View Full Version : In Absentia

07-11-14, 01:14 PM
I thought it polite to post a message explaining my lack of involvement of late. Long story short, I'm starting a new job, stressed, ill, and still working on the PGCE course I should have finished at the end of may (thank the seven for extensions and lenient tutors!) I can barely write that, and less so my actual session plans and schemes of work for work and sadly writing gets shoved to the back of the line.

If I manage to post over the weekend I will prioritise the eldest thread first, and then go from there. All I ask is a little patience for just a week or two more and then I'll be hopefully in a better position to do my job here and catch up and proof read the clusterfrak I've posted in haste since June.

Much love,


07-11-14, 01:27 PM
Life is more important than RP, don't rush yourself with any threads until your stress dies down a bit. :) Good luck with the new job!

Dr. Why
07-11-14, 06:59 PM
Mord, courses will probably get you farther than this, put them first, everyone you're writing with is probably patient!

Amber Eyes
07-11-14, 07:40 PM
Everyone adores you Cyd! We can wait for your awesomeness!

07-11-14, 09:47 PM
I found you a gif to express your current situation to everyone:
