View Full Version : The Parallel Spectrum...[Closed]

07-12-14, 01:11 PM
(Closed to Death Blossom)

Nosdyn was planning his next move.

He didn't like a lot of down time, it drove him nuts having to think TOO much about matters he didn't excel at. Standing in a glade he had camped out at for several months since, Nosdyn decided on focusing what he WAS good at. He took tally of his recent Citadel battles. Nosdyn's existence was dedicated to warfare, he knew no other life. He had no idea that The Dark Ones were about to throw a wrench in his entire plans. Nosdyn sat down on a rock to stare at the campfire he'd set up for himself. It was a quiet night and the Concordia beasts called out their mating calls. Nosdyn hated the noise, but he was gradually getting used to it. Concordia was actually LESS noisy than the big cities were like Jadet, Gisela or Radasanth. All those unconquered souls skulking about waiting for Nosdyn to command them. Nosdyn knew he needed a bigger game plan, a grander war to fight. His conquest of The Citadel's league's brackets were part of the plan. As he pondered those matters, he considered to write. He took out some parchment, ink and a fountain pen he'd recently acquired. Nosdyn didn't often write, but he somehow felt that it was appropriate for the moment.

Jotting down what he'd seen and done, Nosdyn wrote in the Demon's tongue native to his people. The symbols were elegant and well scripted, he was keeping tabs of the many things he'd seen and done. Measurements, tactical information, loose and stylized sketches of various key structures. It would all come in handy for his plans of conquest. As he scribbled his notes, he thought back to all the things he'd seen and done. He'd fought that elf girl, the elf, and the wizard. The wizard... Nosdyn thought to himself as he remembered the pain he'd felt when that fellow caught him with his wand attack. Nosdyn frowned deeply, then he wrote about the tactic's he'd learned about. From the Elf girl's Qua'losh sniping tactics, to the wizard's mighty spell weaving. He'd seen and done a lot in a short period of time. It was important to get it all down on paper. Chronicle it, if one would be so bold. By the time he got to the tenth page of written notes, he began to feel a certain restlessness. It was sitting still that got to him the most. The longer he sat still, the more time he had to dwell on what COULD be. He needed to keep his edge. Nosdyn wrote for about five more minutes, then carefully rolled up his parchment and put it all away. He cleaned the nub of his fountain pen, and put the stopper back in the ink well. He put everything away in a surprisingly organized sort of way. After all, what good were notes if he couldn't find them in his personal effects?

Once Nosdyn was done, he pondered his next move.

There was that town, Underwood a few cliques to the North. He figured that would be a good place for him to start. Nosdyn did not sleep...The wicked never rested... He simply pondered and schemed. Waiting for his next big chance. Nosdyn knew he was DEEP in enemy territory and that the majority of peoples organized into towns would likely attempt to kill him on sight. However, he needed them as part of his conquest plan.

"They are pawns..." Nosdyn convinced himself. "Mere pawns." He paced back and forth, unsure of what to do next. When he originally left Haidia, the plan was quite simple. He needed to survey and conquer what portions of Althanas he could in the name of Overlord Zieg. Zieg. The Demon that his family sided with, the one Demon that Nosdyn admired above all others. In his early youth, Nosdyn strove to be like Overlord Zieg. But that was a different lifetime, and a different world. In the meantime, Nosdyn had to carve his own path to Demon General. And so he pondered and began to collect his things so he could begin to head over to the nearby town of Underwood. He could JUST make it before daybreak if he hurried and moved quietly on his own...

If only things were that simple.

07-14-14, 12:23 PM
Dark Blossom, a name given to Lilith Stormbrand during her time she spent traveling and walking the tight rope for the Dark Circus. When she was only but a young child, her father and mother tried desperately to provide for her despite them being quite poor. Her father would train all day and night, honing his skills so that her could fight in the local arena and make some money for them. After one fateful night her father, Raphael was scheduled to loose his fight but instead killed the his opponent. This man had ties with a major criminal organization, the group loosing a decent amount of money they bet on the fight.

