View Full Version : No One Can Stop The Muri!

Silence Sei
06-30-14, 06:05 PM
((Closed to The Muri, in homage to Cyd....))


The Muri
06-30-14, 09:00 PM
Sora Deca. A small town somewhere in Corone.

I walked out of the hotel room with my hands on my waist, which had two gun holsters and my throwing knife kit attached. Of course, I was always ready for if any robbers, thieves, or whatnot came up to me and demanded my surrender. My blonde hair kept swirling in my face, it was a windy day.

Corone: a beautiful, rich land full of opportunity. It was home of the famous Concordia forest, the most diverse populations of any realm in Althanas, and of course it was where the Ixian Knights lived. I have heard a lot about this "almighty" group. These valiant men and women did everything they could to bring order and balance to Althanas at large. Whatever they were up to right now, it must be interesting. As far as I heard, this was a group to behold. And hearing about how they lived to face injustice and destroy it, I was already on their side... that was, if I ever met any members!

Birds swooped above me, singing their songs of joy across the peaceful landscape. For a small town, this was a very peaceful town. Strong, wooden houses, gardens, and even a small market kept the place up and busy. I was just a mere traveler, trying to find my way around this place. Why you ask? Well, I just want to know who I am.

I have no memories, not one bit of memory, from the life I may have used to have. I woke up about a month or two ago on the sandy beaches of a place close to Corone. I had everything I started out with; my pack full of survival supplies, my throwing knife kit... It had my sword Calcator on my back, my armor attached to me... and two, empty gun holsters.

I gathered my information on "guns and pistols" as soon as I could, they were rare and valuable weapons across Althanas. Perhaps I carried two at some time, why else would I have these holsters to start out with if not? I couldn't buy a new gun, or even retrieve any old ones if I had any. However, I bought myself a repeatable cross-bow. It was made of yew, painted black, was repeatable but had to be cocked for each and every shot, it was hand-held... Whew... I love this weapon, I really do! But to get my hands on a real gun, the real thing. It would be precious. Perhaps, guns were a part of who I was. I mean- nobody can just pop up onto a random beach out of nowhere! I had to have a past, I had to have a purpose! ... But what?

So anyways, back to my story...

I was walking outside the inn, it was windy, blah, blah, blah... So, I lifted my hair out of my face, but it fell right back over it again! I sighed, still walking along, and pulled it behind my ears... just for the wind to ruffle it again. My eyes rolled, cause I was annoyed, and pulled my hair behind my ears one final time. However, I was so absorbed into my hair issues that I wasn't looking where I was going. -

- I bumped into someone.

Silence Sei
07-01-14, 11:30 PM
Sora Deca was a town that was for all intents and purposes one of the safest areas in Corone. In a country that constantly sought power among the various factions, the township was small enough to not ever be involved yet large enough to not require trades from commandeered cities. The small village was in and of itself unremarkable to the point that they required no protection outside of the local guard and neighborhood organizations. It was because of the ignorant, peaceful nature of this place that the Ixian Knights did not allocate their own resources.

That did not mean that the Defenders of Corone did not drop by every so often to visit. Even the most tame lion needs to be checked on. It was this concern for the small village that none other than Sei Orlouge, former leader of the Ixian Knights, took it upon himself to investigate. The quiet walk through the various ramshackle huts. The villagers were those who, while never actually seeing Sei, heard the tales and descriptions that surrounded the mute. Children looked up to the orange haired Mystic with awe, women stopped their laundry and other activities, and men saluted even though they had no idea how to do so properly.

Sei Orlouge hated being a celeberity.

He was so busy trying to hide himself from the respectful looks of the people that he did not notice a young lady on his path. The two collided into one another, with the girl quickly on her butt. A cloud of dust kicked up around the two, and several gasps were heard in the distance. who was this person that would dare bump into the almighty Sei? The mute looked towards the downed girl and what one could almost describe as grapes embedded in the girl's skull. Purple eyes were not a common thing for anyone to see, even a seasoned warrior such as the youngest Orlouge brother. It intrigued him all the more.

"I do apologize for that," Sei offered his hand to the girl, "My name is Sei Orlouge. Who might you be?"

The Muri
08-21-14, 01:25 PM
All I could do was lecture myself, not even paying attention to anything he said. How could I be so stupid?? I rubbed my forehead, feeling like it had been pumped up with air then popped like a balloon, and looked up to the man who reached down to help me up. I could only smile nervously, quite embarrassed, and I let him pull me up. This man seemed nice enough... Smiling a slight bit (out of embarrassment) I then dusted myself off while the wind blew once again, throwing my hair in my face again!

