07-11-14, 11:53 AM
His name is Cyrix Tepes Gothra, a new kid in town that is looking for a few Surveyors for his skilled and yet horrifying art of Blood Farming.

Well, as a Surveyor, your job would be as follows:

1. Seek out potential "Blood Packs," or life forms with blood that is HIGH in Iron and Potassium.
2 The person must have evil alignment or intent to harm the innocent.
3. Wealth, looks and age do NOT matter.
4. You would report only to Gothra and Prince Benaires (T.B.A)
5. Your abilities must be of magic stature
6. Warriors, Knights, and Elves are encouraged to join the RP.
7. Posts will be ASSIGNED in order, according to how storyline moves along
8. Must be able to have a strong stomach, for Blood Farming is not for the faint at heart.
9. Must have a very good sense of time itself.

All of these requirements can be easily fulilled as I will soon reveal just WHAT Blood Farming acutally IS in upcoming posts. If this is your kind of caliber, then by all means inbox me or catch me on that chat engine. This is guaranteed to be morbid FUN!!!!


07-11-14, 12:20 PM
Did somebody call for a person who would like to kill for revenge alone? Cause my people were destroyed... and they shall all pay!

Willing to join, just don't tell me what to do, okay? *yanks you by chains*

((OOCly, I do have a weak stomach so, the "willing to join" is just a "willing to join" :P))

Dr. Why
07-11-14, 06:58 PM
*Pushes you in the directions of Power Groups*

Timeslayer is less magic, more combat, but he's gonna be able to control blood upon his next update, so, i'm happy to help you out in what ways I can.

07-16-14, 12:06 PM
Dr. Why, please inbox me for more information and plot discussion.

Sekkekyu, I'll pass on your joining. I need more specific and experieenced RP'ers for this.

07-19-14, 07:16 AM
Lloyd Orlouge, Member of the largest family on Althanas.

My specialties include kidnapping and surgically killing unsuspecting victims. My fascination begins with the heart, every beat it makes is the fuel for life. Though the soul has left the body, the body itself may continue to operate. Use the blood how you will.