View Full Version : Another Hudini Act again

09-23-06, 10:19 PM
Okay, I'll be drifting in and out of here, for a bit, even though I only have 3 courses this semester, I have a lot of studying to do. I'll try to keep up with things and joining in on roleplays. I think Elaezar (sorry J can't remmeber how to spel) and I might be planning a quest O_o;;; whenever we decide to plan one at school, and will be back here! Mostly Saturdays and Sundays I'll be on here.

So for now i'm pulling off another escape trick for 5 days a week, until christmas break.

09-26-06, 11:56 PM
Until Christmas? That's a long time, girl!

Do come by around when you're free. And don't forget what I said about Aeryn, Nya~! ;P