I spoke to the red head, trying not to sound like a moron. "I-I am so-o sorry! I- ... Have I seen you before?" I pushed some of my hair out of my face while still holding my head. Now, where have I seen this man before? Blue eyes, red hair, seemed to be in the late twenties... Where had I seen him?? He looked familiar, like I've seen his face before. Maybe on a flyer stuck somewhere in some town, maybe in a paper... maybe my old life??

My old life, unlikely. He hadn't given me the same shock as stuff like pictures of guns and my sword Calcator had given me. He wasn't from the void of my recent self... so who the heck was he?

... Then I realized I was staring. I squinted, face palming myself (and moaning afterwards) "I-I... Well- Uh... ... I'msosorryandgoodbye."

I spoke quickly and slowly started to walk backwards. I felt my cheeks burning like fire, and I felt a bit wobbly. The small, peaceful town around me was a hit blurry to me. I was so embarrassed! All I could tell out were the people. They whispered left and right. But what about? Obviously something about the collision with the familiar looking man. I hated it. I suddenly felt myself start to cry. I stopped right there and lifted my hands to rub my eyes. It was just within that moment though that I caught a glimpse of it. It certainly was a flyer! The images fit exactly. I still couldn't catch the name though...

I kept trying to think of the name as I slowly started to walk back to the inn again, backwards and still facing him, trying to hold my own tears.

Silence Sei
08-26-14, 10:18 AM
He blinked at the girl's reaction to him. Tearful retreat was not typically the way people introduced themselves to Sei Orlouge. The mute bit the inside of his lip as he wondered what troubled the young lady so. For every backwards step the stranger took, Sei took another forward. He thought about his own introduction and tried to rationalize if he said something offensive. It was not until the two of them passed a murmuring couple of old hens that it finally dawned on the telepath.

"I am sorry if I startled you," he tried harder to speak calmly into her mind; it was traumatic experience to engage with a psychic for the first time, and the fact that Sei was nearly Corone royalty made the mute extra cautious, "I am not going to hurt you. I see that I've slighted you somehow, so how about this..."

Sei reached to his side with his hands in a slow, elaborate motion. He wanted to make sure the woman realized that he was not attempting to grab the chakrams at his him, but the small bag of gold pieces beside them. He loosed the string that held the coin purse to his side and tossed it towards the girl. The money hit the ground hard and rustled up a cloud of dust, but the sound of coins raking against one another was more than enough of an indication of the bags contents.

The money was originally intended in case the mute had something he wished to buy for his daughters, but considering the situation at hand, Sei needed to show this girl he was far more understanding than she seemed to think. "That is two-hundred gp, a way to apologize for bumping into you. If you just want to take the money and go, that is fine, but judging from your appearance, I can tell you are a warrior, and I may have a task in need of a good swordswoman."

He stopped his slow approach to prove his words rang true, and to also let the girl grab his makeshift bribe money if she so wanted it.

The Muri
09-28-14, 06:59 PM
This man seemed nice...

I was still greatly embarrassed being the center of attention like this, and I was red to the face. However, I quickly dried my eyes and slowly bent down to the money sack sitting between me and this man.

Still trying to pinpoint who this guy was, I also considered that being able to break into my thoughts like this was... frightening but cool. Very cool! When he mentioned me being a fighter, I was not surprised. Heck, I have a giant, freaking sword hanging on my back! Saying he needed one though... pricked my curiosity.

I tilted my head a little, squinting past the sunlight as I grasped the money sack with my bare hand and lifted myself up. I looked around, feeling anxious at all those people looking at me. I noted that a small food stand, the manager apparently absent, at the corner of this street. I let out a sigh and finally looked at the man again.

"U-um..." Not the way I wanted to start this conversation off... "... I'm so-s-sorry t-too- Hungry?" I pointed my free hand (which was still shaking) towards the stand. Hopefully... he would catch my drift. I hated all these eyes! Needed to break away from them...

Edits will be made to add fat to this skin and bones post, but actions will not be changed. Feel free to reply anytime! :(

Silence Sei
10-02-14, 10:56 AM
The mute nodded at the girl's offer. He fully understood why people grew so nervous around him; this was a man who conquered Corone, fought legends, and was the leader of the most powerful private military power in the world. He looked around at all the people that were still watching the two of them, and shot a glare in every direction towards them. The piercing look of an Orlouge's crystalline colored eyes was enough to send everybody back to their daily tasks.

