View Full Version : Taking A Break

06-29-14, 02:23 PM
I am going to take a break for a few days.

A few of you I have got upset a few times over the past week, and I have insulted people in and out of chat. I am sorry for this if it was meant or unintentional. When it happened it was mostly because I felt a certain amount of aggression towards me.

Maybe this is me over-reacting but I am thinking of leaving Althanas, despite the joy it gives me. I will still be on to be in the Eiskalt War and to judge the threads I said I would.


Edited: this is NOT against any one in particular, its about a few things that have happened and built up and I am sorry, genuinely to the various people I may have hurt. It is up to you to believe that.

The Muri
06-29-14, 02:26 PM
I'm okay with you taking a break, we all need them from time to time. But please don't leave Althanas?!?

Alydia Ettermire
06-29-14, 02:32 PM
Philo, from someone who has been where you are, finish judging what you've already committed to and then step down from modding, at least for a while. You catch a lot of flack as a judge, especially if you're the type to snipe back when you're feeling stressed. If I hadn't stayed a judge so long, I might never have left the site. As it was, I pushed too hard and something snapped and didn't fix. Before you're pushed or push yourself that far, step down. Althanas can be a wonderful support (or it could be, back in the day). And if you leave, there are times you will miss it sorely. So I guess what I'm trying to say is "don't be hasty."

Roht Mirage
06-29-14, 03:21 PM
I hope you don't leave for good, or even for long. Things were just getting awesome - as far as I saw. I haven't been following what's going on OOC, but I really love what we've been writing together lately and I'd like to do more of that sooner rather than later.

So, take what time you need. I'll be waiting with my "#1 FAN" Phi plushy.

Quentin Boone
06-29-14, 03:47 PM
I'm sure there's no real reason to leave.

06-29-14, 04:04 PM
But... But...

How will I have you on the poddy?

Who will be my number one fan?

I'll have to cancel the show :(

Alyssa Snow
06-29-14, 04:07 PM
I really hope you stay around. I know we had a tiff once, but it was in poor taste on my part. I really like the positivity and energy you bring to Althanas. And the piggles too. I don't know what's sprung this all of a sudden but if there is a confrontation I can mediate or resolve, you let me know. I don't permit bullying or gross insensitivity between members.

And if a break is all you need, I can understand that. I've taken a few since my return and it's smart to come and go at Althanas in healthy spurts. Moderation is key.

Hope all is well and let me know if you need anything.

06-29-14, 04:21 PM

I will be back before I actually decide to leave. If I do I will stay until I finish all my current threads (which are numerable) and then formally go.

06-29-14, 10:13 PM
Fauns are fun.

Anyway, I don't mean to be an ass to other people here, but, in the end, their reactions matter a whole lot less than your enjoyment. You being mod helps a ton, yet, if you're not enjoying it, step down, and take a month, more. Althanas has lasted ten years and more. It'll be here when ya come back.

07-01-14, 12:17 PM
Assuming nobody is annoyed with me in any way enough to ban me:
Basically if I have been forgiven for all the crap I have given people,

I won't be leaving, after talking things over with friends, I will be back on Althanas soon.

07-01-14, 12:18 PM


Alyssa Snow
07-01-14, 12:30 PM
Win! Glad you're staying! :)

07-01-14, 12:42 PM
*Hugs Phi* Yay!! :)

We all tend to slip our lids at some point, all is well. Welcome back!

07-01-14, 12:51 PM
Glad you're staying! :D

07-01-14, 01:14 PM
Phi, everyone loves you. EVERYONE. :D

Max Dirks
07-01-14, 01:32 PM
You talked to your friends, but not your future husband? How insulting :(