View Full Version : A Friendly, yet Deadly Fight

06-27-14, 05:43 PM
Closed to Fez_the_Kid

A roaring stadium, stands filled to the brim and spoiling over with colisseum goers. Mid winter, the sandy arena covered with frost. Rocks and boulders dot the area.

Elias enters from one side of the arena. His expression stoic, and his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He takes a quick look at thebattlefield, noting where each rock is.

The stadium noise is deafening, yet it didn't affect Elias. His was a calm that came from multiple battles with friends, foes, and monsters alike. He looked to the crowd and raised a fist, showing he was ready for the battle.

Suddenly, the crowd raises its volume to almost unheard of decibels. His opponent must be entering.

Elias addresses the figure at the other end of the coliseum. "Welcome to the battlefield, friend. Introduce yourself to the crowd! It makes things more interesting for them!" He then turns to the cried and tells, "My name is Elias, and I very well will be the victor!" As he says this the crowds noise raises in intensity and begins throwing coins fir bets and whatever else they may want.

06-29-14, 05:56 PM
An amphitheater, so astringent and perturbing that perhaps one would avert stepping foot a second time. The ground was unruffled, and professedly devoid of any furrows owing to previous battles. Proof that would suffice as to how abstrusely adept the Ai’brone monks are; it was irrelevant however. Gardla was not the first to enter The Citadel’s halls of enigma, or the first to amble up its eternal stone steps.

Spectators occupied seats recklessly, their clamors rendered the arena zestful. The active shouting of the crowds had brought the frozen arena to life. Frost coated land, despite the mild weather.

Someone was already present. It was his adversary, standing on the arena’s side.

Ronrid legged forth, and issued a vehement eye at the man opposing him. Whoever this was, he was ambitious, like Ronrid. And Ronrid appreciated decent competition. They have undertook the inevitable; deliberately. Though it was worth of mention that the monks animated casualties. Fortunately Poxsu wasn’t about to witness the agony that awaited.

His feet came to a halt, and pressured into the rime. “So,” Ronrid announced, a lilt of dare edged in his voice, “what are you waiting for?” yards parted the contenders.

The youth educed his neck-warmer scarf. A glint occurred in his eyes.

“Let’s dance,”

06-29-14, 10:21 PM
"You really wanna start a battle without an introduction? And after all the trouble I went through to make the crowd ready!" Elias had a pouty look on his face, one usually reserved for his sister when they were goofing off. This time, for the crowd, he made an exception. Crowds like this loved a show, Elias would give them one.

He looked his opponent over. An average height man, with his face covered so all he could see was his eyes. They were a bright, beautiful green. They shone like wet moss, right after a torrential rain. His face was mostly covered by a neck warmer scarf, an odd bit of clothing Elias was not used to seeing. His opponent had a long trenchcoat on, and it looked old and very weathered. Elias could only imagine what could be under it.

Elias looks to the crowd, which had gone very silent at the entrance of the opponent. "What happened to the early enthusiasm..." He said to none in particular. He was slightly disappointed that they had gone quiet.

Elias withdrew his fans from his sleeves and opened them in a very flashy fashion. "Alright, then, I'll start!" Elias ran towards the man. He ran hard enough to get up to his full speed. Elias got in as close as he could and attacked the mid-section with all his strength, using a cross-like strike, to cut open the man's stomach.

06-30-14, 10:19 AM
Ronrid shrugged his shoulders. He did not give a damn if this fool had drudged in favor of the crowd; who ironically, had gone silent since Ronrid’s entry to here. The only chance he could study his opponent was now. He seized it voluntarily. Based on his optical abilities, this man was a Caucasian, with long, black hair and a pair of azure eyes.

A man not past his 25th birthday, sporting the ordinary travel cloak with ragged pants. The one thing that had drawn Ronrid’s attention was the black choker that revolved around this man’s neck, it was of Ronrid’s liking.

Finally, his taunting had performed well. And his enemy was already tearing at the air, approaching Ronrid with alarming speed. Ronrid prepared and stepped sidewise, craning back his neck to avoid any injury. As he moved, a fan barged in the space he’d just occupied, with force so powerful that it moved his hair.

“Too slow!” Ronrid derided his enemy, he needed to enrage him.

Immediately, a hand went for his dao, whilst the other sought his enemy’s attacking wrist. Should his hand find it’s mark on the forearm of his opponent, he can contort, which translates to mustering more space as hethrusts with his dao, thus increasing the chance of his counter-attack’s success.

07-01-14, 08:33 PM
The speed of the opponent was astounding! Elias had never seen anybody as fast as he, but this man may very well be just as fast. The man easily sidestepped Elias's attack and grabbed for one of Elias's arms. If he didn't do something quick, he would be vulnerable.

Elias executed a quick roundhouse just to push the man away after being called slow. Taunts like that didn't work on Elias. In the Branded Titans, the mercenary guild he had left for reasons to be kept secret, Elias had been trained to keep a calm head, no matter what happened.

He pushed off the man and pressed the latches on his Ssangyeong, removing the lock on the steel garrote wire attached to his fans and swung his arms as hard as he could for a straight on attack that would be easily missed...