"I think some food sounds lovely," He said as he began to walk towards the stand where the girl pointed. The stand in and of itself was a quaint thing. A green canopy shaded the red plastic top stools that lined the bar. In the kitchen, if it could be called that, a man in a large white chefs hat was busily running between stations and tending to each area with expert timing. Aside from Sei and Kaida, there were only two more patrons at the shop. One was a fisherman who seemed to be just off the boat, the smell of his catches easily overpowered that of the rice being cooked. The other patron seemed to be a student, a dark skinned girl with a yellow backpack and blue trimmed glasses. The two of them quickly got their food and ate in silence, as if they were trying their best to ignore the celebrity in their midst.

"Yes sir," the chef shouted over the sizzle of a pan, "What can I do you for?"

"Whatever the lady would like, and then a small bowl of noodles for myself." Sei looked around at all the Akashima inspired decorations, least of which were several red lanterns coated with Akashima kanji upon them. The chef nodded and went to work on boiling a pot as Sei looked back to his guest. "Now, about that job..."

"Recently, some allies and I were exploring the caves beneath Radasanth. We happened across a few dragons in the travels, and a few of them escaped the castle grounds. I fear the wild may have turned them feral." Sei continued to speak as the noodles soon arrived in front of him, housed in a simple brown bowl. The mute took the metal fork that was also left in the bowl and brought the noodles to his mouth. "Now, if they have become feral, I think I have enough ability to get them docile again and return them to the castle. The problem is that I need to concentrate to do it, so it leaves me an open target for rampaging dragon babies. That's where you come in."

Sei began to eat his food, the soft noodles quickly slurped up. He could taste the heavy amount of salt that peppered his food, as well as the liquid absorbed into the noodles themselves. The mixture of peas, tomatoes, and carrots with the noodles did well to compliment the salty flavor. He continued to 'speak' while he ate, a trait that would disturb most. "I need someone to guard me while I focus on one youngling at a time and essentially domesticate them. As I said, if you could do this for me, you will be handsomely rewarded. I just can not afford to ask my own men to help me with this, as it is a favor for a friend."

Sei paused for a moment as a group of noodles dangled from his mouth. "Come to think of it, I still don't know your name Miss...?"

The Muri
10-08-14, 01:41 PM
The soup I ordered was festive bowl of noodles, meat chunks, various veggies, and small herbs. The smell was incredible, it made me twice as hungry than I already was. I immediately dived into it! Only when I just placed the spoon to my lips though, did that voice break into my head again and make me jump!

The soup went down the wrong tube...

After several moments of coughing and wheezing, I got my throat back to health and fully listened to the man's words. There was something about baby dragons he was finishing, cute. He wanted to tame the baby dragons, sweet. He wanted me to guard his back against any attacking baby dragon siblings, check. Big reward? Oh yeah! Then when he asked for my name, I felt a smirk come across my face.

I placed my spoon down and looked up at the tall red-head. "I-i-" My voice was all hoarse. I cleared my throat, pulling my clenched hand up to my face, then looked back to him, my face going red. "My name is's Kaida... Yeah. Kaida." I felt my old confidence coming back with each word, "Kaida is the name. Given I have some speed behind, some call me 'the Jet'. I like the nickname, epic and easy to mutter. I-" I just realized something then. I had no last name. I'd randomly picked up the name 'Kaida' the day I first woke up on that beech. However, 'Kaida' was the only thing I had. No surname to go behind it. I blinked for a moment, dumbfounded at my sudden realization, then spoke again, "... I am Kaida with no last name..."

I sighed, resting one of my arms against the wooden table, heated by the sun's vagrant beams. I took in another bite of soup, then looked back up to the stranger before me, "... I've seen you before, on a poster. I- uh - um, don't remember your name though..." I suddenly belt butterflies rush into my stomach, what would his reaction be if I was supposed to know his name. I felt myself go red again when I remembered all those people who had muttered and whispered after our crash. Maybe he was important. Well what the heck, of course he was important! Why else did he refer to Corone's capital city? And dragons?? To tame dragons must be a huge responsibility. Was he a dragon trainer? ... But what if I was supposed to know all these answers? Was he a celebrity? Why on earth was I talking to a celebrity?? I suddenly facepalmed. Perhaps, now I was toast... And not the lightly burned kind. The overcooked.

