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07-09-14, 06:53 PM
His large hood covered his face almost completely. The Demonic warrior wore all black as always. He walked up towards The Citadel structure with hate in his eyes. He had pure contempt for all living races that were not aligned to his own people. His cloak swished about his person as he walked, his presence one of pure hatred and fear. Glowing yellow/gold eyes pierced the veil of darkness that covered his face. It was produced by the hood revealing only a small portion of his largely defined chin. What WAS revealed was a foreign blue skin tone that was not familiar to the surface dwellers of Althanas. At that age, very few Heroes had actually SEEN a Demon of Haidia before. The leather clad warrior, looked about and saw many folks gathered about the steps of The Citadel. Rightfully, the sane kept him at arm's length. Even more rightfully, there were those were afraid of the Demonic warrior. His eyes narrowed and he found his contact in the surface world. An old Orc who tended those like and wore the mantle of whatever Ai'Bron was. Nosdyn cared very little for the religions of the surface dwellers. The Demons had their own belief systems completely etched out of blood.

Nosdyn walked towards the monk like a lion hunting it's prey. He noticed that the old orc blinked for a moment and stared right at Nosdyn's get-up. For a moment, Nosdyn saw the thing that made him focus harder, FEAR in the eyes of the old Orc. Nosdyn kept a respectful few paces away from the monk. He was powerful and well trained, but Nosdyn was not as strong as the old Orc veteran was. Nosdyn spoke in a heavily accented voice that came off a little raspy. "You there...guide me to battle." Nosdyn said simply.

The old Orc blinked a few times and then stared right at, almost THROUGH Nosdyn. "You've got balls. You're going to go far in The Citadel Leagues. What kind of arena or setting do you want to battle in?" The Orc asked.

Nosdyn was already feeling the slight tingle of impatience. "Show me battle." Nosdyn said again. The Demon did not like the politics of the surface-world. They were weak and ready for the slaughtering. Nosdyn moved two steps forward towards the Orc, and saw that the fellow smartly receded a step or two away. At that moment, three more monks appeared of various races, and power levels. Nosdyn smiled behind the shadow. They are afraid... "I will not ask again. Show me battle. Let it be known I seek blood. I seek death." Nosdyn said. The monks all looked at each other, and then they looked at Nosdyn.

"I will prepare a suitable arena for you." The Orc said after a moment passed.

"Give instructions to my opponent. They shall face Death." Nosdyn said, and followed the monks to a designated Citadel Chamber.


Stepping into the forest of Concordia by night, Nosdyn looked around. Oak and Yew trees were around him, they were in various states of being developed. His glowing gold eyes seemed to shine a little brighter in the darkness of the forest. Animal calls were apparent, and those calls were a mixture of insects and predatory monsters. It all irritated Nosdyn. He hated life, he hated the surface world. "I shall crush this with my bare hand." Nosdyn said in his raspy voice. He made a fist, and the leather tightened around his powerfully defined knuckles. Nosdyn was a war-torn soldier of Haidia's army. He represented the baddest of the bad, and was looking to do what was needed to become a Demon General. That could wait, for now, there needed to be blood and violence.

Nosdyn's blood boiled with hatred for the surface dwellers. Suddenly, there was a disturbance to his east. Nosdyn turned in that general direction, and moving subtly towards it. He noticed a disgusting female deer begin to approach him. The creature seemed unafraid of Nosdyn. They do not fear me...yet... Nosdyn thought to himself. They will all soon know fear. The deer moved cautiously towards Nosdyn, sniffing the air around him. Nosdyn smelled of death and chaos. Suddenly, Nosdyn reached out with his leather gauntlet and grabbed the muscular neck of the white-spotted deer. He gripped tightly, watched it's eyes bulge with panic and fear. Fear. He could smell the fear all around him. Then he moved his hand in a subtle way and snapped the neck of the creature. It quickly went limp, and Nosdyn allowed it to drop after he held it in place for a few more moment. The dead weight of the deer fell down to the ground with a sickening thud.


