View Full Version : Waiting for Yesterday

07-10-14, 10:02 PM
Closed to Amber Eyes. Title credit to the song "Waiting for Yesterday" by 12 Stones.

Life was a long road, a tiring jouncy, and a heart breaker. It was rough and perilous, and yet... there could still be joy found within it. Ashla was torn down, close to destroyed. Her old home was ravaged, and she had no place to go...

... No place to go except...

There was a place she could find comfort in - if not Julius Tabor, her love. Ashla still had a friend to turn to, a person she could truly respect. And the girl had met this person in a surprising place: battle. Back in the Althanas Leagues, Ashla had made many foes, and one friend... This friend, Ashla learned, she could honestly count on. This friend had aided Eiskalt with her own forces, her own strength, and made things possible that Ashla alone could not. No matter how terribly Eiskalt turned out to be, Ashla still owed a favor to this friend and ally.

Ashla remembered, she remembered that she told her. If Ashla ever needed anything, just drop by and ask for her. Ashla smiled under her hood as she walked up to this place. It was raining today, the sky above the shady trees was blocked by plentiful storm clouds. The grey sky was depressing, and yet... Ashla could smile.

"What on earth is a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"

Ashla chuckled at the memory. What was supposed to be a long and tiring battle had turned into a simple race between the two contestants. Ashla remembered she was so resilient then, Ashla remembered the child she was. Ashla wanted to believe she had grown up since then, but just because she had a calmer demeanor did not mean the Icebreaker was any wiser. Ashla had been insulted at the question back then, but now Ashla learned to face it.

"But I'm not a child anymore," Ashla whispered to herself as she shivered under the rainfall, "I'm a warrior..." As I should be...

Ashla looked up, her sparkling blue eyes shining past the bland rain. She looked up to a magnificent sight. She had seen things like this since she had obtained the rank of royalty in the Icebreaker family, but there was a reason why this group was considered so powerful...

The Castle which was home to the Ixian Knights.

Ashla closed her eyes, taking her hand off her sword which had previously been grasped like it was the child's last life resort. Ashla felt a tear fall from eye, moments later blending in with the countless rain droplets on her cheeks. Ashla felt cold, wet, and miserable right now. She had swelled with joy as the memories had replayed in her had, but something magnificently bittersweet came across her heart when she remembered another thing.

"I like you quite a bit girl..." Ashla opened her eyes again, the light in them struggling to survive, "... If you ever need anything and are in the area of Corone, feel free to stop by Ixian Castle. I will happily come to your aid."

Ashla raised her soaking wet arm to wipe the tears away, "If I ever needed any aid at all..." She silently spoke as she entered, "Now would be that time, Kyla..."

Amber Eyes
07-10-14, 10:43 PM
The infirmary, recently at its limit, slowly began to empty. Day by day the men grew well. Sixty injured became thirty, then nineteen. Now, only six remained. The scars of war would not leave the castle for quite some time, but the empty beds in the ward were a sure sign of forward movement.

The pristine room was white from floor to ceiling. Each steel fixture was perfectly polished. Aislinn took great care to ensure the safety of her charges. It was what kept the Ixians strong. Dozens of beds stood in four long rows, with a small table near each one with a single colored orchid to brighten the space.

Kyla Orlouge busied herself changing bedsheets and wiping trays. Aislinn had done her best to shoo the Mystic in the early days, but Kyla felt it her duty to serve those who had so willingly served her. Soon, the mundane tasks became an obsession, each hour acted as a short reprieve from her guilt.

The exact number of lives lost was unknown to Kyla. Her sisters rightfully kept the figures from her, but their faces told her it was significant.

The daughter of the dragon wiped the final serving tray and smiled as the final smudge left the silver. The lunchroom would soon stop serving breakfast and the castle would come alive. Children would begin class and soldiers would train, as though life had not stopped weeks ago. Kyla wanted so badly to move on with the rest of them, but a part of her heart would always exist in the frozen tundra where she asked her men to lay down their lives. She never realized how much it would hurt when they obliged.

A young man, barely older than Akiv, approached with a look of confusion on his face. "Lady Orlouge, if I could have a moment of your time?"

Kyla took a deep breath and prepared herself for whatever news may follow. She gave her best smile and gracefully nodded. "Of course. What can I do for you?"

"It seems you have a visitor, she showed up at the castle gates a few moments ago. On foot. Alone."

