View Full Version : Legacies Unfolded, Pasts Recovered

06-30-14, 08:50 PM
Bars were a similar place to the workshop of most madmen. Seedy, disorganized, filled with a foul miasma. A perfect place for a man to sit down, contemplate his life, and drink his sorrows away. This place was more than good, it was wonderful. The Fly's Amber Tavern, run by the good Tristina V. Yhena, a woman on small stature, but with seemingly infinite reserves of paitence and tolerance for the men and women who came stumbling through her door asking for all sorts of drink. One of those men walked in with a trench-coat hanging off his spindly frame and a rumpled hat shoved on to his wild crimson hair, which was now lined heavily with grey. The only thing off with him were the glowing white stitches on his face, and the two orbs of light that lit up in his eye sockets.

"Hello Tristina" He mumbled to the owner at the counter before producing a weapon from a harness on his back, and laying it against the table he sat down at. There was a long pause before he looked over to the woman sitting across from him. She shared the same blood red eyes, but with real orbs of flesh, with a retina, and cornea. She looked at him, her face full of sorrow.

"Sirius, stop wallowing in your own sorrows. Your weapon has lain in it's harness for far too long. You simply must get back to fighting, or I will personally drag you somewhere and have somebody stab some sense into your head."

Sirius looked into her eyes and growled, his mouth forming a word to summon a circle and rip her soul to shreds. He pressed his hand to the table, and began muttering an incantation. HIs sister looked at him balefully. He then shook his head, and lowered his hand from where it was pressed to the table

"Yes. I know, but I don't fight for no reason of late, even if my name implies it, sister dearest. I'm not some sort of barbarian..."

He shook his head, then spun on the stool, stood up,and walked away. There was a dreadful silence for a minute before he called out to her.

"Kera, I'm not bringing the destruction that hounds our family into yet another town. Leave. Don't come back, or I WILL show you what these last three hundred years have done with my combat skills."

She stood up, shook her head, and stalked over to the bae proper, smoothing her simple dress as she sat down on one of the numbered stools, drinking deeply from her tankard. Sirius sighed, he hated doing that to his sister, but when they were together. Bad things happen... People die, people fall. Wills ripped, souls torn from their hosts. And time and time again, they were outcast, being told off to the Church in Salvar, being attacked in every other country. Their lives were those of wandering...

Eventually, Sirius wandered into Radasanthnd fought, one man named Sabatykos Maelstrom. And after that battle, he was given one lesson, misfortune is your own making.

"An ale, please." He said to the small woman behind the bar, then he settled down, thinking on the people. A man next to him stood up, looking down at another woman on a stool. She glared at him.

"Wench, I said get me some food!" The large man shouted, reaching out with his right hand for her throat, Sirius twitched, then snorted, then slowly murmured at a clearly audible tone the words..

"Man, I would advise you just quietly move away from that woman, before I rip your soul out of your body.."

He stood up mouthing the words of summoning, and the wood below him cracked and splintered, as stone boiled up, forming intricate symbols, motes of light flowed down his arms, and he reached out with his own soul, a seemingly indomitable force to those not trained in the arts he used.

"Who are you, some second rate summoner? Still need a circle, I bet my bother could outmatch you, and he's barely learned how to incant fire into this world!" The burly thug roared. Sirius grinned, and he poured his will into the circle, and it flowed smoothly into the huge man, but a single patron stood up and gripped his arm, nodding as if saying "Let it go"

"Sir. Please, let go of me. I have a rather unfavorable brand of power here, and my power is, a tad unstable when other people break these circles..."

The other man nodded, and Sirius let go of the power and dismissed the circle, the wood reforming around his feet. He instead picked up his weapon and grabbed a narrow hilt from the base and drew a rapier from a warhammer, holding the sword in his right, and the hammer in his left.

