View Full Version : Brawn and Intelligence, they can go together?

06-18-14, 10:18 AM
Hello all,

My name is Enriler Tiquez, and I've come a long way from home... hoping to save my home.
I'm new here, I don't know the customs very well, and my focus has been on learning the common language of the land.

I have been told that the start of my journey must begin with simple quests. I need to increase my abilities over time, and hope to the heavens that there is some way to go back to my planet and save it.

Please help.

Um... Qualifications... yes, you'd probably want to hear about why I would be worthy of journeying with...

I'm strong, whether you need help with carrying items, breaking down doors, or even a strong hand to help you in a fight... I can be there.

I'm also a thinker, no... I'm not the smartest person you'll ever meet, but if you need help in a bind and the circumstances seem dire, I can guarantee that I will be there to help you to get out of the situation.

I know, generally the big strong guys are also stupid and immature, age is really the only thing that got me out of that stage of my life.

Give me a chance, let me help you. In turn, you will be helping me on my journey to find a way home and a way to save my planet.

([OOC] If you have a quest or any sort of thread that you believe I would be an interesting or helpful addition to, please respond to this thread or Private Message me. Thank you)

06-18-14, 10:37 AM
It would be nice to do a thread with you through one of my accounts. :)

06-18-14, 11:06 AM
Sounds good. I would be excited to do a thread with you, Ashla

06-18-14, 04:09 PM
Is there anyone else that would like to quest/share a thread with me?

06-20-14, 03:55 PM
Hey Enriler, I'm also a friendly neighborhood GM (Non-official staff of course!) for hire.

If you want somebody to quest with as well, I'm also game for that when you are approved :) .

06-20-14, 06:36 PM
I got approved a couple days ago. PM and we can discuss how we want to begin our thread together?

06-21-14, 03:22 PM
Hey Enriler I posted the first post to our thread.

I hope you like it as I put a lot of work into showing what The Trading Company is about, and WHO is Elthas.

Check out the post and let me know what you think. I'm trying to tie the story into the Civil War in Radasanth, so there will be a lot of crazy things going on as we write.

Here is the link ~Revolution~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27651-The-Belthasar-Chronicles-%28Closed%29)

06-25-14, 12:15 AM
I hate to double-post but I am also BUMPING this.

Hey Enriller, let me know if you still want to do the quest together mate? I am waiting for you to post. The post is ready and up for you to post in. If you have lost interest in it, I can just ask for someone else to help out. Just let me know either way mate. I hope everything is okay with you!