View Full Version : To Stay, Soothe and Still

Amber Eyes
06-26-14, 02:23 PM
“One by one, drops fell from her eyes like they were on an assembly line - gather, fall, slide...gather, fall, slide...each one commemorating something she had lost. Hope. Faith. Confidence. Pride. Security. Trust. Independence. Joy. Beauty. Freedom. Innocence.”
― Lisi Harrison, Monster High

The burning of her throat threatened tears. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut even as her body heaved violently once again. Beads of sweat covered her pale face as it flushed red. The girl fell to her knees and rested her face against the cool marble floor. The bucket next to her was nearly half full and her stomach showed no signs of stopping. She had been this ill only once before, months before her life changed forever when Akiv was born. This time, there would be no reward for her suffering. She gave in.

The Mystic wept.

The tears were salted with the words of those she loved. Anita, Emma, Ella, Jensen, Sei, even Akiv. The same people who had given her so much had taken it all away.

The taste of bile sat in the back of her throat and only served to make matters worse. Her stomach muscles ached from overuse. Her hands trembled as she relaxed and gave into her sore body's will.

Kyla's mind raced even as her body gave out from exhaustion. Was this rock bottom? Had she truly lost everyone and everything in the blink of an eye? The last thought before she gave in to the darkness was of the only person who hadn't betrayed her.

One desperate crawl carried her into the shadows. The cold enveloped her.

Amber Eyes
06-27-14, 11:42 AM
The door slammed behind her in faux finality. Her veins flowed hot and her face turned a bright shade of pink. A new recruit named Tiano passed her on the stairwell and opened his mouth to speak only to catch the look in the Mystic's eyes and think better of it. Her feet slammed against the marble floor with each step and angry echoes flowed through the halls.

In the two minutes and twelve seconds it took Kyla to reach her own room she passed four members of the Ixian Knights and spoke to none. She existed only in body as her mind reeled from the conversation that led her here. Her own sisters refused to understand. Their ignorance would cost lives. She was the lone protector of her people.

The massive space stood before her, filled to the brim with fine furniture and books that libraries would give near anything to have. It was the room of a princess, a woman of means, a Daughter of the Dragon. In a corner sat Akiv's old toys. Kyla had never brought herself to move them, though they were in fine condition and could still fetch a fair price at a shop. They reminded her of tiny footsteps in the middle of the night and cold hands as he crawled into bed to recover from a nightmare. It was hard to believe he was near thirteen this spring. He had stopped waiting for her each day, his sights were set on his own glory now. His hands were no longer soft and eager to do her bidding. They were the hands of a man with callouses from a sword and scars from training.

She crept to his doorway, kicking her shoes off as she went. The silky carpet slid easily beneath her feet. She knocked quietly, hoping he had not yet headed down for breakfast.

"Come in!" His voice caught her off guard. There was a crack in it, but she could not deny the register was lower than it used to be. She gave a sigh of denial as she turned the knob and pushed against the door. He sat at his desk with a pen in hand and Kyla smiled. His writing was a source of constant argument and she was glad to see him practicing.

"Getting some work done before breakfast?" Kyla gave a large grin as she reached his side and ruffed his hair gently with her fingers.

The boy tensed, instinctively covering his page with the crook or his arm. "It's just a letter mom." He spoke a bit too fast.

"A letter huh?" The Mystic tried to cover her suspicion with a air of nonchalant curiosity. "Who are we writing to this early?"

"It's nothing Mom, just a letter to Uncle Ciato about spending some time with him this summer." His features seemed to tighten as he spoke. He knew where this was heading.

"You aren't going to Ciato's this summer Akiv. Why would you think that?"

Akiv sighed. He stood slowly and picked his parchment up as he did. He took several steps toward the bed and then paused. "I've already spoken to Grandpa about it. I'm leaving in three days. He thinks it's an easier environment to finish training for the trials."

The Mystic light and shadow trials used to be a common occurrence. Every Mystic child was expected to complete one of the trials, choosing either light or shadow magic for the rest of their lives. It was their first adult decision and usually took place around their sixteenth birthday. That all changed the night Akiv was conceived. A magic the woman still did not understand left all but her barren. The child's existence marked both the decimation and only hope of the race. He was the last of the Mystics.

"That isn't Sei's call to make. He no longer leads this army." The words were filled with more venom than intended.