The leader of this organization was Boss Tennin, and he and a group of his thugs decided to take revenge against the Stormbrands. Killing Raphael and his wife in front of Lilith who was hiding in the closet of their home. Since that day she was forced to survive alone in the world, stealing petty things for food and sleeping wherever it want wet. After a rough year living on the streets she joined up with the Amazing circus and spent four years living with them and developing their skills. She excelled in all things acrobatic and for her grace and talent she was given the title Dark Blossom. Recently she had left the Dark Circus in order to try and locate her parents' killer Boss Tennin. Fallowing lead after lead Lilith fought her way in and out if the Citadel, to no avail.

Undertown... she thought as she walked down a densely wooded trail in the condordian forest. She had heard rumors of one of Boss Tennin's men working a crime ring based out of the small village in this forest. She after hearing this immediately set out to find out for herself. By the shadows of night she traveled into this dense forest of thieves, always ready to defend herself. She had been traveling for the better half of the night time hours, and not for the lack of looking hasn't scene anybody around. This forest was supposed to populated from the stories she heard, yet no one around. After a few more minuets she saw a flicker in the distance, what looked like a fire off behind a portion of foliage.

Quickly and a stealthily as possible she made her way towards the orange glow cascading through the foliage, in completely honesty she was starving and maybe whoever was tending to the fire would have some food. She crouched down as she peered through the brush. There was a figure sitting on a fallen tree, he was using some type of parchment and pen to write his thoughts. Feeling like there is nothing to loose by meeting this 'person' she stepped forth into the dim light of the fire just as he was putting away the parchment.

"Sir,..." she started as a cold shiver shoots down her spine, she unsure why she feared him but there was an aura of fear around him. She froze still, regretting opening her mouth,..

07-14-14, 04:49 PM
A presence disturbed his personal thoughts.

His immediate impulse was death, but something made him hesitate, an unknown something.

Then she spoke, it was a simple thing really and inadvertently that single polite word had likely saved the Stormbrand girl's life. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes in confusion as he looked at the teenager. As he stood there he studied her carefully, not sure what to do at first. He had plenty of food and drink. Nosdyn deduced she'd likely been travelling to get this deep into Concordia for some time. He wasn't sure why at first, but Nosdyn was COMPELLED to help her. He struggled with his conflicting emotions for a few moments, and decided to just leave it be. The conflicting emotions was there, his golden eyes staring at the girl very carefully. He did not have his usual hatred in them, for he'd been deep in thought and she'd caught him a rare moment where he was attempting to wind down from a long string of combat and warfare.

He saw that she was hesitating and recalled that it would likely be a result of his panic aura. He did NOT turn it off, he wanted to test her fortitude. Instinctively, his hand went to his weapon. But he did not draw it, he simply kept his hand close to it to derive some sort of a comfort from this new situation. Nosdyn had been preparing to go to Underwood, but the appearance of the girl changed all that. She was very pretty and athletic, but that's not what drew him to her. What drew him in was her eyes, like a fly stranded on a spider web. Nosdyn had seldom had partners in his life, he had to make constant decisions that would reinforce survival. That had always been his top priority in the land he hailed from. Nosdyn fully turned towards her and walked towards her.

"You do not seem afraid..." Nosdyn said calmly. He usually spoke in a harsh tone, but he did not want to frighten the girl TOO much. "I have not heard of Humes like you before." Nosdyn was used to the idea of Humans attacking him on sight, or at LEAST keeping their distance from him. The girl never ran or flinched away from him, this represented an opportunity too good to pass up. Nosdyn had a serious expression on his face. He decided a diplomatic approach was likely needed. "Usually, Humans run or afraid of me...usually." Nosdyn had a deep, and raspy voice. But he did not speak to her with anger or spite. He simply spoke to her. Her eyes...they were like gems in the dark. He'd seldom seen something as beautiful and alluring as those eyes. "You are far away from the home of your people. Is there something you wanted or needed?" Nosdyn had to ask. She was likely hungry, or worse, lost. Nosdyn realized his trip to Underwood would have to wait whilst he tended to the mysterious girl. He moved towards the rock that he'd been sitting on before and sat down on it in a surprisingly relaxed position. His eyes narrowed, he wasn't sure if he was capable of kind expressions. But he took on a more relaxed expression on the very least so as not to scare her off.

