View Full Version : A Forest of Regrets [closed]

07-13-14, 11:10 PM
Chandra took a deep breath. She could feel the familiar tinge of apprehension deep in her stomach. The door loomed large above her. Were doors always so large? Maybe this is a mistake... She let the negative thoughts twist through her mind, eroding her willpower with every turn.


The polite cough came from the monk standing next to her. The man was shorter than her, a large bald patch set in the middle of his brown hair and the red and cheery face of someone who enjoyed wine slightly more that was necessary. Chandra's blue eyes trailed from the door to his. He didn't have to say anything, she knew that he was waiting for her to enter so that he could leave. The rest of the corridor was empty, the doors that lined the corridor containing dozens of combatants. Chandra grabbed the door knob, cold brass under her hand, and pushed.

As always the difference in light blinded her monetarily and she stumbled forwards. The ground crunched under food, the air a musty damp smell. She wasn't surprised when her eyes adjusted and she was in a forest. This was her home, where she felt most comfortable. She took a breath and felt the calm of the tall trees towering above settle her mind slightly. With an easy movement she unslung the bow off her shoulder. The sword and arrows made an 'x' shape across her back but otherwise she only had the tight fitting leather cloths. She drew an arrow as she walked slowly through the forest. Her feet made little sound as she moved, hunting in the forest she had learned how to walk with minimal disturbance of the ground. Like any hunter she was surveying the area. The trees were thick and tall, making perfect shields or places to hide. She moved towards one and lowered to a crouch. There was little to do now but wait.

07-15-14, 11:58 AM
Nosdyn was a regular at The Citadel those days, he had something to prove.

He wanted to prove to his superiors that he had what it would take to be a Demon General. And so, he fought his war against the Heroes of Althanas. Time after time, Hero after Hero. He was hunting for a blood sport, not for thrills and a cheap rush. It was a chance to prove who was top alpha monster. Nosdyn entered the combat chamber chosen by his opponent and another monk. It was once again a forest, only this one was edgier than the forests he'd seen in The Citadel so far. The barks of the trees were darkly toned in colour and gnarled. The animal calls were more ferocious in nature than not. Nosdyn began his hunt a few moments after Chandra had entered. Nosdyn had nothing to go on, only the fact that SHE would be there.

Nosdyn walked towards a clearing relatively close to Chandra's position. His hood was up completely hiding his alien face, and his cloak swirled about in the nocturnal breeze. It was a cooler temperature, and the stars twinkled up above in the celestial canopy. Nosdyn looked up for a moment and noticed Althana's solitary moon. It was a crescent, about 1/4 of it's normal size. Nosdyn wondered what surface dwellers called it. He observed the cloud less night sky for a few moments, spotting some constellations he'd grown familiar with. Once that task was done, Nosdyn began to mentally prepare himself for the battle ahead. He wasn't sure if he would kill his current prey or not. He simply had to wait and be certain that's what it was they wanted. Nosdyn turned around to face the way he'd entered the combat arena at.

His eyes narrowed, they seemed to glow with a certain hatred. As he stood there, he drew his mighty weapon and turned its power on. The solitary control gem that powered the entire mechanism hummed to life quickly. His weapon sent a vibration through Nosdyn's body. As he stood there, he watched the purple blade manifest. It lit up the dark area around him, casting him a supernatural glow. The weapon's blade also gave off a very mysterious humming sound, clearly meant to intimidate and frighten. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as he searched the wilderness for any signs of his current opponent.

He'd followed the monk's instructions to a tee, and was certain he'd arrived at the correct chamber. For a moment, Nosdyn doubted that his opponent had even showed up. But that quickly faded, Citadel warriors were mostly honorable and did not have cowardice in their hearts. Nosdyn could feel the breeze all around him, his pointy ears listening to the calls of the wild animals. His eyes searched the dark, his weapon having considerably lit up the area around him. He searched for Chandra carefully, not sure what he was expecting to find. But the monk in question had spoken like a drunken fool. Nosdyn quickly realized he didn't like the monks, but he was using them as pawns for his personal needs. And so, with the handle of his weapon gripped tightly, Nosdyn waited. He point the blade tip of his weapon downward to wards the grassy earth. She is out there, as long as she is in hiding, she has a minor advantage. I shall have to lure her out...