Nosdyn kept his hand elevated for a brief moment then moved to a somewhat relaxed position. Nosdyn's instructions to the monks were quite simple, he wanted an opponent who did not fear death. Who was willing to risk ALL in a battle against Nosdyn, who represented a terrible truth for Althanas and it's sleeping surface dwellers. The Demons of Haidia's shadows were back. The appearance of Nosdyn would usher in a new area of true darkness and cruelty. The surface dwellers, in Nosdyn's world-view had grown complacent and weak. Nosdyn still didn't understand how the surface dwellers had defeated his people during the first Demon War. All he'd seen during his time in the surface world was a land filled with weak children. Their age of "Heroes" long since over. Nosdyn understood that he was there to commence the training he needed to help his people conquer greater Althanas.

For now though, he would begin his reign of terror in The Citadel. And other such competitions. Where strength and violence was called for, Nosdyn would be there. And so, with that state of mind, the demonic warrior carefully prepared his mindset for the killing that needed doing. He would emerge victorious, because his mantle WAS FEAR. It was very code, and it was his very mantra.

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-10-14, 10:12 PM
He has been here before. It was a realisation which hit home in a gradual way. The citadel stood before him, all stone and grandure appeearing before him as if from nothing. It was appropriate, given what they do. Ulrich had been told of this place a long time go and found himself seeking it out once every few months. The appeal of being able to... cut loose was a notion which appealed to everybody. Or so Ulrich hoped as his apprehension grew with each stride bringing him closer to a conflict with a stranger. one he may never see again. One who had signed onto the same thing as he. someone who was not going to be holding back. As ommonl occured with that though, a small grin sreatched his lips. The slightest hint of mirth sparkling inside his eyes. The sun was going down and tonights entertainment was about to begin!

the rest of the journy was uneventful. As the road would towards the citadel, trees lined the edges and blocked your view into the wilderness. You eyes, naturally drawn to the massive building infront of you only aided to build the suspence and excitement as it grew larger ad grander with the journey. Nothing was out of the ordinary until Ulrich arrived at the main gate. And was greeted.

"Ah, a visitor. Thinking of participating in combat tonight friend."

The ork which stood in the entrance way, approaching Ulrich with words both soft and strained at the same time. Sressing the last word too strangely to not want something, all brought the wizard to a halt just before the threshold of the Citadel. suspicion replaceing the apprehension which had fillled his eyes only a moment ago. Somehing was worrisome. It was rare or him that things would go wrong /this/ quickly.

He bowed his head in respect before asking the ork his name, and what was wrong.

"Thank you ser,we have a unique opponant. He does not want someone to combat. He seeks one to kill. Ser wizard. We both do not dare offer one up to him, nor deny him the battle which he is shaking for. I am asking you for yourrequest to face this reature, in full knowledge that your death may not be quick."

Brow creaced in thought, considering. He didn't like the feeling of leaving another to the mercies of one so violent, But the prospect of death wasn't greatly appealing either. ut then, this was the citadel. It only exised because any who died under its roof were brought back, injuries were healed, small children were given golden locks of hair and rosy cheeks.. Not tha many young children were present in a blood-sport arena. Maybe they were sent to candy stores, Not sand floored death pits. then again. Maybe they were just given buckets and spades before heading in.

"Death holds no consequnce here. I request To face my opponent."
His reaction to the forest was Much different than the reaction of his opponent, marvelling at the monk's power to create a simulation so realistic That they had in essence created new life was a wonder which filled the wizard, who relied heavily on his tools, with awe. A very different awe than he felt hike nearing the demon, noticing that everything around him had begun to turn the other way: even the trees looked as though they had begun an infinity slow stampdede out of this world. All was moving now, except something up ahead and, knowing what it was he didn't accept it until he was close enough to touch the still warm fur that lay motionless at his feet. This simple act of cruelty on a non existent creature, changed everything about this game. This newcomer didn't want to defeat all others. It wanted them dead and this was a different and far more dangerous concept to confront. pulling his wand from the band older around his chest, ulrich hunched down behind the corpse, thinking.