Silence Sei
10-22-14, 11:12 PM
The girl’s reactions to Sei’s questions were absolutely priceless. He tried his best not to laugh as the Kaida slammed her face into the palms of her hands. It seemed as though this ‘Jet’ was more than willing to help him in his endeavors. While Sei was quite relieved to hear that she would aid him, a strange pang reverberated throughout his stomach; could this girl possibly act in battle as she did in the city?

There would only be one way to find out.

“Excellent,” the mute pushed his now empty plate of rice closer towards the chef. And placed a small bag of coins upon the table, “If it is okay with you, I would like to meet you later tonight. The dragons themselves are nocturnal, so they’ll make themselves known a little better under the stars. I will be prepared for my part. Be sure to be prepared for your. Meet me here when you finish your preparations.”

He stood up and walked to the girl. The Orlouge raised his hand and patted the girl on the back. By the time she turned away, he would be gone, off to perform whatever duties were needed of him.

The day soon became night, and the air carried with it a chilled breeze. Sei stood in front of the restaurant where the two of them dined earlier. He shivered a little as the wind nipped at the exposed parts of his skin. The weather would make the reptiles even more active tonight. He breathed into his hands for warmth. It was only a matter of time before the creatures would come out.

He hoped Kaida would show up first.

The Muri
10-24-14, 09:32 PM
And... he was gone. All I could do was blink for a moment before shrugging an 'okay' and get back to eating for now.


After a half an hour of fixing things up, I walked back to the site where we would meet. I flung my backpack against the wall and leaned against it, letting myself slouch and sit down. I set a white paper bag at the other side of me and then zipped open my pack. I pulled out the other weapons I had aside Calcator and placed them on my belt. As I zipped on my throwing knife packet, I looked up, looking beyond the shade and shadow of the stalls I was in. I could see that the streets beyond took no notice of me, carrying on with their normal lives. I smiled, bathing in my zero attention, and reached into my bag. I pulled out my pepper spray gun, Shok; and my repeatable crosspistil, Jet. I placed one each into the previously empty gun holsters on my belt. After removing some of my jewerly, I zipped the backpack up and pulled it closer to me. I then turned to the paper bag. I pulled out two cheese sandwiches, one for me and the other for the mysterious red head I was meeting tonight. I secured both meals in a larger pack attached to my belt and looked into the paper bag.

I proceeded to pull out three meat sticks and a fat, juicy carrot. I proceeded to eat them all...

I took a nap after that, perfectly squeezing under an abandoned cart left in the corner of the now void streets. I woke up just to notice a purple sky flying over me, it was close to night out. I grabbed my backpack, which I'd used as a pillow, and walked over to the noodle stand. Feeling more refreshed, with a clearer head, I ordered a drink of water. After quenching my thirst, I could feel the weather turning duller. Soon enough, it was dark out. I now had my grey hoodie on, hood up. As I was placing the iron armor I'd removed for the hoodie back on, I hung around close to the restaurant up until I heard footsteps.

It was him.

I finished placing my arm armor on and walked over to him, "Hung around all evening, glad you came." I smiled. After a boring evening I was ready to fight some dragons! I briefly tugged at the chain bracelet on my arm and then smirked, "Ready?"

I was a tad bit nervous, but I also was undoubtedly excited to fight something!

Silence Sei
11-17-14, 11:29 PM
Kaida looked like a very intimidating presence in the light of the moon’s rays. The hood that now draped over her head presented an aura about the girl that confirmed Sei’s suspicions about her. He smiled and nodded as the girl asked her question. “I am indeed ready now, I just hope you have adequately prepared yourself. I have a feeling we’re in for a long night…”

He could hear the hiss of their prey, as though the serpents knew that they were the hunted tonight. The Mystic looked to the girl and gave a nod. The cold air caused goose bumps to rise across the exposed flesh of the warrior as he began to walk towards the strange sounds coming from within the town.

“So…why are they coming into the village?” Kaida asked.

“My best guess is because they’re seeking heat,” Sei’s reply was short as his eyes darted around for their targets, “Most cold-blooded creatures do things like hide under rocks or in caves for warmth on cold nights such as this. These dragonlings are a little too large for such accommodations, at least without alerting other predators of their presence. Humans, however, can be easy prey if they need to clean out a warm house, as well as a quick meal.”

Kaida paused. “Large enough to alert other predators? How big of dragons are these ‘Dragonlings’?”