07-17-14, 06:36 AM
A hunter learns to notice certain things. A crack of a twig, a hushed voice, unmasked breathing; these were the tells of prey that Chandra was used to hunting. As the temperate night air flowed around the trees like a playful hand through grass she heard something she did not expect. A hum. It was quiet, barely audible, but present. She didn't know what to make of the sound. Her first thought was that perhaps it was some side effect of being in the Citadel, perhaps some sort of background noise that she had only become aware of. She dismissed the thought quickly. Surely she would have noticed it when she arrived, she knew that this was something else.

She shoved the arrow into the same hand as her bow and placed free hand against the twisted bark. The rough skin under palm was oddly soothing as she edged herself around the tree using her hand to keep balance. She sought the mysterious sound, she did not expect it to be so easy to find. Her eyes fell upon a glowing figure making its way through the trees. She only dared peak around the corner of the tree, the creature moved with a presence and calm that bespoke a being of confidence and experience. She thought for the first time that she had under estimated her opponent. She could have spent more time preparing. What sort of hunter seeks a prey that she knows nothing of? The thoughts brought a smile to her mouth. She knew the answer was one that sought knowledge of oneself above that of her opponent.

Chandra braced herself against the tree, calming her body as she fitted the arrow against the string of her bow. Her target was probably a good two dozen metres from her, but she was betting on the moon and luck that the first blood would be hers. The moon after all was her's, and she desired this hunt to be so as well. She lifted the bow slowly, removing all intention from her actions. It was movement, no intent to kill or harm, a motion of nature like any other. These was how she had been taught to hunt. Remove emotion or risk alerting the target. She stood straight and levelled her bow. With a gentle release the string slipped from her fingers and the arrow sliced through the air towards her opponent's chest.

07-20-14, 05:01 PM
(And away we go!!!)

Nosdyn moved through the trees and kept his distance from the wildlife.

He didn't want to make sudden movements that would disturb their already heightened state of alert.

Things were quiet, all at once the heavy noise of SILENCE filled the air. Nosdyn was not certain if he'd caused the silence or if his opponent had. Either way, the animal calls had suddenly stopped. The wind became still, and Nosdyn felt a certain tension in his heart. He had the distinct feeling the forest itself was watching him directly. Nosdyn walked through the dark, searching for his opponent when something happened.

It was all reactionary.

The moonlight would prove to be the betrayer of all, since moonlight was a wild card in battle. Nosdyn noticed it sailing through the air at the last possible moment. He reacted in time, anger, rage filling his heart. It was silent, and only the glint of the metal tip of the arrowhead had given it away. It spiraled towards him, likely for a quick and silent kill. Since Nosdyn had spotted it in time, he reacted quickly and raised his free arm to intercept the arrow. His arm was meaty, powerfully built, and Nosdyn knew he could take SEVERAL such direct hits before going down. Could his opponent?

Nosdyn flinched with an expression of conditioned pain as the arrow pierced and embedded itself right in his forearm. Black blood spilled through his leather gauntlet, and he frowned deeply. Nosdyn took two steps backwards, just in case another volley of arrows were launched from his opponent. None ever came, at least not right then. My enemy has attempted to introduce themselves to me in a rather blunt way...good. "You MISSED." Nosdyn called out to his opponent. "I suggest you try again!" Nosdyn moved his arm in an elegant fashion, the blood pouring freely. The single arrow was left in his forearm, but his arm was not useless. Nosdyn was no stranger to pain, and he could continue to battle even if all of his limbs were rendered paralyzed. He would continue to battle.

Until the very end, he would stand on his two feet.

Nosdyn searched, he STILL could not find where his target had fired from. He only knew a GENERALIZED direction that he could guess, judging by the trajectory of the missile weapon. Nosdyn would have to use all of his military training and ingenuity to stay alive. As he searched for his opponent, he began to walk in the general direction that he saw the arrow fired from. It wasn't that difficult to guess trajectories, but it was highly likely that his foe was already on the move. That was how snipers worked, they were constantly on the move and hoping for that SURE SHOT that would end the battle in their favor. Nosdyn had to look for ONE key element.

As he moved forward he suddenly found it.

There, on the ground behind a tree were a series of boot fall prints in the soft soil. They are close...very close now... Nosdyn stared into the dark for any sign of his opponent. His healthy arm gripping his weapon tightly. The blade ever making it's mysterious humming sound, disturbing in the dark. Nosdyn was fair, and the closer he moved towards the target, the more prevalent it would become. Nosdyn began to follow the small trail in the ground...