"Well, now that we're on more even terms, Sir Thug, do move your hands away from that poor woman. "

The thug frowned, and let go of the woman, but drew a dagger from his pocket. Other men stood up, drawing their own weapons and tomes, facing each other, fierce expressions on their faces.


07-02-14, 01:38 AM
Lorenor sensed the disturbance from his position outside of the tavern.

It was his duty as a Constable of Amber Gem, Corone, to know things about the town. So when the mysterious power made the air begin to vibrate, Lorenor frowned. He was one of those Holy folk by then, a servant of The Light. The Ixian Knights had given Lorenor a new purpose and new station in life. Lorenor looked in the general direction of the tavern building. There was a loud disturbance coming from within. Then, one of the locales ran towards the constable. Lorenor was on horseback at that point, he was riding a chestnut coloured stallion. His glowing blue eyes locked on the boy that ran his way. He was a teenager who frequented the pub for it's good food and service. Lorenor did not like drunken brawls. Especially considering Amber Gem's past history. Lorenor watched the boy as he ran towards him and attempted to catch his breath.

"Constable!" The boy yelled. He was breathing hard from his fast run. "Trouble in the pub."

"What sort?" Lorenor asked. He wore a very serious expression.

"Some brutes started attacking Kera. Then it all went crazy, fella ain't never seen before started working them runes." The boy said, and Lorenor nodded.

"Get to safety. Alert the Mayor." As the least terrible scenario, the fellow using runes could summon elementals. At the WORST possible scenario, the fellow in question could summon Haidia folk in general. Runes and summonings were very serious matters in Corone. And in most of Althanas proper as a result of the terrible Demon War. The Demon General named Zieg once lead an army against all of civilized Althanas...Lorenor raced towards the pub. Luckily, it was a brief trot towards the edifice. Already, a crowd of onlookers gathered in front of the building. They were observing the situation as it got out of hand, many with a worried expression on their face. Constable Lorenor saluted the rubber neckers, and slid off his horse. He looked at the nearest of the gathered.

"Get away from this place as soon as possible. I am hereby ORDERING you all to leave. This has become official Ixian Knights business." Lorenor said carefully, invoking Ixian Knights authority. The gathered knew not to disobey the word of their protectors and quickly dispersed. Lorenor then drew his mighty two-handed weapon. He kicked the door open and could FEEL trouble from his position outside of the building. He heard yelling from inside. "What is the meaning of this!?" Lorenor yelled, he could feel his anger touching his heart. The Unsent Paladin assessed the situation quickly. His glowing blue eyes scanned the chamber ahead of him quickly, and there were various small brawls occurring everywhere. Lorenor immediately attempted to spot Kera and Tristina in the crowd. Tristina was behind the counter, and she would sometimes smash a bottle on a brute's head. Lorenor moved quickly on the nearest of the brawl. "By mandate of Amber Gem LAW, I am ordering you all to stop this madness IMMEDIATELY." Lorenor yelled. He was well known as constable of Amber Gem by then, if the upstarts chose to ignore him at that point, Lorenor would be in his rights to use violence to contain the situation. And protect the civilians who were attempting to leave the pub, or simply defend themselves. Lorenor saw several brutes he had never seen before that were likely the cause of all the trouble.

"I don't know where you savages come from. But this is MY time, and around here, Ixian Knights are the law." Lorenor yelled loudly, and moved upon the nearest of the brutes, his claymore at the ready.

07-03-14, 08:57 PM
Sirius scanned the man quickly, and noticed nothing besides a very peculiar trait that came up in his memory form somewhere around a hundred years ago… His name, his name. What was it?

“Lorenor?” Sirius said, cocking his head at the glowing eyes of the ancient man.

Sirius started to walk forward, but the mountain of a thug blocked his way, a dagger now in his hand. He looked like he was about to commit a very fun crime of killing a man in cold blood, or, in the case of Sirius, magical storm energy, created by the elder Thayne- Draconus… At that moment, Sirius smirked, his body shifting into a stance of easy determination.