"Mom, Grandpa has been calling the shots for me my whole life. Please don't make this into a big deal. Perhaps the trials won't fix everything, but I have to try." The boys was pleading now. He stepped toward her, reaching out awkwardly.

When had this become so strange? Had they really drifted that far apart?

"So this is about saving the Mystics? Sei's willing to offer your life in exchange for the chance to save us all? You're nothing but a lab rat? No, Akiv. You aren't going into the trials. No one has entered in years and I'll be damned if you're going to be the first. We don't even know if it will work."

Akiv's eyes hardened. When he spoke his voice was calm and quiet. "I'm not asking for your permission. I leave in three weeks."

"Dammit Akiv!" Kyla's pitch rose. "I have done everything for you! I--"

"You've done nothing for me." The words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. The mistake registered even as he finished, but it was far too late.

"Fine. Stay safe, Akiv." A single tear escaped her eye as Kyla rushed from the room.

Amber Eyes
07-16-14, 09:41 AM
The door closed hard behind her, the deafening sound of losing ones child. The moment the red wood sealed them apart Kyla wept.

It seemed the older Akiv grew the more he withdrew from her. She'd been a good mother. He'd always had the newest toys. Even now, she couldn't bear to part with the blocks and wooden rocking horse. They lay abandoned in the corner. Would Kyla herself end up the same way? Given up on as bigger and better things came along?

Was that what it meant to raise a child?

She could remember his chubby cheeks and toothless smile like it was yesterday. The dimples on his knees as he learned to walk. The way he always seemed to spill whatever he consumed the moment he wore a white shirt. The way his pants gave at the knee in days. But of all the memories a single one forced its way into her thoughts.

The boy was about seven. His baby fat was long gone, but he still crawled into bed with her on stormy nights. It had been a rough day for Kyla and she'd gone to bed early, leaving the door closed. She woke early and dressed for the day. When she opened the door she found him.

Akiv lay curled in a perfect ball. His arms kept his head from the stone floor. Kyla's first reaction was shock, her second was adoration. Had he lain out here all night? Was he that eager to be with her?

It was her proof that once they had been close. This was the love a son had for his mother.

Akiv Orlouge
07-28-14, 04:29 AM
It was so many years ago.

As the heavy redwood door closed between them, the teen let out a sigh of relief. Every conversation with the woman was brimmed with fear and pent up anger.

The sounds of an escaped sob reached his ears. It snuck under the door frame like a thief seeking all that was good in his life. It had always been this way. Children aren't meant to parent their parents. Yet, it had always been this way in the highest tower of Ixian Castle.

Akiv stood. Once again her would go to his mother, assure her of his love. He would brush the whole thing over, and for a while they would go back to normal. He stretched as he made his way to the door. His long arms and legs always seemed out of place against his boyish face, the only physical proof of how quickly he'd grown up. He reached for the knob as an image reached his mind.

He hadn't thought of the night for a very long time.

The whispers were always there.

"Kyla's lost it again."

"I heard she locked herself in her room."

"It's heartbreaking. She seemed fine at dinner."

"Sei has cut off the whole floor. You'd really think he could do something with her."

“Honestly, I wish she’d just go through with it this time.”

Akiv would close his eyes and pretend he couldn't hear, or that he didn't understand, or that he was another person entirely.

The moment he was out of eyesight though, the boy ran. His tiny legs took the steps two at a time. Echoes filled the halls and pushed him forward. It wasn't until her door was in his sights that he slowed. The hall was deserted. The rumors must be true.

He knocked. His tiny knuckles were caked with dirt, proof that hours ago he was having fun like any normal child. Now, things were far from normal. There was no answer from the other side. He tried the knob, though he’d been through this enough times to know it would be locked.

“Mama?” His voice wavered. “Mama, I’m here.”

Instead of Kyla’s, Sei’s ‘voice’ filled his mind. ”Akiv, You are welcome to stay in my room tonight.”

He could respond silently. It was a benefit of having a telepath for a grandfather. He needed to say this out loud though. “I won’t leave her.”

”There is nothing to be done for her tonight, Akiv. You have school tomorrow.”
“I won’t leave her,” he repeated.


Then, the shouting began. Sei must be speaking to his mom.

The words were a jumble of words that the boy could not make out, but the intention was clear. Kyla Orlouge wanted to be left alone.

But what would he do if she never came out?

Akiv curled up into a ball and placed his head close to the door as the screams turned to weeping. He felt his own body convulse in silent sobs in tune with Kyla’s.

This was the love a son has for his mother.

