View Full Version : Episode 020 - Seduce Astarelle

06-24-14, 09:47 PM
Poddy time! Poddy time!

Episode 020 - Seduce Astarelle (http://www.althanas.com/world/podcasts/Episode020.mp3)

We've got a very special guest this episode--the ever-adorable Luned! She suffers through an hour of Andy and Megan's normal shenanigans, and joins in with talk about cat dreams and tattoos. We also discuss the third round of the Eiskalt War, the Althanas Tumblr (http://althanas.tumblr.com), and try to keep the questions segment short this time.

If you'd like to enter the inaugural podcast trivia tournament next week (the details of which are in the tail end of this week's show), let me know in this thread!

06-24-14, 10:45 PM
Some links re: stuff I mentioned...



Roht Mirage
06-24-14, 11:32 PM
An addendum to Otto's hipster adventure.


The relevant part:

Smallgood's Fashion and Accessories was advertising their newest clothing line.

Life hurts. Bandage it up.

Included were multiple full-color pictures of young, happy people in an assortment of bandages and tourniquets. Mostly... in lieu of actual clothing. At the bottom was the logo for the new line; a goofy doodle of an orc, heavily-bandaged and sporting a pair of sunglasses that must have been the only recovered remains of a fashionista tragically killed by a falling rainbow.

I pretty sure Mr. Smallgood lost the royalty check in the mail. *cough* So, potential plot idea. =)

Aurelianus Drak'shal
06-24-14, 11:39 PM
Andy, the fact your bottoms don't match actually gave me a physical twitch.

God damn you, sir.

Also, Luned - you sound like an adorable sociopath.

And not to be left out; Megan, I love you. :P

06-25-14, 12:17 AM
Luned squeaking out a swear: priceless.

06-25-14, 07:00 AM
Luned sounds mortified by her own voice the whole way through. Highly entertaining.

Another great 'cast, guys - thanks a heap!

06-27-14, 02:35 PM
Just a reminder that I'm still taking volunteers for guest spots on next week's episode to partake in Trivia Night on the podcast!

06-27-14, 03:45 PM
I gladly volunteer my services, along with my new headset - ;D - if no one else will. And I promise I won't be clicking away.