“You see Mr. Thug, you were holding my sister, who has around two hundred years on you, and another two hundred eighty years on you in fighting experience. So, you should be very happy that you’re not facing her. Yet, that’s my little sister. I have another three hundred years on you, and all but five of them involve combat of one sort or another.”

Sirius readied his weapons, and then finally struck out with his sword in an arc, following up with a blow to the man’s leg, which hit it with an audible crack, he fell to the floor, but in a matter of seconds, the leg, which was bent backwards, snapped forward, and the thug was on his feet, his eyes filled with a fiery rage. At that moment, the man’s body flickered, and a second later, flickered again, both times, a vast and mighty fire filled the tavern, flooding the space with heat, which retreated yet a moment later.

“You would DARE touch me?” The thing yelled, and then it clapped. One massive vibration thrummed through the world and Sirius felt a single massive word in his head, one that demanded blood, power.

The thing. It did not come from this world, or any world near it. It came from a place so foul, that no human would dare venture. This thing was able to bring desolation and destruction to everyone that crossed its path.

“Haide” Sirius whispered, nervousness touching his voice.

A memory flashed in his head, of great, desolated plains, constantly filled with electric blue rifts, tears in the dimension that we inhabit. But this was from beyond those, it was IN a rift. A place where the demons and dwarves were at war with each other almost constantly. A place where the time mattered much less that it did where he was.

"Well, I must say,Commander Fozare, you did a mighty fine job of concealing yourself. It's not often that I find a demon who was able to maintain itself in one host for this long. And the host itself is perrrfect." Sirius said with a chuckle. This demon, while powerful, was basically a joke in the mortal world. His power was the healing of injuries, but the power was fueled by fear, and there was little to feed on.

Sirius looked over, then he swung his mace up in a forward arc feint, jerking it out just in time to go for a stab in the neck, spinning over to the left. Fozare blocked with his dagger and struck Sirius with a shallow cut on his chest. Blood soaked his white cotton shirt almost immediately. He grunted. The demon struck out again, but Sirius blocked with his sword, eyeing the legs of his opponent. With a sweeping motion, he summoned up his circle, and released a pulse of energy, aiming for the legs of the demon's host, before forcing it to rebound, flowing back into him with a steady precision.

"I name yo-" Sirius started, but Fozare charged at him, his shoulder aiming for Sirius' chest. The wiry warrior flew backwards crashing into the oak paneled wall, the wood cracking and splintering.

"Man, could that woman have installed softer walls or something?" He muttered, before standing up to see the one he thought was Lorenor plowing through thugs with a certain grace, even though was holding a massive steel claymore in his hand.. Sirius shook his head from the scene, then turned, readying his weapons, and began muttering the words that would banish this little commander.

"I name you Fozare, Mender of Wounds, Feeder of Fear, Defiler of Bodies, I name you, and I bid you gone, I bid you exorcised, I BID YOU SWIFT LEAVE!" Sirius ended with a shout, but as the body Fozare was inhabiting pulsed, the demon stood over him, and smiled as he brought the hilt of the dagger down with a crack...

He let out a staggered breath, then his eyes blinked out, and his legs crumpled beneath him as he landed in a heap on the floor.

07-09-14, 01:27 PM
"It can't be..." Lorenor managed to say as he punched a ruffian hard in the face.

A burst of inferno like heat burst through the tavern, shaking the building visibly. Further, it knocked folks on their asses, even Lorenor. He got up quickly, and felt a certain familiarity about the presence before him. Lorenor stared at Sirius and Fozare, a named creature from Lorenor's murky and shady past. Suddenly, his head cleared. As if pulling a card from a mysterious hand of tarot, a single memory burst forward consuming his entire peripheral sensory capacity. Lorenor blinked for a moment and was enthralled by what he was seeing. He was a different version of himself, a vampire's general, in a different era of Althanas's history. The enemy they were fighting was a mysterious organism that the Demon folk of Haidia called The Endless. Lorenor was one of the most skilled warriors against The Endless. Lorenor felt his heart beating all around him, his eyes studying The Endless before him. "Sirius!" Lorenor suddenly remembered his old ally. He ran at best speed towards his old ally, and attempted to physically TACKLE Sirius out of Fozare's way. How could I be so stupid?! There are Endless here now, this has gotten way out of hand... Lorenor thought to himself as he dived and shoved Sirius out of the way. He raised his forearm and allowed Fozare to stab him cleanly through it.

