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View Full Version : One Hell of a Party... (Recruiting 1-3 players)

06-11-14, 06:23 PM
Tenebrous is currently seeking 1-3 associates to infiltrate a Salvarian noble's party, overpower her guards, and loot her vault of a few choice artifacts. Any interested parties will receive an equal share of the ill-gotten gains. Post or PM me if you’re interested.

Possible Roles:
-Accomplice/partner in Tenebrous’s scheme
-Random partygoer who gets entangled
-House Guard
-Anything else you feel fits your character

Rough Outline: Forthcoming

Players on board:
Tenebrous Eldanoth: Tenebrous has kept his ear to the ground for the past few months. Through dropping a few coins and “interrogating” a few beggars, he got word of a rare grimoire of blood magic. The only problem is that it belongs to a powerful and well-guarded noblewoman. Ever the optimist, he has decided to pursue the tome in spite of the obvious dangers. If he has to step over a few corpses to get it, so much the better.

Zack Blaze
06-11-14, 07:08 PM
You have my fists. Prefer to be a partner but I could be a guard if you'd like.

06-11-14, 10:59 PM
Partner would be great. Tenebrous and Zack seem to have a similar moral outlook. Or lack thereof. Welcome aboard!

06-12-14, 06:52 AM
Philomel would be your average party-goer ... presumably as the lucious rented escort of a high proficient noble.

06-12-14, 12:51 PM
Philomel seems like a nice addition to the evening's revelries. Thanks for joining up!

06-13-14, 03:01 PM
Sorry it took me a while. The thread is up in Salvar. Post at your leisure.

Zack Blaze
06-23-14, 10:18 PM
Apologies for the late delay guys, shouldn't happen again.

Let's get this party started.