Sei turned back to face the girl, but before he could answer, he caught three slender forms as they rose behind the sword-for hire. Sei pointed and charged towards her; though the mute was unsure himself if he could cover enough ground in the few feet it would take for one of the young wyvern’s to strike. “[i]Behind you!”

The Muri
11-20-14, 12:01 PM
At the warning echoing in my mind, I could hear a high hiss from behind. I felt my eyes widen at the warm air brushing against me. I jumped forwards right there, turning to see that I narrowly escaped death. I watched the wretched creature, which looked like a wingless dragon, snarl at me; set to kill. I acted quickly and pulled out my crosspistal.

It lunged towards me, but I was ready. With my pistol still in hand, I blocked gapping teeth with my arms, up against its scaly mouth. With all the might in my legs, I tried to stay up as dirt was made into a path beneath us.

I knew that hitting its face with those scales was useless. I crocked my pistol and shot at its yellow eye. The monster, about eight freaking feet tall, shot back in shock and grabbed at its eye. I found myself smirking as I pulled out my pepper spray gun. With the irritant canister inside all I had to do was point and pull the trigger.

Now the dragon was whimpering and blindly whipping its tail around. I looked back to my partner in crime, "At least its not dead; have a go at it."

Silence Sei
12-05-14, 10:17 AM
The mute’s eyes widened as he watched his hired help dispatch one of the wyverns with ease. While the attack was quite effective, it left a lump in the Mystic’s throat. Could it be that the leader of the Ixian Knights misjudged Kaida, and hired a killer in his quest to subdue his serpentile adversaries? He rushed over to the downed dragon and kneeled. The orange haired warriors pulse began to pound, and he bit his lower lip to keep from ‘speaking out’ as it were.

The beast still drew breath, but it was labored and slow. Blood flowed out of its eye socket and melded with the dirt below. The Mystic placed his hands on the beast in an attempt to try and comfort it. Sei wiped some of the blood away from the creature and closed his eyes. He could feel the animal try to communicate with him but it was as though a bird trying to talk with a fish.

“It’s okay,” Sei spoke and waved his hand in front of the creature, “We’re going to take you home. Back to your family, you just rest now.”

The dragon seemed to understand and closed its good eye. Sei’s head immediately turned back to Kaida, who seemed to be keeping the beast’s brethren at bay with her sword swipes. Sei clenched his teeth as he looked at the girl, his body shaking with anger. The girl made good on her promise not to kill the wyvern, but the way she went about it brought about a very rare side to the Orlouge patriarch.

“KAIDA,” Sei’s voice seemed to ‘yell’ at the girl, “KEEP DAMAGE TO A MINIMUM! THAT’S AN ORDER!” As the command left him, the strategist saw one of the creatures dive towards the legs of its much smaller pray. Sei’s hand extended and just before the beast could make contact, glass shattered all around Kaida’s body…

The Muri
01-03-15, 07:40 PM
Somebody has no respect... My thoughts were negative, but I flinched back as if I had been injured. There were now two more giant lizards just like that last one lunging at me. Frustration was quickly forming from both these dumb animals, and that dumb man, slashing at me. I growled after dodging away from gapping jaws and turned my head to Mr. Grumpy.

In that instant though, I don't quite know what happened, I saw a... window smashing? ... and one of the dragons limping back. - limping back for a moment. I was confused, but I had no time to think. I would have been thanking him, but I was confused and quite cross at the moment...

"Well fine then, have it your way!" The sword I was using, Calcator, was very hard to handle. This situation was just one irritation piling on top the other. I still did what this guy wanted though. When I had a second, I put my sword away in the sheath on my back. I really didn't know any other tactics on how to stay a beast when it's attacking, especially if it's hungry too... wait...

That was it!

I rolled away from another attack and lunged my hand into my pocket and pulled out one of the two sandwiches. I waved it lightly for the moment. It caught one of the dragon's attentions in an instant. I tossed it away with all my might. Given my arms were pretty powerful, I had been able to toss it out of sight. The dragon raced after it, into the night.

This diversion wouldn't have lasted long. I pointed towards the other one, yelling towards my dragon taming buddy, "Well?!? Help!"

Silence Sei
01-18-15, 10:21 PM
Sei needed no further goading into his next move. He was upon the hungry beast like butter on bread. His hand quickly grabbed the wet, scaly exterior of the beast’s face as it lunged for lunch. In an instant, the creature was put to sleep, a fan unfolded from Sei’s side as the beast let out ma mighty snore that was akin to thunder itself. Two of the dragons had become docile.

