View Full Version : Reflection (Open)

Amber Eyes
06-12-14, 01:46 PM
The citadel always held a special place in the heart of Kyla Orlouge. Its monstrous form had been as much a part of her life as her closest friends. It was here she learned to control her powers. It was here she found her place in this crazy world. It was here she learned time and time again what direction she must take. Now, she needed it's magic more than ever. The girl still had much to learn.

The pristine hallway seemed to stretch on forever. Doorway after doorway stood before her, each one holding a different world. The monk approached her slowly, recognition in his eyes. Was it that obvious she was once again lost?

The questions never changed. "What kind of arena are you interested in? Any preferences in opponent?"

"I just need some self reflection." The mystic knew her words offered little to go on. Yet, the monk nodded sagely. His bright green eyes seemed completely out of place against his traditional brown robes and the white expanse of marble that surrounded the pair. "Room 77 should be ready any moment."

The halls were familiar and Kyla had little trouble finding the door. It sat on the third hallway to the right. Her feet left echoes with each slap against the stone floor, and for a moment she wished she'd come prepared. Sandals and a cocktail dress were perhaps not the best choice of attire. It was all inconsequential though, win or lose the mystic could only leave here better than she entered. The magic of the Ai'brone had never let her down before.

Her stomach fluttered nervously as she turned the brass knob and pushed the door inward. A blank slate of a room was all she saw, an endless expanse of white. Had the monk decided this was what she needed? Emptiness was all she felt inside, perhaps that was the lesson here? She took a step forward, trusting that the floor she could not see would meet her feet. It did.

The moment she took a step the room began to fill with familiar views. Each step brought the image more to life. Trees took shape. Grass sprouted from soil the moment it appeared. A solitary butterfly flapped its wings as they filled in with all the colors of the rainbow. The girl stilled as the wind began to blow and carried with it the smell of apple pie. It was dusk in Chateau Drantrak.

A familiar giggle filled the room and Kyla turned in an instant. Akiv! A man approached with a child on his back. No, it wasn't Akiv. Niche carried a tiny Kyla toward an apple tree. The tiny girl reached up and plucked a bright red one from a limb and bit into it. Juice dribbled down her chin and fell into the large man's hair. "Higher Daddy!" She cried as she reached for another. Momma was in a baking spell.

It began to fade and Kyla smiled. It had been so long ago. The room turned white once more and the girl remembered herself. She allowed a pool of shadows to fill her right hand.

The room is set up to show memories. It will show different memories as the battle progresses. It is up to my opponent if they are seeing the same thing as Kyla or if they are seeing their own past.

Quentin Boone
06-12-14, 01:57 PM
I'll have a post up for this either tonight or tomorrow...