Amber Eyes
08-17-14, 10:41 PM
Kyla dried the tears from her face. Akiv would come around. He always did. Her sisters too would see the errors in their choice. Once Kyla took out the threat of attack from the Cult of Blessed torture they would all believe in her again.

But how could she do that without an army?

There were limited options. Anyone who followed her would be directly disobeying the orders of the Ixian Knights. Who would take that risk?

Who would go with her to the ends of the earth to protect their castle, full well knowing their return might mean losing everything? Who was that crazy? Who hated the Cult that much?

The girl patted her reddened cheeks one last time and gave herself a hopeful smile.

Maybe, just maybe, an immortal would take that chance.

She entered the empty hall and considered her own request. If she were anyone else, would she take such a chance?

The pair's history was complicated to say the least.

A carefree love affair.

The jealousy that ended it.

The years of heartache as no one else quite filled the hole in her heart. The one that he at least kept covered up with fun and adventure.

Their final tryst, where he risked his marriage and her her sanity.

The long, painful road to friendship through so much murky water.

Nothing about it had been easy. Surely if anyone would guide her through this, it would be the one man who had shaped her more than any other.

Amber Eyes
10-29-14, 04:02 PM
She knocked again and again. He was probably sleeping off booze or death. Eventually he would hear. Minutes passed as she rapped repeatedly against the dark wood door that led to a room the Mystic had once dreamed of living in. Now though, it was filled with Azza's collections and Stephanie's memories.

As she waited, Kyla kept her eyes locked on the knob. Her mind filled with memories of her younger years. Before everything was so complicated. She could picture herself running through the castle halls, her long skirt blowing behind her as giggles filled the air. She would duck into an empty room and do her best to keep her heartbeat silent.

He always found her. It was a game for children, something neither of them were anymore. And yet, somehow they were both reclaiming a part of their life they never got to truly live. He would sneak up and pull her in tight. His heart would speed up as hers slowed and soon they would be one.

"...Miss Orlouge?"

The Mystic turned at the sound, suddenly back in the real world. It was Oreo Jones. His graying hair was disheveled, he had not been awake long. His tired gray eyes were further proof of a late night at guard. His pistols were firmly in place, always ready. He gave a concerned look as he noted the slight puffiness of the girl's cheeks, but he shook off the idea of mentioning it.

"Ambrose won't return for several days M'lady."

The girl visibly shrank. Her voice was little more than a whisper, she needed him. "On Knight buisness? Do you know where I can locate him?"

Oreo pursed his lips, considering his words carefully. " 'fraid not Miss. He and Miss Astarelle have taken leave. Last I heard they were causing trouble in one bar or another."

"Thanks Jones." The girl took a deep breath and brushed past the man even as he reached out and touched the top of her arm.

"Is there anything I can do for you Kyla?" The familiarity of using her first name made him uncomfortable and it showed in the uneasiness of his voice.

"Thank you Jones, but I'm afraid this is something I have to do alone."

Amber Eyes
10-29-14, 04:17 PM
She reached her room in moments and lay upon the soft bed that had been made in her absence. At least the cleaning crew had not left her.

The mystic considered her options.

Sei had made his stance very clear.

Anita would stand with the Dragon until her dying breath.

Emma understood, but her youth brought fear. She couldn't afford to make a mistake.

Ella, dear sweet Ella. She was naive.

Akiv was set on his own goals.

Jensen was gone with the Lady Set'Roh. Carving out another of his many lives.

William Arcus had abandoned them.

Seth Dalios was in hiding, dealing with his own demons.

Aislinn was tending to the ill.

Felicy was still living down the noodle incident.

Her uncles were not the type for revenge, save Ciato. He hadn't shown his face in months though.

Duffy was dead. The rest of the troupe were either long gone or wrapped up in their own struggles.

What had happened to the Knights?

The girl had never felt so alone.

Then, realization hit. The Knights were alive and well. Everyone was exactly where they were supposed to be. It was her that no longer fit.

The truth hit her hard in the gut. A wave of nausea threatened the fine linens. The girl carried herself to the small lavatory and looked hard at her tired blue eyes.

How often had she worried she would lose her place here in the early years?

Once Sei found out she was a thief, surely he would lose interest. Once her lineage was found out, surely she would be sent to Drantrak with her father. Once Ella and Emma joined the fold, she would be the outcast.

Again and again the good of the IK proved her wrong.

Perhaps this was it. The moment she'd told herself would never come.