This creature, Nosdyn, was on the hunt. Ulrich was the primary target but anything living would be at risk and it wouldn't be long until Nosdyn realised that Ulrich had arrived at his back. so this slight element of surprise wouldn't hold forever. The wizard had to get on the offensive. He stopped breathing, closed his eyes and listened. The world slowed to a crawl as he focused on Every sensory input he had, sounds from every direction, smells that came from everywhere at once. A snap to his right, in the treeline brought the world to speed. His arm Rised, wand in hand and let loose a bolt of energy. Hoping it would be on target. otherwise letting his position away. so after the energy was sent, streaming towards the disturbance in a narrow stream of crackling mana, Ulrich turned the other way and ran.

left, right, left. around trees and over shrubs before finding himself at the foot of a huge trunk of a tree, nearly one hundred feet high. He was up it in a flash, twenty feet off the ground and Ulrich ducked in behind a gathering of foliage While the breath came back to his lungs. He normally acted calmer than that, evidently the demon had a mental effect on any nearby. maybe Ulrich was lucky.

Maybe his blind fire had hit.

07-11-14, 06:42 PM
Something hit Nosdyn and hit him HARD.

Several bursts of energy projectiles pegged off his backside, and knocked him forward.

He fell to one knee, his most immediate reaction being brute anger and rage.

He balanced himself and turned subtly as two more blasts of arcane prowess hit him. Nosdyn howled in rage at that point. He stood up when the last of it hit him and did it's damage. His leather armor took the brunt of the arcane barrage, it was launched from a magical weapon of some sort. Nosdyn smelled magic in the air almost right away, it had a distinct smell. He hated it. And that hatred soon filled his heart. Nosdyn's gold eyes were now facing the general direction that Ulrich ran off to. "A pest...must be stamped out." Nosdyn said, and in an instant, he activated his energy sword. Energy swirled off Nosdyn's massive body where Ulrich's attack had connected. The steam had the eerie effect of a supernatural aura that seemed to surround Nosdyn. He stalked towards Ulrich's person. He had very little to go on, except the heavy boot falls from the rat he was chasing. He followed the boot balls very slowly until he found a bunch of shrubbery and foliage. "I hope you enjoyed that..." Nosdyn said. "I will make you pay for it." Nosdyn wasn't exactly sure in which bush or tree the rat had decided to hide in.

He would stomp them all out to hunt his foe.

The Demon warrior put his blade in the ready position. It's intricate energy structure constantly giving off that terrifying sound. He pointed the blade tip upward for a brief moment. Then, he swiped mightily in the general direction of the shrubbery and bushes. There was a natural barricade of that foliage, vines, grass and twisted bark gnarled to attempt to block Nosdyn from reaching the target. Immediately, Nosdyn's masterwork weapon sliced through the shrubbery, it's leaves and burning bark flying every which way. Nosdyn swiped several times in succession, never once growing tired or complaining. In the process, several paces of natural barrier were cut down, and no sign of his opponent were found. Nosdyn wasn't sure exactly WHERE Ulrich had run off to. However, the hunt was on. Nosdyn continued to slash in his swiping motions removing the barrier before him. He was certain that the noise generated by his blade, and the act of cutting bushes, etc. down, would draw the rat out.

Nosdyn called out to his opponent. "Hide no longer, rodent. Face me you will, face me you must." Nosdyn spoke in that raspy voice of his, his eyes staring forward, and his blood boiling with rage and hatred. Hatred for the rat he was hunting down...

...it would never again get another sneak attack off him like that.

