View Full Version : The Day The Music Died

Andy Rorton
06-28-14, 03:56 PM
((Open to PMs for joining, otherwise Andy Rorton is going to kill Freddie Mercury all by his lonesome))

Very few people realized that Raiaera was a hot spot for lounge singers.

Taverns and bars spanned the entire continent, ripe with former students of Istien University who thought they would make names for themselves. Seedy businessmen and shady deals capitalized on this 'fresh out of school' demographic with contract signings and blackmail in order to tie the youths to their locales. People paid decent money to see a Bladesinger flex their vocal chords, so it only made sense that there were those who would profit off such things.

It was in one of these bars that Andy Rorton sought his next target. Rumors had circulated Althanas of a bladesinger so powerful, he could put even the strongest warriors to shame on just his voice and wits. Rumors were spread of a man whose mere voice could level trees and throw gigantic beasts upon their hindquarters in an instant. The 'Legend Killer' mulled over this prey for weeks now, deciding whether or not the potential victim was worth the possible struggle. Of course, the first step to the slaughter of such a man would have to begin with finding him first.

The gunslinger wrapped his digits around the handle of his glass mug. His boot tapped along with the song that carried throughout the large room. To his right were a line of empty, green stools, many ripped apart with stuffing dangled from their plastic tombs. To his left was the band, a heavyset blonde tree of a man on a guitar, a petite brunette lady on the lute, and a salt-and-peppered hair gentleman in the back plucking the strings of a harp. All three played with their eyes closed, as if lost to the strange combination of music they created. A single working light shone down on the lone singer.

A white wife beater shirt showcased the lead's slightly muscular, very tanned arms. His mustache threatened to eat the inside of his lip despite its sudden halt just below his lips. His pants were a thing to behold; three perfectly cut ovals from foot to thigh that sparkled with sequins and glitter among a canvas of red. He sung a tune unfamiliar to 'The Cobra', yet Andy found the song to be inspiring. Just the sound of this man's unique voice filled the dimly lit tavern with a kind of upbeat vibe. There were several overweight people who moved across the large dance floor as though they were on a combination of ice and butter. The bartender was even smiling as he cleaned a mug out with a rag that was full of holes and grime.

Andy took a sip of his beer, and quickly spit the liquid out. He forgot how much Raiaeran drinks tasted like donkey piss. His mouth burned with a sting as though he finished eating several hot peppers, and his breath now reeked of what could only be described as stale bread and old milk. He slammed the mug onto the splintered redwood bar from whence it came. The beer splashed onto the furniture and several droplets even found their way into his lap. He scowled as he stood, the song slowly starting to fade out as the singer brought his very vocal tones to a hushed whisper.

He approached the band as they started to disperse, the members each heading to a different portion of the tavern while the singer remained to adjust his mic for the next song. Andy stood straight, and plastered a faux smile upon his features, each of his pearly whites glistened among what light was between him and the singer. "That was a pretty good song," he said, extending his hand.

"Thank you," the singer spoke, still focused on his microphone, when he pulled the stand up to a position he saw suitable, his eyes met with those of the gunslinger. His hand clasped Andy's as he continued, "It's always nice to meet a fan, Mister..."

"Rorton. Andy Rorton," The warrior pulled the man closer to him. He knew the 'strangers eyes were widened by this time; word of Althanas famous 'Legend Killer' were spread far and wide. His breath moved the very hairs on the singer's head, and caused the ones on the back of his neck to stand straight up. "I'm here to send you to your grave, Mister Freddie Mercury."