Silence Sei
10-31-14, 12:20 PM
There was a soft knock upon Kyla’s door. Before the girl could even invite him in, Sei Orlouge, the hero of Radasanth, made his presence known. He opened the door to her room very gently and ever-so quietly tilted his head in. Once he saw that Kyla was on her bed, he began to approach her. He sat on her bed and thought for a moment. This did not appear to be the best time, but with the information the Mystic had obtained, he knew it was now or never.

“Kylana,” Sei gently ‘talked’ into the girl’s mind, “we need to talk.”

The girl lifted her head from her pillow to look at her father. “What is it?”

He was taken aback by the tone of her voice; as if she was mad ta the world about something. He tilted his head once again as if he were an owl attempting to follow its prey. “Your sisters and I have talked, and I’ve also been told that you were trying to go see Jensen.”

“Yeah? So?”

Sei’s heart felt like it would beat out of his chest. The Mystic had slain legends, defeated beasts of lore, and saved an entire continent from destroying itself. Why was it so hard to talk to one woman? “So I know what you’re planning to do. We’ve already had this discussion before Kylana. You can’t go after the Cult. We don’t know if they’re even responsible for the attack. They do deserve to pay for their crimes, but wasting time and resources into finding them right now could prove fruitless.”

“Sei!” Kyla rose from her bed to sit beside him, her eyes filled with what the warrior could only interpret as rage, “if I have to do this alone, I will. I –know- they did it, I know someone that can help us find them! My contact—“

“You’re contact won’t even show his face around the castle, Kyla!” Sei stood now, his breathing a bit heavy now, “you’re trusting the word of someone you won’t even take your sisters to see! I will not have you endanger our men, our family so you can follow a childish vendetta on the word of a stranger! Stop being stupid and wake up!”

His words left her speechless, her jaw agape. Her lips trembled as she stood and walked past him. She made it to the doorway before her father stopped her.

“Kyla Marie Orlouge! If you walk out that door and go after the Cult of Blessed Torture, you are no longer welcome back at Ixian Castle!”

He saw her body slump and sigh.

Then she was gone.

Amber Eyes
11-02-14, 10:58 PM
Tears began to stream down her face the moment she was out of sight. Kyla allowed them to flow. Where else could she turn?

The cult had to fall. For too long they had been a thorn in the side of the Ixian Knights. Often they were little more than a minor annoyance, but this made twice that they had truly done damage within the castle walls. The mortars that struck the courtyard all those weeks ago could easily have taken away Akiv or Ella.

If she had a choice, Kyla couldn't see it.

Her stomach wretched the moment the decision was made. Kyla would leave her home.

Minutes passed, minutes of sickness, minutes of fear, minutes of sadness.

And then she was gone. She crawled through the shadows and let the cold of Salvar swallow her whole.

11-04-14, 04:37 PM
"M'lord, come quick!"

Lye did not lift his silvered head from the parchment upon the dimly lit desk. The long quill continued to dance as he transformed ink into word.

"I'm busy," he returned after delay.

"You will want to make time for this. I will bet my life." Though the gravity of that statement carried weight for the surly messenger, it meant very little to the leader of The Crimson Hands. Still, he humored the notion and placed his quill softly in its well.

"I'll take you up on that bet." The assassin rose from his seat. Stiff from a combination of creeping cold and hours of writing messages to key agents throughout Althanas, he rolled his shoulders. A few pops mixed with a faint creak told the assassin a break from the mundane would serve refreshing. In the best case, he'd get to spill some blood. Crimson Hand messengers always seemed to have open positions.

"Shall we?" he mused.

Together they left the confines of his quarters and into the Grand Hall of the long house. A tickle of inquiry nagged at the back of his mind as they continued into inner sanctum. Typically full of the lesser hands as they enjoyed food, drink, gambling, and occasionally a good fisticuffs, a rather decent gathering had formed near one of the peripheral doors. This door in particular lead to the sub chamber used for special interrogations, torture, or surgery. Something had the men stirred.

"Please tell me this isn't some special viewing from one of the tiefling's concubines," Lye leered. His lips scrunched to a scowl at the thought. Though the men appreciated Aurelianus's "gifts", the half-demon knew very well that it only irritated Lye. His excuse always had to do with "group morale" or "breaking in" new prospects. Either way, he liked to spring the surprise late in the evenings and usually after Lye returned from exhausting ventures across the lands. Spiny bastard...