Since Lorenor was unsent, he had dark blue blood flowing from the injury. Lorenor flinched, and the pain burnt through his arm. He shifted his body weight and pulled away from The Endless, his arm used as a device to remove the dagger from Fozare's hand, effectively disarming him. "Sirius! I will hold it here. Get these people out of here. Come back when it the townsfolk are safe, I wish to fight by your side one more time...one last time..." Lorenor said calmly. He knew what The Endless were, what they represented from his shattered memories. As he stood there, he looked up at Fozare's eyes. He saw nothing but The Endless staring back at his person. At his very person.

"Ah...you." The Endless suddenly said. "I was hoping to have a chance at your soul. Things have moved since you last graced the ranks of your people. I see time has not stood still for you either." Lorenor noticed that Fozare was staring directly at him, as if analyzing him. "Do you honestly believe that your people are safe here? What do you think that your friend can do to save them!?" Fozare asked. Fozare looked at his own allies. They were already rising, Lorenor counted three Endless, at LEAST. From his new knowledge of The Endless, he knew a single could quickly reproduce into several more of The Endless.

Lorenor growled.

"There is always a way regardless of how powerful a foe is." Lorenor answered. "I have something now I didn't have back then! And that's Faith in the All-Thayne." Lorenor suddenly hefted his mighty IRON claymore up so he could grab the hilt with both hands, even his injured arm. Armed with faith, the unsent warrior could deal with whatever challenges were thrown his way. Lorenor suddenly started to glow with a brilliant halo. It was a gold energy field, that surrounded him in a warmth. Lorenor moved into a tight fighting position as he looked at his old enemy with hatred. "Faith is my shield!" Lorenor yelled and suddenly swung his weapon right at Fozare.


The true form of Fozare suddenly confronted Lorenor.

It was a different time, a different space and The Endless were capable of performing incredible feats of power. Lorenor continued to hold his weapon as he looked at the shadowy, red-eyed presence of his enemy. Lorenor was in a gray-space a familiar world called The Antifirmanent. The land of ghosts. A gray mist swirled rapidly everywhere even indoors. Lorenor took a moment to readjust his senses as he looked at Fozare.

"What happened to you?" Fozare suddenly asked.

"This and that...N'Jal rejected me." Lorenor said with the slightest hint of regret. "The Ixian Knights have saved me now."

"N'Jal...no longer matters." Fozare said. "You've been duped, Lorenor. You're a Wraith now because you clung to the old live, or should I say wraiths. The Ixian Knights, and that fool, Sei Orlouge, do not have anything for you. But, I can help you unravel the secrets of what you are. What you are meant to become. I brought you here to try to talk with you, to try and reason with you. You were one of our finest agents and learned to control The Endless that was bonded to you." Fozare continued, and Lorenor listened. "You have a choice to make. My companions have already begun to multiply. And soon... this whole town will belong to The Endless."

Lorenor knew that what Fozare was saying was the truth.

He knew what The Endless's siege tactics were like. They could decimate an entire platoon of skilled Demons in a matter of hours. Then, make you fight your former allies. It was a cruel world, and Lorenor would have normally sided with The Endless once more. But, there was something different that time. Lorenor remembered something that Yeshua, his handler in The Ixian Knights told him during his training and period of Reformation. Lorenor had once been thought unsaveable, but Sei Orlouge had taken a chance on him. A chance, because once, long ago...Lorenor had helped Sei with a very important mission. Lorenor would not let Sei down now.