In that moment, he realized that he'd needed a companion to travel with. He'd done things alone his whole life, EXCEPT when in a tactical squad. Demon's lives were oft filled with isolation and they had no need for friends. Only pawns and temporary allies. But...this was different. It was new. The girl was not a combat threat, he could not bring his weapon down on her. He motioned towards one of the rocks and said one simple command towards her. "Have a seat and tell me why you are here, young one." Nosdyn said. "What can I do to help you through the Dark?" Nosdyn asked. He waited for her response and her activity towards him. Of course, the panic aura was always on, unless someone with particularly powerful will power was able to shut it down. He decided that he would turn it off for the time being, despite that it was a needed survival instinct. He did not want to frighten her off. Those eyes...inadvertently they had pulled him in forever.

07-16-14, 10:56 AM
Almost like a cool breeze the fear wisped away, and with it Lilith stood up and took Nosdyn up on his offer. Only needing to take a few steps before turning and sitting down on a rock just opposite of the Demon. On the surface he seemed complicated, it was obvious that he was not any normal person rather his mere presence set off Lilith's internal alarm. His amber colored eyes drew her in like a fly to a lantern, though her instincts told her to kill this man she could do nothing of the sort. A strange allure enveloped her much like the fear, were these all his doing?

Her young frame sitting across from his made her feel exceptionally small, but she didn't let it show on the outside. SHE WAS A KILLER OF MEN AND WEMON ALIKE, this demon would fair no differently if they were to clash. "Im looking for a man." Dark Blossom said as she let one hand rest on her thigh and lead her other to her hair. She always had to make sure she had an opening to escape, though in this case she was sure she didn't need one. Having her hand near her hairpins gave her comfort, and for this simple reason she started to play with her hair near her weapons. "Maybe you have heard of him? Grogan Mallory, her is running a group of Thieves out of Underwood, he knows things I need to know. Grogan needs to die." Normally she wouldn't share any information with a stranger, but the demon's yellow gaze gave her chills down her spine once again but these not from fear. She would need mussel for this job, if there are too many men she would sure to be killed.

"You are no human..." Dark Blossom said, as she had deduced this earlier. "You are no Elf, nor Mystic." She said showing how she had narrowed down the choices. "What are you, who are you?" She finally got to the point. She didn't really care for the answer, but it seemed like it needed to come out if she was about to extend any type of contract or service to this man. Though she needed to know his origins, the specific one mattered not. His amber gaze had already entranced her and to be honest, she liked it. She hadn't ever felt this way about anybody before, since her parents had been killed her life was filled with nothing but pain and hard work. Her days in the circus made her go numb to the world around her, the constant performing and later on thievery brought pain to her eyes. Not to mention the small time she spent learning the art of assassination form the crimson hand, Lilith Stormbrand was emotionally corrupted. But for this man or whatever he is, she felt at home. Like she was meant to be with him, meant to help him, meant to be his tool.

07-16-14, 04:29 PM
Nosdyn considered the information she shared. Grogan Mallory...Old Grog maybe?! He allowed the silence to endure for a few minutes. He was thinking, not ignoring her. Then he spoke, but first he spoke to answer her two question. "I am a warrior." Was the honest truth. He didn't feel any need to lie to her. The answers simply flowed out naturally. "My people come from Haidia, a land far from here." He said carefully, he didn't know how she would react. Only that it was the truth. "I am a Demon." He added at last, revealing his purpose there. "I have no knowledge of a guild of Thieves. BUT...I know a contact in Underwood, a man who calls himself Old Grog." Nosdyn rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "He sometimes buys furs and such from folk who bring Underwood supplies. Seemed like good money." He frowned deeply for a moment. Then he looked at her. "You want this man dead, do you not?" Nosdyn thought about what she was proposing. Though he'd made a few gold pieces of money from selling a few hides to Old Grog, he did not owe the man loyalty.

SHE was offering a contract. That was something that far interested the Demon more than the simple conquest of Underwood. He needed a plan of attack anyway, and he was still simply a cadet without his own platoon. More would come someday, but for now, he was on his own. He STILL had to follow logical protocol, etc. But his situation suddenly became apparent when he realized what she was asking. She was asking him to whack a potentially very dangerous target with underworld connections. There was no way of knowing how much danger the mission would bring about. However, one thing did lure him in immediately. The thought of what she could pay him with. As a Demon, greed was second nature. He knew nothing in the world was free.