The Mystic searched her mind for any forgotten appointments. She came up lacking. "Did you take a name?"

"A Miss Ashla Icebreaker of Eiskalt." His face seemed to relax as Kyla broke into a grin. His dark features were quite handsome when not covered with worry.

"Please, have a room prepared and tell the kitchens to stand ready for a special meal! Miss Icebreaker is to have every comfort we can offer. I will be with her shortly!" It seemed a lifetime ago that Kyla had first laid eyes upon the beautiful young Icebreaker. She reminded the Mystic much of herself in her younger days and it had taken no time at all to form a friendship. When Ashla's home came under attack it did not even take a second thought for Kyla to send all those at her disposal to aid. She would be a welcome sight.

A true friend in the midst of her self punishment was a welcome interruption. Kyla rushed to her room and changed from her plain clothes into something worthy of receiving a guest. The invitation had been given long ago, and only as Kyla descended the stairs in a summer dress and with her hair finely fixed did she consider what it must mean if only now it had been accepted.

What did Ashla's visit mean of the fate of Eiskalt?

07-10-14, 11:19 PM
Ashla had been surprised to be rushed in, thrown in a room, and given all the hospitality that was possible. It was all a blur too. Ashla was so tired, she hadn't realized what had happened until it was over. She blinked, having been left alone in a room. A cozy campfire was alit across the room, the cracking and hissing of the logs sounding twice as soothing than usual. Ashla's cloak and weapons all laid on a rather comfy looking bed, Ashla's hair still dripping wet from the rain. The girl blinked, walking over to the bed half like a zombie. From there on out Ashla removed her cloth and leather gloves, also removing the long shawl wrapped around her waist. Afterwards, Ashla walked over to a beautifully carved oak chair and dragged it over next to the fire. Ashla silently sat down next to the fire, on the seat, and stared blankly at the dancing flames and blazing logs. Ashla was hunkered over, one of her hands propped up to hold her heavy head. The fire was quickly warming her up. Ashla blinked again, attempting to fight the urge to sleep so - she still had to speak with Kyla! Ashla decided to pull herself up into a more awake position - her wrist aching like heck from her previous position while doing so.

The Icebreaker then reached down to her legs and pulled her black, leather boots off. She then placed her bare feet down on the floor. The sudden cold raced up Ashla's entire body like lightning, giving her goosebumps. Ashla put the boots aside as she pulled the chair closer. Then she reached out, placing her hands out close to the fire. For awhile now her vision was blurring as she was so unfocused.. but she had to stay awake. Her black hair was treating her like a criminal, whipping her with feelings of the rain's wet freeze. Ashla was used to cold temperatures, as Eiskalt had much worse than this, yet Ashla still hated the kind of weather which left one feeling depressed and alone. Indeed, the rain was still pouring outside, the rain pounding on the glass window at the opposite wall from her. It seemed to be knocking like an army demanding that the warmth Ashla have surrendered ... and for a moment she could hear then chanting.

Surrender, all hope is lost. You are alone, so come to us. We shall liberate you with your death, We will strip everything, your very last sense of moral. But before the pain hits, it will be silenced in your own eternal sleep. Come.... Come... Come... Come.. Come... Come.. Come... ...

Ashla's eyes flashed open when she heard a soft, but sturdy knock on the door. Ashla blinked in alarm then looked across the room to the doorway, realizing that she was lying in the bed. The vagrant smell of a hot meal briefly drew her attention to a small table next to the bed where a tray of food and drink awaited her. Ashla then realized when she felt the pillow under her head, she must have dozen off.

As the meal next to the bed confirmed, more servants must have come in and gotten her situated in the bed. And quite well Ashla was so numb in this tomb of sheets, she did not want to leave. But at the sound of the door beginning to open, Ashla threw the sheets off and sat up, her legs falling towards the direction of the floor. The young Icebreaker rubbed her eyes then looked up to see her new visitor.

Amber Eyes
07-16-14, 08:51 AM
Ashla's room had been quiet for some time. Kyla had checked with the staff at least a dozen times. The visitor was exhausted, but well. The Mystic could not yet believe them. She needed to see for herself.

Anita and Emma, the second and third eldest Orlogue sisters, did their best to keep her occupied with schedules and statistics of current Coronian affairs. Her mind was settled though, and as soon as the meeting ended she knocked quietly on the large red oak door to the young Icebreaker's chamber.

No answer.

