View Full Version : Under the Sun's Gaze [closed]

07-08-14, 07:21 AM
It was a bright summer's day when Chandra decided that she would enter the Citadel. The building’s name was enough to cause looks of glee, fear and wonder in equal parts from any pub crowed. The building, and the mysterious monks that fuelled it with their magic, was a place to test your mettle. To those with less self-discovery intentions, it was simply a test of metal. Chandra's story had been told a thousands times or more in the Citadel walls. She had left her village a little more than two months ago. The Citadel offered the first test of her skill in a situation where losing wasn't permanent. She both revelled and reviled at the challenge. Part of her hated fighting for fighting's sake, but she wanted to die at the hands of some half-talented sword swinger because she never trained even less.

As Chandra waited in the clearing she looked alien, refusing to let herself be drawn into the setting she found herself in. Her body was tense, an arrow in her hand rested against the bow in her other. She was ready to draw and fire with a moments notice. The sword slung across her back was ready as back up should she need. She screamed novice in her ridged stance, her darting green eyes refused to take anything in for more than a moment before darting to the next possible threat.

The clearing though seemed content to continue as if she wasn't there. Sun, casting its gaze over the trees and the grass of the clearing, warmed all with its sight. The air moved in cool waves across the foliage, a gentle symphony of rolling leaves and blades of grass. It was nearly idyllic in its presentation. The keen observer would notice the distinct lack of birds, or indeed any animals. Even the flies, present to annoy tired travellers were missing. It was not real, despite its convincing facade.

Chandra of course didn't take any of this in. She barely registered the colour of the grass and if you asked her about it later she'd say green simply because that was the colour one would expect it was. It was a child's mistake, but she was little more than a child in the heated gaze of battle. This would be an eye opener.

07-08-14, 08:07 AM
Quite a beautiful day for a fight, Elias thought that it could not have been any better. Everything was lush and . For the first time, he was fighting under normal circumstances in the citadel.

Elias was thinking how good it was to be back here, in a familiar environment. It was most like his home, and it brought back memories of his parents and childhood. Both the good, and the bad.

Elias looked forward and saw a woman with an arrow notched to a bow. He immediately knew she had an advantage, but he did as well. His speed would come in handy here.

He dropped from a tall tree and landed hard, knees never buckling, and created a small crater. He bent low and drew his fans.

"My name is Elias Heurassein. What is yours, archer?"

07-09-14, 06:04 AM
Chandra lifted the bow and drew the arrow as soon as her opponent entered her field of vision. The girl had thoughts of firing. Her shaky hand stayed as his words cut through her nerves, creating a seedy mixture of confusion in the pit of her stomach. She released the tension on her bow slightly. She spoke, trying to sound full of confidence but her voice was a higher pitch than she would have liked.

“My name is Chandra... um...”

She didn't let any more flow words from her mouth. Her vision focused on the man she as pulled back the arrow once more. There was a slight pause as she considered her actions. What little of her brain functioned properly cried for more chivalry, the rest screamed for blood. She released the arrow.

A twang and flick as the arrow shot towards Elias. Chandra didn't wait to see if she struck the man, her free hand lifted to her back and she fumbled with the next arrow. The girl's mind was panicked, she barely managed to grasp the base of the next arrow and pull it out.

07-09-14, 01:14 PM
"Nice to meet you..." Elias began. Quickly he undid the latches on his fans and threw them towards the woman. An off sounded as he threw them, and he continued, "Chandra!!" The fans connected with the arrow and they stopped moving and fell to the ground. Elias reeled them back in.

"As you can see, I'm just as fast as your pulling arm. Just hope you get lucky!" Elias resumed a defensive stance. He wanted to fight her dead on instead of at a distance. He had to coax her into using the large sword on her back. He wanted to really test his strength.

He also just didn't like arrows in his body like a pincushion. His time in the Branded Titans had taught him to be wary of archers of any kind.

He noticed when she spoke her voice was high, a sign of either excitement of nervousness. He figured it was the latter as Elias also noticed an unsteady hand. He wondered what her move would be.

07-13-14, 01:11 AM
Her heart was racing as she saw her arrows collide with his weapon. The hard wooden shaft of the next arrow felt alien in her hands. Perhaps it was her opponent yelling her name, or the arrow having been struck from the air, whichever it was she paused again. Clear your head you stupid girl! Chandra berated herself at her on naivety. She knew that she was fighting two opponents right now, one far more insidious than the other.

She forced a a shallow breath and felt her mind clear somewhat. The tiny pause was enough to partially relax her tunnel vision and focus on more than just the man in front of her; she was able to think. Should I engage him in banter? Could I throw him off? For a moment she longed to be in the woods. Animals were so much easier to deal with than humans, or human-like things for that matter.

“Where I'm from only prostitutes are taught to fight with fans. I guess somethings are the same everywhere?”

Chandra managed to get the words out with a stable voice, but only barely. She lifted the bow up towards Elias again, this time she was going to wait for her opportunity to shoot. Making the first most seemed a folly that she wouldn't repeat again so soon.