View Full Version : ALL Equipment up for SALE!!

06-30-14, 05:36 PM
I don't care if they're sold to other members or just sold, I'm going to retire this character though. Before I get ride of her, I would like to sell the following stuff so I have more GP to give to my other alts upon deactivation:

- Yew Bow (and 6 arrows)
- Two steel Katanas
- Steel shoulder plates
- Steel chain mail
- Pine Shield
- Packet of healing herbs.
- Sniperscope (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27213-A-Sniper-Needs-No-Delay&highlight=)

I'm keeping my character up for about one more week to get everything settled and stuff with this account. Thank you! :)

Silence Sei
06-30-14, 05:41 PM
500 for all of it?

07-02-14, 07:04 AM
200 for the scope. Sei's offer be damned.

50 for the Steel Sholder Pads

100 for the Steel Katanas

30 for the Pine Shield

07-02-14, 12:27 PM
I'll take the katanas and the pine shield?

Why the hell not?!

07-02-14, 12:31 PM
Okay, so I'll give the two steel katanas and the pine shield to Phi for 130 GP.

Everything else goes to Silence Sei for 250 GP.

07-02-14, 03:55 PM
Sweet. Means two new blades to add to Phi's collection. And a random shield...
Might have her give it to her brother...

07-02-14, 06:18 PM

I was bidding, not putting down how much they were worth :p

Hehe, I don't mind, but I can't let money bags Sei run off with the loot. My offer for the scope still stands at 200 gold and 50 for the shoulder pads. You'll have the bow and chain mail left over :p

07-02-14, 06:30 PM
Can I give you 150 for the chain mail? Elias has no use for the bow otherwise I'd have offered for that too

07-02-14, 06:35 PM
50 GP for the Yew Bow & Arrows. If you would like to maximize your profits.

Alyssa Snow
07-02-14, 06:41 PM
Sei's Offer: 500GP for all

Hysteria: 250 GP for scope and shoulder pads

Phi: 130 GP for 2 katana and shield

Elias: 150 for Chainmail

Siegfried: 50GP for bow & Arrows


Sei - 500 GP for all || Community - 580 GP for all

How would you like to proceed?

07-02-14, 06:44 PM
I'll stick in my lot of gold currently for the steel shoulder pads. 78 gold to be exact.

That is, if hysteria will give them up.

07-02-14, 06:46 PM
You're a monster.

No more bids on the shoulder guards from me. Just the scope.

Silence Sei
07-02-14, 06:54 PM
400 for the scope, 500 for the rest that Phi has not got.

An aside, Hys, if I buy the scope, it can be yours damnit.

07-02-14, 07:07 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb and play devil's advocate here.

This is an event started by a player FOR players. She's selling gear for a retiring character meaning ANYBODY can bid on her items in accordance to how the thread was started.

I don't see any issue here.

Silence Sei
07-02-14, 07:21 PM
Initially, I was gonna put all the swag in the Ixian vault to give to new members to the IK.

But now that people are bidding on it, I'll buy the whole set for 900 GP and give everybody what they want. Besides the monocle. I -do- want the monocle.

07-02-14, 07:23 PM
The vault does need more activity.

You should still buy a boat though.

07-02-14, 07:59 PM
400 for the scope, 500 for the rest that Phi has not got.

An aside, Hys, if I buy the scope, it can be yours damnit.

The scope is worth 250... how about I buy this scope, you buy me another scope and I get a piece of string and make binoculars?

Fine, I've been out bid. *wanders off to buy his own scope*

07-02-14, 08:06 PM
Holy craaaap, there's a lot of bids!

Krausus: you get the shoulder pads for a named price by the Bazaar staff.


Phi gets the two katanas and shield.

Elias gets de Chainmail.

Siegfried: gets the Bow & Arrows.

Sei, you can buy the healing herbs since no one else bidded on them and you deserve a reward for first interest. Name your price.

07-02-14, 08:31 PM
Kraus, you can grab the Pads for 75.

Silence Sei
07-02-14, 08:33 PM

07-02-14, 08:34 PM
Lol look at Sei just throwing his GP around. I'll leave any further bidding up to you guys, send me a PM if you have need of a Bazaar mod again.

07-02-14, 08:49 PM
Sei gets the packet of healing herbs for 200 GP.

07-02-14, 08:56 PM
Please list all bidders, items, and how much they are being bought for.

07-03-14, 03:08 AM

Do I need to up my bidding? Will give more to make sure Sei does not get the whole swag :P

07-03-14, 03:13 AM
Nar you got your stuff. Sei's dirty money had no effect :p

07-03-14, 12:13 PM
(Sorry it took so long to reply. Since Hysteria seems to have withdrawn, I'm changing things. Here's what we have now:)

Krausus: you get the shoulder pads 75 GP.

Phi gets the two steel katanas and pine shield for 130 GP.

Elias gets thee Chainmail for 150 GP.

Siegfried: gets the Yew Bow & Arrows for 50 GP.

Sei: Healing herbs and 200 GP and the sniper-scope for 250 GP.

07-03-14, 12:16 PM
Krausus, I edited my pricing above. ^

07-03-14, 12:17 PM
We posted at the same minute... How does one do that?

07-03-14, 03:27 PM
Am I able to bid?

07-03-14, 03:29 PM
... I'll allow one more bid, from you, Erik. Whatcha want?

07-03-14, 03:32 PM
I want the two Steel Katanas for 180 GP.

(Sorry Phi! ^^")

07-03-14, 03:45 PM
Phi, are you okay with getting just the shield? Or are you dying for the katanas?

07-03-14, 03:55 PM
You should definitely mark the price down if she only wants the shield.

07-03-14, 03:58 PM
Maybe 50 GP for the shield alone, Phi?

07-03-14, 04:03 PM
Ehhhh I will take the shield for 40 GP :D

Take the katanas if you want Erikar. I will buy some more blades later at the Bazaar. Phi is getting a dragon anyway so... YEY.

07-03-14, 04:07 PM
Sounds good to me. Alright, we all done here?

07-03-14, 04:10 PM
Krausus: you get the shoulder pads 75 GP.

Phi gets the pine shield for 40 GP.

Elias gets thee Chainmail for 150 GP.

Siegfried: gets the Yew Bow & Arrows for 50 GP.

Erikar gets the two steel katanas for 180 GP.

Sei: Healing herbs and 200 GP and the sniper-scope for 250 GP.

That's it, bets are closed, do all the equipment adding and GP stuffies and close the thread! xD

07-03-14, 04:18 PM
To Admin::

Please look above and deduct totals from all characters, and add 945 GP to The Muri's account.

To all recipients of an item::

Please link this thread where applicable in your next level update.

07-03-14, 04:27 PM
Erikar, admin who will be reading this,

Could you add it to my account "The Muri" instead, please? Thank you. :)

Alyssa Snow
07-07-14, 11:04 AM
All gold moved around and allocated:

75 GP deducted from Krausus' account.
40 GP deducted from Philomel's account.
150 GP deducted from Ell's account.
50 GP deducted from Siegfried's account.
180 GP deducted from Erikar's account.
450 GP deducted from Silence Sei's account.


945 GP added to The Muri's account.

Items Obtained:

Krausus gets two steel shoulder plates
Philomel gets one pine shield
Elias gets steel chainmail
Siegfried gets a yew bow and 6 yew arrows (wood tipped according to original profile)
Erikar gets two steel katanas
Sei gets healing herbs and a magnification scope

BlueEvilGhostofSeaside loses all of the above items and can no longer write with them in her stories.

Transaction Complete

Please link this thread where proof of purchase is applicable.