"No, m'lord. Though it is a woman, she's not from The House."

Lye furrowed a brow. By now, they weaved through the crowed bodies toward the hall.

"You interrupted me for a woman?" His voice raised to dominate of the excited chatter of the others, and as their leader made way, they only grew louder in speculation. The assassin racked his mind until, finally, an idea came to mind.

They broke through the bodies and sure enough, it was her.

"Kyla Orlouge." Lye muttered. The name escaped his lips in pleased tones. He turned to his messenger and placed a firm hand upon his shoulder, "Send a raven to the tiefling. Tell him I've permitted you pick of his litter for your own uses."


"Go, and seal the door behind you. Tell them anyone to enter without good reason gets the sword."

"Sir!" And he was gone.

In the chamber beside her was the Ai'Brone known as Corvanik. He pulled a bear skin over her as she lay pale atop a wooden table. Behind them, a fire warmly flickered.

"Corvanik, tell me what you know," Lye commanded, though his tone was still of the cheery sorts.

"They found her collapsed in the snow, unconscious. No signs of a struggle." His wrinkled, weary face turned to the assassin, concern plastered on his features. "Why is she here? Do you think this is a trap?"

Lye stepped over to the table. Kyla's dark hair, cleaned and brushed by the old monk, dangled off the table's edge. The girl's features remained pale as a ghost, yet under her eyes were irritated and red. Lye looked down on her, then removed a glove from his hand. Then, he brought it to lightly caress the cold, yet fair skin of her neck.

"It's no trap," Lye affirmed almost lovingly. "Not for us at least."

"What do you mean?" Corvanik shifted in front of his master, as if to protect the girl. "She's hypothermic, surely you wouldn't!"

"I won't." The assassin's tone snapped back to its usual chilling ire, and he returned his hand to the glove.

"Don't bother your magics with her. You'll be needing it for the tournament. I want you to go tell Madison Freebird to brew up one of her restorative concoctions." Lye turned away from the Ai'Brone and stepped toward the door. "I'll have the others fetch firewood for my chambers. Kyla will stay with me."

Corvanik stood speechless and motionless. His expression mimicked one closer to horror than confusion. When his master open the door to the curious many and turned to face him, Corvanik's stomach churned. Lye was genuinely smiling, and it mortified him.

"Well go on," Lye coaxed as one would to a puppy. The Ai'Brone glanced to the unconscious Orlouge in front of him, back up, then down again.

"The longer she stays like this, the more likely she'll die on her own. Get to it."

Silent and with hesitation, the monk did as he was told. He stepped past his master and stopped within the crowd of whispering thugs, bandits, killers, rapists, and liars.

"You give me your word she'll go unharmed?"

"I give you my word."

Corvanik nodded without eye contact, and left to fetch aid from the Master of the Mind. The image of Lye's expression still burned in his head and unsettled his nerves.

11-17-14, 12:56 PM
Thread Title: To Stay Soothe and Still (http://www.althanas.com/)
Judgment Type: Full Rubric
Participants: Amber Eyes, Akiv Orlouge, Silence Sei, Lye

General Note about commentary: As Amber Eyes is the primary writer in this piece, she will be given a larger amount of commentary. Others will receive a short piece based on their single post within the thread. If more information is required, please PM the judge.

Amber Eyes: 19/30
Akiv Orlouge: 18/30
Silence Sei: 16/30
Lye: 19/30

Amber Eyes: Beginning from a moment of sorrow to a state of being dependent and dying, there is a clear development of story here, which ties into the development of character also. The plot is enticing and engaging in the way that you write it. In general pacing was well formed, and the flashbacks in post 3 were particularly powerful in showing Kyla’s emotions. In terms of weaknesses, the story did feel a little short and could have done with slightly more posts, perhaps one, as she goes from the Ixian Castle to Salvar very quickly, with no mention of her getting cold and passing out. For instance, post 9 could have been expanded upon and left more questions unanswered than it answered. Overall setting, also, could have been described more and interacted with, however, the build and tension was powerful and well written.

Akiv Orlouge: The short plot of your character’s piece is short but powerful in showing another side to your mother’s story. It fits well, though does not change much in tone, as one might expect from going from mother to son.

Silence Sei: Unfortunately, opposed to Akiv’s post, your post was a little out of place seemingly in this thread, as your pacing is much faster than the rest of the plot. It is also a little rushed in itself in terms of single post pacing. Individually, however, you do add an edge to the storytelling, and have a clear precise voice as a writer.