"You've made a huge error in judgment, MONSTER." Lorenor accused. "By the authority of The Ixian Knights, I hereby banish you back to Haidia. Our former allegiance is THROUGH. I will have nothing to do with you or your ilk, and me and my allies will destroy every last one of your KIND." Lorenor taunted, then suddenly rushed towards the shadow form of The Endless in it's true form. There was a brilliant flash of light in Lorenor's head..


Lorenor reawakened in the physical world. He was holding his claymore up against the body that Fozare was occupying. The tip of his claymore was held up against the throat. He knew The Endless could survive for a Demon's Breath outside of a host body. That would give him enough chance to act when suddenly...

07-12-14, 09:46 PM
Sirius came to, seemingly at least. He looked around. Sirius was in a very dark, dank room, moss lining the walls, and a luminescent fungus of some sort plastered to the ceiling

“Awake? Good, good” A voice echoed, from an unknown place, it sounded like a file on wood. Rasping, sharp, the voice that echoed in his head only moments ago when he was fighting that demon, Fozare.

Sirius stood up, his boots squelching on the wet floor. It was covered in what looked to be a sort of mud, though much more watery. He walked back toward a section of the room that seemed to be cloaked in an impenetrable cloak of shadows. Sirius thought that he might now what lurked behind that curtain but who was to know until he went behind it?

“Mr. Willfire, I am here to offer you a deal, no sort of death, you should know by now that you're capable of rendering me powerless in your head”

Sirius looked to the deepest section of shadow, his hand sparking up with a blade, seemingly formed out of tiny arcs of frozen energy. This was a Shard, capable of rending anything, from flesh to stone. Even whatever lurked in the shadow of the room would be vulnerable to the the blade. He held up the glowing sword, only to see an oily dark mass that was filling the entire side of the room. The mass was confined with what looked to be chains that stretched from nowhere into somewhere, forming a tight mesh, that was leaking in no way

"Wait, you should be out. You should be gone. I named you!" Sirius mumbled to nobody but himself

“I am the “demon” you know as Fozare, but I am actually an Endless. Exorcisms are just petty annoyances to me. Just ask Lorenor. I'm sure he'll know!”

Sirius walked up to the oily mass and looked at it, his face plastered with a look that was halfway between surprise and curiosity. There was a bright patch in the watery substance that moved a bit slower than the rest of it, like a face almost.

“Yea, yea. And what's stopping me from stabbing this blade into you?” Sirius asked of Fozare. The demon shifted in it's chain cage. If you called sloshing around in an unperdictable motion shifting around in a cage.

“You think that I may be able to offer something that may be of use to you someday. Like bringing back a very certain someone?” Fozare replied, forming neatly from his sloshing pool into the shape of the thug, albeit with black eyes. He looked smug, with a smirk that was clearly the sense of victory he was feeling.

"Why would I want that? Death is here for a reason, and I only defy it for as long as I am allowed?" Sirius asked, his voice raising to almost a shout. This thing could maybe give him the power to bring back his brother. He could see him again. There would finally be another source of happiness in life other than vanquishing the evils that plagued this land.

“Yes. I could bring you power that would rival that of your current master. I could give you a proper body. All you have to do is take me. Take my power, and take back what is rightfully yours. Raise your brother!” The demon shouted, his eyes lighting up from their pure blackness to points of white fire. Fire that burned with heat, and fire that burned with eternal pain.

Sirius looked at the thing, and then at his scarred hands, covered in stitches. Marks of what life force held him together. They gave him enough power to do what he wanted to do. He could do enough with the power that was already given to him by his gracious master Draconus, the Thayne of Storm.