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-12-14, 11:33 PM
He practically clung to the bark. Brown leather cloaked him in near camoflage beneth the foliage as his breath slowed and Ulrich once again found himself wondering what this effect was that the demon was having on him. Some kind of aura he guessed. Knowing only that however, woudn't stop it's effects. His mind started racing, his heart picked up the pace and his brow would begin to sweat. Especially now as a rumble in the bushies announced the creatures arrival into the small grovev of trees and bushes. Ulrich was just far enough away to hold onto some cognitive thought in his mind without running off again.

The ceature looked human enough, arms, legs and a head. All was hidden under leather however and we all know creatures who look human only in shape and appear completely alien in nearly every aspect of appearance and attitude. One thing which wasn't human, was it's smell.

The wizard noticed nearly as soon as the winds changed. A light breeze drifted up from Nosdyn to Ulrich and brought his smell with it in a teasing, gentle way which only spiked his curiosity for the familiarity of the scent. Bitter and hot it would remind you of a day of childhood, the imagies it conjures, so vauge you assume it must be from before you knew the world. Then it changes, goes deeper and the winds bcome stronger: The memory, dragged from your very genes
an image of your oldest ancestory, dragging itself out of the primordial soup or the very first time and laying there, gasping the new air for the first time in existence. Then a shadow, blocking out the sun for a frozen instant and the great three eyed... thing, bearing down on you. It's not instinctual survival which made you crawl fast and away that day, It was Fear. Pants filling Fear of death, the unknown and Fear of the end. This creature didn't cause fear.

He drew out the first fear your race ever experienced, completely pure, and filled your head with it.

What was worse? He did it without thinking. And Ulrich wasn't strong enough to make it stop. Right now, however, he was far enough away from the beast that it was a weak suggestion at best. Even if it was an unnerving one.

The red sword appeared next, it's hum a sickening tone that punched deep into your marrow and Ulrich watched, transfixed as Nosdyn stalked closer to his perch, steam rising from battere'd leather armour where the wizards snap attacks must have hit. A rare streak of luck. He had to focus, There was a strategy brewing in the rational fraction of his thoughts. Between fleeing for his life and fucking anything that would let him as an act of praise to their own mortality. It was the strategy he tried to focus on. Especially now that the red blade was cutting through the forest like wet toilet paper.

He raised his head and looked around, plotting a route through the trees, before raising himself to a haunched over sitting position, like a spring ready for release. His strategic mindset had fled for a more run away style of approach. But a strategic for of running away.

Cmon! the guy's cutting down trees with his sword! You don't face down that stuff. You out-smart it. By not getting cut into bits.

Ulrich stayed still for about thirty seconds, waiting before the sword was raised for another anger fueled hacking swing at the shrubbery (Ni!) before releasing, in a sprinter's start down the length of the thick branch. Two steps down and it bent away at an alarming rate, the thickness of the thing obviously not an indicator of how sturdy it is. Fearing the fall now more than anything else, Ulrich lept early and hoped his long legs were long enough to reach a solid foot hold of the next tree along. Meeting elation as the sole of his feet met the sweet sweet bark of the other side.

It was more dissapointment than fear when the sound of bark snapping reached his ears and everything under his feet simply vanished. The wizard falling for a heart-renching second and hitting anther, thicker branch halfway to the bottom, five meters from the ground. Still alive. Still safe from any agonising deaths. But the demon almost certainly knew here he was now and worse? His hands were empty. The wooden wand tapping it's way down the tree and hitting the ground. He thought quickly, his heart aching after something he had spilled all of his time and love into had simply fallen away.

But there simply was not enough time. Ulrich was on the back foot, and rapidly running out of time as a creature almost assured to kill him in an ugly way would soon be stalking closer. Turning, he remembered where he was and began to run through the trees, looking for something. Anything. Which would give him an edge over this hing's aura of Fear.

