View Full Version : A Royal Mishap (Closed)

06-30-14, 11:49 PM
Flensor sat on the side of a street, looking as people fled to their homes as the night began to rise. He breathed in softly, the smell of food keeping him awake. He had been hungry for some time now but hadn't been able to eat since he was traveling more than he usually did these days. His stomach growled, his eyes shifting towards an unguarded fruit stand brimming full with ripe fruits. He was desperate, but he didn't know if he were desperate enough to go to such a length to steal food to eat. Standing, he walked over to the stand admiring the various fruits. They were beautiful, well for the moment at least; all edible items would look amazing if you were as hungry as him. His hand reached out, grasping an apple softly. Its shine was amazing and was big enough to fill his whole hand; bringing it up to his nose he smelled it, its sweet scent hypnotizing him for the moment he was holding it. He sighed, frowning at the apple.

“Why do you have to be so tempting?” Flensor spoke to the apple as if it were alive “Why couldn't you just be a vegetable, those things…” he snarled, setting the apple back on the stand.

Vegetables always gave him an unsettling feeling in his stomach, making him feel sick just at the thought of them. He turned his head away from the cart, defying his temptations as he found himself less hungry as he thought of vegetables. He led his feet forward, almost dragging himself from the cart and back over to where he originally sat, taking his seat once more on the pavement. Slowly, he guided his eyes upward toward the stars occupying himself as he began to count them. People were no longer in the streets at this time, the night was now fully developed. Street lamps went out, one by one until the night was only lit by the natural glow of the moon.

07-01-14, 02:03 PM
It was dark out, the stars shone in the sky like diamonds. The pure, clear sky was one of the few this girl had seen since she left Eiskalt. Hooded and cloaked under a black cape, her face covered by the shadows. Long, black hair reached down to her waist, she was dressed in mostly black. She had some red on the outfit, nothing much left to say from there. She walked close to the walls, her hand brushing silently against the door. All alone, she was by herself.

Her name was Ashla Icebreaker.

The girl blinked, walking quietly. She was searching for the inn she had her "Crew" had settled into for the night. Ashla had gone for a walk several hours ago and hadn't started to come back until it was dark. And now, Ashla was completely lost in town! She could barely see with it dark out; the best light there was happened to be the grey, glowing moon. Ashla briefly looked up to the stars, her beautiful, pale face revealed.

"You look peaceful..." She silently spoke up to the inanimate object.

Ashla heard something similar to a stick breaking in half at that moment. Her blue eyes widened, she instinctively lifted her hands in fists. She blinked as she noted a single person up ahead of her. She blinked, it was only one man. It was so dark though, he actually looked like a walking shadow. Ashla's breath was visible, puffing from her mouth in a slightly relieved sigh. She still was tight, her body now scrunched together at the site of another living being. Ashla was very cautious, always looking out for enemies. Although, this guy looked too crumpled along to her to look like a threat. Ashla quietly leaned against the wooden wall behind her, placing her hand on her broadsword... Just in case...

07-01-14, 03:00 PM
Flensor’s sight moved from the stars to his surroundings, examining them closely. He thought he heard something, a person walking nearby maybe. He rubbed his left eye yawning, looking back over to the fruit stand that now had a man standing at it. It was unusual for a stand to be open so late at night, let alone one of the town’s people being out so late. He stood, walking back towards the fruit stand only finding the man walking away from his approach. Flensor stared as the man left where he stood. Slowly, Flensor followed him, suspicious of what may be going on. It was far too dark for him to see what the man was wearing, but he could see the outline of him as he walked the streets.

“Hello?” Flensor grunted at the man in an attempt to catch his attention.

The man turned towards him for a moment, a second later disappearing in a flash. Shaking his head in disbelief, Flensor ran forward to see if it were possible to see where the man went. It was impossible, the man had led Flensor right into the town square’s center, and there was nowhere to hide in such a quick amount of time. He felt unsafe standing out in the open, backing up near one of the buildings in the town square. His hand gripped the hammer on his side, pulling it from the loop on his belt. Silently, he observed the Town square from the buildings side closely; trying to see what may be going on.

07-01-14, 08:14 PM
Dead of night. Twinkling fires in the sky, a large, round moon high in the sky. It was a peaceful, quiet night, so Elias decided to traverse the rooftops of the village. It was cool, and a brisk breeze wisped through the air. So relaxing...

Elias noticed there were to figures, one at a fruit stand, one just walking along. He decided to watch the one at the fruit stand. He seemed strange as he picked up a shiny red apple, and Elias almost thought the man would devour it right then and there, but the man put it back, slumping his shoulders in disdain.

Elias heard a crack. Soft, but loud enough to be heard in the pin drop silence. He looked over and saw the other figure turn and raise their fists. It looked like they were ready for a fight. He dropped to the ground, landing fully on his feet and not needing to bend his knees. Elias so loved doing that.

He was still in the shadows when he saw Fruit Stand Guy streak past. "I wonder where the rush is...?" He said out loud and to the night air. If I follow him, something interesting might happen...

Follow him he did. But suddenly, Fruit Stand stopped. Whatever he was chasing got out of sight. He decided to introduce himself.

"My, what a wonderful night for a run, yes? What were you chasing, if I may be so bold to ask?"

07-01-14, 09:23 PM
“I'm not sure anymore...” Flensor spoke, never turning towards the man talking to him.

His focus centered on trying to spot the mysterious figure that had disappeared before his eyes. He thought it was a man at least. Thinking his hunger was finally getting to him, he growled slightly. He looked towards the man, staring at him with eyes full of hunger. Flensor began to hold his stomach, sitting on the ground as he let his guard down.