"Do you have a plan if Old Grog happens to be your target?" Nosdyn suddenly asked. "Does the method of execution matter to you?" Nosdyn felt compelled to help her. He wasn't exactly sure at the time why. He knew his life had been a constant battle situation, one major skirmish after another. There had been little time for friends, or friendship. He would be the first to admit, that had made him cold. Perhaps TOO cold. Nosdyn figured that most hit-attempts required a public execution of the target. He knew he had asked her a lot of questions in response. Then he remembered something. "Oh, I almost completely forgot. My name is Nosdyn of clan Krotar. I am a member of the second legion, under Overlord Zieg. I am a cadet." Nosdyn spoke in a quiet, soft matter which was doubly augmented by his raspy voice.

Nosdyn studied the girl as he spoke. She seemed fit, and quite capable of surviving on her own now that he looked at her adequately. But, he also realized that she must have been very hungry. Removing his packs, Nosdyn took out some of the meat rations he'd cooked for himself earlier. He could get the campfire going again for the two of them without problems. There was ample lumber all around to use and he had an ideal weapon for survival. He took out a spare water skin and handed it to her. Then, he took out some basic meat acquired from the area around them. Strangely enough, the carcasses of the game that Nosdyn had hunted did not smell. They were well preserved by some technique that Nosdyn used to preserve them. He handed her the goods, and watched her reaction for a moment. "If you're hungry, please eat and drink." He said calmly. Already, his mind was thinking about the mission at hand. His gut instinct told him that Old Grog was likely the man she was after. However, he needed to be sure.

07-17-14, 10:26 PM
Lilith watched as the demon reached for some of his rations, weary of accepting food from strangers much less a demon. Back in her days under the striped tent, poisoning others was the easiest way to see a person gone. And the quickest way to do so was always 'put it in the drink', she pushed away his rations with a smile on her face. "Now don't take any offence big boy, but I don't accept food I haven't prepared myself. I've watched many a man fall to the simple meal, some I have killed myself." She was hopping to convey this point to him without coming across as rude of offensive.

Nosdyn looked at her with a quizzical look before offering the food back one more time. "Lass, I had no idea I was to be having a guest, it is not poisoned." His stern and raspy voice almost overpowering her will to resist. After all there was defiantly and audible growling sound coming from her stomach. Upon his second attempt to feed her she gave in and accepted the meat. Holding it in her hand she stared at the succulent dish and then at the demon who had just given it to her. She felt conflicted, this man... This Demon she just met was being truly kind to her. Not since the days before the circus, back when her parents were alive had she been treated this well upon first interaction. Her crystal blue eyes faintly started to tear up before she quickly took a big bite out of the rations.

"Yum!" She said as her face light up with delight. "This is really good, did you make it yourself?" She asked in nothing else to make small talk.

"Aye, and there is more where that is." He said as he turned his amber gaze to the small lake that was only off to the left of them. From what she could tell he was off in deep thought, was he considering helping her?

As she finished the small amount of food she was offered, she felt much better and had more energy. She stood from her rock and then looked at the demon. He still looking in the distance and since her movements were completely silenced she was able to do so without alarming him. She watched him as her drifted in and out of thought, the light of the moon cast across the surface of the lake. The light of the moon was enough to illuminate the area without the need to rebuild the fire that has long since gone out.

"Yes..." She started "If this Old Grog is the man I seek. He will die, and he will suffer." She said this with complete certainty. "But not before I make him beg for his wicked life and tell me everything I need to know." Her eyes must have locked onto the same spot that Nosdyn was looking at, their heads were facing the same way and it seemed they were completely in sync with one another. A few silent moments passed between the two before she asked what was ultimately on her mind. Alone she was stealthy and quick but far from a warrior and this Demon was her key to success. "Is there anyway you could help me fulfill my mission, im afraid without any help I would surely be slain."

07-20-14, 04:22 PM
Nosdyn found a strange sort of comfort from her presence.

A comfort he had not felt in a long time.

It was easy going talking to her, helping her out. He almost didn't mind. It seemed like something he was MEANT to be doing after all, and he did so graciously almost. Normally quite selfish, the girl brought something out in Nosdyn that had not surfaced since his early youth. Before he began his training in The Demon Academy. During training, The Demons were taught to suppress a large majority of the emotions that were thought to make one weak.