“No. I won't take it. I'd love it. But you. I will not take it from an invader in my own mind. I will take it from a Thayne, a being of power that I know. That I have known for so long.” Sirius said this, then tossed his sword into the air, where it glowed with a frantic pulse of power, then exploded into thousands of tiny shards.
Seconds later, Sirius woke up, his eyes flicking into life in his eyes sockets. His leg hurt, and his head did too, he looked up to see a bend where his shin should be, then sighed.

"Ya know. I never got that drink...." He said to himself.

07-27-14, 10:16 PM
Lorenor was torn between what Fozare had told him, and what he was ACTUALLY attempting to do.

Memories, old and powerful swelled up in Lorenor's head from his past lives...the endless plethora of them.

Lorenor accepted that his past, or many pasts, were all screwed up. He had NO working knowledge of his effective or ACTUAL age, but he knew he was likely impossibly old. One of the oldest living organisms on Althanas. ONE of them. He was certain he wasn't THE oldest, but he had no idea what he actually was. He doubted that even The Endless knew. Despite their collective knowledge of Lorenor's memories and past history.

Lorenor considered the current situation.

It was beyond fucked up, he was staring into the brown eyes of a possessed moron who had somehow come across one of The Endless. That doesn't even make sense. The Endless are beings from Haidia! Why would they suddenly appear here?! Lorenor stared into the eyes of The Endless. Somewhere in that oil like substance of it, there lurked secrets for Lorenor. Secrets that Lorenor would someday need. Those secrets, Lorenor would pursue on his own time. Not on Ixian Knight's time.

As Lorenor stood there, he felt his body begin to glow with The Holy Light. The gift he'd obtained as a direct result of The Reformation process of The Ixian Knights. Lorenor felt the brilliant light shining about his person with true warmth, shining with the force of retribution and judgment. He saw discomfort in the eyes of the moron beneath him. Lorenor's sword glowed with the power of The Holy Light. He was prepared to judge The Endless that lay before him. But as he was readying to finish it off, something happened. Something that he had not foreseen.

He hesitated.

Why do I hesitate? The Endless are terribly evil and could destroy this town...maybe ALL of Althanas if I let them do so... Lorenor thought to himself as he looked at his foe. "Get out of here." Lorenor suddenly said, and sheathed his weapon. "Your kind are not welcome on this land, take your puppet body and get out of here. I never want to encounter one of your kind again on the surface world." Lorenor commanded. He was deadly serious.

The host body containing Fozare stood up and stared right at Lorenor. "You're letting us go?" Fozare suddenly asked, and the two other Endless possessed hosts stood up as well. All wore the equally confused expressions on their faces.

"I can destroy your kind at will now. Your lot has nothing for me or anybody. You're remnants of an old, forgotten age. Just like me. There will also come a time when I am no longer needed." Lorenor felt a little saddened at that truth, but he was also a representative of a forgotten age. "When the time comes, that I am forgotten about to...I will be ready." Lorenor said calmly, he was content to deal with his destiny at that point. He WAS loyal to Sei Orlouge, and he was a member of The Ixian Knights. He knew that The Dark was a phony ally. It was a flimsy ally that was not dependable in one's time of need. He knew a simple truth at that point: N'Jal had abandoned him.

He would never side with The Dark again. The three Hosts looked at Lorenor with the same confused expression. It was clear that despite their power, they could no longer influence Lorenor. Lorenor had grown powerful entirely on his own, thanks to the reformation period. Lorenor rotated his weapon and sheathed it, the glow of The Holy Light subsiding as he put his weapon back in it's scabbard. The leader of The Endless, Fozare continued to stare at Lorenor.

"Why are you letting us go?" The thing asked one more time, as if completely dumbfounded by what happened.

"Because I choose to." Lorenor said. "Get out of my sight, leave this place and go back to the hole you crawled out from." Lorenor said. "There will come a time when I will come for every last one of you...but that time is not now." Lorenor said.

Lorenor stared at Fozare for the entire time.

