View Full Version : I want to write something with this character.

07-16-14, 07:03 AM
I've been back for about two weeks and really have only one thread going, and that's on my other character. I miss writing Karu.

So, let's do something. First come, first served. I'm open to one or two threads with one or two partners. I'd prefer to set it in or around Radasanth, though if there's somewhere else within 500-ish miles of the area and you can make a good case, I'm willing to consider it. You must be active, have a good grasp of the English language, and be willing to take some constuctive criticism during the writing process. It doesn't hurt much, I promise, unless you think you're perfect and are easily butt-hurt. For these threads, it would mainly be pointing out typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies, etc, not Amy hardcore editing. You're encouraged to offer me constructive criticism, as well.

Who wants a piece?

07-16-14, 07:25 AM
If you mind writing with a character who's a wimp, I'm up to it :P xD

07-16-14, 09:08 AM
When questing, the power differences aren't so big a deal. That's from experience. Who are you volunteering, and what do you want to do?

07-16-14, 10:08 AM
Not just powerwise, but in personality, Ashla can be a wimp. xD Since I write best with Ashla though I'm volunteering her. And I really don't care much about the plot, as long as we don't do the Citadel, please?

07-16-14, 10:14 AM
I'm not into curb stomping. It wouldn't even be a fight. It wouldn't even be exercise. How about you start it, and we'll see where it goes? Karu wanders into a place and tends to find trouble, in all its forms.

07-16-14, 10:31 AM
xD Alrighty! Thread is up: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27818-Trouble-at-it-s-Finest&p=233661#post233661

07-16-14, 01:31 PM
I have three characters for you to pick from, really.
Philomel, her brother Leaf and my newbie Elk Iavas.
Up to you. A faun whore, a truffle-hunter or a nomad prince. Up to anything :)

07-16-14, 02:52 PM
Philo, BGoS, are you two amenable to sharing a thread?

07-16-14, 02:57 PM
I can share it! Phi rocks so why not? :)

07-16-14, 08:56 PM
Philo, go ahead and post your intro with whichever character you'd prefer. We'll work with 'em.

07-17-14, 09:37 AM
Um oh no ;-; sorry for imposing!
I really don't want to interrupt your quest.
Sorry I can wait.
Meant it just in case you wanted another xx

07-17-14, 09:40 AM
Philo. We only just put up intros. BGoS is open to you joining, so there's no reason not to. You are welcome.

07-17-14, 05:11 PM
*peeps out from under bed covers*

07-17-14, 05:12 PM
Get your fluffy butt in my thread now.

07-18-14, 10:02 AM

I have now posted. Continued the fruit theme with a honeydew melon-loving fox. And Philomel.

07-24-14, 08:42 AM
Are you interested in a battle of some sort? I'm more of a short thread writer but would love to get something going with you.

07-24-14, 09:02 AM
I'm not much of a battler and Karu doesn't eff with pookhas (which is she'd interpret Talen). The fight would seriously be into post, intro post, Karu gets a look, says "Hel no," and leaves. That aside, I've actually got about all I can handle until something wraps. Maybe we can talk then?