For some strange reason, those emotions surfaced and it was almost overwhelming Nosdyn. He was having a hard time concentrating near her presence, and had sucked everything in. Her appearance, her gaze, her very scent. Nosdyn listened to every word she spoke, he realized she was probably in some kind of trouble. She is running from something or somebody. I have to protect her, why do I feel as if she is my very purpose here in the surface world?! Finally, as they had their small talk and she ate, he nodded in confirmation.

"When you're on the field for a long time you learn a few things. You learn how to survive. Those rations I hunted and killed for myself, I am freely sharing with you. I have no need to use subterfuge tactics on a person whose shown herself to be a non-combat threat." Nosdyn had his code of honour. It was a despicable one, but it was definitely there. He viewed the girl before him as a non-hostile target. Which was the closest to friend, or, ally that Nosdyn understood. It would take Nosdyn a while yet to fully allow himself to trust this girl. "Insofar as your job offer goes...a mission is a mission. If I agree to help you with the job, understand there will be a condition for it." After all, Nosdyn was a DEMON, and Demons expected material rewards for extending a "helping hand" in any situation.

Demon society was a contract society.

Without realizing it exactly, Nosdyn had bound himself to the girl sitting before him. Contracts were mysterious matters, and they often worked outside of the boundaries of any verbal agreement. Nosdyn listened as she asked her question. I'm heading to Underwood anyway...why not...?! "Young one. I will help you." Nosdyn found himself saying, not because it was the right thing to do...but because he felt COMPELLED to help her. For a Demon there was an almost perverse distinction between right and wrong.

Nosdyn was an outsider in enemy territory, and he'd made ONE ally. For that ally, he would fight...tooth and claw. Even the legendary Hero named Radasanth himself. The one who had helped the old Heroes fend off his people in the first Demon War. The first Demon War...the worst military failure in all of Demon history. The one event that should have ended in the favor of the old Demon Heroes like Overlord Zieg and his allies. The remnants of a age mired in mystery. Nosdyn rubbed his chin.

"If you wish for this man to die. I will see it done...this I swear to you." Nosdyn felt it strange that he was swearing an oath to a Human girl. He, however, also felt it was the RIGHT thing he should be doing. He could not in all rights, allow the girl to go off on her own in a complete suicide mission to Underwood. To hunt an enemy. To hunt someone like Old Grog who had minions around him at ALL times. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. From what he remembered of Old Grog, the fellow worked in an old warehouse area in Underwood. It was heavily guarded at all times.

Then, Nosdyn thought of something. He had just enough parts for one. He removed one of his packs and carefully set it on the ground between the two companions. He looked at her very seriously. "Before we continue, I must prepare you. If you are going to accompany me on my journey...I would have you STRONG. Together we will destroy our enemies." Nosdyn removed spare parts from his pack, it was enough to construct a SECOND beam sword. One he would give to his new companion. His new ally. "If you accept this gift I am about to give you, you agree to become my Apprentice. And I shall teach you everything I know." Nosdyn promised.

"Please watch, so that next time you will be able to construct one on your own." Nosdyn said. He figured her for someone who was quite graceful and agile. So he began to assemble a suitable weapon for her. The construction of the second beam sword, would take several hours into the night of non-stop work. He did it graciously, without complaint or stopping to take a break. Once the task was done, he had constructed the black handle beam weapon for his new ally. He stood up and walked towards her, so he was directly in front of her. Normally, there was an extravagant ceremony when a Demon accepted his or her FIRST apprentice.

However, Nosdyn was short on supplies and would have to make a field report to his superior officer some other time. There were more pressing matters to attend to right then. The weapon was a black-handled weapon and capable of producing a purple beam-blade. It was much like Nosdyn's own weapon, but it had a slight curve at the handle. He made the configuration to the blade so it could be somewhat longer than Nosdyn's own beam sword. More along the length of a katana, or an Akashiman curved sword. Nosdyn was certain she would favor such a weapon.

"I must train you when you are ready." Nosdyn said calmly towards her, his eyes never leaving her own. He handed her the weapon, and a spare scabbard for it. "You wear it attached to your belt." Nosdyn said. "Normally one is given extensive training in beam-sword use and maintenance. But these are not normal circumstances. I want you to be strong and understand my people's ways." Nosdyn said. He had already accepted her as a sort of partner or COMPANION in his journey. He waited to hear what she would have to say as he handed her the mysterious and elegant weapon.