Then Fozare nodded in agreement. "We will meet again. Next time, you will belong to us once more." The Endless spoke and the three began to leave the tavern.

For a moment, Lorenor considered backstabbing the trio, but that moment was fleeting. Lorenor was now a man of tremendous honour and did not want to back down on his word. The bar was a mess with civilians hurt everywhere, and damaged tables, fallen chairs, everything. There was glass everywhere too from where the windows were blown out as a result of the terrible powers that were released by everyone involved. Lorenor watched the trio the entire time they left. Suddenly, there was a pin point burst of energy in the air outside of the building they were all in.

The pin point of light grew into a massive portal capable of fitting the three fellows inside with ease, and more. Air started to get sucked into the portal, and several of the town folk who were gathered outside suddenly got SUCKED INTO the portal. The portal was a dark array of energy, swirling through the air. Lorenor understood how Gates of Phantaria worked, and that was exactly a Phantaria Gate. His eyes narrowed as he heard the folks of Amber Gem panicking and running away from the portal.

But first, there was a more prominent matter to take care of. Lorenor knew the physical manifestation of The Phantaria Gate would linger for a long time to come. He didn't have to order people to stay the fuck away from it. But he DID know he would have to rescue the idiots who got sucked in when The Phantaria Gate first manifested. Lorenor would save them all. He walked over towards his fallen friend. The other immortal in the town. Sirius. Apparently, the two had a shared history, and perhaps...SIrius had answers for Lorenor. Those answers would come someday. Lorenor extended his gloved hand towards Sirius so that man could take it and stand up with more ease. Lorenor observed that Sirius was injured. He would attend to the medical needs of his companion first. He saw Sirius's sister hanging nearby.

"Sirius needs medical treatment." He looked at her and said that to her with a compassionate voice. He then turned his attention back towards Sirius. "I need you sober. That gate out there, it's a Phantaria Gate." Lorenor knew what they were from his time spent studying BOTH The N'Jal Codex AND The Thayne Codex. Lorenor was an expert of The Thayne. "It probably leads back to Haidia. We'll have to cross through it to the other side as soon as you are able to. Our destinies are now shared." Lorenor explained. "But truth be told, I don't mind fighting alongside you." Lorenor smiled and helped Sirius stand.

10-08-14, 04:00 PM
((Permission to bunny granted by Lorenor in AIM convo))

Sirius sat on a couch in a little office, staring ahead into the space, out a window, seemingly ignoring the presence of Lorenor and the cleric standing off to the side, channeling healing power through him.

“Everything that I've done. Everything that my god stands for. For the destructive healing of rain and thunder. I have violated that. I have dishonored my family, my name, and you, Lorenor.”

He scowled, gripping his weapon. He ran his fingers over the carved surface, the delicate engraving that the smith he bought it from spent many hours making. The junior deity sighed, glancing around the room, attempting to see everything. A little scuff on the baseboards, probably from a careless soldier guarding the former resident. Walls paneled in cherry wood, and a ceiling in a plaster like substance, rising and falling like little waves. Upon a wall there was a nearly shattered mirror, and a letter opener buried halfway into the wall opposite it. No matter what, as this happened, his eyes wandered back to the desk that the former spider mage sat. It was a great formal piece of wood, it's legs carved into reliefs of roots, and the front depicting a strange seal, one of an arrow lodged in the highest boughs of a great tree.

As he gazed forward, the cleric finished his little ritual. A sudden snap ruptured the silence that permeated the town. Sirius grimaced as his broken leg reset itself. The cleric nodded. He set a paper on the desk in front of Lorenor and quipped something about Sirius walking with a limp for a week or two. The man walked out, closing the door behind himself. The men were left alone, sitting across from each other, gazing into each others eyes as if evaluating the soul of the receiver.

“There's a portal to a land filled with demons in the town square. My sister is sitting down there preforming some random acts of kindness. It's about time we remedy that, don't you think?” Sirius asked of the senior being. He motioned to the floor, meaning to point out the people milling about in the lower levels of the building.