“I may have saw nothing at all after I think about it...” he sighed, rubbing his eyes “I should have just eaten the apple, but then I'd be no better than a common thief.” He seemed top be picking at himself “Now I'm seeing things, as if they were really there.” He looked up at the man that had approached him “I'm not even sure if you're even there or just part of my imagination now.”

07-01-14, 09:32 PM
Flen, it's common to maintain a "posting order" in threads. Like the one we seemed to have: you posted first, then me, then E. If you'd like to post replies at random for this thread, we can do that. But usually people post in the same patterns around here.

Ashla blinked as she watched not one, but three shadows race away at once. And she didn't know why, she had no clue why... But her feet moved. She followed them. She followed the people, all features hidden in the darkness, she followed them as fast as she could, her hood still fallen over her head. Then at last, everybody suddenly came to a stop in the town square. Ashla panted while the two remaining figures aside her briefly shared words. Ashla caught the words and noted that one of the men seemed starving! Ashla smiled right then and reached into one of her pockets, she struck gold!

Ashla cautiously walked up to the man, her hand still in her larger pouch. She stopped in front of him and spoke up, "Hi, I don't know who you are, but..."

She pulled out an apple and handed it to him. Ashla, of course, always kept one or two apples with her - they were her favorite food after all! And oh, she enjoyed anything cooked with apples as well! Jams, cider, pies... It made Ashla's feel hungry just at the thought of it. And well, even though she loved the fruits, she never minded sharing them with those in need. This apple had been in her pouch for about two days, nothing really bad happened to it minus a small bruise at one of the sides. Ashla shyly smiled, hoping this guy would trust her. She herself didn't trust much, there was a good chance he didn't either.

07-02-14, 02:27 PM
Out of Character:

it is partially my fault, ghost, as I didn't post originally after you did and waited till the last second. I assume that, now however, we have the posting order correct?

"Not real, when I'm standing directly in front of you? If I were an illusion, I wouldn't be here right now." Elias was quite miffed that the man, now seated on the ground, would even consider him to be a hallucination! Seriously, didn't anybody know anything? Only an illusion created by an illusionist mage stays when facing one such thing up close.

Elias noticed a woman walking towards them. She was dressed in all black, save for some red splotches on certain areas. The red was quite dark however, although that may have just been the fact that it was an hour past midnight. Is that... Blood?

The woman had her hand in a pouch and was quickly approaching the seated man. Elias didn't know if this would get ugly so as she walked by Elias to the Fruit Stand guy, he drew one fan, just in case, and tensed. Ready for a fight. But wait! It was just an apple! The girl must have overheard their conversation and wanted to feed the other man.

He thought best to introduce himself by name first, as there was a lady present. "Excuse me, Miss? Sir? My name is Elias. I came here to try to find some valuable books and tomes for my younger sister. May I ask for your names?"

07-02-14, 04:49 PM
Without much thought, Flensor gently grabbed the apple from her hand and sniffed it. He stared at it for a moment before he bit into it, holding the chunk in his mouth as if he were tasting it for any poisons. He wouldn't know what poison would taste like, but he knew what an apple did taste like. He swallowed the chunk, looking at the woman. His eyes then went towards Elias, a dull look came into Flensor's pure white eyes as he heard the man speak about books. He enjoyed books, but he felt that the man followed him for other reasons than just searching for the prospect of a book or two.

He looked away from Elias, looking towards the woman “Thank you” his voice was slightly altered by a mouth full of apples. His attention turned towards Elias, once more “I'm Flensor.”

He decided not to observe them any longer, his attention fully on the sweet flesh of the apple. He ate the apple within a few seconds, staring at the core in his hand. He thought for a moment if he should eat the apple core or not, only to stuff it in his mouth and chew that also. Standing, he brushed off his clothing as he patted his stomach in satisfaction. His eyes turned towards the women, as if waiting for her name.

07-02-14, 09:25 PM
Ashla smiled, happy to help one person in need. This act reminded her of handing out apples to servants in the Eiskalt castle, she remembered similar smiles on their faces. Ashla was suddenly hit with a major feel of angst. She secretly did actually miss Eiskalt. Ashla sighed at the memories then returned to the real world. She turned to the 'bookseller'.

"My name is Ashla." Ashla finally let down her hood completely, her blue eyes and fair skin plainly visible. Her long hair now seeming twice times as fluent as water.. The look she gave them was young and innocent. Completely casual, her face very simple and childish. However, behind her eyes there seemed to be a void, a very deep one, that could not be replenished...

She then turned to the orc who had gobbled down the apple in seconds. She chuckled, "Your welcome, Flensor."

07-06-14, 07:27 PM
The woman revealed her name to be Ashla. An interesting name, as Elias hadn't heard it before. He mulled the name over, trying to memorize it for a later date.

Ashla let down her hood, long black hair flowing down over it. Piercing blue eyes could be seen, even with the night being so black. They were unknowing eyes, the kind that came from somebody experienced, yet extremely naïve. He liked the eyes, as the color matched his own. However, Elias knew the cruelty of the world...

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances." Elias made a formal bow, as he was also a very polite man. He turned to Flensor, the orc. Sitting there on the ground, he didn't seem very dangerous. In fact he seemed small. He knew though that orcs can get very large.

Elias addressed him. "So, Flensor. What was it you saw? What were you chasing after? You don't have to answer if you wish not to, but I would very much like to know now that you have some food in your stomach and can think a little more clearly."