View Full Version : (Boom)Sticks and Stones

07-07-14, 04:00 PM
Looking to price out a couple items.

First off, I'd like an iron flintlock revolver with a wooden grip, able to hold six charges of powder and six bullets.

Second, I'd like a price check on a small teleportation stone that would be set within simple silver bracelet that can be worn around Madison's wrist. The bracelet's magic could only be activated once before needing a 24-hour recharge, and a level of concentration and time to activate that scales upwards depending on how far away the wearer wishes to teleport.

- Anywhere within ten feet: Instantaeous as soon as the thought enters the wearer's head
- Up to 10 miles away: Up to one minute's worth of concentration
- 10 miles to 100 miles: One hour
- 100 miles to 1,000 miles: Two hours
- 1,000 miles on up: Four hours

I would like to explicitly state that the bracelet will work for whoever may be wearing it at the time, as the magic is tied to the stone embedded in it.

What deals can we make, friend?

07-09-14, 04:14 PM
400 GP for the Iron Flintlock Revolver, friend, with the requested specifications. However, you'll also need to buy ammunition and powder if you ever plan on using it, so let me know what you'd like to do about that.

For the Bracelet, I think 2,000 sounds fair.

10-20-14, 07:45 AM
Note to mod squad: If Erikar cannot complete this transaction, can someone else jump in?

I would be interested in the revolver after all, I think.

How much would it be for 30 iron bullets and 30 charges of powder?

Alternatively, how much would it cost to have an enchantment put on it to have one and only one iron bullet and one charge of powder in the gun at the beginning of each thread, without the possibility of loading additional rounds?

10-20-14, 09:56 AM
(I'm still around, Andy <_<)
Instead of buying charges of powder, I would recommend you buy packs(good for 10 shots each.) It would be 300 GP for 3 packs of powder.

It will be 150 GP for 30 Iron bullets.

That brings you to 850 GP for the Revolver, Powder, and Ammunition. The enchantment would bring that price to 1275 GP. Let me know how you wish to proceed.

10-20-14, 10:00 AM
How much trade-in value can I get for Maddy's four masterwork prevalida daggers with spidersilk grips?

Edited afterthought:

How much would it be for the revolver and an enchantment on it that, well, I'm not sure how I want to word this, but here goes.

Maddy will begin every new thread with the revolver fully loaded--six bullets, six charges. When she fires one chamber, it will magically refill with a fresh bullet and charge of powder after three posts, for the sake of a "cooldown time" to make it fair.

How much would that be?

10-20-14, 10:50 AM
That enchantment on the Revolver will bring the price to 1175. The total price for the Enchanted Revolver and Bullets/Powder comes to 1575 GP.

You can trade in your Four Masterwork Prevalida Daggers for 1260 GP.

10-20-14, 11:15 AM
Okay, then. By my maths, I'm 75 GP short.

How much can I get in trade-in for two silvered steel knuckle dusters with four quarter-inch long mythril spikes on each?

10-20-14, 02:47 PM
160 GP in trade for the Knuckle Dusters.

10-20-14, 02:56 PM
That should give me enough, then.

I'm spending 1575 GP on:

- 30 iron Bullets
- 3 packs of gunpowder, each pack good for 10 shots
- 1 six-shot iron flintlock revolver with a wooden grip, enchanted to magically reload an emptied chamber after three posts

I'm trading in:

- 4 Prevalida daggers with spidersilk grips
- 2 Silvered steel knuckledusters with mythril spikes


10-20-14, 03:07 PM
BlackandBlueEyes trades in 4 Prevalida Daggers with Spidersilk Handles, and 2 Steel Knuckle Dusters with Mythril Spikes.

In return, he receives:
- 30 iron Bullets
- 3 packs of gunpowder, each pack good for 10 shots
- 1 six-shot iron flintlock revolver with a wooden grip, enchanted to magically reload an emptied chamber after three posts

He is left with 75 GP. Please deduct 155 GP from BlackandBlueEyes' account,

Max Dirks
10-21-14, 02:20 PM
Transaction Complete.