View Full Version : Burning Eyes! (Weapon Price Check)

The Muri
06-29-14, 02:57 PM
Okay, so I just came up with concept today and talked about it in chat. I found out that these kind of weapons actually exist! So, I decided to post a price check...

Yes, this is classified as a gun. No, it does not shoot bolts or rounds. It shoot gasses and of course, pepper spray (to give people burning eyes! *Evil laugh*.)

Basically, it contains one canister full of pepper spray, gas, etc. and when you pull the trigger it sprays out. Unless you will the canister with an extremely deadly gas poison, this cannot kill., However, it can cause major disadvantages in combat.

Here's some links to look at:

Information of Real World Weapon:


06-29-14, 09:46 PM
What material you thinking?

06-29-14, 09:49 PM
What material would be cheap but at the same time effective? Cause I honestly have no idea..

06-30-14, 12:04 PM
Steel is the lowest-priced material available for your particular gadget, and it'll be 340 GP for the gun alone. If you want rounds, you'll have to buy those too, or go questing for them.

06-30-14, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the gun price!

The "rounds" would be small canisters of poison gas/ pepper spray. And even so, one canister would take about ten blows to run out I'd think. How much would one cost?

06-30-14, 12:25 PM
We will have to make a special agreement for your rounds. I'd say for 10 shots each, 100 GP sounds reasonable per canister, considering the disorientation and the amount of times you can use it.

06-30-14, 12:37 PM
Okay, so I'd buy one bottle/ canister of pepper spray and one canister of poison gas enough to make someone loose their eyesight, throw up, etc.

So buying everything all together would come at a price of 540 GP.

I need to get more GP, and quick!!

Thank you so much for helping me. :) That's all I think I needed to know.

The Muri
07-07-14, 02:48 PM
Guess who's got more ka-cheen now!

Can I buy the pepper spray gun and the ammo packs we talked about now?

07-07-14, 02:58 PM
Sure thing.

540 GP is to be deducted from The Muri's account.

Please link this thread where applicable.

Alyssa Snow
07-07-14, 03:09 PM
The Muri goes from 965 GP to 425 GP.

Obtains pepper spray gun and one canister of aerosol irritant and another of mild poison gas capable of temporary blindness, nausea, and disorientation.

Transaction complete.