View Full Version : Assault On Fez

Tankita Bananas
06-30-14, 07:41 PM
((Not a purchase thread. Just a quest wherein the bazaar made the most sense.))

Tankita. Hated. Fezes.

Something about the hats really angered the mechanical monster. Maybe it was the felt material used to make them, or that ridiculous string that seemed to be glued on top of it. Whatever the reason, just the sight of a fez brought Tankita int a blind rage. The mere mention of the word sent the 'newborn' technology over the edge. The tank's hatred for the fashion choice was why the large monstrosity was in the Corone bazaar.

People ran in terror at the mere vision of the tread-laden contraption. Little children marveled at the strange camouflage creature that rolled by, it's 'eye' swerving around its form to locate its target. Tankita was incredibly careful, fully aware that her giant body would take out innocent merchants in an instant. Those who dared get close enough to the sentient being found themselves engaged in a somewhat meaningful conversation with the machine. Lornius was truly a technological wonder of the world to create something as absurd as a self-aware war machine.

She pondered on this for a few moments before the 'eye' that was her cannon acquired it's target. Twenty feet from the vehicle was a stand lined with all sorts of fezes. The hats were in every color imaginable; blue, green, red, yellow, purple, with notches atop them that also varied in quality. Tankita was almost certain she spotted a few made of N'Jalian spider silk.

The tank mentally 'Growled' at her most hated vice, and began to whirr up the magical bullet within her gun...

Max Dirks
10-21-14, 02:15 PM
The bazaar is located in Radasanth in Corone. If you want to RP a thread in the bazaar without a purchase, please post there.