“There are innocent people down there waiting, hoping that soon, they can venture out without the fear of being grabbed by another demon popping out of the portal. It's only going to be so long until we get the full brunt of a demon army. I don't think Sei can fight that Lorenor! No man, even Sei, or god could fight his way through that kind of force! If we want to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths, we need to stop sitting here...“ He said to the man at the desk, whose glowing eyes regarded him with a strange expression of exasperation and consideration.

“Sirius. You are indeed a strange case. I seem to remember you from somewhere, a time past, when I was different. Under a darker god.” Lorenor said, facing the young man.

Sirius stood up, walking over to the window, his steps uneven, boots thumping against the floor. He looked down towards the square, where a massive portal awaited entry. Beings in there lurked, waiting for the door to be opened by another. Demons, dwarves, the Endless. All of it sat there, waiting. At that, there was already a score of corpses, those of lesser demons. Two guards lay dead under burial shrouds. Two dead, in just the hours since that portal opened.

“There are two men DEAD down there. What will that climb to? What will happen as long as you sit here passively!?” Sirius snarled at Lorenor. He spun on his heel and walked out of the room, grabbing his weapon and heading for the stairs. He walked with a purpose, and his eyes gleamed with an idea to kill. He opened the door and walked out into the hall.

“Sirius. No.” Lorenor responded calmly. He rose from the chair he was resting in and turned towards the younger person, who stood in the hall before the stairway towards the lower levels. “We will go, but there is much I must tell you before we go, or you go stumbling into a land blindly, with no information on the denizens of that realm...”

Sirius began to form some sort of retort, but all that came out was a growl. He clenched his fist.

Lorenor continued “The Endless are immensely powerful beings, not to be trifled with. Do you want to risk your life and more?” He motioned for Sirius to return to the room. He looked over the cleric. He seemed unsure of how to proceed. A moment later, he loosened his hands, and opened his mouth to respond.

“Sure then. Let's hear your information.” Sirius mumbled, and then limped back in, and then sat down on the leather couch in the room, looking at the window.

Lorenor nodded, then began talking, outlining in great detail the power of these things, which was demonstrated by the sheer will of the one that they called Fozare. An old enemy, he said, something older than the time that we lived in, older than the dimension that they resided in. He was a master strategist apparently, and possessed more than the lesser powers that Sirius was told of when he encountered him many years ago, in another place, another time, another life. Sirius listened intently, his eyes perking up when Lorenor stopped talking.

“Well then. Now that's done. I suppose we have somewhere to be, do we not?” Lorenor said. Upon the uttering of these words Sirius grinned.

“Yea. Yea we do.” Sirius said, still smiling as he stood, reclaiming his weapon from where he set it on the floor when he walked in the second time. He walked out the door next to Lorenor, head held high.
Two beings walked out of the building, standing tall and proud. One, with crimson hair, now streaked with grey the color of stormclouds, looked to Lorenor. He said something that Kira couldn't hear, and then nodded. A second later, they strode straight into the dark portal, vanishing into the mysterious realm of Haidia.

07-09-15, 09:50 PM
Archive this.

I've been away too long to do this, and Lorenor has changed too much to legitmately do this.

07-10-15, 03:44 AM
Name of Judgement: Legacies Unfolded, Pasts Recovered (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27722-Legacies-Unfolded-Pasts-Recovered)
Type of Judgement: No Judgement
Participants: Krausus and Mutant Lorenor

Since this judgement does not reach the standard 10 posts for full rewards. However, for quality of the thread (really, it is a good one) and length of the posts rewards are suggested to be awarded thusly:

Krausus (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16909-Krausus):
150 EXP
30 GP

Mutant Lorenor (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?3023-Mutant_Lorenor):
125 EXP (less posts)
25 GP

08-04-15, 12:56 PM
EXP & GP Added