View Full Version : A little help please.

06-29-14, 11:53 PM
To be honest, I’m new to posting writing in a completely public and accessible area. I’m not a very open person and would probably like a dedicated partner to walk me through the kinks of this new journey for me. Before, I had only ever role played with one person (I also write in my free time and wish to improve my writing skills greatly). I only have a one minor problem conflicting me from starting posts, a thing called social phobia. Why I would ever want someone dedicated to start a role play with me, or to “teach me the ropes” of Althanas is purely to make me feel safer on the site and feel more confident as I post.

What I’m truly asking for here is for someone to teach me what proper role play may be on here. I've read through multiple posts to try and get the gist of it, but I simply can’t just by reading posts of other Role players in action. I’m confident in my skills as a writer, just I need reassurance I would be doing it right for the site and to know that I’m doing it right at all.

06-29-14, 11:56 PM
If you like, we could do a practice thread together? We can do a thread and I help you post responses throughout it if it helps.

You do have a very neat character, btw. Welcome to the site! :)

06-30-14, 12:02 AM
Thank you, I'd be happy to take you up on that offer.

06-30-14, 12:11 AM

What should the thread be about? Both our characters seem to be ashamed of their families but proud to wear their names, we could find something common on that.

06-30-14, 12:25 AM
I’m split between just a normal introduction for the two that eventually leads them off into a random scenario that has them fighting for their lives. or a more organized scenario where both take up a quest from the same person and they end up meeting at the place where the quest would be. You may have better ideas than those though, so I’d like to hear a few ideas from your side as well if you find a something else is better. ^w^

06-30-14, 12:30 AM
I like the first idea a lot, Ashla isn't the kind of person to go to the bounty board like that and all... a random meeting followed by a random fight for their lives would be nice.

As for what happens when they meet up, they could find run into each other in a city square or something... I'm terrible at random thread ideas off the bat xD

So... so far they meet up then later have to fight for their lives.

06-30-14, 12:38 AM
Meeting up in a city square sounds good. Hm… well, they could bump into each other in a way that would force them to speak to each other. Maybe something cliché like one being knocked over by the other, or one sitting outside on the side of the street while eating or drinking and the other trips over him/her. As for the random fight, since your character is a royal figure in a way, there could be assassins after her life for no apparent reason that we know of and Flensor could just be mixed into the confusion of the fight and end up helping her.

06-30-14, 03:22 PM
I'll have to search around the site for someone who would like to assassinate the duchess of Eiskalt, it could be a great storyline (it would be NPC assassins for this thread though!)

So far, so good :)

06-30-14, 03:24 PM
Feel free to use NPC members of The Order as said assassins. It will fit Ashla's story since we razed her homeland.

06-30-14, 04:09 PM
Awesome, this looks like its being pieced together well. Is there any place in particular that you'd want it to take place, like a certain city?

06-30-14, 05:12 PM
Thanks, Lye! :)

Corone is where Ashla's been hanging out recently, but she could be anywhere right now, Flensor. Up to you.

06-30-14, 08:45 PM
Corone would be fine, it's where Flensor is from and I guess is currently at.

The Muri
06-30-14, 09:03 PM
(This is BlueGhost's alt)
Sweetness! Who wants to put it up?

06-30-14, 09:51 PM
Well, how would a first post look like, just an opening to a story pretty much?

The Muri
06-30-14, 09:52 PM
Yep! :)

06-30-14, 10:00 PM
I guess I’ll do it since I need to get used to everything on here. When I post it, do I have to put (closed) near the title? Also, what would you like me to call it?
(so many questions, I feel like I'm annoying.)

06-30-14, 10:24 PM
Do you guys mind if I join in on this? I actually very much like the base story for this and wouldn't mind getting in on it :)

06-30-14, 10:30 PM
I wouldn't mind, but I am a newbie at this. Also, I would say it would be more up to Blueghost since she's teaching me how to.

06-30-14, 10:42 PM
So long as its ok with her then I'll join in. I'll try to help anywhere I can as I myself am a newbie.

The Muri
06-30-14, 10:45 PM
E can join if you're okay with it, Flen (yes, I am a nicknames person xD) The more the merrier!

And no worries at all, Flen! I've been here for a while and I'm still annoying! :} And you can post "closed" in the title if you like, or in an OOC note.

[o o c] [ / o o c ] (without spaces)

06-30-14, 10:58 PM
Cool, so what do you guys want it to be called?

06-30-14, 11:04 PM
Entered another post by accident...

The Muri
06-30-14, 11:13 PM
I'm terrible at titles xD

06-30-14, 11:23 PM
Okie, I may not be able to continue on with it tonight because I'm planning to get much needed rest but I'll start it off. I put it in the Corone section right?

The Muri
06-30-14, 11:24 PM
Corone is right.

06-30-14, 11:52 PM
It's posted, it's called "A Royal Mishap". I look forward to this, and thank you for being part of my first experience in the world of Althanas! ^w^

The Muri
06-30-14, 11:54 PM
^_^ Your welcome, I love helping new members!

Btw, I love the name and the post! The apple part was fun to read. "If only you were a veggie..."

07-01-14, 02:05 PM
My post is up! :)

07-02-14, 10:10 PM
Um... What exactly are we gonna be fighting against cuz I have no idea xD

07-02-14, 10:11 PM
Crimson Hand Assassins (NPCs)