to turn heads with her grace, poise and unique beauty. Over the years Akasha has branded her self with a plethora of meaning full tattoos, spiritual in nature, almost like a diary of momentous occasions in her life.

Skills: Poetry- Expert Level-
Violin- Expert Level-
Literate- Expert Level-
Lock picking- Journeymen Level-
Light Footed- Journeymen Level-



06-18-14, 05:43 PM
I'm not sure whether this is finished or not.

Alyssa Snow
07-23-14, 11:27 AM
I'm going to close this thread and archive it. If the owner would like to resume, please PM me to have it re-opened.