Lye: As far as plot goes you conclude the entire story well, with a slightly longer post than all others, but in this case it does suit. Perhaps, in a way, it could have been broken up into two posts (a new section after “it was her,” thus leaving a small cliffhanger) however it does develop and finish the plot, which is what is required of an epilogue, so well done.

Amber Eyes: 23/30
Akiv Orlouge: 21/30
Silence Sei: 22/30
Lye: 23/30

Amber Eyes: Overall your strengths definitely lie in this sector, in developing the character of Kyla and moving her from a state of feeling alone in her family to actually being alone amongst enemy company. This sudden transaction is reflected in her change from despair to suicidal tendencies, which is helped much in her dialogue and the series of thoughts in her memories and also her interaction with Akiv. The only weakness here again is with time - more posts would have provided the reader more time to fully empathise with Kyla, and perhaps a little more explanation as to what had caused her to feel so upset.

Akiv Orlouge: Here there is a clear snapshot of Akiv’s personality, at least in terms with his relationship to his mother. The brief look to him as an adult, then the flashback to the memory gives a neat parcel of character. However, perhaps as an addition it would be good to add in more direct thoughts of Akiv to link to how he is feeling internally.

Silence Sei: What can be said, but the mute has an excellent way of talking. You manage to capture your character very well through use of speech - although, at times one does wonder what is going on under the orange hair. It would be interesting to hear his thoughts sometimes; however, you do right him with a strong sense of personality, with both a gentle heart and anger.

Lye: The strength of Lye is seen here, the man who enjoys giving the orders and has much power. In his mannerisms and his tone of voice it is clear who is in charge in this situation, and your writing carries him well. There is also a hint of humanity as he promises that Kyla will not be harmed, which is intriguing and cleverly inserted.

Amber Eyes: 19/30
Akiv Orlouge: 21/30
Silence Sei: 20/30
Lye: 22/30

Amber Eyes: Your writing itself was all correct, with no blaring spelling mistakes. Within a few posts (most obviously, 6) you have a line of dialogue included with a line of action (a separate sentence) whereas every line should have its own dialogue. In a particularly picky case it would have been good to have posts mostly a similar length to balance the action out. Clarity is also a weakness for you, as the flow of the piece is disrupted a little in the sudden change of scene from Ixian Castle to Salvar, and this is not obvious until half way through post 9. Post 7 also is confusing as the list of names is not entirely obvious at first sight who they are and how they fit in with Kyla’s background and her emotions. However, you do have a good strength in demonstrating a very good use of sentence structure and clever paragraphing, which is prominent throughout and gives you a very good consistency for the thread.

Akiv Orlouge: Again, your style here could be written down a little, to reflect the age of your character. This is a method of practise and trying to place your character in your head. A simple development, also, would be the use of more description in your post, to deepen the idea of Akiv’s part in all of this, yet well written over all.

Silence Sei: Similar to Amber Eyes, it would help your score if you separated dialogue from general action in a new paragraph, as should be correctly done. Also, although your post is short the language itself could have been a little more ambitious in use of linguistic techniques and word choice. That being said, however, the piece does fit in well, and is full of clarity and correct form.

Lye: On the same note; new paragraph for new dialogue section, please. Else, very clear and precise, with a good mixture of description and powerful language, excellently written with a clear hand.

Amber Eyes: 7/10
Akiv Orlouge: 5/10
Silence Sei: 5/10
Lye: 6/10

For this I am throwing the wildcard as a general note, and rewarding in terms of how much each person “gave” to the piece (post amount, how much you contributed to the wildcard point, etc).
In general, the one thing that was most beautiful about this thread was the development of Kyla and the people around her who both influenced her and helped her along the way. Whether or not Lye will help her is to be seen, yet there is a clear reaction by people towards her, and the way she deals with the situation is particularly powerful for her character and her own fate, therefore well done.

Final Score:
Amber Eyes: 66/30
Akiv Orlouge: 65/30
Silence Sei: 63/30
Lye: 70/30

Amber Eyes (http://www.althanas.com/) receives:

50 GP

Akiv Orlouge (http://www.althanas.com/) receives:

13 GP

Silence Sei (http://www.althanas.com/) receives:

255 EXP!
13 GP

Lye (http://www.althanas.com/) receives:

150 EXP!
14 GP

Most scores are settled with discretion here, because of the communal effort of this piece.

11-21-14, 01:49 PM
EXP & GP Added!