View Full Version : Cold and Calm

Tobias Stalt
06-25-14, 08:29 PM
I'd like to enchant both of Tobias' long knives.

Cold- When this blade draws blood, the victim's bloodstream begins to run cold, starting from the site of the wound. At first, the afflicted area becomes cold, as if ice had been directly applied. This causes mild discomfort. As time progresses, the chill begins to spread, causing the blood to slow and eventually freeze unless counteracted by magic. The appendage begins to turn black and will become useless after thirty minutes. If allowed to spread to the heart or lungs, this effect is lethal.

Calm- in contrast to Cold, Calm does not cause any sort of bodily damage. Instead, it contains a powerful anti-magic that causes it to disrupt normal flows of Tap energy. It does not spread, rather, a person cut with it cannot channel magic power through the stricken area. Enough cuts could render a person dead to Magic permanently. The effect can be reversed by a very powerful healer.

Tobias Stalt
06-26-14, 12:59 PM
Alright, specific details for Cold:

Rather than literally freezing, the effect is like frostbite. The blood temperature actually drops, and the effect spreads not unlike poison until it reaches the heart. It slows the body and withers the appendages. The effect takes time- while the initial strike feels like ice, the actual effect takes several minutes to take hold. For example, if the wrist were cut, it would make the hand go limp within five minutes. The entire arm might become useless after thirty. Within several hours, if undisturbed, the effect would reach the heart and kill the victim. The resulting sensation is akin to anesthesia- thus, the afflicted area feels numb.

On Calm:

The effect that deadens magic is not permanent. (As per ruling) The stricken area becomes numb to magic, and the victim cannot channel energy through that area (think Chi pressure points.) Additionally, any wards, enchantments, or other magics on the victim are dispelled when the weapon cuts.

Tobias Stalt
06-26-14, 01:38 PM
Also, Calm's numbing affect only lasts for several minutes unless the blade is constantly striking or kept in the victim.

06-26-14, 01:49 PM
Alright, I'm thinking 375 per blade should do it.

Max Dirks
10-21-14, 02:13 PM
This thread is being archived. Please contact a moderator if you would like it reopened.

12-11-14, 10:32 PM
Reopened at Tobias's behest. He will pay 444 toward the blades and have 306 covered by Amber Eyes.

Tobias and Amber, please confirm.

Amber Eyes
12-11-14, 10:33 PM
What Lye said :P

Tobias Stalt
12-11-14, 10:36 PM
Deduct me, mon capitan.

12-11-14, 11:04 PM
It will be done, GP to be deducted when I get the ants in the pants to get r done.

Max Dirks
12-16-14, 12:28 PM
Transaction Complete.

444 GP removed from Tobias Stalt!
306 GP removed from Amber Eyes!