07-15-14, 11:37 AM
In a matter of moments, the rat appeared once more. He had apparently been hiding in the trees the whole time, and Nosdyn did not like the implications of that. He would have to train his sensitivity more in order to better detect people using stealth tactics in the future. For now though, he simply would enjoy the game of hide and seek. Nosdyn gripped his weapon tightly and he noticed where Ulrich ran off in. I cannot keep this up too long, if he will just keep running. I will likely have to change my tactics...OH! Nosdyn thought of a simple idea. He followed the man with his eyes for a moment, and he too, burst off into a run. However, judging from the general direction that Ulrich ran off in, Nosdyn ran at an exact forty-five degree angle then suddenly cut in an attempt to cut off Ulrich by flanking him.

It was a carefully thought out gamble. As Nosdyn attempted to flank Ulrich, he appeared from the woods slightly off towards Ulrich's right. He than dashed TOWARDS Ulrich, his loud boot falls blatantly revealing the fact that he was hunting for Ulrich. I have you now....! Suddenly, Nosdyn revealed the true nature of his plan. He skillfully THREW his beam weapon AT Ulrich. Not at his upper body, but so that the weapon might clip Ulrich's legs and end this cat and mouse game once and for all. Nosdyn knew it, Ulrich was SCARED. Nosdyn liked the way fear TASTED. He watched his blade as as it was thrown, very much like a javelin or spear towards Ulrich's legs. It was a bit of a distance to cover, but Nosdyn was certain that his attack would pay off in his favor.

"No more running!" Nosdyn yelled. The glowing energy bladed weapon seemed to slice through the air as it ever got closer to Ulrich. Nosdyn had carefully aimed his weapon so it would at least clip the lower portion of the man's body IF it did in fact connect. The entire time, the weapon gave off that mysterious humming sound. Tormenting and maddening. Nosdyn moved to a tight combat position and stared at Ulrich from his slight distance. He watched as the weapon soared through the air from the skilled throw. Nosdyn clenched his hands and could feel the tight leather gloves contrast around his hand as he moved. Nosdyn's cloak swirled around his person, giving of the distinct appearance of tendrils in the night. Nosdyn could only wait to see if his attack connected.

1-Nosdyn attempted to flank Ulrich.
2-Nosdyn -THREW- his beam weapon at Ulrich's lower body area.

Ulrich Craggenmoor
07-27-14, 07:17 PM
Run away run away run away.

Each step Ulrich took over the rocking branches lessoned the mental hold the stranger exerted. His mind grew clearer again as the physical strain on the way he was running between tree branches, no matter how thick they were, started to take it's toll. He just needed the other guy to be less... armed. Crazy glowing stick was almost as bad as he was. That was the thoought which ran through Ulrich's mind when he heard deliberately loud footfalls approaching from his right.

But there's noone else here. How did he...

He must have been slowing in the tree tops. That wasn't good. He'd have to find a way down. and fast.

The coat flaps rode the wind like flags behind Ulrich as the wizard took another leap to the next treetop. As soon as he was in the middle of the leaping arc the purple glowing weapon was streaking towards him. It was spinning slightly, as if it was thrown by smeone who had done so only once or twice before and had no skill in the act. If the wizard was able to move it would have been avoided, UNfortunately thats against most of physics and the blade flew between Ulrich's thighs, entwining them together and knocking his balance for six. Then he hit the tree at speed.

Gravity prefers if you land on something more solid than thin air.

Ulrich fell.

Hitting the ground after a fall of about ten meters, can hurt. Does hurt. But you only have bruises and a couple scrapes when you're a wizard projecting shimmering shields to stop breaking any legs or arms. Ulrich lay there for a second, staring up at the canopy above. There was a rustling from a bit away, which instantly sent a shock of electricity up his spine. He bent down, grabbed his stuff, scrabbled to his feet and ran. Again.

Through the green of trees and the midday sun. Ulrich's feet pounded the foliage as he tried to get a grip on the adrenaline fuelled mulch he called a mind before skidding to a stop and looking at his hands, holding the items he had gathered after the rough and tumble. The Black cylinder was eminating a similar pulsing fear that Nosdyn did but this was different. Holding it. Having control over it... After a quick moment, the enchanter 'activated' the weapon, and the purple energy blade sprangforward, intensifying the waves of emotion tenfold.

