View Full Version : grab your coat.

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-08-14, 03:06 PM
We're going hunting.

I'm lookin for volounteersto accompany myself on a trip to salvar and it's snow capped mountains for some, alchemical ingredients. Some plant based, some require that you get your hand's dity.

Contact if interested;
Ulrich Craggenmoor , profesional wizard.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-08-14, 03:12 PM
I'm in.

07-08-14, 03:15 PM
I could go for a quick jaunt in the frozen, mountainous back country myself, yeah.

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-08-14, 03:18 PM
cool. Three's a good number, im going to leave it open for a fourth and post an opener as soon as Ihave the time to do so.

I'll PM when its up so no excuses. :P

07-08-14, 04:54 PM
I wants to come !!!!

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-08-14, 06:19 PM
Don't we all?

Ok, I'll close it at that, start the thread and then send all three of you a message.