View Full Version : Thread Request

Max Dirks
09-25-06, 11:58 PM
Please post here if you would like a moderator to create a new thread for you. Remember, the current format for posting is ["Name of Place" (Continent)] or ["Name of Event" (Continent)]. Also, please provide a description of the location or event to be added to the first post.

10-03-06, 03:10 AM
okay i guess ill be first for this, can we get a...

["Crisis in the Red Forest"(Raiaera)]?

where its mid winter, and a village called Last Home on the edge of the forest has sent out a call to all able bodied warriors to help them against nightly raids by unknown attackers, who have taken a number of local children and a few of the fairest maidens. the villagers have yet to see who the attackers are, but they have found strange footprints in the snow the next morning heading deep into the forest.

Iriah Caitrak
10-10-06, 09:18 PM
Oh yeah!

How about something new and not save everyone from the evil bandits!

["Torrential Rain"(Corone)]

It's midsummer in the lovely countryside of Corone. The heat's rising, the fields are being worked for their annual crops and the Hurricane season is upon the region. In one of the many small villages that pop up throughout the countryside our 'heroes' gather here for many reasons all unto themselves. But soon a storm hits the village, starting off like any other it quickly picks up speed. Thrashing winds and heavy rains threaten to destroy houses and crops and it the heroes of this stories job to protect the villagers and help save the village in any way they can.

Wooo! How do you like them apples!?

Mage Hunter
12-18-06, 03:38 AM
[Concordia Forest(Corone)]


Drow Woman known for attacking passerby. No demands have been issued by the woman but it is known that she resides deeper in the forest than any sane person would go. While not close to the N'jalian Spider Magi she does however hover close to the one time area known for Bandit Brotherhood activity. Force is recommended as she refuses to come peacfully. Several guard have been dispatched to look for her.

Rewards for Capture can be inquired for by the Coronian Authorities!

12-18-06, 06:44 PM
As soon as this companion of Shen's gets approved for the Verse, [The Escape(Scara Brae)].

The underground tunnels of Scara Brae are geologically stable, rarily shaken by the terrors of earthquakes. The temperature is warm, a little below that of a sunny day in April. The tunnels are lit with torches, luminescent minerals, glowing mushrooms, etc. A Dukrav clan lives in the recesses underneath the mountain of Scara Brae, under the boot of a hobgoblin tribe. This is going to be the playing out of the war between the Dukrav and the hobgoblins, including the disgracing of Mac's clan, the truce between the two species, and Mac's escape as described in Mac's history.

05-30-07, 02:04 PM
[Wounded Dogs (Haide)]

After The Fall of the Vampire Nation, the remaining sects of the old kingdom scattered into the Four Winds of Haidia. Several groups of the remaining Vampires attempted to re-locate the Missing Elders. A seperate set of groups attempted to confirm the location of Lorenor's corpse after The Endless War climaxed. The Endless seemingly retracted into deeper parts of the Haidian Wildnerness. No victory could be claimed, only devastation and loss.

Lorenor's Mercernary Force disbanded in the chaos that followed from the unexpected Dwarven Uprising. Dwarves now resided in cities that for so long belonged to the Vampire Nation. Ages old wounds were re-opened. Now to make matters worse a small group of Young Wyrms were spotted bearing traits similar to those possessed by The Endless. The battle had begun anew.

(Basically cats can relunctantly join the Vampire Warriors as they do battle with these Young Wyrms and Lorenor may show up at some point)