"very cool."

He deactivated it, and slipped the thing inside his shirt, under his coat. Advantage Ulrich.

Nosdyn was nearing and Ulrich started to push the fear away. The cold weight of the blade's hilt against his breast eminating a paradox of comforting fear. Coming up with a plan. Something to focus on, and he stepped behind the nearest tree trunk, moving it between himself and Nosdyn's path of entry. There, he waited. ac

08-12-14, 05:08 PM
Seeing the Human touch his weapon and attempt to take it, pissed Nosdyn off to the point of near psychotic anger. He absolutely lost it. Nosdyn felt a berserker rage swell up within his very black heart, and he observed Ulrich's movements. He watched the rat hide behind the tree, like that would save him. Nosdyn ran TOWARDS Ulrich at that point, observing the general direction that the rodent had slithered off to without ever taking his eyes off him. Nosdyn was allowing his rage to flow through his very physical shell. He could fight without his weapon if need be, but he would be certain to retrieve it from the clutches of his dead enemy.

Nosdyn clenched his fists tightly as he ran. He could feel his face twisting from the pure rage he felt, a rage that greatly augmented the panic aura he gave off naturally. Nosdyn yelled, and howled like a madman. The very thought of the rodent TOUCHING his sacred weapon set him off so completely, that he didn't bother attempting to restrain himself. It was do or die. Nosdyn could feel his reaction rate increasing with his anger as he let go his psychological grip on his less insane self. He had accessed his berserker's rage. His eyes became blood shot from the anger he felt, every single muscle seemed to twitch with the rage. His eyes twitched, and he could feel his skin grow hot. As he found himself relatively near to where Ulrich hid, Nosdyn stared directly at the creature. Nosdyn's people hated Humes of all sorts, the non-allied races. Nosdyn looked at Ulrich for a long moment.

"You have something that belongs to me." Nosdyn whispered his threat. It was more than just a threat, it was a promise of the pain that was to come. Nosdyn was done with the cat and mouse game. He was going to beat the HELL out of Ulrich and ultimate claim his win over the crazy wizard. As Nosdyn ran towards Ulrich, he reared his left fist back, all the way back, and balled up. As he did that, he suddenly swung his fist TOWARDS Ulrich with brute force. With his back to the tree, Nosdyn knew Ulrich would be VERY hard pressed to dodge his attack. The time for running was over, Nosdyn was moving in for a kill.

Nosdyn aimed his attack and swung forward with all the might, strength and rage he could muster up. He aimed for Ulrich's temple, the side of his head. As he swung forward with a basic hook-like strike, Nosdyn never removed his eyes from Ulrich's face. He wanted to savor every moment of Ulrich's undoing. Nosdyn knew his hatred well, he knew it would not be satiated until there was BLOOD. Nosdyn waited for that first attack to connect, he knew his berserker rage was limited and would require precise control. Nosdyn's fist was so tight that his knuckles popped from the pressure. He aimed carefully and continued to move forward as he swung his fist. "Game over." Nosdyn said with rage. He was referring to the cat and mouse game, and the game of hunter and hunted. It was now time to claim Ulrich's head...

Note: Activating: Battle Rage
1-Swinging fist at Urlich's head. (Lame, I know lol.)

Ulrich Craggenmoor
08-13-14, 09:41 PM
Where is it.

Where is it!?

Ulrich was in a hurry to not die and he did not care that the monks made a living bringing their victims back to life. His hands moved with haste beneath the fallen leaves near the base of the tree, nails dug into mud and he tugged fruitlessly at the roots of the newly ancient tree and raised many a broken stick before dropping it in an angered hiss. He felt Nosdyn nearby, his penetrating presance seeped into Ulrich's pores and polluted his mind with an urgent need to run. Only the cold metal beneath his coat and shirt, resting against his skin kept Ulrich rooted. It eminated a deep thrum which, though it once amplified Nosdyns aura of fear, now sought to nullify it in attempt to empower the one who possessed it.