07-27-14, 07:01 AM
Lilith looked eyes agape at the demon standing before her, his eyes piercing her own. He had accepted her as one of his own apprentices, despite not saying it to her she knew what was happening. Since her days in the circus she has been alone and without anybody. THIS was a refreshing change for her regardless of how long she would stay with this demon. Gingerly she reached out, inches at a time, to grasp the weapon she had been constructed. In all her sixteen years she hadn't seen anything like this before, yet this piece of expertly crafted WEAPONRY was being gifted to her. Was this real life or simply a slumber.

"Nosdyn," She started as her fingers grasped the weapon from his hand. "Is this your way of taking me on?" She asked knowing the answer but needing to hear it for herself. She wasn't always confident in social situations, more so she only truly shined when she was fighting or performing. Her words must have triggered something in Nosdyn as he slightly smiled alluding to his contentment with her.

"Lilith you will see the end of this contract, your target will see his death. What you do after will be decided later." He said stating his willingness to see her contract out.

"Good." She said firmly as she aggressively ripped her beam katana from the demons willing hands. She was confident he was wanting to see the extent of her strength, and she definitely felt this way about him. Its not often you run into a demon. Quickly she raised her foot up to Nosdyn's chest and stepped off his frame. Not enough to really effect his standing but plenty to launch herself up and backward. In the air Dark Blossom contorted her body into a rapid spiral, then she saw it. With a simple hold of a button on her new weapon a flash of purple light launched from it's hilt. Beautiful and elegant the weapon was. As her body twisted in mid air the glowing purple blade swirled around her until with one foot she landed on the ground near the base of a tree.

"So, BOSS." She said " How about we stop talking and have some fun out here?" Her words were clear and even a demon should understand by her actions she was ready to spar with him. She turned facing the base of the tree and without any more words Lilith Strombrand started to sprint up the side of the tree. Easily she ran directly up at a step vertical angle, this thanks to her Spider Grip boots. As she scaled the overgrown tree she let go of the button of her beam sword and the light faded, and with it so did her presence. Reaching the top of the tree she stepped of onto a branch and stood atop of it looking down at her demon master. With her complete silence she was sure she was not heard and he couldn't track her up here.

"BOSS lets see how you would handle this." She yelled revealing her position in the tree. If he managed to get to her, this would signal her that this demon was truly worth accompanying and maybe more.

08-12-14, 03:07 PM
She moved with surprising agility and speed. She will be useful as an Infiltrator... Nosdyn thought to himself as he observed the girl carefully. He was trained in military tactics, his eyes observed her every movement she made. When she landed on the branch he noted that she was light and quite graceful. Nosdyn listened to every word she spoke, no, to say he listened would be a mere disservice to him. He ABSORBED everything she said into himself. Quickly, and completely, Nosdyn had realized something at that exact moment. He LIKED the girl. He wasn't sure how or why, but he was certain of that. She was a handsome woman and could prove to be an adequate companion for someone like Nosdyn.

Nosdyn looked up at her eyes, staring right at her. "Quite simply as a matter of fact." Nosdyn said in response to her last question. There was the uncanny sound of his weapon turning on. The blade shimmered into existence, and Nosdyn could feel it's power going up and down his arm. He looked at the very branch she stood on, and suddenly struck at the branch. His weapon easily cutting through the wood. Splinters of broken wood swirled through the air quickly forming a cloud of debris that fell to the ground. Smaller branches fell as well, Nosdyn's skillful cut rotating in completion. Nosdyn kept his weapon lit, and watched the girl to see her reaction. Study her movements, learn everything about her. She was an enigma, his feelings were an enigma.

Nosdyn knew the truth, Demons had LOVE as well, but mostly for their own kind. However, it was not unusual for Demons to take mates of other species. Nosdyn observed her reaction to his own movements. He knew she was quite good, he respected that. His eyes told all: there was a miasma occurring in his heart and mind. His eyes were filled with a vast complexity of emotions. His muscles tensing, and his heart racing. Depending on how their current mission went to get Old Grog, he would decide to keep her around her not. And perhaps, attempt to claim her as his mate. Nosdyn thought of that possibility, he was not used to the emotions he currently felt. He'd never claimed a mate in his life, and he wasn't sure how he was supposed to be reacting. However, there would be time for that. This is happening because The Dark wills it to be so. Nosdyn thought to himself.