07-27-14, 08:19 AM
Chandra swallowed against her heaving chest and forced her breathing to remain shallow and quiet. She pressed her back hard against the tree behind her, pretending that its strength was her own, that its silence was hers. The glow from the demon cast a weak shadow against the tree, and Chandra was trapped in an island of darkness between two beams of equal parts light and death. The huntress tried to process what had just happened. The arrow had hit, she had seen it. She had also seen the beast react calmly. Her opponent was was strong, abnormally so. In her years of hunting it has been drilled into her that power and rage came in equal parts. To see something so calm after taking an arrow... it sent a shiver up her spine. In one moment she had discounted years of learning.

As soon as she had released the arrow she had changed position. It was a poor reflection on the huntress that she had only managed to get a few metres where she had been and now he was only one tree away. She could move quietly, or quickly, but not both. Her face was twisted, watching the slight glow for any indication of moment. She knew it would be stupid to try for another shot at such close range. She wouldn't have time to switch to a sword for the inevitable follow up. Chandra felt a shiver travel down her spine again, this time it was excitement.

The huntress took a breath and stepped out from behind the tree, bow drawn and arrow ready. Her tight leather caught the glow of the creature, and her golden eyes flashed with excitement and fear. Looking down the shaft of her arrow it pointed towards her opponents side. Her movement was noisy, and quick. She didn't try to conceal herself, she didn't bother. She released the arrow. Another prayer sent towards the demon.

08-12-14, 02:56 PM
(Sorry for my Delay buddy.)

There! Nosdyn caught it just as it happened.

Nosdyn half expected to see his target draw a dagger or some other melee weapon. She will continue to use the same tactics!? He thought to himself as he watched his opponent quickly fire off another of her weapons. This time, Nosdyn allowed himself to become filled with consuming rage. He reacted just as she stepped out of her hiding position. Nosdyn was acting entirely on impulse. The world seemed to slow down as he felt fire in his lungs. He felt a heightened state of awareness, the shiny metal of the arrow's tip flying right for his head.

Nosdyn shifted his body weight ever so subtly right as she launched her weapon.

Instead of dodging or evading, Nosdyn countered. It was a simple and elegant maneuver meant entirely for users of Qua'losh tactics. Nosdyn had to calculate and judge where the arrow was aimed at, and he assumed she'd aimed for his head or upper body region. He swung his mighty weapon, so the glowing blade moved in a circular cut. He pushed his weight downward continuing the elegant swipe, and felt satisfaction when he heard the wooden SNAP of the arrow. Oak and splinters broke in two equally cut pieces as they fell to the ground. Debris burnt off by Nosdyn's energy blade.

Nosdyn saw the two pieces of the haft as they fell to the ground harmlessly. She is running out of options... Nosdyn thought to himself. He walked slowly towards Chandra, and was beginning to move in for the kill. A part of him pitied the girl, he sometimes hated the fact that he would have to destroy such beautiful creatures. But he was answering a higher call, the call of the Demonic warrior. Nosdyn covered the few steps left between himself and Chandra's person. He then held his weapon so the blade-tip pointed downward towards the ground. Nosdyn's amber coloured eyes observed Chandra up close for the first time. In the time of the chase, and all the running, he had not had time to observe her.

"I promise." Nosdyn suddenly said. "I shall give you a quick, clean death." Then, Nosdyn struck. Like a serpent preparing to snatch a rodent from it's hiding place, Nosdyn struck. He leaned backwards and raised his weapon. The endless humming sound seemed to create a vibration in the air. Nosdyn was a proud Demon, there was no hatred or remorse in his actions, he simply DID what Demons do. The tip of the glowing blade was pointed directly at Chandra. Then, he swung his massive body weight forward in an elegant thrusting maneuver. He aimed for Chandra's chest, hoping that he would cut her down quickly and cleanly. If she somehow countered or evaded the attack, Nosdyn would read himself for those eventualities as well.

Ugly. The act of killing was an ugly act, but Nosdyn took great pride in it. Someone had to. Demons were known throughout Althanas for their savage and legendary cruelty. Nosdyn was a remnant of a race that was trying to redefine itself. Nosdyn knew that to be true. And Althanas itself seemed to hold it's breath as Nosdyn swung his weapon towards the girl. There were no more words exchanged, only that monstrous stare from Nosdyn's eyes. Cold, merciless and savage. Nosdyn was a truly terrifying creature to behold, and he knew that he was just a small part of what tomorrow would bring. Terrible things hid in the shadows, and Nosdyn was an incarnation of them...

