View Full Version : Another Price Check...

07-05-14, 10:17 AM
Yes, another one...

I would like a price check on two things please:

1.) A small black, short haired kitten with green eyes? This little guy would be as fast as any normal cat could get. He would NOT be used in combat!

2.) A pair of brown, leather gauntlets (fingerless).

Thank you so much! :)
~ Ashla

07-05-14, 11:33 AM
We don't sell familiars in the Bazaar :P

75 GP for the Gauntlets.

07-05-14, 11:41 AM
Can I randomly slap a familiar onto a character update? I'm sure I could never get him as a spoil since I would most likely get a bad score...

And to add onto the gauntlets: What if I enhance them to have an extremely small shield power in the palms that could block attacks from materials of the tier Delyn and lower (maybe six times per thread)?

07-05-14, 11:42 AM
Why not just add small Delyn plates onto the palms of the gauntlets?

07-05-14, 11:44 AM
Nice idea! :) Add them on. What's the price now?

07-05-14, 11:45 AM
That'll bring it to 300 GP.

07-05-14, 11:49 AM
After the GP from the June Vignette is added to this account, could you do the transaction with the leather gauntlets with Delyn plates on the palms please?

07-05-14, 11:50 AM
No problem.

I'll just close this for now, PM me when your GP goes through.

Alyssa Snow
07-07-14, 11:47 AM
I'll finalize this for Kar.

BG obtains the leather gauntlets with Delyn plates on the palms.

Her account goes from 346 GP to 46 GP.

Transaction Complete.

Please Link this thread where proof of purchase is applicable.

((Erikar, Post this in the needs GP thread so you get credit for the transaction))

Also, BG, you can quest for a familiar without the need to get denied as a spoil. So long as the familiar provides your character with no abilities or benefits aside from a companion, there is no real need for monetary involvement. Now if the creature provides some form of benefit (ability, skill, etc) then the thread will need to be assessed by a judge and RoG member and a mid-level update will have to be made referencing the completed thread if approved.