View Full Version : Attack on Citadel

Tankita Bananas
06-30-14, 07:05 PM
The people ran by the dozens in awe of the large metallic monster that roared towards them. Steam released from the top of her head as her gears whirred and her hydraulics puffed. The steel sentinel ran down many stands that sold various wares on her path of destruction. It was not that she meant to hurt anything, it was that her large frame was not lithe enough to contort through the shops. It was a real problem for Tankita to travel anywhere when everyone ran from her and inanimate objects were destroyed before her girth.

Dust kicked up as her treads ran over the dusty roads of Corone. If the technological wonder were capable of breathing, there was no doubt in her sentient mind that she would be hacking at the moment. It was a wonder the technicians at Lornius did not install some sort of breathing apparatus in her for future drivers as well. Her large twenty ton form was forced to find its way onto a ferry that was destined for Corone in order to cross the sea. What she would have given for some propellers.

The barrel of her gun turned left and right; not only was the weapon her primary source of attack, but it was also how she could 'see' things outside as opposed to her interior. It was very difficult to see things when one could only view the world from such a narrow scope. Perhaps her mind also shared this narrowness, as she often saw things as black and white, good or evil. It was because of her inability to see grey areas that the 'monster' known as 'Tankita Banana's' sought the establishment known as the Citadel.

So many warriors spoke of the building, about how it was a way for men and women to test their mettle against one another in combat. Such activities were difficult for the vehicle to perceive; why would one use such wondrous magical abilities for fighting rather than activities and hobbies like kite flying? It baffled the 'newborns' simple mind. It was something that Tankita could not stand for.

It was why the Citadel had to die.