Kyla gave a slight frown, only the tiniest bit put off from her objective. She glanced down the massive hallway, past the lit candelabras and the dozens of other doorways to ensure the landing was free from watchful eyes. Then, she turned the knob slowly and entered the room.

The girl sat straight up with a look of curiosity on her features. She was just a beautiful as Kyla remembered. Smooth pale skin, something she'd learned belonged to all those from Eiskalt. Dark hair that fell far below her shoulders. Then, the one thing that seemed different. Ashla's bright blue eyes, at their last meeting were innocent and eager. Now, they were filled with the knowledge of war and death. Now, they were far too wise for one so young.

Kyla realized she was staring. Neither girl spoke. The horrors of what occurred on that island filled the space between them, far too thick to break with ordinary words.

After a few moments, that felt like hours. Ashla managed a single word. "Kyla."

It was all the invitation the elder needed. The Mystic crossed the room and pulled the royal to her feet. She held her hands for a long moment before pulling her into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

What else was there to say? Kyla had seen war many times. It was bloody, and horrible and it always hurt.

But nothing can prepare you for when that war touches your home. There is a huge difference in seeing the dead piled on an unknown street and finding them in the gardens where you had your first kiss.

The mixture of horror with the joys of your innocence is enough to bring the strongest warrior to their knees. Kyla let the images of the Night of Debauchery fill her mind for just an instant. She pulled away.

"Ashla, it is so good to see you again. Dare I dream this is but a social visit?"

Kyla could see the answer already in the young girl's eyes.

07-16-14, 10:28 AM
Ashla's heart leaped when Kyla entered the room then pulled her into a hug. However, when the Mystic apologized, Ashla was left confused. What's she sorry for? She didn't do anything wrong... Then Kyla broke the hug and asked if her visit was 'social'.

Ashla smiled shyly as she leaned against the bed. "It's... kinda casual..." She looked towards Kyla with eyes mixed with relief and sorrow, "Let's not talk about the war and whatnot..." Ashla looked away from her friend and glared into an unknown distance, "That's all behind me now..."

It was true, Ashla had been trying her hardest to put the war of Eiskalt behind her. In fact, due to her lack of strength Ashla had forfeit the position of power she was in. Ashla knew she could not give Eiskalt its victory, so she had stepped down to hand it to someone else who could possibly be better than her. It was her lack of ability, and the war that came with it, which had set Ashla back. But that was why she had decided to forget it. That book was finished, it was stuffed in a shelf and left to collect dust. Now, she was trying to start the first chapter of an entire new book... which didn't even have a name yet.

Ashla knew to simply take one step forward, but she didn't know how to...

Within this conversation, Ashla would keep the old book stuffed away. That life was behind her now, so why talk about it?

The human/ elf hybrid looked back to Kyla and smiled, "It's good to see you again."

Ashla wanted to mention what she was trying to Kyla. She wanted to even ask Kyla if she had any suggestions on how to get the new book going... but she didn't know, would it be best to cram her own issues into someone else's life? Then Ashla realized that was why she even came her, for assistance. Ashla hated to admit it, but she couldn't take life alone anymore... But how could she explain to such a powerful and amazing person like Kyla Orlouge?? Kyla was one of the few people Ashla could actually respect in life, respect being an extremely hard thing to get from the young Icebreaker, and Ashla would try to run the conversation along with that respect. So she left her sentence, true to every word, simply hanging there.

Amber Eyes
09-03-14, 12:49 PM
The girl's motive was clear. Kyla had resolved to leave the past in the past more than a few times. She gave Ashla a grin, "Then I suppose we ought to start having fun."

Kyla paused for a moment, her eyes focused on a blank wall. A few seconds passed before she smiled and spoke aloud. "Sei's got a carriage on the way. Have you ever been to the shopping district in North Radasanth? The shops are lovely and there's a great little cafe that serves amazing desserts."

Ashla's face seemed to relax as the topic of the war was swept off the table. The pair chatted easily as the visitor gathered up a few items and they prepared for the short journey.

Kyla had missed this. She missed easy conversation and plans to just have fun. Part of her felt guilty as she made her way down the steps, purposefully keeping her eyes from the infirmary door, but part of her felt if she didn't take this chance she might lose herself to the guilt once and for all.

The horses stood obediently as the driver opened the door for the pair. A quick wave at the children huddled beneath a large oak tree and the sound of hooves against the stone were all that stood between the girls and a chance to forget all the horrors that lay behind them.