09-10-14, 07:30 AM
So sorry for the delay! I need to make a list for alt accounts :p

The bow twanged as it bounced off the ground. Chandra lifted her hands back to her sword, letting the bow skid to a rest among the crunch of leaves and dirt. Chandra's small hands gripped the hilt of her sword. The cold grip stuck against her sweaty palms; moistened with fear. Her fingers shifted nervously across the tough texture of the hilt. The demon's gait was slow, but he rose above Chandra like a tidal wave about to crash down around her. No! She resisted the whelming fear, The cold hand will not touch me tonight!

Her grip hardened and she drew the sword. The moon light glinted off the blade, her amber eyes shinning with an inner fire as they match gaze against the demon's. The teachings from her village did not cover circumstances like this, how could they? She knew instinctively that there was only one way to win this battle, and a game of chess is never won without sacrificing a few pawns.

The air around the duellists slowed. Teh demon's charge, the fresh night air and the thoughts of a girl far from her village. The moonlight licked its gaze across Chandra as she moved. Her body swayed to the side, just far enough to evade the strike. Her body moved forwards, swaying like branch in the wind, pushed to the side only to whip back against the force. The metal of the demon's attack bit into her left forearm. An explosion of agony raced up her arm, crying at her brain to stop. She didn't listen. Her right arm struck forwards, the blade of her sword aiming towards the demon's neck.

She didn't so much as glance at her arm. The torn appendage would have horrified her, and she had more important things to think about. She was so close to the demon, eye to eye with the beast. She could almost smell him, she could almost taste him. She had overcome one battle in the citadel tonight, the one against herself. Anything else she achieved would be a bonus.

12-03-14, 04:43 PM
(Sorry for my delay once more, thank you for being patient with me.)

Nosdyn's beam sword ripped through the girl's arm and blood splattered everywhere.

The ichor served to fuel the Demon's hunger and rage.

The sound of an arm flopping on the ground would have sickened most. But for someone like Nosdyn, it was merely second nature to dance with death. It was part of who and what he was. As he swung his weapon, he had hoped for even more carnage. However, the girl proved to be quite capable and fast on her feet. I will have to be more careful. Then, he felt something he had not expected to feel. So high off his battle rage as he was, that Nosdyn almost completely ignored the girl's counter attack. Nosdyn felt the equivalent of a mosquito bite while one was on a crackhead rage. However, he had not noticed how serious the injury actually was. How could he? The sword pierced a major artery in his neck as Nosdyn suddenly realized WHERE the blade was aimed for. He growled. Then yelled in fury. She got me! In his battle rage, he had left himself completely exposed to counter attack.

The Demon's beam weapon hummed in the dark, giving off it's glowing light.

Nosdyn's eyes went quickly from pure, blistering rage, to shock. He turned towards the girl, feeling his rage burning in his blood. Then it happened, the rage wore off. As it wore off the feeling was replaced with a distinct sort of feeling; PAIN. It had been a long time since Nosdyn felt such overwhelming pain. Instinctively, his hand went to the serious injury, only instinct keeping him alive. Black blood began to pour out from the lethal blow. In a last ditch attempt to save face, Nosdyn grabbed at his neck. He felt his hand press against the bleeding injury, and he'd moved away from the sword causing further damage. His powerfully built neck was covered in blood after merely a few seconds. Nosdyn knew he was done for. He took two steps backwards for a moment, and then fell to one knee.

"Game." Nosdyn managed to choke out. His weapon was shut off, and at last, the humming stopped. The mighty Demon fell down to one knee, and even though he accepted his fate, his mind and heart kept attempting to fight it. Even at the end, even when facing the jaws of oblivion. Blood started trickling down from his mouth, and he did the only thing he could think of to do. He started to laugh. He used his last few breaths to draw out the powerful emotion, and laughed as he fell to the ground. Defeated. By a little girl. There was a loud thump as his dying body fell to the ground. He stared at her the whole time with those gold piercing eyes. Full of hate and rage. Devoid of any positive emotions, truly Nosdyn was a despicable entity. He laughed until his body couldn't laugh anymore from the fact that it bled out quickly. Then, he died. As he died, he died with a horrible and twisted smile on his face.

The hate, the hate never left his eyes even for an instant, and they seemed to stare at the girl even from the dark.