View Full Version : Question/Idea regarding Scara Brae.

07-05-14, 05:02 PM
According to: This Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?1498-Scara-Brae-Almanac-amp-Guide), Scara Brae is ruled by the Valeena family.

I've read that the current ruler is a Queen that I've always pictured as something akin to Amidala from Star Wars.

I know Scara Brae has TONS of unique factions.

What I -want- to know and need permission with is this:

For the purpose of my story's personal progress I may have to bunny Queen Valeena from time to time. I'm asking for A)Formal permission to do such. And B) Permission to help develop the following idea:

There's ton's of mention of how Scara Brae is ruled, but ZERO mention of Scara Brae's militia.

My idea would utilize two things: Scara Brae's military academy AND The Royal Guard of Scara Brae. What I want to do is show that Creno JOINS the Royal Guard at an early age, and then works his ass off to become one of the elite Generals of Scara Brae. Is this doable? I recall a certain player named Zieg who was General of Haidia's army. I don't think we've seen the likes of that done since then. What I'm asking is if it's okay for players to take commanding roles in known/existing factions. I'd like to know what is the ruling on that BEFORE I start working on my various faction-development ideas. Anyway that's what I wanted/needed to know. Any asssistance from people in the know would be greatly appreciated.

By the way.

If I am cleared to do this project: I am looking for ONE fellow lowbie to rp the SHIT out of Scara Brae with me and help develop existing ideas/etc.

By the way most of you guys know me as-

Elthas and Lorenor.

Any help with this project would be deeply appreciated.


07-09-14, 05:09 AM
I don't think you need permission unless you want it to become canon.

07-09-14, 04:32 PM
Thanks Hyseria bro. I do want the project to make canon which is why I asked about it here first. Thanks a bunch. I am also using this thread as a recruit thread for said project. I need at least ONE or TWO dedicated fellow rpers ready and willing to help me with Scara Brae stuff. I am looking to help develop the region more. Any assistance with this endeavor would be widely appreciated. Thanks muchly!!! I will have a thread up today at some point.