Both girls visibly relaxed as soon as the countryside was all they could see. Kyla's mind for the first time in months was free of worry. Dresses and pastries filled the discussion and the Mystic vowed to let nothing ruin the day.

10-14-14, 09:40 PM
While Ashla wasn't the shopping for clothes and purses kind of girl, she did still want to see if anything like jewelry or some storage bags were available... she also wanted to taste some fresh apples!

She was grinning as she looked outside. It still had puddles of rain and dreary clouds, but it didn't stop the child from enjoying the smell of flowers and small rainbows created from the puddles the carriage wooshed past. The black haired beauty looked back in the carriage and to her good friend Kyla.

The two young women had recently been talking about some of the clothing and accessory shops. Ashla looked forward to swinging by a place that sounded bright and cheery with instruments. Ashla's fiance Julius knew how to play several instruments and asked Ashla if she wanted to learn to play one too. The half elf was still considering taking up a stringed instrument, maybe a music store would help her decide.

She decided to carry the conversation with Kyla on, "Do you know of any grocery shops with good apples?"

The way Ashla said that was an obvious indicator that Ashla loved apples....but was picky about them. Ashla had tried various apples. Grown in orchards from a farm, from a lone apple tree in a forest. Ashla preferred sweet apples, but some sour ones she could accept . Ashla's mind drifted back to the memory of Kyla pulling out an apple during their fight in the Leagues. Did Kyla love apples as much as she did? Did she prefer them sweet or sour? Wild or harvested? Ashla leaned her elbow against the window and placed her chin on her pale hand, showing a face of liveliness and a cheery grin.

However, Ashla was thrown close to off her seat when the carriage came across a bump. Ashla briefly cried out in surprise... then started laughing.

"Y-yeah... and what kin-nd of apples? Strawberry sweet?" She was trying to rub the bump in the road off...

Amber Eyes
11-20-14, 06:56 PM
Kyla couldn't help but allow herself to get carried away. It had been a long time since conversation had flowed so easily for her. There was no talk of death or fear. No assessments of troops or weaponry. No tear-filled eyes as yet another round of bad news reached the home front.

For the first time in a very long while, Kyla Orlouge was just a girl, shopping for dresses and apples with a good friend.

Apples weren't the Mystic's strong suit, but surely after today she would be an expert. She laughed and explained as much to the young Icebreaker.

Ashla couldn't hide her surprise. Apparently knowledge of apples was expected for those surrounding the royal.

Kyla would do her best.

The carriage slowed at the edge of town. Kyla typically like to walk through the dusty streets on foot. She and her sisters stood out enough on the streets of Radasanth without the added flair of a decorative horse-drawn carriage. As the cart stilled Kyla swung open the door and stepped down carefully. The familiar city stretched on before her. They were in a poorer district. The brick buildings in various states of disrepair seemed new to her eyes. The cracked streets would soon fade away and be replaced with the recently repaired bricks of the shopping district, but Kyla always enjoyed seeing this part of town.

It was the reason the Ixians existed. The army was made up of the poor, those seeking shelter and three meals a day. It was all too easy to forget if for too long she only saw the beauty of the well-to-do areas.

The girl held her hand out for her friend as she mentally calculated the coin in her purse. How much could a few pieces of fruit cost?

"The market's just around the corner. Care to see what apples they have to offer?"

11-20-14, 07:10 PM
"Oh yes" Ashla instantly replied, jumping down from the carriage. Ashla's smile vanished when she saw the state of the area around them though, "Oh..." she sighed, these buildings certainly needed tending to. Ashla placed her hands on her hips, Somebody needs to do something...

She attempted to push all melancholy thoughts away though when Kyla moved forwards. Ashla walked up after her. They chatted some more as they rounded the corner and into the bustling streets of the market.

This was no bazaar, but even after living the highest life in Eiskalt Ashla had to gasp. This place was beautiful, certainly different than the war torn country she came from. Ashla followed Kyla's steps as she glanced all around. Soon enough, they came up to a shop filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. It smelled delicious, so many exotic and local grown goods. But of course, Ashla instantly found herself peering over the apples. Red delicious, malus...

The clerk called from his counter. A cheery, fat fellow who was close to bald, "'Ello there, ladies! How may I help 'ya today?"

Ashla's mouth was watering now, she looked back up to the clerk. Okay, where do I begin with apples? ...