08-16-14, 07:42 PM
As the tree branch was cleaved in half Lilith leaped into the air in front of her. Her body twisting as she glided through the stagnant air of the forest. He is good but nothing special, better pick up if he is to be of any use to me. She thought as he Spider grip boots found a foot hold on a tree standing parallel to the one she leapt from. Quickly she unwrapped her iron chain from her waist and threw it around the trunk of the tree. As the other end reached its way around she grabbed it with her free hand securing her position.

"Boss, you know that as long as I have the high ground you aren't going proving anything." Lilith said as she moved her legs up to her hands and with her inner knee took hold of the chain. Now she leaning back with her head dangling down was ready to lay on a minor assault. She was sure the Nosdym could see her and just as sure he was ready for anything she could throw at him. Yet this was a proving ground for them, if she didn't attempt to show her skills then this was all for not. "Now lets see how good you can see at night." She yelled out as with one quick swipe of her arm she let fly one extremely sharp pin. The pin aimed at the best of her ability not to hit any vital points of the demon, this was not an attack aimed to kill.

With this she also reached up and hoisted herself back to her previous position. Then she let go of one end of her chain and began to drop slightly until she landed silently on a branch just lower then she was perched. She did this hoping that Nosdym was more concerned with the pin rather than her position. As her chain fell she grabbed it readying herself for any type of close quarter combat if needed.

08-20-14, 02:53 PM
Intention. For a Demon, intention was everything. Fear was everything, the moment, all that mattered. Nosdyn never bothered with philosophical crap, he saved that mode of thinking for inferior Demons. Nosdyn never removed his eyes from her own, and she launched the weapon at him. She moved in her full cycle of movement, but Nosdyn was already acting. Perfect of form and without hesitation. He completed the movement from his previous strike attempt, and then he did the unthinkable. Swiping his arm, he released one hand of his weapon's handle and moved his forearm in his dangerous Demon's fighting style. Those who knew what Mahell'Ogh tactics were had a right to fear them. Demons sacrificed finesse for something FAR more terrifying. Brute force.

Nosdyn suddenly swiped his arm at the pain. Pain fueled rage, rage fueled fear. And Nosdyn was fear. Instead of evading or countering the attack, Nosdyn TOOK the attack to fuel his anger further. There was a sickening sound as the pin-sharp as it was, struck Nosdyn true. It embedded itself in Nosdyn's forearm. Nosdyn was used to pain, it was all he knew. Pain. Fear. Tactical warfare. These were the crede's of a Demon. Nosdyn looked up at the girl for a long moment, only vaguely holding back. He smiled cruelly at her. It was not a kind gesture at all, but an inviting gesture. A gesture meant to entice his opponent into throwing everything she had at him. Go ahead, I can take it... Nosdyn thought to himself and then suddenly rushed forward.

Before swinging his weapon towards his companion, he suddenly swiveled around. Advantages are perceived...the reality is far, far worse. Instead of engaging his opponent, Nosdyn sought to erase her perceived tactical advantage. He suddenly slashed his through the centre of the tree bark, cutting it cleanly at a forty-five degree angel. As he did that, he proceeded to KICK the tree bark forward. Nosdyn was intending to take the tree completely out of the equation. Without her acrobatic advantage, he knew that her options would become limited. Nosdyn could feel his heavy boots strike against the tree bark and it was shoved brutally off it's base. The pain from the sharp pin that the girl had used on him only served to drive the Demon forward, push himself further. Do what NO MAN could do.

The tree began to teeter off it's base and fall at an alarmingly quick rate. He continued to stare at Lillith unafraid. His eyes locked on her own eyes, there was a certain dangerous seduction in his eyes. He clearly was not going to HARM the girl, but he was going to play her game at the very least. All though the game was on, he was certainly not going to allow HER to set the rules. Demons were the movers and the shakers, Demons manipulated from the shadows. And the world was their playground. As he swung his weapon, he never removed his eyes from her own eyes. The conflicting emotions visible in Nosdyn's eyes though it would be incredibly difficulty to even TELL what the Demon was thinking...there were times when Nosdyn himself didn't even know.