View Full Version : Some Questions

Tristin Marel
06-20-14, 04:44 AM
I have been searching high and low for a fantasy site that has an open species plan. Others have not fared well with me.

I'm okay with this site, but my preferences are different.

do I have to participate in quests and battles/tournaments?
And I am not here for writing advice. Honestly, I come here for a stress free time, not to worry about how I write. Can I still role-play here?

Core Beast
06-20-14, 05:09 AM
You do not have to participate in battles/tournaments.

Yes, you can still roleplay here. We have this thing called No Judgement. It lets you receive set XP/GP without having to worry about how well you wrote the thread. Now some others on the site might request full rubric or other forms of judgment. Even then however, you don't have to read the advice given by the judge and just see how much XP/GP they gave you.

Tristin Marel
06-20-14, 05:16 AM
Alright. Thank you for your time :D

06-20-14, 05:20 AM
As Core Beast said above, but I'd like to add one thing.

We also have a forum here called the Writer's Workshop. You get no EXP or Gold from it, but people can critique your writing, for good or bad. It is advice, but one could say it's a judgement by your peers.

As for your racial concerns. We're pretty diverse here. Just keep it mostly within the bounds of fantasy canon (So. No, you cannot have automatic weapons, outrageous power before a certain level, or sit around yelling you're a god of all things and the best. )

And that's that. Welcome to the site, and have a good time!

Core Beast
06-20-14, 06:27 AM
You're welcome Madam, and thank you Krausus for the bit I forgot.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
06-20-14, 06:35 AM
I don't think the Workshops will interest someone who stated they aren't interested in having their writing critiqued.

But aye, as the lads have stated, this site is very open in how you want to approach it. And they're a welcoming bunch, so if you're here to have fun and unwind, there are few sites better.

Welcome aboard, cutter.

06-20-14, 07:34 AM
I have seen everything on this website from half-demons to weird fairy things, Core Beast is a balrog and I have two fauns. Its pretty open :D

That means... Hello :P

Also I read your character registration. I think you might be asked to drop some abilities of Tristan's as a dragon at level one is extremely unusual and powerful. Just a wee warning, but I love his abilities and the amount of depth you put in :D

06-20-14, 08:27 AM
Like Phi said, the profile is extremely in depth and thus is a good one.

Meanwhile, welcome to the site! :)

06-20-14, 10:22 AM
I just want to clear up a misconception. The workshops actually do yield instant EXP and GP. They yield rewards similar to a no judgement, yet slightly higher. In the workshop, once your completed thread is posted and rewards given, others can read your thread, provide you with feedback, and earn some rewards themselves. So, if you ever find yourself in a pinch for EXP, giving a review can earn you up to 30% of the needed EXP.

A "Basic Judgement" is also another phenomenal tool. They are not scored, but you earn EXP & GP in relation to effort, and get three pros and cons for your writing content.

That being said, to roleplay like you want without loads of feedback, Basic Judgements, No Judgements, and Workshops are all fantastic options to help you earn points for your hard work without an in depth analysis.

And when you submit for judgement, if you ask a judge for limited or no commentary, we will happily oblige.

So, welcome! Thanks for giving Althanas a try and I hope you enjoy your stay. Should you need anything on an administrative level, feel free to PM me or contact me in chat. :)

Tristin Marel
06-20-14, 03:49 PM
Alright. :3

I get it now!

As for my character, it's take it or leave it now. I already had to change his powers quite a bit. Now it's either make it or break it- and my fate will decide my time on this site. :3

06-20-14, 04:00 PM
Your fate is in the hands of the RoG staff:)