“Kaida,” Sei’s tone once again turned soft, fatherly almost. He knew he had been harsh on the girl, and felt the need to apologize, given her reaction to the scolding. The apology was quickly interrupted by the gaping maw of the last wyvern as it hurled itself towards the Mystic. Sei jumped quickly to the lizard’s left side, the wind that followed the beast threatened to rip the very clothes off of the strategist.

“Can it wait til we’ve beaten these things?!” Kaida snapped at her employer, to which Sei nodded and turned his attention back towards the long dragon.

By the time he had done this, however, the monster had slithered close enough to wrap itself completely around the older warrior. His eyes widened as he looked at the reptilian bulk of his fiendish adversary, its girth closing in around the Mystic’s form. He could feel the skin of the beast as it tightened around him, and eventually felt as though he were being hugged harder and harder. He thought he heard Kaida scream his name, but he was not sure.

“Little…help…” Sei asked as he felt the life begin to be squeezed out of him.

The Muri
01-30-15, 11:34 AM
I snapped into action when I saw my employer was in trouble.

I noted that with the monster right there, curling up around like a snake, I had limited options. However, to avoid another scolding my Mister Mental Grump, I decided to act carefully.

I grabbed Calcator and turned on the chaimsaw mechanism. Instantly, it started reving, revolving its sharp edge. I lifted the heavy sword and raced towards the monster.

It looked down on me and glared like an angry house cat. It obviously didn't like the noise my greatsword was making. I smirked, All is good...

I heaved my sword with great control and brought it right to the scales. A sound similar to the screeching of a sharpening blade erupted. I'd engraved my main weapon just sharp enough to inflict a light wound. The way flesh was ripped though would send a painful message.

And it did. My employer was dropped like a rag doll and the creature fled back to the shadows. I shut the chainsaw function on my sword off. As the blade went back to normal, I walked up to the redhead and extended my hand. "You're welcome."

Silence Sei
03-12-15, 07:51 PM
"My thanks" the Mystic said as he darted towards the last wyvern as it attempted to escape. The mute leapt into the air and came down with a foot straight into the head of the dragon. It fell to the earth with a thud, and Sei was quick to capitalize on this brief moment of weakness from his scaly foe. His hand caressed the head of the creature as he let out small coos of sorts into the beast's mouth. The dragon quickly went into a deep slumber as the mute turned to his employee with a smile.

"...You did well out there Kaida...I apologize for my outburst earlier..." He spoke with that familiar soft tone once more.

"It's fine," the girl replied. The orange haired warrior knew that whenever a female said this, it meant that nothing was fine. He quickly approached Kaida, a smile still on his face. As he began his advance, he quickly dropped to his knees. A loud cough echoed through the air as blue blood flew through the air and stained the ground. The adrenaline began to subside and his whole body began to ache, and his arms wavered.

"I...I think I may need a hospital...," the Ixian leader said before he collapsed upon the ground.

The Muri
04-24-15, 08:44 PM
Even if I could hold some pretty long grudges, when I saw the red head collapse, I flashed towards him. I caught him before he fell face first, my sturdy arms handling his weight easily. I took a glance at how his was losing blood, I felt myself freeze. I had no medical experience whatsoever, but... this felt strangely familiar. Like I'd been in this position before...

... and it was terrifying.

I shook my head, blonde hair bouncing around. I had to get this man to medical safety! Fast!

The environment around me felt far off, fragile as mist. I pulled him over my shoulders and onto my back. For such a good fighter, he felt half the weight of Calcator. As I dragged him away, I thought to myself, Maybe his problem is malnutrition... red hair is sign of malnutrition, right?


Two Days Later:

I paced around on the back deck, the last two days fresh in my mind. I was incredibly thankful for Maria, the medic of the town, who took us in in a flash. She knew exactly who this man was, and it made me throw my palm into my face... it was the "Silence" Sei Orlouge. The leader of a group called the Ixian Knights and the hero of Radansanth. No wonder he was so high and proud! When I explained the situation to her, she took care of it. She sent help to the authorities to take care of the dragons while Sei was unconscious. He had lost a lot of blood, but Maria said he'd be okay.

I listened to the birds singing as I paced the creaking porch. I had collected all our stuff. Calcator was slung on my back; my bag with the rest of my possessions tossed in the corner of my room inside. I was bewildered, rubbing my chin as I reflected the last several days. Maybe I had behaved a little recklessly; and before going back to zero life, I wanted to see Sei alive and well.

I heard the door open. I turned to see Maria standing there, "He's awake."