"What is this demon?!"

It was purely rhetorical, Ulrich knew full well that the creature coming down on him was a cunt. Ulrich looked up, ahead by maybe twenty feet was another tree, obviously, but a thick branch near the top had snapped off. A terrible sign for the wizard, who gave up his search. He must have been distracted, dropping his gaze, brown eyes met yellow and his face widened into a stunned silence while the creature whispered his threats and atacked with a powerful arm. Ulrich was already raising the shield as something to protect himself with.

There was a terrible crack which reverberated throughout the forest as Nosdyn's black gloved fist connected with Ulrichs dome of force, The blue face of energy bent inwards, slightly and slowly began to crack. Ulrich was under no illusions that if the demon had been using the weapon, his strentgh would have been insurmountable, but Nosdyn was not trained in hand to hand, he was trained with the blade. Ulrich had the blade. Fear started to wash, slowly from Ulrich's mind, even as the energy which shielded him began to crack, slowly to the point of destruction. His energy would be used up at that pooint anyway, needing to relinquish the defence for a time before it could be summoned again.

A single second had ticked by.

His opponent, was forcing his arm through Ulrich's shield, with little chance of being stopped. So instead of trying, Ulrich the professional wizard brought his hands together in a loud clap. And dropped his shield. His hands, just inchies now from Nosdyn's clear face slapped together, the sound of his two palms solidified and sharpened, glass apparating into the air flying forward at Nosdyn who's fist was now connecting to Ulrich's face.

Another second stepped slowly into place as Ulrich was already recoiling, his headbouncing harshly against the tree trunk, rolluing, with his whole body,to the side and down onto all fours whils Nosdyn, already pummeled with a series of blasts from the wand, had a face full of glass blasted into his face, and was now starting to drip blood.

The chance was there, and Ulrich scrambled to his hands and knees, bolting forward, past Nosdyn while the demon was clearing the apparitions from his eyes.

12-05-14, 03:07 PM
Desperation worked both ways, Nosdyn knew that.

In a moment, the psychotic wizard unleashed some of his magic at point-blank range.

Nosdyn's attack missed the scrawny wizard once more.

At that point, frustration began to show it's ugly face.

Nosdyn fancied himself a soldier, on a fool's mission perhaps, but a soldier nonetheless. He had a code of honour, but ACCEPTED that not everybody would adhere to his twisted world view. Nosdyn's mighty attack missed it's mark as the desperate wizard evaded once again. It was trying on Nosdyn's patience, his nerves, the very fiber of his being. Everything Nosdyn had attempted up until that point had thus far, ended in failure. Nosdyn was not used to failure, he was not used to being so completely OUTCLASSED by a scrawny brat. The cloud of glass, shot forward and the only thing Nosdyn could do was quickly shift his body weight and raise his arms up to cover his face. He growled in agony as the glass shards pierced his demonic flesh. More black blood flowed down from the demon's forearms and body. Luckily for Nosdyn, the demonic warrior was quite muscular and sturdy. The glass cloud could have maimed and severely someone else, but not Nosdyn. However, something very CRITICAL had been injured; Nosyn's pride.

Nosdyn was frothing at the mouth at that point, his eyes twisted with hatred and fury.

He couldn't access his berserker rage again for a few minutes, and he had to make the next outburst count.

Nosdyn recovered quickly enough after the glass subsided, that he saw Ulrich running JUST past.

"NO!" Nosdyn yelled.

The demonic warrior suddenly reached out from his previous position, and attempted to GRAB the scrawny wizard. "I've had just about ENOUGH OF YOU!" He turned around in a complete three-sixty and reached out with a powerful, meaty hand. He was reaching to grab the wizard's scrawny and puny neck. He hoped to his ancestors that the grab attempt would connect. If it would, he had a favor to return to the wizard.

Note: Recovered from glass attack and attempted to grab Ulrich as he was running past.
Battle Rage is on Cool Down.