View Full Version : Purchasing a Mask.

07-09-14, 08:30 PM
(Note I am looking to rp this out entirely.)

There were potential victims all around him in The Bazaar district.

He didn't like being surrounded by so many surface dwellers, but he had a mission to complete. His instructions were given to him by one of The Citadel monks. They were useful in their own right. They would help Nosdyn advance in his military career. Nosdyn looked at the various well etched signs that hung on posts. He found the one he was told to find, a Leather outfitter. Nosdyn understood that area of Radasanth had plenty of skilled crafters which would spare him the time it would take to make something himself. He knew the process would go quicker if he had his own materials, but that took time to gather as well. He a death dealer, and being someone of that characteristics meant that he had to constantly be on the move. Nosdyn was not there to win a popularity contest. He was there because he knew the strong survived. It was the simple nature of reality, life was a cold, and cruel mistress. Those who survived, did so through bloodshed and conquest. Through taking what they wanted. This was one of the few times that Nosdyn would be diplomatic with the Humans. With his hood covering most of his head, Nosdyn appeared a very visage of death itself. He looked at a civilian, and stared with a grim expression.

"Show me leatherworks." Nosdyn commanded simply. His very voice was raspy and cold, almost inhuman. He waited for the middle aged man to respond.

"Over t-there, sir." The man said and cowered away from him.

Nosdyn frowned and moved in the direction he was pointed towards. His boot falls were heavy and noisy, Nosdyn was not someone who attempted to use stealth...EVER. He was there to make his presence known and it would someday shake the pillars of Heaven itself. As soon as Nosdyn entered the leatherworks shop, several customers immediately ran out of the shop. They wanted nothing to do with Nosdyn. Nosdyn liked the reaction that some of the smarter Humans gave him. As he walked towards the counter, he noticed the shop workers were strangely NOT afraid of him. Nosdyn shook that off as nothing more than coincidence. "I seek...items made of leather. I see a suitable combat mask." Nosdyn said calmly. "I wish to inspire fear." Nosdyn said calmly, quietly. "I have earned some coin. I wish for this mask to be made with average skill." Nosdyn said calmly. He was looking directly at the leatherworkers. His gold eyes were narrowed. "How much...? Cost...?" Nosdyn asked. He was biting his tongue a lot. He did not want to cause trouble for people who would help him forward his career.

(Note: Looking for a Leather Mask of Average-Above Average quality. I want it to cover most of Nosdyn's face except for his chin and eyes. Should be as scary looking as possible :D . Thanks in advance. )

10-20-14, 08:14 PM
Note: Can someone close this please, it is clear this is never gonna get done so I'm asking for someone to close and archive this. Thanks in advanced.

10-23-14, 08:20 AM
The shopkeeper sneered, casting an appraising glance at the "intimidating" newcomer. His rotten teeth had a bright yellow cast in the daylight peeking through the windows, and his many scars and pockmarks showed he was no stranger to misfortune. He set down the hide he was preparing, turning his posture so his full attention rested on the golden-eyed man.

"You gunna' pay fer' the customers ya' just ran off first?!" The gnarly leatherworker asked, his entire body tensed in anger. The moment held for what felt like too long as their gazes stayed locked. Then, with an almost noticeable change, the tension broke and the old man chuckled heartily.

"I'm pulling yer' leg, ser, I can do that fer' ya'." He shuffled back through a doorway, bumping a younger man who seemed transfixed by their newest customer. A loud shuffling and clinking, followed by a heavy THUMP, gave way to the old shopkeeper's cry of success. He came bustling back through the doorway, his arms full of masks of every leather, from blackened cowhide to Concordian Deer Hide, and it even looked like there might have been one of Berevaran Bear hide. He dropped the selection on the counter, giving a meager effort to spread the assortment out.

"Take yer' pick, n' be quick about it!" The shopkeeper barked with mock severity. "They go anywhere from twenty-five to fifty gold."

10-26-14, 01:53 PM
Nosdyn did not break away from the shopkeeper's stare.

Nosdyn WAS fear.

He listened to the transaction and the prices being offered. The mask selections were actually pretty impressive for Hume standards. Nosdyn looked at the selections and found one that would be adequate to hide his face. He didn't want to be identified doing potentially dangerous tasks. His hand moved towards the mask he liked, it was one of the more expensive and higher quality looking masks. After all, Nosdyn had a small stipend of about 200 Gold from his service days in Haidia's many armies. Nosdyn pointed to the mask he wanted, it was roughly in the fifty gold price range. He didn't want anything TOO elegant, only for it to be adequate enough to hide his face.

Nosdyn carefully took out the fifty gold from his personal packs.

Then, he handed them towards the shop keeper with his gloved hand after counting off fifty gold. He placed the pouch away in his packs so as to avoid the itchy hands of thieves.

He waited for the shop keeper to take his fifty gold so he could be on his way.

There wasn't anything else he needed, but another thought did cross his mind. He would discuss that with the shop keeper after the transaction was complete.

10-27-14, 07:56 AM
The grizzed leatherworker nodded appreciatively at the man's choice, scraping the gold off the counter.

"Thank ya' fer' yer' custom," He uttered halfheartedly. "Anything else you'll be needin'?"

He held the stranger's stare expectantly. The old shopkeeper knew another request was forthcoming and wished the customer would be a little quicker about it. 'After all, leather ain't gonna tan itself.'

10-27-14, 02:25 PM
"That will be all."

Nosdyn said calmly. He found himself unexpectedly respecting the old leatherworker. He took the mask he liked, it was well crafted and would do the job. He could upgrade the quality of it later on himself if need be. He just wanted to get the ball rolling. He took the leather mask and placed it around his head, effectively hiding his face. He nodded once more towards the veteran leather worker.

"You shall see me again someday soon." Nosdyn said very calmly. He nodded with a surprising amount of restraint and respect. He was CERTAIN the leatherworker knew that he was Haidian born. The older Humes had a knack for knowing such matters where it meant something. Nosdyn took his purchased item, and proceeded to leave the leatherwork shoppe. He would indeed use the fellow's services once more in the near future when he'd acquired adequate funding once more...for now though his business was concluded.

10-27-14, 03:53 PM
Mathis' eyes drilled holes in the back of the Haidian's head as he slowly stalked out of the shoppe.

'Thank the Thaynes he's gone..'

A small bead of sweat rolled down the tanned, leathery skin of his face, so like the hides he worked on. A deep, anxious breath finally released itself from where it had sat trapped, the fear that lay unspoken in his demeanor and words finally escaping. The exchange had gone better than he expected; he had played his bluff, and it had worked.

'Demons are always trouble..'

Perin, his young assistant, stood stock still in the corner, almost unable to believe what had just transpired. Upon noticing this, Mathis banged upon the counter angrily.

"Get back to work, lout!"

The boy snapped back to sweeping the floors, his gaze now focused on an apparently interesting wood grain. Mathis drug himself to the back room, slumping into his chair heavily. He held his face in his hands and let out another slow, deep breath.


50 GP to be deducted from Arch_Nemesis' account.

11-03-14, 12:13 PM
50 PG Deducted.

Please link this thread where Proof of Purchase is required.

Just shy of bonus exp for RPing it out by 1 post.